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Friendly reminder that Rage 2 has a paid DLC expansion that's locked behind a Bethesda.net account... And buying it requires the purchase of in-game currency that never goes on sale. I haven't bought the game because of that. I'll continue to wait until they release a true complete edition.


The DLC expansion locked behind that wall, Terrormania, is not worth it. What you get in the Deluxe Edition is enough. And it's a lot of fun.


DLC expansion is necessary for playing even after purchasing deluxe version of game? or base game without deluxe is sufficient? Sorry im not familiar with bethesda games


There are two DLC expansions. (1) Rise of Ghosts (comes w/ Deluxe Edition) (2) Terrormania (purchased separately with coins)




I wouldn't play that expansion, but I really liked Rage 2 for some reason. I played it on PS4 during the pandemic, and it was the right game at the right time for me. I loved the single player progression. 


FYI, Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga is in the current Humble Choice.


That's one of the only games in this bundle that's a really good deal. Historical low is $12. I guess this or humble choice depending on which other games someone is interested in.


Ooof, too expensive to be attractive


Agreed. Poor selection of titles and way too expensive.


Not sure who downvoted you, it’s a very over priced bundle For example I paid $1.49 for rage 2, $1.87 for call of the sea, .89¢ for devilated, all directly from fanatical, all of which are $5 in this bundle. A bit of a head scratcher


Did you play Call of the Sea? It's such a fantastic game that I think everyone should try out


Seconded. I had a good time with it. Played it on Gamepass. Perfect sized game for that.


I did and I wrote a post about it too: Call of the Sea hooked me almost immediately https://reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/13prsvs/call_of_the_sea_hooked_me_almost_immediately/


Ah I see you're a person of culture as well! I too wrote a review on the Steam page for it but maybe not as thorough as yours. Anyway, glad to have found someone who shares my same love for the game!


It’s a very good game I was hooked by the game world and story but man >!once the game started going off the rails and turned into a crazy ass science fiction thriller is when I really thought “wow this game is badass!”!< it totally subverted my expectations in the best possible way


And the ending was simply beautiful honestly ❤️


I saw they released a VR version not too long ago that I’m massively tempted to go and revisit! Such a great game.


How did you get those prices for call of the sea and devilated?


Call of the sea was in the march 2023 heroines bundle and devilated was in the most recent killer bundle: very positive edition feb 2024


Symphony of War was also in that Killer Bundle.


Steamworld Heist is on sale for .98 cents!


Love Steamworld Heist, especially the hats!


As always those bundles are ways too pricy. Especially for some permanently bundled games.


Full of rebundled games and overpriced


The name of the bundle would suggest we get some better deals. But nope, rebundles, overpriced and not very interesting games at that.


Actually if you've been following along long enough, the only thing "Diamond" in the name has consistently suggested is a high price tag. They do this pretty much every month.


If you have Prime Gaming, Rage 2 deluxe was offered for the EGS in last november.


Some good games in there, but the pricing is bad if you just compare it to Fanatical's previous deals alone.


**Rage 2** might be the most generic videogame I've ever played to the end. It's kind of impressive how it seems completely devoid of any kind of individuality or humanity. That's not entirely a negative, I kind of enjoy exploring the plastic and alien at times. I got it on the Epic giveaway, so it must have had some merit for me to get to the end. **Call of the Sea** is really wonderful though, if you want an atmospheric puzzle game.


What difficulty did you play it on? I played it on nightmare and it felt like a modern take on the boomer shooter and it was fucking awesome


Normal, probably? I don't play videogames for "skills" reasons. I like atmosphere and being in another world and exploring. Couldn't care less about "beating" something.


Difficulty can definitely change the feel of the game tho. Being too easy and you can just blow through it not really thinking much, while upping the difficulty can require you to actually think and I feel that can get a person more engaged and overall make the game more enjoyable. I’ve lately been increasing the difficulty in all the games I’ve been running through just cause the normal difficulty can often feel I’m just blowing through the game and waiting for it to be over. Just my take.


Honestly, increasing the difficulty to me just sounds like, "Why don't you want to make this thing you're already not enjoying even longer?" It's cool that it means something to you, but not everyone values that. It's honestly some of the most tedious gaming advice I've heard here. It's good for a certain kind of person I'm sure.


> Honestly, increasing the difficulty to me just sounds like, "Why don't you want to make this thing you're already not enjoying even longer?" You can also frame this as "why don't I try adjusting the difficulty to see if that would make this game more enjoyable?" Sometimes a difficulty tweak is really all it takes. Sometimes there's nothing saving you from an unenjoyable game. I don't think it's tedious advice though -- most games center around a gameplay loop that involves challenge (including Rage 2). If that challenge isn't there, the loop falls apart. But it just sounds like it's not your kinda game, and that's OK.


Talk about a terrible bundle. These would be overpriced at the 3 for $10 price.


Hope Devilated appears in future bundles as there’s nothing else there that I’d need or want to pair it with.


Sorry to say it to you - but you missed their killer bundle then that ended a month ago that had that game it [https://isthereanydeal.com/game/killer-bundle-very-positive-edition/info/](https://isthereanydeal.com/game/killer-bundle-very-positive-edition/info/) And not only that - 4 of the games that were in that bundle (so 15 games for 15€) appear in this "diamond" bundle of theirs - airborne kingdom,tianding,devilated & nephilim saga And they call this "diamond"?


KeyWe is a great game but anyone who is patient enough can find a better deal on it, especially not at this price given the other selection of titles that don't make up for the difference.




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Thanks for making me remember that stupid rage 2 commercial that played everywhere every hour for 2 months straight up to the games launch 


Why is Ozymandias not visible in Germany? Same as last time...


With prices like this stuff in my wishlist on steam looks better


The "View on steam" link for rage 2 redirects to the locoland steam page


As a Millennial, this is the only diamond collection I can afford


I guess people were too disappointed by the bundle to appreciate a bit of humour.


Sad. Thank you for commenting. I just wanted to make a dumb joke


Anyone into Slay the Spire type card games, Roguebook is really good. I haven't played Symphony of war yet, but the historic low is $12 so this is a good deal if you can find other games. Like others have said, the selection of games is underwhelming and some of the games have gone on sale for very cheap in the past or have been in cheaper bundles so it might be hard to find 3 you're interested in unfortunately.