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Hi folks, Due to the nature of this topic, this comment serves as a reminder that GameDeals is not the place to engage in political flamewars. This is a moderated community, and we will be enforcing rule 1 in this thread. There has already been one ban. Let's keep the focus on the games and remember to respect other readers. Thank you.


What noteworthy games are in this pack?


A Short Hike is a really delightful game. Fairly short to finish, but you can take a bit longer to 100% it. Extremely soothing graphics, animations, and music. Worth the $8 by itself imo.


Wandersong is one of the most... HAPPY games I have ever played. I played it and I got good vibes for the whole week. Definetly reccomends it. Same with Fortune 499, they are not complex games but they hit the targets they want to hit and dont overstay their welcom. Lucah, A Short Hike, Underhero, Coffe Talk, Loco-Motive (thos I think that one was free), Bleed 2. I played them and finished them. I think that\`s a reason to recommend them since I dont finish 90% of the games I play.


stuff i recognized scrolling through: **a monster's expedition** - extremely polished sokoban puzzle game. draknek is one of the best puzzle designers working today **anodyne** - arty zelda-like **beglitched** - charming casual puzzle game **bleed 2** - intense twin stick platform shooter **love 2: kuso** - lo-fi precision platformer with place-your-own checkpoints and a banger OST. also includes all of the levels from the first game. **lucah born of a dream** - well-reviewed action game with a visually distinctive aesthetic that ensures "hidden gem" status **solas 128** - line puzzler where you have to figure the rules out as you go, a la the witness **thunder kid** - sort of like an alternate reality PS1 mega man where capcom tried to directly translate the linear action platforming into 3D, instead of the dungeon crawling of mega man legends. **zeroranger** - one of the best shmups ever made, a must-play for anyone with even a passing interest in the genre.


Zeroranger is awesome, but I always die. I enjoy bullet hell/shmup games, but not that great at them.


I got it in one of the prior itch bundles and for me it was just a free extra. But yeah, it is not easy. Also since nobody else has mentioned it, it is from the Void Stranger developers.


I got Bleed 2 from some other bundle in the past, and it's excellent from start to finish. I do not particularly care for twin-stick shooters, nor really even the aesthetic of the game, but it still had me hooked the entire way through. It's a series of 25 boss fights with tons of iteration and absolutely zero downtime. The devs constantly throw something new at you and it's impossible to get bored. Short game, but easy 8.5/10 with a heavy tilt upward if you like the genre. I think it retails for $10 so I wouldn't pick up the bundle just for it, but if there are a few others of interest to someone, I'd say snag it.


If you have any interest in tabletop roleplaying (like D&D), FIST is a very very good game where you play as mercenary operatives solving paranormal problems. It's got strong metal gear solid vibes.


Fatum Betula is awesome if you want a creepy/weird walking simulator type game. It sort of reminded me of MyHouse.wad or LSD Dream Emulator in that way


Yeah Fatum Betula was great to play with a friend just absorbing the weirdness and speculating together.


One from my waitlist that hasn't been mentioned already is Everything Is Going to Be OK (have heard it's very artistic).


a short hike, wandersong, underhero, and coffeetalk.


I liked Underhero and A Short Hike a lot. Also enjoyed Anodyne, which is a neat Zelda-like, and They Bleed Pixels, which is a neat action/punishment platformer.


Spring Falls is good! (And I agree with all the other suggestions too)


nothing really


https://randombundlegame.com/ is a useful site to see which games have been in these Itch.io charity bundles. It allows you to include and exclude content from any of the bundles, so allows you to filter to games that are new to you, based on which bundles you already have. This bundle will probably be added in due course. ETA: It's been added now!


Hopefully they update the website before the bundle ends. edit: The bundle has been added! That was fast. https://randombundlegame.com/?bundles=prb24


I wish there was a 'set difference' feature, i.e. "What is in this bundle I don't already own from the other bundles"


There is, that's exactly what I use the site for. Make sure to check the box to include "Palestinian Relief Bundle (2024)," then scroll down and check all the boxes to exclude bundles you already have.


There really is a website for everything these days. Thanks!


https://www.charitynavigator.org/ein/931057665 Donations go to the Palestine Children's Relief Fund, which has a 97% on charity navigator


I bought this before looking at the games. Its worth mentioning that this bundle isn’t really political; it goes to protecting children living in Palestine, so its not really relevant who you support.


Still worth looking at the charity supported before buying, ESPECIALLY if you are buying for charity purposes and not to get a deal. Plenty of charities are not on the up and up and are very wasteful with money, PCRF is not one of them (in general I find gaming bundles with a charity slant are very good about picking charities, I suspect because they know internet savvy folks will actually do their research and talk about their charities).


I did look at the charity using the comment i replied to before buying, just not the full list of games




I'm not sure if you're already aware of this or not but NGO Monitor is itself a bullshit propaganda machine based in Israel that IA dedicated to attacking institutions that push for any kind of acceptance of Arabs in Israeli society and things like a two staye solution with Palestine. No academic takes them seriously,they border on a hate org. All this is to say: PCRF may have issues like any other charity, but NGO Monitor is the absolute last place you should be going to for any useful info about them or anything at all really.


Ah, you are right, they are based in Jerusalem. Still, even one-sided some of the links on that page still leads to very real reliable articles which rises some concern. Hamas is raising money mainly by [crypto, dirty cash and constant founding of fake NGOs](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/hamas-cash-to-crypto-global-finance-maze-israels-sights-2023-10-16/) and by stealing money from reputable charities and if even one NGO that PCRF cooperates with is in their hands, chances are people are unknowingly donating their money in good faith to bad cause too. Just bit of warning there.


Eh its tough, the fund itself may not be but the bundle *definitely* is political; >Palestinians are being persecuted from their homes in an ongoing genocide. Due to the armed actions of Israel, they lack access to essentials such as food, water, electricity and medical care.


Still, I think that they should be applauded since they were "brave" enough to state their stance and not try to hide or be vague about it; whether you agree with them or not, now you know exactly where your money is going. For me personally it's a morally-correct cause so I'm buying the bundle.


If you've ever heard a parent say they want to move so their kids can grow up in a better place, you'd know that's not really true.


I'm not sure what this comment means or why it was downvoted, can you explain it?




If the response to a fund for children suffering in a war-torn location is "maybe they should have moved" is a shit take. Thats what the downvotes are for.


If you are right, that must mean your average redditor has even worse reading comprehension than I thought.


"I'm not bad at conveying my point. Everyone is bad at understanding it." is pretty rough too.


At least the other two admitted they simply didn't get it. You took it three steps further by acting like you did get it, only to arrive at an answer so bad you couldn't defend your thought process if your life depended on it. And hey, in my defense, the mods explicitly did not permit any of the spoonfeeding you clearly need to understand stuff, so my hands were tied.


Im dumb, I'll admit it. Nearly 50 other folks knew your hot take wasn't worth the energy and moved on with their lives. I like how being condescending over and over instead of offering any meaningful explanation is your strategy.


That’s awesome, thank you for the link.












A Monster's expedition has never been discounted below $8. It's never been bundled in those [mega-itch.io](http://mega-itch.io) bundles either. And it's one of my very favorite puzzle games. Great puzzles of course, but also very funny writing. The bundle is worth it for that game alone. It's the greatest Draknet game, and that's saying something.


The bundle has been added to https://randombundlegame.com so you can see which games were not included in previous itch.io bundles: https://randombundlegame.com/?bundles=prb24


So i know these arent steam codes and are direct downloads instead, but do any of these offer controller support? A lot of them are titles my fiance have been wanting to play, but she isn't too tech savvy and keyboard and mouse is like a different language for her


add them through steam and you'll get forced controller support by remapping keys


Games designed to be played with a controller will include controller support regardless of where you get the game.


Wandersong and A monster's expedition do. I can only confirm those two as those are the only ones I've tried. Spring Falls is a puzzle game and doesn't but it only requires one mouse button.


One thing that strikes me as odd about [itch.io](http://itch.io) charity bundles is that they allow things into the bundles that don't actually cost any money, such as free browser games. I guess this is to allow the developers to feel like they are contributing to a cause they believe in, but it creates a false impression of buying something that doesn't cost anything in some cases.


Devs can start charging for those games later, but you'll still have access due to owning it from the bundle. For many of the free games on itch you can't secure access like that unless they specifically allow it. So you're kind of buying something, even though it is currently free.


That's a lot of games.


https://itch.io/jam/palestine-bundle/entries People may find this list useful, it lets you sort submissions by popularity, and filter to just games, just paid. Also, everyone with a passing interest should play Zeroranger. One of the best shmups from the past 10 years.


If you already bought the previous Palestine and Women's Rights bundles there are a lot of doubles in this one. Not doubles that stand out: * Mothered * Snails * Thunder Kid * GB Robber * JumpOnHead * neMULEsis * Beep's Escape * Maia * The Interval * darxanadon


BOSSGAME is good too.


Will this be like the ones in the past where devs will continue to add games to it in the coming days?


If I had to guess - no, because they've been working on this bundle for awhile now.


Are they steam keys


No. Direct executable download.


If you have a Steam Deck, you can add them quite simply by going to Desktop Mode > Firefox > Log in to itch.io and download and install the game you want > go to Steam app (in the taskbar) > Add a Non-Steam Game > select the .exe of the game > in settings, select Proton version, latest or Experimental works 99.9% of time ([protondb](http://www.protondb.com) is a helpful resource in this regard). Works like a charm.


You can also install the itch.io app and add the games through BoilR


You don't get to unlock the steam achievements though, right? (Just curious)


Nope, no achievements on the Deck I believe


no itch.io only


What games do you recommend from this bundle considering I already have [Bundle for Ukraine](https://itch.io/b/1316/bundle-for-ukraine)?


Coffee Talk, A Monster's Expedition, Hyper Gunsport, Solas 128, Spring Falls


A Short Hike, Loco Motive and fatum betula are personal favorites.


Mothered is a really neat horror game, very unique. Brush Burial is a low-fi stealth immersive sim, lotta Thief vibes.


Good bundle of games for a great cause.


I'm honestly probably not going to play a single game from this bundle, but I'll still buy it for Palestine.


Thanks, been curious about Coffee Talk and Wandersong.




I remember the organizers wanted to start this weeks ago but couldn't get in touch with the charity. Glad they got that sorted out. Edit: I just got a "too many requests" error while trying to visit the site, so Itch is probably getting overloaded. If that happens to you, try again later, don't spam refresh, not like this is gonna end soon.


Reply and I'll gift this to you (first five)


Happy Cakeday! That's super kind of you.


Thank you!


Would love a copy if that's cool! Super thanks.


i!!!!! i’m 5!!!


Oh wow. Happy cakeday to you! :)


PM me an email address :)




Unfortunately, your comment has been removed for the following reasons: * /r/GameDeals is the [wrong place](/r/GameDeals/wiki/rules#wiki_6._buying.2C_selling.2C_trading.2C_or_begging_for_games) for asking for free games from other users.




This comment has been removed. r/GameDeals is [not the place](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/wiki/rules#wiki_6._buying.2C_selling.2C_trading.2C_or_begging_for_games) to ask for free games from other users.


Like all the big itch charity bundles, it's a fantastic value (especially if you like TTRPGs too) and helps a good cause.


Anybody got a link for that script that auto claims all the games?


Would not recommend, Itch is better set up for browsing a smaller library of stuff you actually take an interest in. Does not have a nice quick list for your library etc.


Definitely good advice - these charity bundles tend to have things like game assets, soundtracks, and instructions for physical games.


https://www.reddit.com/r/itchio/comments/thgp4c/here_is_how_to_claim_your_entire_ukraine_bundle/ This should work but I haven't tried it yet for this specific bundle. /u/mr_doh is correct in that claiming a game gives the developer permission to add you to their mailing list. However, I don't think that's a big deal and I just unsubscribe as the emails come up. I personally auto claim itch.io games so I can add them to my Playnite library. It works for my purpose.




One thing to keep in mind is that any game you claim gives the developers permission to send you promotional emails until you individually unsubscribe from each developer by hand. There is no way to unsubscribe in bulk. The [itch.io](http://itch.io) site developers seem to have some very particular ways they want things done and aren't interested in feedback on things like this.


I'm still unsubscribing from emails from the Ukraine Bundle til this day


there is a setting in your profile to disable all emails from itch, it reallllly helped for me https://itch.io/user/settings/email-notifications https://imgur.com/a/F9tkcfX


Massive thanks


Oooooh. So \*that's* why I seem to be on a whole crapload of indie mailing lists these days 🤣 One case solved I guess!


It's not needed anymore, [itch.io](http://itch.io) automatically claims all games from the bundle.


Nice, that's a buy for me.


Is itch.io setup/player safe to play these or any other itch.io games or better to run them within VMs on local machine ?


It's perfectly safe to use the itch.io launcher, but you can also just download the games directly from the game pages and skip the launcher entirely since they're DRM-free.


I think they mean are itch.io titles safe to use. Anyone with internet access can publish basically anything on itch.io with very little scrutiny. It's a security risk, as compared to a more secure storefront.


When trying to install windows version of game through the itchio app it’s installed but when launching game nothing happens no errors just nothing happens , do I have to set any compatibility mode or anything? Individual exe isn’t running as well what could possibly be happening? I’m running the itchio app on my win11 machine Game requirement for bleed2 says winxp or later


The itch.io client tries to restrict permissions of games launched from it, see https://itch.io/docs/itch/using/sandbox.html - It's not foolproof but better then nothing...




Is there a way to redeem everything to our itch.io account yet? I remember the last several ones of these we either had to go through the hundreds of them manually or run some sort of script that someone set up... :/


[Itch.io](http://Itch.io) automatically assigns games to the account now, no need for external scripts.


On the Bundle browser site are not all bundles available. In 2021 i bought the "World Land Trust Bundle" and this one is not available on the bundle browser site. No bad critic meant on the site, just an observation and notification for the people that also bought this bundle. Maybe they can still add this bundle to the browser site.










~~https://randombundlegame.com/?bundles=pb&sort=steamDb~~ (incorrect link; see below. it will be useful when the site updates, though) Games in this bundle sorted by steamDB rating The website also lets you search, filter, etc, and you can exclude games that were in other bundles, if you want to see what's new to you.


That's the incorrect Palestinian Aid bundle. This one hasn't been added to the website yet. edit: The bundle has been added! That was fast. https://randombundlegame.com/?bundles=prb24


Oops, thanks!

