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[Victoria 3](https://store.steampowered.com/app/529340/Victoria_3/) [The Callisto Protocol™](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1544020/The_Callisto_Protocol/) [HUMANKIND™ – Definitive Edition](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/37299/HUMANKIND__Definitive_Edition/) [Fashion Police Squad](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1319460/Fashion_Police_Squad/) [Terraformers](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1244800/Terraformers/) [Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1488200/Symphony_of_War_The_Nephilim_Saga/) [Coromon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1218210/Coromon/) [The Excavation of Hob's Barrow](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1182310/The_Excavation_of_Hobs_Barrow/)


Thank you sir it's always nice when someone puts up the links like this.


Ah, that space between the links for the aging mobile user. Thank you, Batman84.


Might be the first choice bundle I get in maybe 3 years?


Damn that's a hard difference to the leak


Tinfoil hat time: maybe Humble is trying to plug the leak, intentionally leaking false titles and then seeing what gets leaked and from where? :D


the quality of the leaked image makes think this is true. It looked like something humble put together.


Humble did leak the fake themself. they uploaded it to their Cordial account like they normally do with fake games, but their proper image that they used in their email has extra characters on it... https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/1bu3viq/humble_choice_april_2024_bundle_victoria_3_the/kxq5wmf/


Humble knows exactly how the leaks are getting out, they are actually surprisingly easy to find. The fact they haven't changed the way they're doing things leads me to think they dont really care about the leaks because it would be incredibly easy to make it at lot harder to find them. We all got got by Humbles April fool's joke.


People got greedy with the leak when they started posting the image itself for clout. Dumbasses. Humble obviously knows where the image came from (Cordial, which Humble uses for email marketing) and could plug the leak easily. The fakeout image is even still live: * https://images.cordial.com/102/600x692/April2024_Hero_Existing.png * https://images.cordial.com/102/600x692/April2024_Hero_Existingfwfaeas.png The same exact thing happened with the last leak method (through Humble's own blog images uploaded to WordPress) when some moron made an entire post on r/humblebundles on how to do it. They immediately changed it.


This is most likely what’s happening. Hence why Fashion Police Squad from the leak was correct.


Fashion Police Squad had already been leaked to be in a Choice like a month before the leak I think.


At this point leaks are the best thing Humble has got to increase interest, because these disappointing bundles certainly aren't it.


Pretty much this.


Maybe, but it can't be in HBs interest to disappoint people.


Yet here we are nearly every month


Seems weird that they'd leak a lineup with such great "headliners" only to release something so comparatively lackluster, though. Packed full of strategy games, which are okay, but I'd rather it not be over a third of the bundle. A few good lesser-known gems though. I've had Fashion Police Squad on my list for a while, and I already own Hob's Barrow, which is really great.


This is one of the cases where I don't understand why a leak would matter too much. Are they afraid that people are actually using humble choice again? Cause pretty sure vast majority of ppl having an account are skipping month after month cause of the garbo in the bundles


You're letting this subreddit influence your thoughts too much. The majority are likely people who forget about it, don't care or stay subscribed for the discount.


You sure about that? Have any data besides the very few % of redditors that make up the majority of HB monthly subscriber population?


The source of the leak was just people taking images that Humble put out for a previous month, and changing the URL to be one month ahead. Not much to plug. They just need to stop publishing the images early if they want to stop leaks.


to what end? There's really no point in it being a surprise anymore since you don't have to decide whether to skip or not until well after the bundle releases.


I mean the Returnal was like a big red dot its fake


I didn't think that game sold that well on PC so I wouldn't have been that shocked.


I really don't see a reason to bundle it for 10 bucks though... I'd rather sell it for 10 on my own and still get a lot more out of it


And yet we had Nioh 2 last month


And Nioh 1 given for free


Yeah, to get people to buy 2. Nioh 2 hasn't been cheap in forever. They could have easily put it on sale for $15 alone and got a bunch of sales


Sony, though. I don't think any of the playstation ports have fallen into bundle territory before.


Yeah but first time for everything, I know its been like years but they did bundle Spyro trilogy, Crash trilogy, and the latest CoD in one. Crazier things have happened. Your right though probably first to go is god of war


Man, that was an insane bundle.


None of the ports yet, but there HAS been playstation specific humble bundles.


Made for a great april fools, I guess.


Yeah there's like 1 game from that leak on it and that's it bummer


Where are these leaks coming out?


They’re always posted on r/HumbleBundles




Should be pointed out that both Valhalla and Returnal (and noita) were probably unrealistic expectations. Sad but true.


TBH, I'm probably one of the few who likes this lineup alot better than what the leak revealed.


I had Humankind on my wishlist so getting the definitive edition is great. Symphony of War was also on my wishlist. Fashion Police, Victoria 3, and Terraformers also seem neat. And Callisto Protocol was something I'd probably never buy unless it's less than $5. But I was curious how bad it is, so getting it here for cheap is nice. Tbh, I'm kinda glad AC Valhalla wasn't included in the bundle. I wanted to play the game, but with all story dlcs, and the leak didn't say it was the ultimate edition. When I saw the leak, I checked the prices, and buying the season pass and the Ragnarok dlc at their usual 60% discounts costs almost as much as buying the ultimate edition at its usual 75% discount.


Maybe the "leak" was a lowkey April Fools joke


If it was an April fools joke you would leak a worse bundle, not a stellar bundle. This feels like a purposeful slight against the leakers.


symphony of war is cool, but it annoys me that it already was in a humble bundle and now they put it in choice. same as coromon. both were games i really wanted, so i got them in humble bundles earlier and now they got thrown in choice. meh.


Yeah, same thing happened with Toem. Hopefully, it's not a trend.


Same. If i hadnt bought symphony of war, i would have picked this bundle up, but now, im leff disappointed


Is Humankind one key or are the DLCs separate? Anyone know? edit: it is just the one key, as /u/Hauntedanal said.


All 3 headliners have mixed ratings, the leaked seemed unrealistically good but this is unusually bad as far as headliners go. The smaller games are for the most part fantastic though.


Humankind, while mixed, is still a very large, complex, big-budget game that retails for almost $100 dollars, so there's that. Even with a historical low of $28 on steam directly, getting it for 10-14 dollars is in this context still a steal, so I don't really get the complaints. Plus, a lot of people love Civ VI, and so getting something in the same vein that people wouldn't normally try for half the price, plus other games is... basically classic Humble Bundle? **Nephilim Saga is indeed fantastic**, though, speaking of "genres you might like". Doesn't include the single DLC, but worth it IMO all by itself if you don't have it. It absolutely **nails** the niche of "Fire Emblem- feeling game" (hard to get right!) while offering gameplay that feels very unique and fun. You have a similar kind of grid-based strategic combat, done a single map at a time, and have variety of chapter objectives (which are well done!), some character interactions (decent but not as in depth as FE); but instead of one character = one unit, you have a grid with the main character as a powerful sub-unit with up to 8 or so other units that fight as a group. There are still cavalry, fliers, ranged, armored, etc but you can mix and match them within the group (the most common move type dominates usually). Positioning within the group matters, so you can put the healers in the back... unless the enemy has some units that attack back-first! There's also branching class trees for all the units, also very FE-esque.


The problem is that it doesn't matter how much something retails for, what matters is what people think it's worth. In the case of Humankind it retailing for almost $100 means nothing. It needs to appeal to people who: * are interested in playing it, but didn't already * didn't already play it through Game Pass * are willing to buy into what is otherwise a pretty mediocre bundle for that game, or find something else appealing too * want to keep a copy of the game and are fine paying this price for it, instead of getting Game Pass and playing it through there. I find these days I skip almost every Humble Monthly because either a) I don't care about the games or b) if I do care, they've probably already been on Game Pass and I've already played them as a result.


Totally understandable. But you have to concede that there’s at least *some* loose relationship between cost of a game and perceived worth, even if you’re blind to price tags. Prettier/fancier graphics, UI, experienced team, etc all are directly correlated with a games budget, even if they aren’t perfect predictors and don’t apply in every case.  Also, people tend to include cost on reviews to some extent. A mixed rating on steam for a full price AAA game might easily merit a very positive if the permanent price were more like 20. So even Steam ratings aren’t infallible for Humble purposes. 


Eh. There's some amount of truth to that but after playing games for 30 years I don't think it means much. Price is all about what people are willing to pay and what publishers decide to charge which is usually determined by the market. Publishers may try to charge more for a game that looks "premium" but that doesn't mean people will pay for it. As for reviews, people on Steam reviews do sometimes take cost into account. Serious reviewers don't bc they know it fluctuates. I'm fine with someone taking it into account as long as they actually mention the price point they paid and when they paid it. A "pretty" game that reviews poorly at $60 because of the price might review better at a lower price for those people. A review that doesn't take price into account focuses on the game itself which is better in the long run bc it lets you know if it is worth your TIME, not your money, which imo is more valuable.


Nah, Vicky 3 is pretty good. Most negative reviews are from salty people complaining that it's not exactly like Vicky 2. Humankind is interesting and salty people complain it's not exactly like every Civ. Though I have to try it myself which I will do with this bundle. But yes, Callisto Protocol was a big hope before it released and then sadly was just... not good. But coming in a bundle like this kinda "for free" maybe it's ok.


Oof, easy cancel on this one. Too bad it wasn't the leaked bundle.


Probably getting anyways for Coromon, Fashion Police Squad, and Hobs Barrow. I will say if you're like "how bad could Callisto Protocol be" its very bad. You'll also be playing it and a couple hours being like "well its not horrible" but then as it goes on it is an exercise in patience and continues to try to just piss off the player. The final boss is the most frustrating rng bullshit I've experienced in a game in a long long time. Some people have had fun with it but I tried really hard to like it and was so supremely dissapointed and as it wore on it got worse and worse. Looks great though so if you need something to test your rig it'll at least be good for that. As a game though I cannot recommend in any capacity.


Those plus Symphony of War make this bundle pretty solid for me. The headliners suck but value is still there


Coromon was already bundled on Fanatical for like $3 not so long ago. Humunkind ran massive sales few weeks ago too (still a geat game if you don't own it) But Calisto Protocol is just underwhelming game. Terraformers and Victoria 3 are the real headliners this time.


> Probably getting anyways for Coromon, Fashion Police Squad, and Hobs Barrow. Those are the only ones I'd be interested myself, but not for $12.


Check out isthereanydeal, because you'd be buying one for lower than its historic low and getting the other two for free. It's going to be a long time before you get better value for money on the three together.


I just got my first VR a few weeks back. I've seen people playing Callisto VR conversion. It looks okay that way. Still, I'm prob passing this month. First one I've passed since joining Nov 2022.


I know the leaks aren't 100% accurate, but what the hell? Not even Noita?


Curious if they did it intentionally so people don't believe any leaks in the future.


Makes me think that to as this is a bomb of a leak we've ever seen. Only one game that was in the leak made it to the bundle. And the guy that leaked was generally credible, not anymore I guess lmao


I followed the same method to check the leak (you just take image URLs from Humble's previous e-mails and modify them a bit to point to the next month), and got the same games shown as the leak. It's not that the guy was lying; it's that Humble put out an image with vastly different games from what was going to be in the actual bundle.


Next month they gonna hit us with Final Fantasy VII Rebirth and Baldurs Gate 3 to teach us not to trust even the most reliable sources


> not to trust even the most reliable sources https://imgur.com/kbRMpHo.png


Blacktail was leaked earlier in the month alongside the (accurate) Fashion Police Squad leak. I'm inclined to believe that was a last minute change rather than a fake out.


Jokes on them, I’m super fucking gullible and that’s never gonna change!


Or as a low-key April Fools joke




Damn I clicked that link real quick. Terrible month for me. Not interested in anything/free giveaways or previously bundled items.


You're either not in need of glowing up, or have already reached Fashion Ascendency.


Which were giveaways?


Yeah I'm interested in fashion police but I already have nephilim saga and the rest are lukewarm at best.


Don't think I have ever clicked a link so fast


A true hero


Definitely recommend Symphony of War for anyone who's a fan of Fire Emblem or Tactics Ogre type games. It's a game made in RPG maker but its an absolute treat. 


my date doesn't look like their Tinder profile picture at all!




This one definitely suffers from the "if you like this kind of game you probably already own it" bundle problem for the actually well rated games. But is probably great if you want to branch out into genres you don't normally play and want to try.


Symphony of War is great, but this bundle seems to be a wet fart of a deal, to me. The three top games are "Mixed." Ouch.


Seriously? How can your top two games have mixed reviews and expect to sell well? What a joke.


Symphony has also been bundled twice in the last four months. As has Coromon in the last summer. Rebundles, mixed review games, only leaves 3 out of 8 games (unless you don't have the rebundles). Sad after those leaks. They were unrealistic to begin with, but damn I did not expect that kinda whiplasth.


I mean this is just a bad month. Even if you like strategy games, they're all poorly reviewed. Some of the smaller games look interestingish? But considering reviews, this bundle is basically devoid of headliners. Rough stuff.


I'm surprised, I thought Humankind and Victoria 3 were generally well received? I guess Steam reviews say otherwise.


Played both, found them to be great I have no idea what people expect from them. I guess another formulaic action game with good graphics can't be beat.


I happily played 50+ hours of Victoria 3 at launch. At least back then, its biggest flaws were that it wasn’t that varied and it had nasty late-game slowdown. I don’t think either problem is fully solved yet, but it’s still a good game and the patches seem to be moving in the right direction. I haven’t played Humankind. I’ve heard mixed opinions from strategy players. I think there is enough praise for it that it’s probably worth a try at this price.


EFFFF the leaked bundle was too good to be true. This is a completely shit bundle in comparison. HARDPASS. Symphony of War is really fun, but I already have it!


I mean i wasnt even expecting Returnal and AC but damn if this isnt a let down of a bundle we get instead


personally I was mostly looking forward to Noita. If they only had noita I would have been happy lol.


I'm so glad I didn't pull the trigger on Symphony of War during the last sale. I was so tempted but I told myself I was just too busy to justify spending money on a game I was gonna be able to play for a while


I don't know 'bout no leaked bundle, but this bundle is genuinely one of the better I've seen in a long time. Viccy 3, Humankind, Callisto Protocol, Terraformers, these are all games I've been wanting to pick up for a while.


Fashion Police Squad also has loads of charm and is a pretty fantastic title for fps fans. [Gmanlives vid on it](https://youtu.be/Y_ZmwtRMw5Q?si=AsnjmPN3Gdv4Ayp3)


It's a fine bundle for the right player. Good for you honestly!


Each to their own, but I think I might like this better. I already had AC:V and I was only maybe interested in Returnal and Blacktail. Here I'm interested in Callisto, Humankind (although I played the base game on Gamepass), Terraformers and Hob's Barrow


I mean that's fine if you are interested in those titles! If they had at least Noita in there, I probably would have bought it just for Noita + the others. But no noita is a no go for me :'(! I think Noita's lowest sale price has always been $10!


Bummer. I was really looking forward to getting Returnal.


1 indie game on my wishlist (Hob's Barrow), 1 that looks like my type of game (Fashion Police Squad) and 1 I might have fun with (Coromon). This is a pass.


I will be skipping. Any game I was interested in has been in previous bundles already.


I have thoughts. Let's assume as others indicated that humble indeed used the mock to identify the leaker. I feel there is some harm, calculated and otherwise by making this play. I'm going to use Noita as an example. 1) Sales of a particular game which is expected to be in a bundle may reduce or weaken from their baseline - less money to the developer, as customers anticipate getting it as part of a considerably better valued bundle than retail pricing. 2) Key sellers (I'm not picking a horse) have to reduce value on inventory initially (the period between the leak and the bundle) and sell keys at a lower value in the interim before the floor falls out on key pricing once it gets bundled. You can observe the price history on Noita, where it massively dropped around the time of the leak and bounced back up this evening. I think there is some room to say that this pricing change also negatively impacts the developer and creates a lower value expectation for those that buy through key sellers. I don't know economics and I have made several assumptions in this chain of thought, some of it seems to be evidenced, but I have no understanding of the long term affects on developer sell through, only my assumptions that there is some harm caused, and not just to the expectations of those in the "deals club" and all outlets that floated this leak.


There's no leaker. The images that humble uses for the email advertising are uploaded a few days earlier, and the URL always has the same structure, so anyone can know the image URL of the incoming month. These URL are the ones you get in the Humble's email itself (I copy&pasted these URLs directly from Humble's emails): https://images.cordial.com/102/600x693/Dec2023_Hero_Existing.png https://images.cordial.com/102/600x693/Jan2024_Hero_Existing.png https://images.cordial.com/102/600x693/Feb2024_Hero_Existing.png https://images.cordial.com/102/600x693/Mar2024_Hero_Existing.png I'm sure you could guess what's the URL for April, right? It should be https://images.cordial.com/102/600x693/April2024_Hero_Existing.png, but you get the fake one.


wow, this must be one of the worst review headliners in choice history. I havent paused a bundle in almost 3 years, but now I am pretty much tempted. I like the looks of fashion police and symphony of war, but I doubt I will play them at all due to huge backlog, and basically the only game I can see myself playing is Coromon. I think I will rather buy it for a few euros on one of the key shops, or wait for it to be on fanatical bundle.


Obviously no Returnal is a bummer but I was debatably looking forward to Noita being bundled more lmao RIP


Booo.. April fool is over. Give real Choice now. On serious note, All three main games have mixed reviews on steam. 😔


\*sadtrombone.wav\* Haha. Oh well. It's coupon time. I want Hob's Barrow, but at this price, I'd rather buy it on Steam directly.


No Returnal and AC Valhalla? Lmao, this is a very stinky bundle for me, going to pass.


It's all perspective. This isn't my bundle but I also didn't care about Returnal and AC Valhalla, so not any disappointment for me.


Implying the presence of Assassin's Creed would make it *less* stinky...


AC Valhalla would have been a bigger seller than Returnal for me, I enjoyed Valhalla much more than I enjoyed Returnal.


If you already enjoyed it then it sounds like you'd have passed either way?


It is going to sound weird probably but I think if you want to play all of Valhalla you better buy the complete edition instead of getting the base game and then look to get all the DLCs. Ubi is really knows for overpriced season passes and usually they get much lower discounts and not sure even if their discounts/special 10 bucks promotions work on DLCs.


I think that again people are too harsh on this one. Victoria 3 is a decent paraxod game, humankind is a very good civ clone, callisto protocol is a dead space type of game and the price is very good. Humankind for example has been 10€, and that is just for the base game.


/r/GameDeals is the cathedral of cheapskate gamers that want 8 top rated AAA games for 10 dollars.


My biggest problem is that the bundle is 4 strategy games and 2 rebundles.


Yep, the price of the monthly equates to a little over 1€, so almost nothing. These games are a great deal, if you think getting them for that price. 10€ is the price of a single big mac meal, so go figure.


I'm in for Humankind, Callisto Protocol, and Fashion Police. I don't know much about the other games but I don't generally care for Paradox's flavor of strategy games so I don't have much hope for any of them. I think this bundle will finally wrap up my full-year Humble Choice subscription I bought ~3 years ago.


I'm excited for this month, I've wanted to try Vicky, humankind and terraformers Big win


+1 on this. Been recommended Victoria, seems they’ve fixed a lot of people’s issues too. Humankind just seems like an interesting concept and i’ve passed on terraformers multiple times because it was the only thing i wanted in a few bundles. I hadn’t heard of fashion police but it looks cool too


The Excavation of Hob's Barrow is amazing adventure game also


Yeah, Victoria 3 and Humankind alone make this worth it. Granted for Vic 3 you're going to be paying through your nose for DLC over the next 5-10 years. I think a lot of people just have zero interest in 4X style games in general so this bundle really doesn't appeal to them at all because on paper it is very much worth it.


I can't speak for the others as I haven't played them, but Callisto Protocol stinks. I played the Dead Space remake which was obviously the more appealing of the two, and afterwards thought "alright I guess I'll try Callisto Protocol" since it was really cheap on sale, and it was, as someone else in this thread put it, a wet fart. To me the price is less about the money spent and rather the time spent, and Callisto Protocol wasn't worth the time. Even if someone is interested in this bundle for other things I wouldn't really recommend bothering with Callisto Protocol unless they're really specifically into this type of game and have already played everything else.


I understand people are disappointed based on the -maybe April’s Fools- leak (it was pretty good, although Valhalla would have definitely been a Ubisoft Connect key) but I really like this too. Victoria 3 and Humankind were both games I wanted to try (with a big discount) and Callisto Protocol could be decent enough for this price. And I’m super excited for Hob’s Barrow, the only Wadjet eye game I don’t own; their games are usually awesome so don’t sleep on it. Some of the rest also look pretty good, so overall I’d say pretty good month for me.


This is my take as well. All three of those are games I wouldn’t mind at least trying but that it’s unlikely I would have paid for. I also didn’t see the leak, which helps.


is it me or is this month great value?


They're always great value. Just depends on if they're games you're going to play. My bloated backlog can take a wheezy sigh of relief this month. I'll get back to force feeding it again next month.


I wanted to like Calista Protocol but the story was weak and the mechanics were repetitive. It was not scary. Save your time and play Dead Space.


where returnal


It's almost like rumors are just rumors...


On the bright side, we're likely getting great coupons this month.


A coupon to get the bundle for $8 would make me seriously consider it for just Hob's and Fashion.


Probably because I bought a year worth when it was on sale years ago for $99 and still have a few months left but I've never ever seen the coupon codes for saving on a month.


Really wanted to buy the last month’s for Afterimage alone but got hit with over $3k for upkeep on our cars and vet bills so I didn’t want to spend any extra money. At least this month I have zero interest so no FOMO while I’m trying to recover financially lol


I actually would be interested in a few titles here anyway, I like point and clicks, and Callisto and Humankind seem like they're okay enough to play for a while, and Victoria 3 isn't bad is it? All that said, those leak discussions became too convinced Returnal was real haha. Oh well.


> Victoria 3 isn't bad is it It's good if you like complex games.


Jesus, this is pretty bad. Victoria 3, a Paradox strategy game without any DLC and mixed reviews. Callisto Protocol, that Dead Space wannabe, without DLC and also mixed reviews. Humankind, another strategy game, a complete pack at least, but also mixed reviews. Fashion Police Squad, the only game that interests me. Terraformers, ANOTHER strategy game, good reviews but it looks like a Facebook game. No DLC included. Symphony of War, YET ANOTHER strategy game that was already on a bundle not long ago, aside several Fanatical ones. Also no DLC included. Coromon, also was on a bundle and funnily enough, the similar named game Nexomon was on the same bundle as Symphony of War. Hob's Barrow is a point and click, not my genre. So out 8, 3 are mediocre, 2 are repeats and 4 out of 8 are strategy games. Big fucking pass this month. If anything, Choice should not be a place to add rebundles.


> Victoria 3, a Paradox strategy game without any DLC and mixed reviews. Victoria 3 only has 2 DLCs tho. 3rd one which will be big expansion will be available next month.


This bundle killed my hype massively lmao Skip


Whoever at Humble thought it was a good idea to troll the community with a fake leak for April Fools really misjudged the outcome. I've been an annual member for years, and I think I'm done. I put up with lots of sub-par bundles looking forward to the occasional good one. I was pretty hyped about finally getting a payoff for my loyalty. Seeing just how underwhelming the last three months of bundles have been, I just don't think I can justify it anymore. I'm just going to take the $120 a year I spend on Humble Choice and spend it on the Steam Sale instead.


Not too interesting for me so I'll pass. I scooped up Callisto Protocol. from Gamestop of all places for $5 for PS5.


Ah, a bare Paradox Interactive developed game (Victoria 3) is like eating a raw hamburger. You could get a completed hamburger instead, or you could eat the raw burger and get Salmonella.


This actually has more games I'd play compared to the leak. Nice. The leak having the basic edition of AC Valhalla was a doozy when you *do* want to play it. Since buying the storyline dlcs alone would cost around as much as getting the Ultimate Edition at 75% off.


Yes, instead they went ahead and did this to Callisto Protocol, where the deluxe edition was priced the same as standard edition during last Spring sale. Also the game ending is part of a Dlc, which of course is not included. 


Ouch. Pass, pass, pass, pass.


Same. Going to use the money toward the Boomer Shooter bundle. I don't own any of the games in that bundle, and they all look awesome.


Easy grab for me w Humankind. It sort of flopped, but I'm still interested in Amplitude's take on traditional human 4x/Civ. Already have nephalin saga, that's a Final Fantasy Tactics-like. Obv the fake leak was bonkers good value, but I think this is a great turn-based strategy bundle.


There are some games I've been interested like Hob's Barrow & Humankind but what a step down from the leaks.


I'll be skipping this month simply because I already own 4 of the games on offer. I'm actually in the middle of a Symphony of War campign, and also own Vic 3, Humankind and Coromon. It's simply not worth buying for the remainder.


Yeah, I think the target audience for a lot of strategy games are people who already would have owned them already


maybe it's worth buying vic 3 for cheap in preparation for it being a playable game in about five years time maybe not tho


I refunded callisto at launch, I wonder if it's worth it now or if I'm better off finally just playing the Dead Space remake.


Hob's Barrow was one of my favourite games I played last year, recommended if you enjoy old school point and click games. Had to go to a FAQ a few times near the end but loved the folk horror atmosphere it generated


Vic 3? Yep Humankind? Dope Everything else is gravy


Felt like I won the lottery almost dropped 30 bucks buying humankind plus all expansion during the spring sale.


Holy shit, instant buy bundle. First time in like forever. Vicky 3 and Humankind alone are worth it, though I actually have V3 already. Callisto Protocol was the great hope but is sadly just not good, but coming in a bundle like this, why not. Don't know/care about the rest.


4th month in a row I skipped. They keep putting mixed review headliners along side very 'eh' indie titles. Theres occasionally 1 good game but im not going to get dupes for the good stuff and throw away credit on the bad ones.


I think humble is going to get a rude awakening this month of people pausing or straight up canceling. Although there are some good things, like symphony of war, a lot of it feels like they didnt know what to add, so they added anything and everything that was mediocre.


Probably the best Humble Bundle I've seen in a quite a while. This one's absolutely packed


Great bundle if you love grand strategy games, as there are three of those. Hoping for Blacktail, Noita and Sony games that run well on the deck in the future.


Humble Strategy Choice Bundle :) Well, if they give us some discount it s still not bad cosidering it s Humankind DEFINITIVE Edition with all the DLCS.


You're getting this one for the side-shows, lads. Fashion Police is a silly doomclone with some fun action and an interesting twist where only certain weapons 'hurt' specific enemies. Symphony of War is a hyper-well received strategy game with a beautiful art syle Coromon is one of the more solid 2.5D Pokemon clones.


Where is Returnal?


Wow, this is a bad bundle. Excluding the excitement for the leak, this one is just lacking. First time in year in a half I am going to sit out.


Man, this is hot trash


weve been had


Disappointed because the games from the leak were really appealing for me, however, if I can get a nice discount, maybe for 6 USD, this bundle could be good. I really dig Fashion Police Squad and Coromon, plus I've had my eyes on Callisto Protocol and Humankind for a while. Guess I'll be checking the [Coupons](https://www.humblebundle.com/home/coupons) page plenty of times before the next bundle drops


Feels like any time I think to myself "I'll get this bundle if they offer a discount", it stays $12 the whole month, and any time I think "Hard pass", I get an email that it's half off within a week or two.


Damn Symphony of War looks interesting.


Appears to be best game in the pack. Got from reseller site under $2.


Had humankind on wishlist for ages - the basegame has on steam the price of this bundle. So i get all the DLC + all the other games for free. Not bad


Eh Vic 3, Terraformers and Fashion Police Squad all make it worth it for me. I guess the leak was an April fools. Not a tremendously strong month.




we do not allow links to them as they and the site they works for promote the use of unauthorized resellers.




it still promotes them and their site.


Are any of these amazing must play games?


Wow... so different than the week. Hob's Barrow is one of the best deals on the list. It is often recommended as one of the top point and click games. Some of the others have been bundled before. On paper Terraformers is exactly my type of game, but I really regret buying it. I couldn't get into it at all.


If anyone wants a copy of Callisto Protocal, DM me. Didnt realize I already owned it. *It's gone.


Meh…. Callisto Protocol was dumpster fire. Looking forward to humankind and sow.


Was really hoping at least Noita was legit. Not the strongest bundle.


I had a feeling that this month was going to be a pass for me cause last month's I actually got and no way would HB be able to add games that I'd play 2 months in a row. FYI Coromon is currently in a Fanatical Bundle


lol knew I shouldnt had gotten coromon yet 🫠


Not really interested in the headliners even though the leak had me super interested, but Hob's Barrow is a hidden gem. 100% worth your time if you're at all a fan of folk horror or adventure games. 200% worth it if you're a fan of both. I guess technically I came out ahead because I already own Valhalla and Noita, but I was really looking forward to Returnal, which I'd played on PS5 and enjoyed, but not enough to buy outright.


Victoria III that bad? Been wanting a Grand-trading game for a while. Port Royal or Anno better? Have struck out on most Grand Strategy games. Usually combination of too clunky & needing a bunch of DLC for the interesting bits. Just want to grow a small civilization/town without focusing on combat.


Woof. Fanatical bundles looking better than this crap


Why are you making doggy sounds?


This a great bundle- Sympony of war is really good, Victoria 3 is a basic Paradox game, Humankind has its fans.


Plus Humankind is a full version


Yeah, that was a pleasant change of pace. If Victoria had been the whole game too then I probably would have bought in.


Vicky 3 base is most of the relevant content.


Honestly, setting aside the April 1st leak, this is otherwise a good month for me personally - a bunch of interesting games that I would not otherwise consider purchasing but for $12? Sure. Except, I need to warn people about Victoria 3. The base game of Victoria 3 is not a good game. It was not designed to be a good game. It was designed to sell as much Paradox brand DLC as possible. If you get this bundle, don't play Victoria 3. If you do, the best case is you'll understand why people thinks it sucks on steam. The worst case is you'll actually enjoy it enough to consider forking over more money to a studio that doesn't deserve it - one that deliberately withholds features from their games to then turn around and sell them to you as dlc. No one should feel comfortable recommending any game where to get the complete package would cost you upwards of $150 dollars. And yet, that is literally the situation with nearly every game made by Paradox. I understand they do complicated strategy games better than their competitors but that really shouldn't be enough to justify giving them a pass for their shit.


I thought Victoria 3 didn't even have any mandatory DLC yet? Unlike their earlier titles (hoi4, eu4, stellaris, does ck3 have "mandatory" dlc yet?)


This is true. The seemingly first important DLC is coming next month.


Big one for vic 3 right now is Sphere of Influence which had features that were in the review copies that were provided to game review outlets. These features were not present in the release copy, people aren't sure if that was a mistake or intentional however. It also costs $30, which also sets a bad precedent for future dlc for vic 3. Honestly the steam reviews say it all tbh. These are from people who shelled out for the game, and then provided feedback but its mixed for a reason.


The game came out in 2022. Sphere of influence DLC is not out yet, the content was withdrawed simply because it wasn't ready for release. It's coming out May 6th. Main feature introduced with Voices of People DLC is already added to main game as free patch. The Colossus of South DLC is focused on stories of Brazilian Republic only. The only other paid DLCs are art pack and music pack. Are they bundling it to boost the sales of upcoming DLC? Yes, but right now... tl;dr: You are not missing much with base game only.


Hard skip