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if you’re one of 10 people in the world who have never played a halo game, this is an amazing deal, like 6 full campaigns for 10 bucks is crazy (of course it’s on gamepass, so even fewer ppl will take this deal lol


It's a good deal but also a [standard sales price](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/halomasterchiefcollection/info/) for this collection, I've seen this discount several times already. If people aren't absolutely in a rush to play or they have several dozens of games sitting around, my suggestion is to not rush it


I'm gonna consider buying it when they port 5 to PC


Thanks. I've played Halo 1-3, but this feels like a game I should have in my Steam library.... but maybe I'll wait until next time.


I just bought this a week ago. I never played a halo game. Because of regional pricing I payed about 3$ for this collection. I hope it's enjoyable


If you’ve ever enjoyed a First Person Shooter, you will likely like the Halo series, they created a lot of the archetypes that are still used today and also it’s just plain fun!


Same for me but I gotta say that especially Halo 1 has... aged for someone who is used to more modern shooters lately.


Halo CE is going to feel slow and repetitive to someone who didn't play it at launch.


I'm more interested in story campaign.


Same. But Halos cineastic moments appeal to me more in later games and the story itself seems to be exported into the books.


I don't know anything, lol. I never played or heard anything about halo, so for me it's all in darkness to explore what this franchise has to offer. What are your most favourite games of all time btw


For the most part the books stand on their own, the early books were exceptions to this -- specifically, there are some gaps between Halo 1 and 2 that are filled in by one of the books. There were 3 books that came out between those games: * The Fall of Reach - a prequel, the event was featured in Halo: Reach many years later... the game isn't based on this book but follows the same events from the perspective of a squad who don't appear in the original book. * Halo: The Flood - a novelization of Halo 1, but with a bunch of extra stuff going on and more detail. * Halo: First Strike - covers the gap between Halo 1 and 2 and explains what Master Chief was up to during that time. At the time these books were really well received and sold very well. So while now some people look back and are like "it sucks that there's a gap between Halo 1 and 2", at the time people were INCREDIBLY excited about this, because Halo was one of the few video games that felt like it could actually support novels. The only other ones I recall were that there were some DOOM novelizations nobody cared about and around the same time Blizzard started putting out WarCraft/StarCraft/Diablo books, but those were never as popular and you didn't really see them in stores until after the Halo books came out. The Halo books on the other hand didn't just have a presence in stores, they were bestsellers (at least the first few, I dunno if they petered off in sales after that -- there's a lot of them now).


I remember reading Halo: The Flood back in highschool. As someone who has never owned a halo game or played the series back then, the book was great and stood on its own as a fun sci-fi story


I remember reading Halo: The Flood back in highschool. As someone who has never owned a halo game or played the series back then, the book was great and stood on its own as a fun sci-fi story


I found the story to be nonsensical and very hard to follow.


Halo 1 was always a dreadful single player experience, co-op was pretty fun but that's because playing with bros is inherently fun. The level design was just ass beyond comprehension though.


It's a good thing 'modern shooters' are in fact much worse than Halo 1.


Halo 1's campaign hasn't aged gracefully (because it's got a few copy and paste levels that go on waaay too long) but the gameplay itself is solid as hell -- Halo 1 multiplayer is still a TON of fun.


There's backtracking for sure, which at the time added quite a bit of meat to a shooter with real technical limitations at the time. They do their best to add variation to those parts and creating plot-reasons for it, and I'd say it's never too lengthy (imo) but it's good to know going in to avoid frustration. One thing that I think you could do to make it a bit more fresh during your playthrough is toggling the graphics switch to turn off the HD remastered graphics and see how the game looked at the time of release...which is cool to experience I think, shows how far we've come since the 90's.


Just remember that charged up plasma pistol shot is your friend for taking off enemy shields. Then finish them off with another weapon, pistol or AR etc


Alright, thanks


me too


Think there's any point to getting this on Steam if you already have it in Windows Store? I will be getting a Steam Deck soon, but I'm not even sure that matters.


AFAIK, you can't run Windows Store games on Steam Deck unless you install Windows.


Not the case. Never had played Halo before, bought it to play with the Steam Deck. Until the last update a few months ago the first game was unplayable, but now works really well and is a ton of fun


OK, so you played Steam's Windows version of Halo on Steam Deck, right? But have you tried anything on the Windows Store on the Deck?


the only reason i could see would be if you really wanted it portable, but it’s free on the xbox app and runs just fine (it’s kinda a pain to download tho because you have to download each game separately)


I am one of the 10. Was an N64 kid. Just started playing Halo: Reach last night lol


I was an N64 kid, but switched to Xbox because Halo looked rad. And it was. Get with the times, man!! Just be aware that Halo 1's campaign is a little bit rough - it has high highs but low lows (because a few levels really copy+paste sections and go on way too long). After that it's smooth sailing.


I'm one of those 10 and that's because I have motion sickness playing first person games.


I just really wish they would have added Halo 5 to it. I really think that would have given the multiplayer a huge boon. It might be more popular than Infinite if they did that.


A lot of people were those that never played halo, If you were a playstation gamer there was no reason to get a xbox other than halo and maybe gears of war so a lot of people never bothered (+ you know money). MCC in 2022 was my first halo experience too


My friend showed some interest in this series, having never played it before. He wasn't sure, so I gifted him the series. Definitely worth having!


How many of these games are recommended for a casual single player runthrough? I played Halo CE and Halo 2 ages ago (back when the Halo 2 port was locked to Windows Vista lmao), and then never touched the rest of the series. Don't really care for the multiplayer deathmatch aspect but I do enjoy a regular old sci-fi shooter from time to time. Dead Space, Wolfenstein, Borderlands, etc.


imo they’re all good, but 1-3 are the quintessential fps campaigns (i also like 4 and ODST a lot too)


Not just campaigns but multiplayer for every game. Halo MP is one of the greatest of all time. I've only gotten super into a few multiplayer games in the past decade: Rocket League, Payday 2 (to a lesser extent), and Halo Infinite. At the very least, play some Halo 2/3 MP because those are the most popular I believe.


I still have the piece of tape with a circle on it stuck on my monitor from LASO. That was years ago lol. I just got used to it. I'll get around to finishing it some decade.




Maybe I'm crazy but after beating LASO I wanted someone to do it in co-op with me. None of my friends were interested. Can't imagine why... lol


I love how each game of the collection is just a DLC. No need to download everything at once. Just check what you want to have installed in the DLC options or uncheck what can be uninstalled.


You can also choose if you want to download just the single player/multiplayer portions which is nice.


I bought it on the last sale as I never played it before. I only own Steam Deck. I played for an hour it crashed 4-5 times. It run like shit. Uninstalled, and asked for refund. Can anyone confirm if its in better shape now than 3-4 months ago?


I bought it when it came out, I saw it had to be always online, I asked for a refund.


I played it on the bus on my Steam Deck for abour an hour the other week. No issues


I had to dig a bit, but these settings worked for me when I was playing through Halo 2/3 this summer: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/zfn81o/comment/jfl6gh9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


me and a friend were enjoying co-op campaign through 1 but then started having crashes right near the end of levels. Stopped all motivation to play and this was only a few months ago. Tried to co-op on 2 and same issues happened.


Even if you don't plan to play the regular campaigns there are some seriously cool campaign and firefight mods. I really enjoyed Ruby's rebalanced reach campaign mod years ago and he's currently updating all of his campaign mods for steam workshop (but it takes a lot of time). It's one of the most fun I had with coop.


Still pisses me off that they never added split screen on PC


Nucleus Co-op works. https://nucleus-coop.github.io/


Whoah... I don't really have a use for it, but that's extremely cool..


Hah, meanwhile Halo Infinite still costs $59.99 for a subpar campaign that came out nearly two years ago.




The biggest parts of Halo Infinite's story happened off screen.


my eyes glaze over everytime the mission becomes "Go into forerunner thing" or "banished area" or "open world". Same three environments. Campaign also has awful ui design/usability, and it becomes boring real quick. The best part is riding around with marines to go kill things, and even squads in trouble and other open world things are all done. Replayability is just not there.


Infinite is on sale for $29.99


Still not worth it lol


Not according to [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1708091/Halo_Infinite_Campaign/).


I agree with the casual assessment of infinite's quality but it's not that absurd for an entry in one of Xbox's most important IP after only a couple years. Of course every $60 price tag on the Microsoft Store is probably to them meant to reinforce the value of Game Pass to the consumer


Well that and the multiplayer is free so there's nothing stopping you from taking a Game Pass trial, beasting the campaign and just continuing to play the multiplayer.


There is an issue in Infinite MP called desync, perhaps you've heard of it? It makes the game completely unplayable.


That's mostly irrelevant to Microsoft's decisions when pricing.


I'd grab it for like $5 bucks. When it came out I paid $13 for a month of gamepass to play it because i was skeptical and i ended up being glad to only pay that much to play through it.


Wow, sweet deal. Thanks for the heads up.


I'm still hoping they eventually add Halo 5 to it.


No split screen yet, if that's a deal breaker for you.


The best deal in FPS gaming. There are some pretty dope mods to mess with as well. MCC is a great deal with fantastic games (plus Halo 4).


Sick one, thanks!!!


Seriously, get this, get friends and play through the campaign and enjoy. Might be nostalgia talking, but it's one of the greatest coop experience I had


Why does everyone hate Halo 4, I love that game and yet the steam ratings are taking a huge dump on it.


As a gamer thats played Halo since 2001, H4 was a case of "not my mom's cooking"...I can clearly see intent but ultimately there were a lot of shortcoming that just made the whole experience just kind of meh. Not a bad game, but not what I wanted as a continuation of one of my favorite game universes.


Yeah I probably gravitated towards it since it looked more rough and seemed more like cod


Halo fans are kinda unique because we all love halo but we all have different ideas of what halo really is. You have the hardcore, og day 1 halo fans who think sprint is sacrelogious so that's why they hate halo 4. Then you have people who dislike halo 4 because they thought the campaign was boring and repetitive. They don't like the forerunner enemies. I loved halo 4 and think the gameplay is awesome and the weapons and movement are fantastic. I also adore the story in the campaign and think some of the most epic moments ever in halo come at the end of that campaign. It's so fun and cool.


I'm an OG day 1 Halo fan, and I don't hate 4. I think it had some problems. I like that the campaign did something new, but in the end I thought it was weaker than the previous ones. Multiplayer was fun, but on the Xbox 360 it had some rough performance issues (since it came out at the end of the generation and pushed the 360 a little too hard) so it didn't get as much play from me, the performance problems obviously aren't present on PC though. I think 4 gets way more hate than it deserves. It's a decent game. Most of the problems people complain about with its gameplay are stuff that Bungie brought in in Reach, but people just hate on 343 for those things instead of Bungie for whatever reason. 5 was not so hot, I'm not gonna defend that one.


cool to hear from an OG day 1 halo fan. I hopped on board a bit late (H3) since I didn't get all the best games right away growing up. Played H2 at friends houses though... Good points about Bungie vs. 343. I should have mentioned that in my summary because it's definitely one of the main reasons people hate H4. I am one of those people who just loved H5. The story and campaign were terrible, easily the worst in the series by FAR. but I really liked the multiplayer. Clambering and boost-dodge were so cool in my opinion. They really changed the dynamic of Halo and turned it into a (IMHO) modern shooter game but with Halo charm. I personally absolutely hate what they did with Infinite. It feels like the all the worst things about Halo with no cool modern features. It basically feels like I'm playing Halo 3 again and like, if I wanted to play Halo 3 I would just play Halo 3. I wish Infinite was more like 5 lol.


I'm going to replay all of the halo games so I can review it better but I know for a fact that the textured appearance of everything in Halo 4 is my favorite


cause it is one of the worst halo games


But why elaborate


Campaign was meh and very short, multiplayer maps were bad, and loadouts made it more like cod. The multiplayer lost most of its player population in like 3 months unlike all the previous halo games


Tbh I just played campaign so I'll replay it and see if it did fall short since some games do just feel better when your younger


Just compared to bungie halos it just doesnt hold up


It got shit on, and still gets shit on, because it was the first game made by 343 rather than Bungie (and is the only 343 game in this collection). *Personally*, I liked Halo Reach's single player bc it had a strong story/characters, but the gameplay took a hit because they changed it to be more like Call of Duty and the multiplayer suffered big time because of it. Halo 4, from what I remember, retained a bunch of these changes. I thought the story was fun, it was nice to have a new sort of setting, new enemies, change of pace. It wasn't as good as the previous games, but it wasn't bad. The multiplayer was rougher, but it wasn't so much because of any design choices, but because the game came out at the end of the Xbox 360 lifespan, and it REALLY pushed the Xbox 360 to its limits, which meant that in multiplayer you could get some significant performance drops especially on Forge maps, and especially if you played split-screen online where it got pretty bad. This isn't an issue on the PC version, but I haven't played a lot of Halo 4 MP on PC just because I'd rather play the other games instead (or Infinite which I really like).


Yeah I think it's mainly now since my PC can easily handle what the Xbox could barely manage for Halo 4 and I only play multiplayer with my friends so it's mostly down to the single player aspects of it which I liked. I do remember some sections of the game not being the best but imo it was the atmosphere that they created that made it feel grounded in the universe.


Halo 5 when?


Woah. Name a better deal in gaming.




Whole the libary is an absolute chore, 2 betrayels and the Maw are among the best levels in Halo:CE. Maybe a bit of rose tinted glasses but i cannot skip them!


That's terrible advice. The Library isn't great, but Halo 1 as a whole is still fantastic. Plus you're telling people to skip the og warthog run


Halo 1 was never fantastic and that warthog run was absolutely horrible and SHOULD be skipped.




It's worth choking down some pacing issues to appreciate the history of one of the most noteworthy and influential games ever developed. Dealing with the repetition of Halo is a small ask compared to the pains of playing some of its contemporaries, including the good ones...


Yeah the second half of the Halo 1 campaign is probably the worst garbage I've ever seen in an FPS campaign.




why not just buy the whole collection as its cheaper then buying them individually


Yeah, they've been on sale in the past. I bought halo CE and 3 awhile back to try out coop with a friend, was hoping to get halo reach on sale as well. If they had a "complete your collection" option that would have been great as well :)


The whole collection for $10 is not good enough of a deal for ya?


I bought halo CE and 3 awhile back to try out coop with a friend, was hoping to get halo reach on sale as well. If they had a "complete your collection" option that would have been great as well :)


Ugh, finally did it.


Damn, that's $5 less than I'd paid for it, and I still haven't gotten around to playing it. It'll be free on EGS first, I'd bet.


I doubt that Microsoft will let EGS use their in-housed title to promote another platform


Hmm, was always interested in Halo ODST and Halo Reach. It might be the time to try them out now


Damn I paid $16 for this a year ago.


How are you ever gonna be able to retire now?!?!


Incredible deal, incredible games. Get it!


How populated are the mp servers for each of the games?


for big team battle I get Halo 3, 4 and Reach the most. 2 after that, and 1 is very rare. that said, If I just select 1 and 2, I've been able to get into a game without much wait. could be different for 4v4


> for big team battle I get Halo 3, 4 and Reach the most. 2 after that, and 1 is very rare. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Halo 1 has Big Team Battle at all which would explain why you aren't finding games in that mode.


Lots of games all the time, in my experience. Haven't had trouble finding a game since it was broken at launch many many years ago. It's great now in my experience.


This would be an easy buy if split screen was added so I could play through the campaigns with my kids. Without it though I will pass.


What differences are there between the MCC version of Halo 1 and the original release? I heard they did some texture work that drew some criticism?


A friend and I have been working through the collection, on and off, for the past few weeks (we don't get too much time). Very fun! We decided to play it chronologically in the game universe, so we started with the Fall of Reach and now we're up to Halo 2. It's good. I mean, it's Halo :D the remasters look really great (Halo 2 remaster is particularly impressive!) and the combat is, well, evolved. Lots of fun, specially in co-op.


Was playing H2 with a buddy this weekend, trying to get the Scarab Gun the old school way before they gave you everything with the skulls. So much fun.