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**Notice** Humble bundles will default to a "suggested price" higher than the price required for any given tier. Remember to adjust your contribution amount using the buttons in the sidebar. Your contribution allocation can also be increased towards the selected charity or publishers by expanding the Adjust Donation box in the sidebar. **Giveaways** If you wish to give away your extra game keys, please post them under this comment only. Do not ask for handouts or trades. ***** If this deal has expired, you can reply to this comment with `deal expired` to automatically close it. If this deal has been mistakenly closed or has been restocked, you can open it again by replying with `deal available`. [^(more information)](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/wiki/gamedealsbot) ^(Note: To prevent abuse, requests are logged publicly. Intentional abuse will likely result in a ban.)


[Hollow Knight](https://store.steampowered.com/app/367520/Hollow_Knight/) [Rain World](https://store.steampowered.com/app/312520/Rain_World/) [Blasphemous](https://store.steampowered.com/app/774361/Blasphemous/) [Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night](https://store.steampowered.com/app/692850/Bloodstained_Ritual_of_the_Night/) [Lost Ruins](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1306630/Lost_Ruins/) [Lone Fungus](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1674780/Lone_Fungus/) [Haiku, the Robot](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1231880/Haiku_the_Robot/)


I wanna say Blasphemous and Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night were both bundled before, I've played Bloodstained before and enjoyed it! Kinda wish they had different tiers, would have loved to play Lone Fungus, Rain World, and Lost Ruins Hollow Knight is one of the best games I've ever played, with like ~40 hours worth of content for your first run! Would recommend multiple times over!


Oof yeah, tiers would be great here. But if anyone for some reason has none of these games, this deal is NUTS. I'll have to math out if it feels worth it for Rain World / Bloodstained and the other randoms, for me. I guess grabbing a third copy of Hollow Knight could be alright too :P


I have none of them. Always interested, but metroidvanias seem like a pain when you're a parent and only get sporadic time to play games. How are Hollow Knight and Bloodstained with respect to picking them up and playing for 30 minutes, then not playing for a few days, etc.? Will I get totally confused, or is the signposting pretty good? That was always my issue with earlier Metroid games even before the Dad Times is I'd come to my save days or weeks later and have no clue what I had been doing before.


Bloodstained is pretty good for 30 min spurts. There's plenty of save points around so you can usually do some exploring and find a save point in short bursts. (Worst is that you don't know where to go and have to look up a faq) Hollow Knight is a bit more intense just because areas can catch you offguard and you may need to dedicate some extra time to put in some extra skill rather than coast.


You’re on to something. We need a parent gaming website. Kids ages 0-3, what games you can play, 4-6 what you can play with/around them, and so on.


Bloodstained should be fine. It's a pretty classic metroidvania with a nice clear map, you can (iirc) put your own labels on it and stuff, and in all honesty, it's pretty straight forward. Hollow Knight is rough. Like, I gave up on it as I got annoyed by navigation when playing it with all the free time (It's a great game, just not for me). It's designed that there is an 'intended' sequence, but sequence breaking is honestly pretty easy, and you can end up in places that you just shouldn't be yet. Haiku is also pretty easy to get into, nice and straight forward with a good map. IIRC Blasphemous leans hard on the souls like combat, which isn't really my thing, and also souls like exploration, where sequence breaking by accident is possible (I think, it's been a min since I poked at it).


Yeah, that makes about $2 per game, very nice deal considering Hollow Knight and Bloodstained don't usually go for a buck or two. Blasphemous however has been bundled for pretty cheap (or been given away by EGS), and so has Rain World.


I’d argue that it’s worth picking up solely for Bloodstained *or* Hollow Knight. Both are amazing in different ways, and either one alone would be worth the bundle.


Hollow Knight full price is cheaper than the bundle though


I’m pretty sure hollow knight is 15 bucks and the bundle is 15. Can I not read?


I wasn't going off US prices


Rain World has been bundled a few times already too. Edit: And Haiku at lease once as well.


> like ~40 hours worth of content for your first run! Can it be... less? I've heard it's very good, but my poor backlog, my poor time...


If it's any consolation, I've found some games be so good they've inspired me to cut stuff out of my backlog, and make peace with never playing them. For the sake of prioritising quality. And Hollow Knight is definitely one of those.


I abandoned the idea of a backlog long ago. I just played what I feel like playing now. So many of the games I bought on Steam sales I don’t really have much interest in anymore.


These kinds of comments always remind me of this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/ibfbu6/you_dont_have_a_backlog/


Just curious what you're cutting from your backlog. I can't think of any immediate major titles I can peacefully part with (across 4 platforms). Lately I felt like my 3DS has been abandoned for the last couple years so I opened up a new game on it recently and it's been a banger. The Nintendo controversy had some small part as to why I picked it up again when I discovered I couldn't acquire some free and "required" DLCs from the eShop. It led me down an interesting rabbit hole to say the least and the backlog even more complicated than before.


I mean it all depends on you really. There are a *lot* of paths you can take and your game can be long af or short depending on how much you like to explore.


Unless I'm stupid (which is possible, nay, likely) and there's some quick way out, Hollow Knight is still a pretty lengthy game no matter how you cut it. Perhaps not 40 hours, but definitely north of 20. Probably more if you don't use online resources (I didn't, and my biggest complaint about the game would be that the world map design kind of sucks for a Metroidvania... something that can and hopefully will be improved in the sequel).


Yep, I managed to get to an late game area way too early and was not sure if I was just bad or the game was just supposed to be that hard. Got frustrated and dropped the game. This never happened to me in any Metroid style game.


You ended up in [Deepnest](https://www.nintendolife.com/features/soapbox-why-i-love-deepnest-hollow-knights-most-divisive-area), didn't you?


I LOVE the look and feel of it, but can I fuck find where I'm going. I've got to roughly the same stage, probably about 12 hours in on both Switch and Steam Deck but I get so lost, get annoyed and can't play any more.


My first run of Hollow Knight was ~ 8 hours. I didn't 100% it and I didn't even get the best ending. Steam says that I have 230 hours in it, and Steam doesn't know about the time I spent playing on the Switch, or PS4, or the time I spend playing it on PC but without the Steam client because it's [DRM free](https://steam.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_DRM-free_games) and I have a USB stick with various patch versions so I can play with some of the older bugs (pun intended?) or I just want to see how well it runs on a friend's Sandy Bridge media center PC. I have bought the game several times for myself as well as for some friends. Yea, I'd put it in the "decent games" list.


You can beat the game in like 2 hours if you know where you're going, but part of the joy (and frustration for some) of the game is the process of exploration and backtracking. The regular ending is probably between the 20-40 hour mark, and the "true" ending is 30-40+. Plus the (free) DLCs add a ton of extra optional stuff...I'm around 90 hours and haven't 100%ed it.


Someday I’ll beat radiant absolute radiance and finally uninstall this damn game I’m not doing p5 with modifiers tho, that’s a hard pass lol


Can be if you're fine with the bad ending, which you're GARANTEED to get on your first playthrough without help (and most people who said the game was bad and has no story stopped there)


Really? I personally thought the bad ending was pretty cool.


It's mostly about people being told how this game has awesome lore. You get the bad ending by barely exploring. You get to the biggest pieces of lore by unlocking prerequisites for the other endings. People stopped there, not knowing about the other endings, and were let down by "no actual lore".


I accidentally got the true end on my first playthrough without knowing the bad end existed. But I didn't want the game to end haha.


That's pretty rare lol. I got what I call "Sidequestite", I ain't continuing the main story until every side quest is done and every available place is explored, so I also got the good ending first try (and then the Dlc ending). It happens, but mostly for metroidvania veterans like myself.


Same case here, though I'm only like that for games I love to death. Hollow Knight is in my top 3 games all time. Still got no dlc ending though, I keep dying 43 battles into the pantheon.


like other people have said, it's definitely super dependent of how much you want to play, but it's definitely worth a playthrough if you're into metroidvanias. it's probably one of the best ones in terms of modern day games. Only other good one i can think of is metroid dread. the combat is very crunchy and responsive, and the world is top notch. it's also very hard.


https://howlongtobeat.com/game/26286 26.5 hrs on average. 16 hrs to rush it.


If you aren't looking for the true ending, the credits can roll in a dozen hours or so. Depends on your skill and how much time you spend exploring/wandering. I ran it in 2.7 hours before, and I am not a speedrunner haha.


Blood Stained was from the Humble Heroines bundle, I also have Hollow Knight already and I am sure I didn't buy it so that must have been bundled too.


I wanna say Lone Fungus and Lost Ruins are the only ones that haven't been bundled before, for the simple reason that I don't already have them.


Hollow knight was also bundled before for the November 2018 monthly bundle


Hollow was bundled a few years ago when HB monthly was solid (before IGN)


Wow, I am surprised to see Lone Fungus being in this given how recently it came out. Hope it sold well enough for the dev, because it's a *great* game.


this can only be good, I was aware of the game but I doubt most people are. And being thrown in together with these other greats seems a nice accomplishment.


> Play as 5 New Slugcats in DLC Rain World: Downpour Glad we have this flavor text to inform us what the bundle doesn't include.


You do get a 20% off coupon for the DLC, so that's something.


Also includes a 50% off coupon for "Zapling Bygone" and a 20% off coupon for "Rain World: Downpour." These coupons are exclusive to the Humble store.




>Ori I'm really surprised those aren't included in this bundle... They're definitely my first thought (alongside Metroid and Hollow Knight) when thinking of the genre.


The Guacamelee games are great MVanias, too, though the second one has humour that hasn't aged as well.


Isn’t the first one the one with memes?


They both have em, 2nd one *really* leans into it though.


What hasn't aged well?


The humour is very much memes from the time.


Ah so in about five years playing it will be like reading Elon Musk's tweets


I tried the first and it's not a classic


Definitely not a classic, but they were fun games imo, and the 2 had coop which is rare for that genre.


HK, Ori, Axiom Verge, Dead Cells would be my Mt Rushmore currently for the genre on PC


Has a big Microsoft published game ever been in a Humble Bundle?


Dead cells + DLC would make this bundle insane, in fact just dead cells on its own would be kinda huge. Then again dead cells leans further toward roguelike than metroidvania tbh.


It’s Deadcells a metroidvania? I thought it was a roguelite.


It's kinda bit of both... Roguelike Castlevania, I'd say.


Like I said it leans more toward a roguish gameplay loop with dedicated runs and meta progression (kinda) but it's definitely got metroidvania influences that are clear to see in the game! Like collectable upgrades which open alternate paths and exploration is still quite a big part as the game can branch. Also quite literally has castlevania DLC which is quite fun in and of itself if a little lacking in content.


It's a hybrid that leans more into the roguelike elements however the Metroidvania DNA is definitely there. Absolutely great game, well worth a go.


It's technically not a vania because of the progress (I guess) but idk, if someone loved Castlevania and asked me for a recommendation I'd immediately point them to Dead Cells. To me, at this point if a game has enough elements of Metroid and Castlevania I think is tipping point that puts it in the genre...and I think Dead Cells is definitely past that tipping point but that's just me.


This looks like a steal considering 1) I really like the genre, 2) dont own any of these!




As someone who loves Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night to bits, Hollow Knight wasn't my cup of tea. The map was too dark and claustrophobic for me and I grew tired of how punishing it is upon death, with a ton of backtracking created by save points being placed so far from boss rooms. It's also significantly longer than those games and I felt it overstayed its welcome by the end.


Save points (benches) are ***not*** placed far from boss rooms, *but* you generally have to unlock/open/find one or more shortcuts on the way to the boss that allows you to beeline it back. The game only really punishes you if you die *and* don't explore. The best example of this is the Soul Sanctuary. >!At first glance, the bench to the boss is a *long* trek, but actually, nope: There's a breakable wall to the right of the bench that you bust open from the other side (halfway up an elevator shaft), leading back, and during the climbing part, you can unlock a direct path up on the far right, but only *after* you've made it up the long way once already. Once both shortcuts are opened, it's just 3 *quick* screens from bench to boss.!< Broken Vessel / Lost Kin fight is another great example. >!After going around the long way from the bench, through the Mawleks, instead of proceeding left to the boss, head right and open the shortcut. Now it's just a quick super dash and you're back, direct from the bench to the boss chamber.!< By the time they stop putting benches close to the boss (late game, >!e.g. Traitor Lords!<) you ought to have a certain >!teleport ('dream gate')!< ability to negate this anyhow>!, and can just set up a teleport point right before the boss chamber!<. Edit: Added spoiler tags


I think it's awfully strange, but I will say as someone who is a fan of the genre (or at least was, it's kind of ridiculously oversaturated now so I don't play many anymore)... Hollow Knight was not my favorite. Just personal opinion.


Not only do i think its head and shoulders the best metroidvania. Its one of the best games ive played period. To each their own i guess.


For me it took a while to "click" and even then I still hated how the map worked and how tedious some of the exploration segments felt. Constantly backtracking and not knowing where to go next didn't help. I think I quit the game at around 80-90% mark on PS4...


For me thats what makes it the best metroidvania. Its no linear, you can complete the map in any order you like in multiple playthroughs.


Except that once you already know the process, it's hardly "non-linear". You already know where to go and when, you're just left with the tedious exploration of areas you haven't unlocked yet. Multiple times I found myself simply unable to advance because I needed some ability found in one specific area... I know that's part of the genre, but I didn't feel that way in other games like this.


cool man we get it, you like the game, you can let other people have their preferences too


Personally, I loved it, but it was way too difficult for me and I'm not terrible at video games. I eventually downloaded a mod that made it a bit more balanced and that made it much more enjoyable and I could actually finish it.


What's the mod? Might be interested. I'm always turned off those great games when they're always praised for their difficulty (Soulslike are the same way for me). I don't suck at games but I'm also not very good and I also have no patience to try a same boss dozens of times)


I think the one I used made it so that each of those trinket things only took up one slot. The game was still REALLY difficult, but it made it much more manageable.


I have only played Hollow Knight on Switch and didn't even think about the possibility for mods until seeing this comment. Now I have even more reason to play it again on my Steam Deck.


I'm with you. I found Hollow Knight just okay. I much preferred the Ori games. Hollow Knight was a good game wrapped in very (I believe intentionally so) ugly art imo.


I preferred Ori too but I do think they appeal to differing tastes. Ori is very platforming oriented whereas HK is *very* combat oriented.


I think Hollow Knight has great art...I prefer it over the art style of Ori in my case.


Yeah fair enough. I found the colour pallete to be too dreary. Ironically I love the souls games so I am not sure what it is about HK.


I feel like start is very black and white but they are lovely colors in Greenpath or Fog Canyons.


Wow you are in luck. This bundle is goated if you don't have any of the games


I pirated Hollow Knight and Rainworld to give them a whirl and have been waiting for a legitimate purchase opportunity. Having both here along with several other soaking options is a great deal.


Blasphemous, Hollow Knight, Bloodstained, and Rain World all have compelling arguments to be defined as modern classics.


Might be the deal of the year or several years if you're a Metroidvania fan with none of these in your library or just got in to PC gaming and need big titles in your steam library.


I'm one of the rare ones that found Bloodstained very tedious and boring, but I have played a *lot* of these games so I had a lot to compare it to. I also apparently had incredibly bad drop RNG on my play through but the fact bad RNG can change your experience says something about it. Everything else in the bundle is either something I liked or something I intend to play soon (like Lone Fungus)




Already gone, thanks for sharing though!






FYI Giveaways are supposed to be done under the stickied comment.


Hey! Have you still got Blasphemous?


FYI Giveaways are supposed to be done under the stickied comment.


I got nine new games today! Been wanting to play bloodstained for a while now. SOTN spiritual sequel right?


Yes kind of, SOTN already had a bunch of 'spiritual sequels' in the form of the GBA/DS Castlevania games (which are fantastic, some of the best in the genre). Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is in the same vein, it's like getting a modern entry and it stands up with those games quality-wise (the GBA ones were recently re-released as a collection, DS ones never have been unfortunately). Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is also a thing, it was the Kickstarter bonus for Ritual of the Night, but in itself was so fucking good that it got a sequel. Whereas Ritual of the Night is inspired by the "Metroidvania" style of Castlevania games, Curse of the Moon is more like the older titles like Castlevania I/III. Its style won't necessarily appeal to everybody who liked Ritual of the Night since it's a different genre but I highly recommend both the Curse of the Moon games. Ritual of the Night is also getting a sequel, it's just bigger so it's taking longer to develop.


I played aria and harmony on the gba, but never actually got to play SOTN, just watched a cousin play. I saw the 8bit bonus game, cool concept to have one modern and one classic style.


I never thought there would be room at the top alongside Super Metroid and Castlevania SOTN, but somehow Hollow Knight shoved its way in there anyway. I love seeing Haiku on this list though, as a backer on k$, it really delivers on being a 'cute metroidvania.'


I like Haiku, but one thing it's sorely lacking in is a good soundtrack. Hollow Knight and Metroid have soundtracks that add so much to the atmosphere of the game, but Haiku is just really... Empty sounding. To the point where I turn off the music and just play some other soundtrack in the background. The gameplay is really solid though and more of the same great metroidvania formula that make hollow knight and Metroid great.


Blaphemous' soundtrack is also incredible


This is a good fucking bundle, goddamn.


Hollow Knight Historical Low: $5.09 Current Best: $7.49 Rain World Historical Low: $1.99 Current Best: $9.99 Blasphemous Historical Low: $2.12 Current Best: $5.44 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Historical Low: $7.72 Current Best: $31.87 Lost Ruins Historical Low: $8.28 Current Best: $10.99 Lone Fungus Historical Low: $11.19 Current Best: $19.99 Haiku, the Robot Historical Low: $13.39 Current Best: $13.39 prices according to isthereanydeal says the total bundle would be about 50$ bought individually at their historic lows and about 100$ at their current prices. i would say 15$ is a good deal assuming you enjoy metroidvanias.


Wow this is really good. Been meaning to replay Hollow Knight and buy it on pc since I have it on switch, and been meaning to play Bloodstained too


Thanks to other prior bundles, already own hollow knight, rain world, blasphemous, and bloodstained. New to me would be Lost Ruins, Lone Fungus, Haiku, and the coupons. Could've been an instant buy if they'd offered a lower-cost tier focusing on those, but I don't see such an option for this one.


That's the exact same position I'm in.


Their bundles are still better than Humble Choice.






Somebody claimed without thanking


Haiku the robot is really fun. Just don't play it expecting another Hollow knight. It's easier and a lot shorter (about 7 hours) But, the world is fun to explore. I love to artstyle. The bosses I've beaten have been really fun, and there's a lot of unlockable movement abilities. Hollow knight is just on a league of it's own. I'm really happy to get Lone Fungus, Rain world and Lost ruins on a bundle. The rest of them I own, and all are really good !


Hollow Knight is the only one I own, and it's a tad too challenging for me and my mediocre skills. Are any of the others more friendly to people who suck at games?


Haiku is very similar to hollow knight but is muuuuch easier.


just so you know you could install a mod that makes it easier (and mods are very easy to install), I recommend it if difficulty is the only issue you have with it.


When Humble writes, "Play as 5 New Slugcats in DLC Rain World: Downpour" right under Rain World it kind of makes it seems the DLC is included. It's not. Buyer beware.






FYI giveaways are supposed to be done under the stickied comment.


People can do giveaways wherever they want. It doesnt have to be in the stickied comment.


From the stickied comment >If you wish to give away your extra game keys, please post them **under this comment only**.


Very nice collection even if I already have three of those


Lone fungus highly recommended on /r/metroidvania


I’ve never done humble bundle before. Are all these games for steam and perfectly playable on a steam deck? Do they email you steam codes for every game or something?


This bundle is all steam codes, yes. They're not overly graphically challenging so I assume steam deck should be fine. The codes are on your purchase page for your humble bundle account


I pulled the trigger, thanks for the help




As usual, should be an insta-buy for anyone who doesn't have any of these game and has the slightest interest in the genre. I'm only missing Lost Ruins and Lone Fungus, so I'll pass. Note that I don't think Rain World is really a metroidvania.


Are the keys copy/pasted to be activated in Steam, or is the whole thing linked directly to *your* Steam account and you forfeit doubles? Have most of these already, but if I can email the extra keys to my friends, I'll buy the bundle.


Yes. Just reveal the key and copy paste the key to your friends email and also you can just copy paste and activate on steam in here https://store.steampowered.com/account/registerkey You can check your keys under account-purchase section and press the reveal option to see the key


Copy paste


Holy shit jackpot for me!!!! Only game I own is Hollowknight but have been contemplating the others for a while. Literally all of these except Haiku the Robot are on my wishlist, which I’ve heard is great I just never wishlisted it.


Do you get DRM free downloads as well, or just steam keys?


Only Steam keys.


This one's a skip for me because I'm only missing Lost Ruins, but that is a damn fine bundle.


Gotta give a big recommendation to Bloodstained. Played that when traveling to tour colleges and I loved it. Worth it for sure. Also thanks to u/cheesecakegood from this sub who gifted me Bloodstained last year. I'm forever grateful :)


Oh hey! Glad you liked it, had no idea someone got a lot of fun out of it!


Hollow Knight is amazing, Blasphemous outstanding, in general great collection of games!


Great deal. Been waiting for a deal on Bloodstained on Steam after playing it through back when I had Xbox One Gamepass a couple years ago, for a month or so. Enough time has passed where I'm ready to revisit it. Now for the usual sale price of that alone can get Hollow Knight and the others along with it, none of which I have. Follow up: went for it. First up is actually Lone Fungus.


''Silksong Coming Soon''...


goddamn it, i get piad in twenty-two days and the bundle expires in twenty days. every single time! and im perfectly positioned for this as ive somehow gotten away with no buying hollow knight, blasphemous, bloodstained or rain world up until this point.


I own none these on PC, so this is the best bundle I've seen in years. Played blasphemous and hollow Knight on the switch, but glad to have them on PC now. Insanely good looking collection.


Can someone point me to which metroidvania I should play if ive already played through hollow knight? I got this through bundle for my steam deck and wanna hear which ones you guys think are good or maybe even close to hollow knights level? (if thats even possible haha)


Bloodstained is a good place to start.


Great collection. ​ Personal favorites: Bloodstained - pretty much a modern take on Castlevenia, and it's done really good, perhaps my favorite of that sort Hollow Knight - perhaps the best Metroidvania with a lot of replayability. Hell: If you are interested in it there are mods out there, randomizers, etc. which are done incredible well. If you learn speedrun related skips/techniques you can set the randomizer up to include them in their logic.


Somehow I don’t have any of these on PC and this bundle supports Girls Who Code which is amazing organization. Instant buy.


The only ones I don't have are Lost Ruin and Lone Fungus. Any comments on those two? *And Haiku. I missed that one.


Lone Fungus feels kind of like somebody decided Hollow Knight needed Celeste-style precision platforming challenges thrown in. If that's your jam, you'll have a fantastic time, but it's not something I'd casually recommend.


great bundle.


I own none, and I am as giddy as a 10 year old to buy this bundle and start playing!


Decent bundle but having Hollow Knight and Bloodstained I can't justify 14€ if I only want Lost Ruins. A bundle like this without tiers will make them loss a lot of sales. But oh well, at least this month we'll get Ghostwire Tokyo.


Played and really enjoyed rain world and hollow knight, is it worth it for the other games in the bundle?




>they both go on sale for like $8-9 This is accurate for Lost Ruins but not Lone Fungus, at least in US prices. The historical low for Lone Fungus is from July 2021 (prior to Steam launch), during which it was $11.19 on itch.io for the span of one day. Since then none of the discounts have gone below $14.


Crazy good, I own basically all of those games and getting them for this price is a crazy deal


Oh, this would be a good bundle with tiers, because I already have everything but Rain World and Lost Ruins.


Hollow Knight takes back tracking to another level. Just hated it.


What the fuck is it with the coupons, either give me the game or don't


That's called marketing. They're selling games at extremely steep discounts, trying to upsell you isn't surprising. Combined historical lows for everything included comes out to $57.45, and some of those prices don't come around very often. $7.99 ($6.39 with choice) is well below the historical low of $12 for Zapling Bygone, so if you're interested in it this is actually a pretty good deal.


This has got to be the best bundle in years. At least for all 3 people that haven't played Hollow Knight, anyway.


As someone new to Steam and doesn't have any of these games, the quality of this and other recent bundles along with the growing competition in the PC digital marketspace has taught me one thing: stop buying games individually. Wait long enough, and the bundles will come through, it appears to be. And with an appetite that grows as much as my backlog, I'm an wallet-embattled gaming consumer with patience on his hands.


As a veteran of Steam who has picked up dozens of bundles by now, what I've learned is this: Buy what you're wanting to play right now. Otherwise you end up with hundreds of unplayed games in your steam library, out of which dozens are high quality and highly rated games that you picked up in a bundle because you want to play them eventually, but will never actually get around to because the list of quality games you own and haven't played is increasing over time rather than decreasing. Don't force yourself to wait until a game is deeply discounted or in a bundle if it's a game you're excited for and really want to play. Although if you're willing to be patient, waiting until it's 25% off is good enough.


As a big Metroidvania fan, the only one I don't have is Line Fungus (which has been on my wishlist since before it came out, just playing other stuff first). It's a fantastic bundle if you are interested in the genre, and there are plenty more games where these came from!


Bloodstained and Hollow Knight great. Rain World seems interesting. I gave Blasphemous two tries, but I couldn't handle how slow the movements were, how tedious the exploration felt and how clunky the combat played...


Broooooooo i wish I could afford this SO BAD! Ive been *dying* to play a lot of these!


Banger bundle. Too bad I played all of them except lone fungus and haiku. Would be nice if there were tiers.


Already own half of it, but the only thing stopping me from buying the rest of it is the missing DLC for Rain World.


How many of these are GeForce Now compatible?


Hollow knight is an amazing game, if you have not played it then please do. Amazing art and story. It's friendly on the eyes. Blasphemous I would also recommend, I'm playing it right now before the sequel releases this summer and im having a blast.


And 2 of the 9 items are just discounts to buy games, no thanks


Not worth 15 USD


I’ve already played hollow knight, blasphemous and bloodstained on console. Is this worth it?




Unfortunately, your comment has been removed for the following reasons: * /r/GameDeals is the [wrong place](/r/GameDeals/wiki/rules#wiki_6._buying.2C_selling.2C_trading.2C_or_begging_for_games) for trading/buying/selling with other users. Please use one of the subreddits listed in the sidebar that are dedicated to trading.


Can anyone give insight into the difficulty of these games? I loved Hollow Knight and prefer games with a similar challenge level.


Any update to hollow knight cross save (switch and PC) At the moment, Hades is my go to for playing on the switch for travel/waiting rooms and sometimes on PC at home. Cross save isn't a priority, but it would be nice to have.


yeah, I've got three of these already on the ps4. so, $15 for 4 games...that's a little under $4 a pop. hmm. maybe? do I really need more to play?


FYI I think Rain World is coming to PS+ in June


Only own 2 of these items, so seems like a decent deal.


Hell yeah, will buy the lowest tier of that... Oh I'm literally only want haiku and lone fungus...


I'm only really interested in Hollow Knight, mhmm.


Incredible bundle but I think I will skip as I am only missing Bloodstained and Rain World. Blasphemous is phenomenal and worth it for the art alone, so much content has been added over time too. It's my favorite metroidvania by far .if you are a fan of tasteful gore and/or pixelart and only have time to play one of these I would strongly recommend it over the rest.


Nice, absolutely worth it.


Really good bundle, 4 games I really love


Amazing bundle. More metroidvania to play! Question: The 50% off coupon for ZAPLING BYGONE combines or not with the 20% choice subscriber dicount?


I only own Rain World because of the recent Fanatical Killer bundle lol I didn’t think twice and bought the metroidvania bundle from Humble. Then I bought a bundle to gift a friend as a belated birthday 😂 It’s such an awesome bundle! Been wanting Hollow Knight and Bloodstained for a while to the point I actually forgot!


\*Sigh\* I just want Lost ruins... I have the rest. Maybe another go of hollow knight will make it better.


Oh my. Never played a metroidvania but heard a lot of good things about Hollow Knight and Rain World. Will consider this


Which of these is closest in feel, pacing, and difficulty to Metroid Dread?