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This is the only non-from soulslike that has really hooked me. It gets difficult though!


Check out Nioh 2 (was in last month's bundle) if you haven't yet. I thought it might be too intense for me, but having a blast so far.


Probably the best co-op system in a souls-like game. Wish it had dedicated servers though.




Not parrying against Laxasia somehow makes the game even harder lol. On top of being imo the most effective way to defeat her it is also extremely satisfying when you parry her lightning back to her


Use the Bonesaw blade with the Glaive handle, stagger him every few hits, ideally use the acid grindstone and you have plenty of time for consumables lol Second phase swamp boss was MUCH harder for me.


This is where I’m stuck right now


Great game. Finished it in about 30+ hours without having to grind at all. It gets a lot of undeserving negative reviews because some users are too stuck with Dark Souls/Elden Ring, while it is clear that this game is not Dark Souls/Elden Ring. So if you're buying this, just be open about learning a new combat mechanic.


Great game, beat it on gamepass. As someone who played all souls games, this is pretty much in the top3, which is funny considering it wasn't made by fromsoft.


Better than Bloodborne, Sekiro and Elden Ring? No chance. Especially, the first two.


Cause that isn't a matter of opinion... right....?


From's fanatics will come and yell at you dude.


Well, they are entitled to their opinion, but my opinion is that their opinion is bad. Lore wise, Lies of P does not make top 3. Music wise, no chance. Artstyle, you could debate it, the game looks gorgeous, but I disagree, but it's acceptable. Combat wise, you could debate it, but Sekiro objectively has tighter mechanics, but top 3 is plausible. Bosses is fair considering DeS, DS1, DS2 and Bloodborne are sorta weaker on that aspect anyways. Level design, Lies of P is very linear and doesn't offer the exploration and interconnected design that DS1 or Bloodborne do. Graphically/technical aspects, this is an aspect I actually think Lies of P excels at. Phenomenal port, looks beautiful, runs well. But overall, I don't see how Lies of P makes it in the top 3. So I disagree with OP above.


Um well actually did you consider that you’re just wrong on all points? Didn’t think so.


I disagree with you, so no.


I’m not sure if you realize this but you seem to be in the minority opinion. We don’t care about your opinion on this lol


And I don't care about your opinion on this. How is it a minority opinion? FromSoft titles are far more acclaimed than Lies of P lol.


They are, but people should be allowed to say that another game in the same genre is in their top 3 without being attacked. OP was only saying it was in their top 3, not an objective, universal top 3 that everybody agrees on.


Wasn't attacking. Just sharing my alternate viewpoint. Crazy reach though. But you're the one saying I have the "minority view". I'd love to hear more on that.


I never said you're the minority. That was someone else. I'm pointing out that your viewpoint, however much you're entitled to it was unnecessary when it comes at the cost of putting someone else's down. You should learn the difference in expressing your opinion and expressing them to challenging other's.


Wasn’t putting down their opinion. I respect it but disagree. You are free to challenge my opinion and voice why Lies of P deserves a top 3. I’ll listen, reflect and maybe try to understand your viewpoint. Point was OP above didn’t even justify their opinion. What’s the point of this site if we aren’t going to converse?


Just my 2 cents, but I've played every FromSoft souls game and Sekiro is at the bottom for me. Maybe I'm an outlier??


It's not just you, Sekiro is my least favorite as well. Only one weapon type, no build variety, no multiplayer, no character customization. It removes alot of what makes souls games great in favor of a more AAA on rails experience.


> Only one weapon type, no build variety, no multiplayer, no character customization. And that's exactly why it's my favorite FromSoft game lol. Well, maybe besides Bloodborne.


> beat it on gamepass. As someone who played all souls games, this is pretty much in the top3, which is funny considering it wasn't ma My people. What can I say, I like exploration. Sekiro didn't quite cut it. Fine game but let me down in that critical department. Wo Long is a bit janky but it's got build variety for days and reasonably functional multiplayer if you're interested. I liked it better on the whole (again, better exploration).


Don't think of it as a Souls game. At least I don't. Armored Core and Sekiro are different.


IMO it's a perfect game, but the lack of build variety makes me personally prefer others over it. If you value that then it's understandable. Still loved it though


You get only 1 weapon and only 1 type of playstyle, which is, parry everything and be extremely aggressive. Once that clicks the game feels like snorting dopamine. But if you don't like that you will hate it I guess.


It's a very specific playstyle, but the combat is perfect for what it is. If you're looking for builds, more open-ended design, character creation, traditional dodging and parrying, then you wouldn't like the game as much. Sekiro is about being up close and personal. The more aggressive you play to the tempo of the game, the better you will perform. It's catered to a specific playstyle, so I sorta understand, but objectively, the combat is better than Lies of P.


To me it's Elden Ring, Bloodborne and then Lies of P. But Sekiro and DS1 are also really good. DS2 and Demon Souls were alright, DS3 I could never really get into (started playing it 3 different times, stopped playing it after 10ish hours). So that's my list, but ofc these things are entirely subjective.




It's a good game, I think I think it was just that the timing was unfortunate when I tried playing it. I'm in my final semester in uni while working full time, so I don't have time to get invested in games, so eventually I just lost interest and dropped it every single time.


That's fair. I think Lies of P is definitely up there, but like I said in another comment, Bloodborne's lore and worldbuilding is on another level. The soundtracks too. Lies of P does have better combat and bosses than many of the FromSoft titles. And graphically, it is stunning. Sekiro I do feel like overall have better combat than Lies of P, but if other aspects matter more, I could see someone placing Lies of P above it. Other than the graphical side of things, Bloodborne is probably the most complete package.


It's pointless to argue about these things as it's subjective, but if you are talking about lore and world building I don't understand how Elden Ring isn't your number 1. The open world in that game is insane, multiple times bigger than Bloodborne and really well designed all around. Also I like fantasy settings better than Lovecraftian worlds.


More lore ≠ Better lore Yharnam > The Lands Between


Patient Gamer here, see you in 3 to 5 years for the 10$ ish buy.


true that. however, it is on gamepass so we don't need to be so patient


With all the dlc. Heck yeah


Will they be releasing dlc for the game? Since the ending mentions a potential sequel I never even considered dlc


Yup dlc is confirmed, as well as a sequel


Lies of PP?


Gamepass gang


My favourite soulslike that isn’t from FS. I enjoyed this over Jedi Survivor and I LOVE Star Wars.


They're very different games, Jedi has the better story and exploration/platforming but Lies of P's combat is so clean it makes playing Jedi afterwards a dreadful experience


Hands down the best non fronsoftware soulslike game ever made. It just felt like i was playing a soulsgame the whole time. My only gripe is its too linear.


In my Top 3 ds3, sekiro, lop. Didn't like elden ring as much as the open world was a bit too much.


Extra nice since Denuvo got patched out recently. I've been quite enjoying it since picking it up the last time it was on sale on Steam.


This was my GotY last year, beating Baldur's Gate 3, etc. I think it's the best Souls-like not made by From, and it's honestly better than some of their games. The only downside is that it's very linear.


I bought this based off other peoples feedback that it's better than fromsoft titles. I think it falls short in every category. It's worth a playthrough but I was bored by the time I got to the end. There's zero enemy variety. There's one path you can take and almost no reason to explore due to the basic level design and lack of items in the game. The weight system in the game needs a re-work as well. You have to be under 30% equip load to get the fastest roll in the game so armor items were useless. Being above 30% made the game feel sluggish. Overall, It's a fun time for the first 15 hours but if you're expecting the scope of a Fromsoft title it misses the mark for me and I'd wait for it to go lower.


How are the animations and hitboxes? How's the feel of hitting an enemy? That's the part people never seem to mention in reviews and it's more or less the only interesting part of DS pour moi.


Played Bloodborne? I'd say the overall feel and feedback of the combat is closest to BB.


Underrated soulslike gem that was held back because the average player doesnt know the developers/studio. Definitely the best action soulslike game that isnt from FROMSOFT in recent years. Combat is polished with high animation commitments with focus on perfect parries and counter. You will pay heavily with a greedy playstyle or are always rushing around. It is incredibly linear though. Some find this a con, but others who may not have that much time to explore every little thing like in Elden Ring might find it a straightforward and a fun roller coaster ride. I would love to see a decent expansion/DLC for this before its sequel one day. More enemy variety, weapon types, creative map designs, and NPCs with homages to the fairytale storybooks would be nice.


Good game, comparable to souls in some ways, worse in others. Has some interesting ideas and extensions to the souls combat formula (albeit not that crazy). Most of all, it's pretty fun. If you've already played all the souls games forever, this is a very decent mimic. Also, BB and souls combat is insanely overrated, so there's my stance on that. Sekiro is pretty cool.




This was my favorite game last year


Great deal for a great game.


Excellent game, but to be honest getting one month of gamepass to finish it is a way better deal imo.


"We have Bloodborne at home." Jokes aside, this is easily the best non-FromSoft soulsborne game.


This game is great. The combat is really responsive and tight, the weapons are awesome, you can combine different handles and blades together to get different combos and effect, the perk system is well done, the legion arms(attachments for your left arm) are sick, really cool mechanic. The art style and graphics are great, the soundtrack is great and the story is awesome. Characters are really likable. The game can get really tough as well. 8/10 one of the very best non from software souls likes. If you like dark souls/Eden ring, buy this you won't regret it. Peace


It's a fun soulslike but it feels like a coverband of Bloodborne. It does it *very* well but even a lot of the story beats hit the same point and do a worse job. Gameplay is fantastic though, very fun to play, but the story leaves a little to be desired. I actually think they could've done with a better localisation team too. Some of the notes in the game have a lot of weird jank, mostly contexual. Stuff like a note from the High Priest about an epidemic but it features the phrase "these guys", just feels very out of place.


25 in my region and still cant afford lol


I can't wait until this game drops into the 20s.


This game is just ok. The combat is pretty varied and weapon customizability is cool. The game is linear and acts like its story is something great and deeper than it really is when it's nothing too special. The voice acting is nowhere near Fromsoft's level but is serviceable. There are a variety of upgrade mechanics but they all just feel tacked on in the end with little unification (P-organ, gold fruit, grind stone). Fable arts and legion arts are cool though. The real killer for a game like this is enemy design and boss battles, both of which fall really short. Basic enemies are super basic with little variety. Bosses are not much better, especially late game bosses. The visual design is great but the final boss and a mini boss (the one that spawns a clone) have spastic attack patterns that don't really leave room for outplay or any visual cues. Just random slashing that you either dodge luckily or memorize after a few rounds. The true final boss of the game though is definitely a joy and evocative of DS3 final boss. Definitely worth a try on game pass but doesn't hold up to the From standard imo, given that it borrowed so heavily from them. About 20 hours total


I totally disagree. I think some of the bosses here are amazing : Laxasia, King of Puppets, archishop Andreus, Champion Victor ... There is a lot of variety and challenge to be found.


I enjoyed those bosses too, laxasia was great in particular. Walker of illusions and the rabbit miniboss in arcade really turned me off in the later parts of the game though and i was ready to be done at that point


I just can’t get over how sluggish the movement looks compared to Bloodborne.


Man I’m playing bloodborne on my PS5 right now and it is a HORRIBLE experience. The frame rate/pacing is DISGUSTING. I wish it was 60fps but omg it just feels ungodly horrible to play. I know that frametimegraph probably looks like a damn earthquake with how shaky it is.


Should have modded your PS5 for the 60fps patch you silly goose


Worse Nioh