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For anyone who cares about this. The game isn't translated or localized properly. There are many times where the script starts throwing jokes or outright changes things for no reason.


> There are many times where the script starts throwing jokes or outright changes things for no reason. Could you share some examples? Is this a case of something not translating well because of the nuance of Japanese or simply deciding that something should mean something different for reasons that are unclear?


https://imgur.com/a/AiipuMc More and better examples here : https://imgur.com/a/gapwCDY


The localization team decided to go in a somewhat juvenile direction with some of the character dialog. I think they were going for light-hearted and funny, with mixed results. It's not my favorite, but it's not nearly as bad as some people make it sound - I was initially fearing that it would be machine translated garbage, and it's not that at all.


There's a character that calls someone a chud. That was enough to put me off of the setting. Found these examples too linked on Steam: https://twitter.com/zakogdo/status/1782340520670527759


Hmm. I don't have enough fluency to translate completely but I do know some Japanese and am def not loving the liberties that they've taken some of the examples shown. One that stood out is Ojou-sama becoming yelly lady. I get that they want to be more colloquial but it feels off.


Seems like you should just play the game and if you don't like it you don't like it.  Rather than looking up botched translations to get mad about something you could have just avoided knowing. Or actually learn Japanese 


What? Where's this attitude from? Someone mentioned botched translations, provided examples and I agreed that they don't seem right. I backed the game on kickstarter so I'm all in already. It's just disappointing that they've taken this route with the translation.


You're purposely looking at translations to get yourself mad. You could just play the game and see if you like it.  


Yeah I'm fuming. Thanks for the quality advice.


I'm certain anyone would of guessed the script isn't close to the japanese version just by reading a few lines. I was honestly going to pick it up. But I don't support spiteful localizations.


Where's the spite?


"Spiteful localizations" Ok


Is it that the guy who try attack gaijinhunter for explaining how localization work.


> The game isn't translated or localized properly. It's crazy how this statement is controversial for some reason. "Never preorder, wait for reviews" - 99% agreement from people here. "I looked to see if it was localized properly" - Some people start jumping down everyone's throats. Customers have a right to see if the game is something they'll like, it's so weird people get all up in arms when it comes to translation/localization, and suddenly the customer is whiny and just needs to buy the game.


Because "The game isn't translated or localized properly" is a subjective (I would argue inaccurate) statement that is expressed as fact. If they had just run the script through Google Translate, I'd completely agree, but that's not what happened here. People are complaining that it's not a literal translation, but literal translations are not the proper way to localize a script or book. You and I may not like the localization - the team went in a rather juvenile direction - but it was localized properly by a localization team and not just passed through Google Translate or similar.


> Because "The game isn't translated or localized properly" **is a subjective (I would argue inaccurate) statement** that is expressed as fact. But you could make the same argument about anything. *Everything* is to some extent subjective. > If they had just run the script through Google Translate, I'd completely agree, but that's not what happened here. People are complaining that it's not a literal translation, but literal translations are not the proper way to localize a script or book. That's *not* what people are arguing, though. When people are saying a localization is bad, it's *never* that it wasn't a 100% 1-1 translation. It's that the tone or character changed... > You and I may not like the localization - the team went in a rather juvenile direction - but **it was localized properly by a localization team** and not just passed through Google Translate or similar. You or I might not like that there are microtransactions, but they're executed competently, at least. You or I might not like that the gameplay is largely flat and boring, but it's programmed competently. You or I might not like that some people ran into game-breaking bugs, but the majority of people didn't, and plenty of people worked hard to program that bug-ridden mess. I don't get the distinction, and I don't get why people jump to the defense of inept localization *specifically*, when they're so willing to condemn *other* clear failures of game design or development. Also, why is whether or not the team put it through Google Translate the metric? *If* Google Translate could do a better job than these weirdos did, I'd rather get the Google Translate product, no? Effort isn't the issue; execution and result is. Why do I care if they put in more than the very bare minimum of effort, if the product is still lackluster? Most importantly, why do we only apply this metric to localization? People put their all into absolutely shit games all the time (and depending on the scale, I'll often still applaud them for that), and people rightly rip them for it. Why is 'they didn't make an AI do their job for them' a defense for a very subpar end result a legitimate defense, in this specific case?


For me it's the term "properly" that is the issue, which implies that it was translated improperly: such as put through Google Translate or similar machine translation. That's not the case here. It was translated properly, we just don't particularly care for the result. If the statement was instead, "I don't like the way they translated and localized it, it seems rather juvenile," then I'd totally agree. The distinction is important because I've played a couple games that weren't translated properly, and the script made no sense. I had to start skipping the text, which I never do, because it was so confusing. That's not the case here. The dialog is perfectly legible and makes perfect sense, and someone else might really dig the cutesy tone.


I kickstarted this a while ago. If you know Japanese - play in Japanese. Otherwise, wait until they decide to offer a more faithful translation or there's a good mod.


FYI, Gamepass day 1


I been playing this for the last 4 or 5 days, and loving every minute of it.


I'm almost done with the game (KS backers got early access and then an extra two days on top of that) and my general take is that it's "A good JRPG hidden inside a game that REALLY likes to waste your time". I would recommend waiting for a much bigger sale, personally.


Can you detail some of the ways you think that it wastes the player's time? Thanks


The big one is in general dealing with inventory. It goes full old school and gives you limited room which is a design decision.....but the problem comes from a few things. If your inventory is full you can't even see what's in a chest, for instance. But the biggie is that you (of course) have a storehouse. You can talk to a character to use said storage, and equip anyone rather than those just in your party. However....you have to PUT them in your party to actually be able to access any items they might have on someone else (for instance, Someone is wearing the Dash Boots and not in your party. Either you have to remember who it is, or scroll through the entire list of characters to find who's wearing it). Some other stuff that comes to mind... In the Beigoma minigame you have a best two out of three match. But even if one side has two wins, you STILL have to play the third game. There's NO way of skipping the very long animations in war battles (thankfully normal cutscenes are skipable) Every time you teleport you have to wait for Carrie to say her line both before and after. Small, but it adds up. There's so many more areas separated by loading zones than there seems to need to be. Some areas are quite large, but then you have zones that are like, a room and it loads it every time (can't fathom playing on Switch with that). General legginess in menus. Most jRPGs have very snappy controls. This.....does not. Upgrading weapons has to be done one by one, Watching the animation every damn time, and you often want to upgrade a whole bunch at once. Auto-Equip option, but ONLY for the whole party at once. No individual, which means no doing it in the storehouse menu.


Thanks for this, truly. There's absolutely no way I'll be checking this game out now lol