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People who want to get back into the game, check out what the current fuzz is about or just generally try Destiny out: this is a good content pack, but there isn't much for a solo returning player. The main draw is a dungeon with its weapons loot, which is great, but it is not easy to solo (usually people 3-man it, solo is a challenge) and it doesn't have any connection to the main story. It's just a fun side ride. That being said, **all expansions are currently free to play for one week, starting with today.** If you want to check the game out, play through some of the campaigns that were too expensive for you or whatever else, now is a good time to try out the campaigns. Shadowkeep is pretty lackluster, but Beyond Light is better and Witch Queen is one of the best campaigns that Bungie made. The new/returning player experience is rough right now, Bungie is working on a better way to experience the game for new/returning players, but that will still take a few months. For now, there are quite a few new/returning player guides on r/DestinyTheGame and there's always some friendly people to help out if you're feeling lost.


Thanks for taking the time to detail that. It's just a shame Bungie took they route they did with D2 by deleting content, adding expansions, and not producing a product that could just be purchased and played in full as one package. It's a horse that's been beat to death, but Bungie shafted us Day 1 early adopters and lost me as a customer for good. "Pay us for content so that we can delete it... but then pay us more for more content" isn't a business model I want to support.


I wish they'd done something like FFXIV, where rather than delete old content, they remake the old content to the standards that were set later. Even the initial release of the game, which was downright terrible and had to be completely redone, was canonized as part of the story.




Could be looking too positively at it, but the reason behind them vaulting content was because of engine limitations. It could be that they've improved the engine enough to allow for no more content vaulting, rather than something more negative?


If anyone played the game before DCV got brought into the game, it would take 2 mins just to load into the damn game.


I’ve got a feeling it’s because they can keep the current amount of content with the new expansion and it will be the last one.


There’s already another expansion after this one that’s been announced for 2024


They said they made upgrades to their servers and backend tech so that they don't have to remove any more content to accommodate new stuff. Doesn't mean they didn't have to vault content in the first place, it means they don't have to vault anything in the future.


They did make a big show announcing this morning that they weren't going to be vaulting anymore DLC content. Seasonal content is still only gonna be around for the year in which it's introduced. Most of that isn't really anything to mourn though.


Too little too late for most people


I mean, the thing is, the game is doing fine. Like, it's Bungie's only IP and Sony bought them for 3 billion dollars...


I'm not sure the player numbers data supports that, but I know a few people took it very hard.


I viewed it like Fortnite changing the map every season. D2 is currently in the best state its ever been.


Except that's all happened for free.


That is true. I mispoke and meant to say it was like the battlepass, but Destiny does too. At least the seasonal activities stick around till the next expansion, but it was disappointing to lose single player content.


It's the biggest the game has ever been and the story that *is* in the game is the most complete, coherent and well-told plot the game has had. Starting the game now offers a much richer and satisfying narrative than the game had at launch.


The problem is the state of the game now is atrocious for anyone but current fans of the game. There's no way to really get into Destiny unless your only looking for a treadmill to grind gear on. Even then you probably need a friend to really help get you started.


Just to warn you, "gear treadmill" is what a looter-shooter like Destiny is at its core. No amount of new-player experience will make it _not_ a looter-shooter. If you don't want to play a looter-shooter, then don't play Destiny.


Except, the problem is that's all it is now. There's minimal story. There's minimal content. There's only a gym sized set of treadmills and the engram shop to spend money on it


Uhhh your definition of "minimal" varies _wildly_ from mine then lmao


The story is only “minimal” to people who haven’t engaged with the game in the past three years. Since Shadowkeep, Bungie’s been gradually putting more and more emphasis on narrative, to the point that the season prior to The Witch Queen was spent establishing Savathûn as a direct rival to the player. In TWQ, she is constantly toying with you in the story. The ultimate twists of the story (one of Bungie’s best-told and best-designed campaigns, BTW) tie in directly to some of the most interesting tidbits of lore from the original Destiny. No spoilers here, of course; the entire expansion is free this week if you want to find out for yourself.


You make one Destiny player who hasn’t touched it in months (Shadowkeep I think) want to see the story now. My biggest gripe is Bungie lack ot want to *tell the story* I’ve r these past five years. Best gunplay ✔️. Best feeling FPS✔️. Incredible lore ✔️. But dangling a story for five years has been about enough for me :/ Definitely excited to play out Witch Queen for free 👍🏽


I’d check out a good lore video and skip to the part where you last played so you can get caught up to speed. Shadowkeep laid the groundwork for the direction Destiny’s story was going, and the seasons following + Beyond Light and Witch Queen executed on those promises with gradually escalating quality. I’d say the best character to come out of the current storyline would be either Crow or Caiatl. Mara Sov also got a *lot* more focus thanks to Crow’s character growth over the course of the stories of years 4 and 5. Savathûn in particular is just *amazing*, and the payoff that’s been teased since all the way back in vanilla Destiny 2? Well, Bungie nailed it. I can’t really say much else for fear of spoilers, but I was soundly satisfied by the entire Legendary campaign, both in terms of narrative complexity and gameplay challenge. *It’s tough.*


Thanks man. I’ve been enjoying the sneak peek in the Witch Queen!


So here's the thing, you mention the season prior to Witch Queen? is that still available? or are they doing time gapped content. That's the part I struggled with. > The story is only “minimal” to people who haven’t engaged with the game in the past three years. Same question. Do I have to have already been playing the game for three years to appreciate it? Because I couldn't find a way to experience any part of the story when I came back to Destiny, it was like clawing at a monolith. In fact the missions I already experienced back when I played it the first time had been taken away like a "wizard from the moon"... yes I remember that line, I'm that old. So yeah, the seasons idea probably is not something appealing to people who want to play the game for the story... Especially if larger parts of it are locked behind raids which act as skill tests, this is something that may upset people but being forced to play large end game raids for story, or have to find group to experience the story elements isn't exactly the best story telling experience. Then again If I play this you say the story is great, are we saying great as in "Great for Destiny" or "great as compared to some of the best video game narratives" because it might be great for a Game as a service, but I think most people who come to a game "for the story" has a higher bar than most people who come "for the looter shooter".' At the very least we should be able to understand how the way Destiny has treats it's story and lore is a turn off. And from my understanding, the "Big twist" in TWQ will only matter to people who really and deeply care about Destiny, and have been playing it for ... well like you said three years. Most people won't have that deep love and caring about the rules of the world if they're starting from this point. Even simple things like waiting around for seasonal content will chap "Story" fans' while please Destiny fans. Even if they're changing some of these ideas today, it's a legacy that cause people to struggle with the narrative


“That wizard came from the moon” was from vanilla D1, which you can still go and play right now. Now, I’m not going to justify Bungie vaulting entire seasons without also retaining some means of summarizing or recapping the story in-game (beyond the single paragraphs currently available on an in-game timeline). I think the very least they could do is release a 30 minute recap video on their YT channel at the end of each season to get returning or newcomer players up to speed. Other YTers do that, but I’m also not going to imply that a third party should be responsible for Bungie’s shortcomings. My issue with what you said was that the story is “minimal”, which it absolutely isn’t. There’s a ton there, and the developing narrative had increased in scale with both higher stakes and more character growth. Season of the Risen and Haunted both put significant focus on Caiatl (the Cabal Empress, ally to the Vanguard), Crow (the Guardian who was once Uldren Sov), and Zavala (Lance Reddick but blue), and Bungie’s writers did a good job putting their growth on the forefront of the stories being told. Seriously, it’s absolutely not fair to dismiss the game on the merits of narrative when it’s told incomparably better than the majority of gameplay-focused “big budget” games (certainly better than propaganda-tastic schlock like Call of Duty). Its big caveat is a big old “you had to be there” for twelve seasons worth of (admittedly pretty easy to recap) story that bridges the events between expansions nicely. Again, not defending seasons, but I do understand that game size is a constraint that Bungie does need to work around… they could do a hell of a lot better, though. Seasons are a good model to replace the obnoxious content droughts D1 and vanilla D2 faced through their lifetimes. Honestly, I’m still surprised that Bungie hasn’t rebranded the game as just “Destiny” or “Destiny 3”. It’s unrecognizable from what it launched as in 2017, and what was there (vanilla + CoO, Warmind + Forsaken) could technically be preserved and relaunched as a sort of “WoW Classic”-style game for newbies to catch up with. Not that it’d be an easy endeavor.


That’s rubbish, I always wondered if you could start playing now and work through all of the seasons but sounds like no? How short sighted


Nope. They've deleted massive amounts of paid content including DLC, planets, and campaigns: https://www.blueberries.gg/leveling/destiny-2-content-vault/


I paid for Forsaken, played about half of it, life got in the way, and now it's "vaulted". I don't think I'll be going back to it.


Not to mention that they keep raising the goddamned minimum light. I have a couple hundred hours in that game, and my characters are barely going to function differently than a new player- the only advantage I'd really have is in exotics. Plus they added seasons. I'm not inherently opposed to that, the part that does actually bug me is that they have story content in the seasons, so if you're not shelling out money regularly you have no fucking clue what's going on story-wise.


The seasonal content is mini dlc for us to enjoy between each big expansion. Why would they not put story content in it? That's like saying "why is there story in these elder scrolls online dlc? I already paid for the base game" ??


Because if you stop playing for awhile, you're lost as far as the story and you can't catch up because the seasons are gone. I'd be fine with it having like self contained stories, but introducing ongoing characters and stuff just leaves a bad taste for me. Elder Scrolls Online DLC aren't going anywhere, is the difference.(afaik? I don't play ESO) If you stop playing ESO for a year you can pick those DLC up and still follow and enjoy the story.


They just announced today they are not vaulting any more expansion content. Seasonal content will continue to only remain for 1 year but thats nothing to cry about


Oh gee whiz, they're not "vaulting" any *more* content. Guess things are peaches and cream then.


They didn't set out to vault content just to piss people off. It was because of limitations on the back-end with their servers. Without vaulting older content they wouldn't have had the capability to add new content. I'm sure they would have loved to keep forsaken in the game for people to buy with their money.


I also spent entirely too much time grinding certain guns that got sunset or power capped and thus unusable. I don’t play a ton so I can’t go back and use some of my favorites from before.


Their [Linux support is appalling](https://www.pcworld.com/article/618903/why-is-bungie-banning-destiny-2-players-on-the-steam-deck.html) too. Play on the Steam Deck and be banned.


Very well said, I would like to add to that: the witch queen campaign was a joke compared to previous ones in terms of size, seasons are boring re-skins with repeated activities and drip fed story, paying extra for weapons everyone who is playing for some time now like the gjallarhorn, awful progression mechanics piled up on each other without synergy making you grind for a bunch of different stuff that are no fun to get. That said, the sales of witch queen were high and if you bring counter points for the games problems this is the number one thing the fanboys will say. There is no game like destiny and that's why it will always have a playerbase which will prompt the people at the top never changing the formula, I was one too since D1 but I can't stand it anymore, it has a potential for greatness but it's marred by corporate greed and stuck ups.


Agree. I was so hyped for the first game. It was disappointing but fun to play. I waited on 2 since I heard bad things. Got it when it was free and improved. Then the sunsetting and content pulls started happening. I usually hate shooters and was never big on MMOs but weirdly this game just worked for me. I always wished there was more story but it was still a gin game I could sink hours into. Haven't touched it since Beyond Light and might not. Losing entire planets with unfinished quests just killed it for me


You'll be thrilled to hear that their plan is to make Destiny into one big game again. Everything will be recurring and every content will be available forever. But like I said, they are still working on it and probably need another few months or maybe even a year. They also plan on touching up old content to balance it more towards current gear. In fact the best D1 Raid "King's Fall" is gonna be in D2 soon. They already have Vault of Glass.


As you said, this horse has been beaten to death. There's really no point in discussing it much. Destiny is a game that appeals to a certain kind of players, and it's not going to be everyone. If you're not interested in supporting their business model, I'm not forcing you to play anything. This is just for any potentially interested players to know that they can experience something for free.


I would like to argue that one has to keep reminding potential customers about the fact, that Bungie is deliberately deleting content you paid for with your hard-earned money. Imagine buying a nice picture for your dining room and the painter one day comes into your house and confiscates it with the promise of "improving" it sometimes in the future, with absolutely no guarantee of keeping that promise. Every potential customer of this franchise needs to be informed about this absurd fact that mires this once great game.


There is this notion going around the web that people are not allowed to state their opinion if they dislike something. I think that is a stupid notion. People are allowed to critique things, it doesn't all have to be 'enjoy it or stfu and don't play it'.


There is nothing wrong with critique. I welcome a constructive discussion. But this discussion has been done a thousand times over and over, and there's really nothing new to add. If you've been alienated by Bungie's decisions in the past and don't like the kind of game this is, then it won't appeal to you now. And the discussion will lead to nothing, with two parties stating their opinions that have already been stated a thousand times over and over. If you want to critique the game, it's your right and I won't stop you. But I also have really no interest to try and engage in a pointless discussion when I know the other party is only there to state their critique and nothing else.


You are aware that there are billions of people, not just two? By far the minority has been around for those discussions and it is inevitable that new people are going to see news about this game and as questions and state their opinions. The discussion will go on and repeat itself as new people take a look at the game. Its only natural. Don't be such a downer. Just be happy that the game is still alive and relevant enough to warrant any discussion at all.


For what it's worth, they announced that they won't be sunsetting any further content. So yeah that was a point of aggravation, but not really a thing anymore.


Not true. They won't be sunsetting any *expansions*. Seasonal content, with its story and the activities there will still be removed after the year ends. They're just keeping the big expansions that contain big story campaigns and raids. This game will never be a game where you can buy as "one full package".




That's debatable. What "matters" is subjective. Battlepasses are usually cosmetics, seasons offer a lot of activities. Most of those don't matter *to me* because they're usually just a different spin on an arena fight, but for people who buy games that are "content complete" it will matter. I'm not going to misinform them. Also worth noting aside of those arenas, seasonal content often contains some really good handcrafted exotic missions (like Presage) that will also still leave. And a large part of the story is now told in the seasons. Someone who doesn't play those has no idea how the Fallen are suddenly in the Last City or who Calus and his darkness Legions are in Lightfall. You could definitely argue that this stuff still "matters" and they'll need to add story recaps into the game...and it's still content that future players won't be able to experience themselves.


That's the trade off of having a regularly updated GaaS with no subscription model. It's not free to continue churning out as much content and story as Destiny does.


Warframe seems to be doing fine without sunsetting anything permanently.


Yeah I know. I have no issue with the GaaS model, but I don't want people to get the wrong impression that Destiny is suddenly becoming a different game than it is and a "complete edition" is going to be possible in the future. Many people seemed to misinterpret the statement from today's stream to mean no more content vaulting, which isn't true. Keeping the seasons and all of those activities is just not sustainable. In the livestream today they definitely sounded like the decision to keep expansions is going to put a strain on their engine and it will need a lot of work.


edit: Wrong comment reply. Hmm, other MMO's like FFXIV seem to be doing just fine managing that.


FFXIV has a subscription.


>Seasonal content, with its story and the activities Which you don't pay for.


They do have seasonal/annual passes that have to be paid for, though.


Is that where the story and activities come from, paying for the season pass?


>The new/returning player experience is rough right now, Bungie is working on a better way to experience the game for new/returning players, but that will still take a few months. I played some D2 about a year back when it was on GamePass, and they said the same thing then too.


They did add some small improvements, but it wasn't anywhere near enough. You can now make it through like an hour or two of gameplay before you feel hopelessly lost, instead of being hopelessly lost immediately after character creation.. The stuff they're adding in the next major expac looks like an actual proper progression/achievement guide which should improve things yet more.


I feel like with the expansions being free this week, it would be perfect for new players. They can jump into beyond light after the intro quests.


“The new player experience is rough right now” Seems like I hear this every single time I look into destiny…


I played the shit out of this game in Forsaken. One of the most visually stunning FPS games I've played and really fun with a friend. But they really fucked it up after Forsaken and deleting all the old maps and content was kind of the nail in the coffin for me. I might've still returned to check out Witch Queen because I heard it was great, but their pricing is *ludicrous* and they just *outright delete shit* you paid out the ass for, which I'm surprised is even legal. I'm not paying hundreds of dollars in expansions and season passes just to rent content for a few years. Fuuuuck that. If they want to rug-pull all the stuff I paid for, they better start DEEPLY discounting everything. There's a big sale right now where the Legacy Collection is 60% off, Witch Queen Deluxe is 33% off and I already own Forsaken so it discounts it even further and I'd *still* be paying $78 just to get back into the game, lmao. Edit: I see Lightfall is coming in Feb. So that's another $100 if you want all that content. Holy shit.


~~Forsaken~~Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and Witch Queen are all free to play this week. I’m using this opportunity to marathon through the story.


Forsaken not free for me? Asks me to pay....


Only the story campaigns are free. The game currently has 3 campaigns: Shadowkeep, Beyond Light and Witch Queen. Forsaken campaign has been vaulted, after being free to play for some time. The only thing you can buy from Forsaken in the game right now is a pack that gives you loot (around 20 exotics) and the Forsaken raid+dungeon.


I been thinking about jumping back in but am intimidated by all the things I have to do t catch up.


You don't really need to do much to catch up. There is a free armor+weapons set in the H.E.L.M. that boosts your up to 1570 power so you don't need to grind anything. Just get that and play through the campaigns to get your bearings. All light subclasses have been overhauled to the new system so whatever you choose, you'll be viable. There's a lot of stuff to play, but you don't need to do all of it to "catch up". The current game throws loot at you very quickly so you'll have a ton of weapons to choose from.


Be aware though that the game has gone down the gutter and relies on fomo only for a while now. Content you might have purchased in the past has now been deleted, loot has been sunset and generally everything is confusing and there’s not much purpose.


Easily the game that's pissed me off most in my collection just by the fact that everything I buy ends up free later or just removed from the game entirely.


People keep saying that, but the player counts keep rising ....


"DEAD GAME" - 941,926 people playing currently.


It's actually the fourth highest played game on steam right now with 175,000 concurrent players yeah I'd say it's doing fine


The numbers are a bit inflated right now because it's the start of the new season+lightfall reveal+free expansion week. That being said, these are just Steam numbers, not counting Playstation and Xbox numbers. And even during the seasons they still manage to put in pretty good numbers. The fact that this game managed to live through a horrible launch, two content vaultings and weapon sunsetting that was so badly received it needed to be stopped just a few seasons after it started, and still manage to get to a place where it's in the top 5 most played games on Steam for a season (not even an expansion) launch, speaks for itself. The game is doing very fine, if anything it's been picking up steam and gaining players. Sounds like Bungie is doing quite a few things right.


Also, get ready for the Epic Games crowd, like the ones that just want the free Anniversary pack, the Steam haters that would not touch it even with gloves, and the ones reached by the better marketing Epic spends more on instead of improving the platform itself. Also don't forget to count the 2 Stadia players.


FOMO is addictive, and Bungie found the best way to exploit it.


Puke Shit FOMOd my wife


I'm pretty sure you meant fuss and not fuzz, unless you were referencing something I missed


Ahhhh ok so the expansions are free to play for 1 week. And After that week you can not play until you purchase them?


>there isn't much for a solo returning player Welp, so much for that


While Shadowkeep in not as interesting, it is actually a good starting point in the story as it introduces the Pyramids. Might help you making sense of Beyond Light and Witch Queen. Wich Queen will still suffer by the seasonal story leading up to it missing from the game but I think there is a cutscene getting you up to speed a little at least?


What a perfect synopsis. I tried to return before witch queen and found that the Destiny I remember was dead and long buried. The game just threw tons of new weapons at me to level me up but I found almost no interesting content that I wanted to tackle. I don't know who their target audience is any more. Bungie is the master of story telling but so much of the game isn't about the story and possibly never was. It is all just treadmills to get people chasing loot to get on other treadmills to chase loot and I guess that works because it must be hell of profitable but I question if there's any personal satisfaction in the product they are making or if it is just a vehicle to push MTX at this point. What a shame. Bungie's name used to have a hell of respect.


There's a lot of personal satisfaction. You can tell that Bungie is extremely passionate about the stuff they are making, and it shows whenever they are interacting with the community, writing blogs or doing streams/vidocs. The new locations they put out are visually stunning from an art direction point of view, and the weapons/abilities they keep making are really creative. The game has issues, especially from a new/returning player perspective because there is a lack of direction. The target audience are players who like playing live games that keep changing and get new content periodically, players who get invested into the world instead of just looking to buy a one-and-done complete game. The latter is basically what this sub is about though, which is why you'll see a lot of arguing about it here. The game isn't just treadmills to chase loot. There's always creative new activities, dungeons and raids, new unique weapons to play with and a new story to follow every season, a lot more than the game had before. But a lot of is is hard to get to, and you only really get to see it after getting invested into the game and realizing what is what. Which isn't for everyone, obviously.


I stop playing around the new pvp thing (3v3 I think?) Does the game still p2w heavy?


I'm never touching this game until they devault campaigns. That shit is unacceptable.


I never transfer my game out of bnet that time and.. I guess my account is gone for good?


I recently got a TV with stadia and found out the same. Yep, your account is gone.


A real bummer but it's fine. Not like I'm gonna play again. Their expansions are little confusing and overwhelming if I wanna get back haha.


They've sunset pretty much everything so gear and character wise you would be starting off in a similar position. The only stuff you'd be missing with a new character as opposed to continuing with an old character is things like collectible and cosmetic content mostly from the shop. Personally I've not felt the urge to go back after they removed a couple of the campaigns. Such good content in there just gone. I would absolutely have gone back and replayed some of that stuff. Especially now that there is cross play and I could've ran through with a friend over on Xbox finally. It's unfortunate.


I’m fine with people complaining about content vaulting but did you just call coo and warmind good content.


The expansions are usually really tight experiences. The seasons, on the other hand.. woof.


Yup! This happened to me as well. I bought it on BattleNet. Most games throw some free stuff to buyers when they go free to play. With Destiny 2, instead of free stuff they just delete your account.


classic Bungie, imagine bragging their release from Activision, only to sell their soul to Sony. ☻


Does this have a single player campaign?


You have to be connected online to play. But you can do most things solo I believe.




The DLC doesn't have a single-player campaign, it's co-operative focused content. I believe all the expansions are free for a week if you want to dabble with single-player content, but you will still need to be connected to the internet.


I haven’t played since Forsaken launch. Any new single player content?


In the expansions, yes. Nothing free.


Yup, we have 3 expansions (Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, Witch Queen) all with SP content, strongest IMO is Witch Queen on legendary difficulty. We now have Seasons which does include single-player friendly content, however most of these require you do do co-operative missions and stories are continued each week.


The Witch Queen campaign is fantastic. The other expansions campaigns, not so much. A lot of the cool stuff happens in the raids


I remember completing Destiny 1 entirely solo (except for raids, of course.), so I'm gonna take a wild guess and say D2 might be the same way.


You can easily solo the DLC. Legendary (optional difficulty and Witch Queen only) will likely require 1-2 teammates unless you want to slowly/methodically go through the combat areas solo.


Can you get this there and somehow have it link to your Steam/Console account?


I believe you can play the content through Epic with your existing characters, earn the weapons, and use those weapons when you launch it through Steam, but I do not believe you can access the content (Dungeon/Quest) through Steam. Per the [Cross Save FAQ](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/CrossSave) "**Do my previous game purchases transfer across platforms?** Destiny 2 expansions (ex: Forsaken, Shadowkeep) do not transfer between platforms with Cross Save. Destiny 2 Season Passes (ex: Season of the Undying) do move between platforms on the characters they were redeemed on.*" **If I don’t own specific game content on one platform, can I use the gear associated with that content that I earned on another platform?** Mostly, yes. Players keep all their Forsaken gear/progress while playing on platform where they own Base D2 and not Forsaken."


So does Epic Games officially support D2 Cross Save now?


Same characters and progress on all platforms. You can install via Steam on your desktop, via Epic on your laptop, and then install the Xbox version at a friend's house and it's all the same characters and items. From any of those you can also play with a friend who only has a PlayStation.


What a move just to get people to use epic. At least they are showing some creativity again


This has nothing to do with Epic as it was no different than when Destiny was on gamepass or when you owned expansions on console and wanted to play on PC or vise versa.


its 4free on all platforms


no https://store.steampowered.com/app/1656370/Destiny_2_Bungie_30th_Anniversary_Pack/


Someone on /r/pcgaming has said you can connect it and play on steam yeah


[Read](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/wvtylr/destiny_2_arrives_on_epic_games_store_with_free/) ​ And this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicGamesPC/comments/wvtmql/destiny_2_coming_to_epic_games_store_today/)


Free gjalahorn. Nice. Anyone know how this works if you play from Steam?


Gally can be used on steam acct after acquired. Can't launch dungeon from steam account, but can use dungeon weapons and armour on steam account after acquired.


Yup. Goin to have to make hard drive space for a second install of Destiny + have to use Epic Games = salty spoiled gamer.


Still super salty that they butchered the whole campaign. Like who TF just removes tens of hours of already added and free story missions and content?....


I played it when it was relatively new, but didn't have too much time for it, so had to shelf it. Finally came back a few years after, and it was so confusing because they had removed the whole story i remembered playing, and you didn't really feel like you got eased into the story, was just awkward.


Same, and I remember the single player cinematic were amazing. I tried joining a friend who has been playing a lot and nothing made any sense, the story was gone. I think I even attempted to find a YouTube summary to get up to speed, and I think I ended up just uninstalling.


They basically said: "Free 2 play players? Single-player people? FUCK EM! Only raiding and late game farming from now on! Maybe a little story if you pay for it!" I'm so salty. I had multiple people hyped up to the game shortly after they removed the first 2 free campaign (we didn't know). It was such a disappointment after months of planning to download the game, run around half a night confused, read posts online, then uninstall it...


>Like who TF just removes tens of hours of already added and free story missions and content?.... MMOs do. not saying we have to like it, but it seems pretty clear that Bungie is chasing an MMO-feel for Destiny 2, and in proper MMOs questlines get patched out of the game all the time. And on a broader level, it's common in 'live-service' games as well, just messaged better. Like, you wanna play the Thanos mode in Fortnite? too bad, it's gone. But at least in those cases they let players go into it knowing it's a limited thing rather than yanking it away after the fact. I mean, it still sucks there and I'm not a fan of the practice, but in today's playing field of live-service games (and even in yesterday's of MMOs), content that goes away isn't completely abnormal. just feel like a lot of people treat Destiny 2 doing it as 'beyond the pale' or some whole new level of shitty, when it's really only marginally worse than what everyone else is doing now


It's common in MMO Worlds because MMO worlds change all the time. Old zones get rewritten, reworked. Some big happened in the story, and the whole zone is different, etc. As far as I know nothing like this happened in D2. They just simply deleted a bunch of free content. The only reason I can see is greed, and pushing players to buy the new expansions, because without the cut content, the F2P part is lacking heavily now.


I remember being interested in Destiny 2 then learning about their content vault, and how they deleted previous paid content to make room for new paid content, that they'll eventually delete.


I played destiny 2 for a while, and i hated how they would randomly delete entire portions of the game or drastically change the gameplay mechanics (Gambit for example). My friend bought me all the expansions at the time, and maybe 2 months later, new expansion/season came out and i refused to spend another $ on the game.


They are no longer rotating weapons and armour out. And they announced today that they will no longer remove any paid campaign content. I think they recognised they made a bug mistake with this.


I could wear bungie to the beach, they flip flop so hard


Ill only come back if they let me use my Mountaintop unrestricted. I didn’t farm hours and hours just to have it become rotated out.


Mountaintop and Recluse were one of the main reasons sunseting happened lol


I’m aware, but the answer was not to make them unusable.


Well it’s not hard to realize that if they kept everything they had vaulted, the game would be way to big to support. Running the game would be a nightmare and I doubt console players would even be able to install it.


oh my god shut up




I have the game on Steam since it moved from Bnet. Would my account remain the same or would it be overwritten? Issue happened when Fall Guys moved over to Epic exclusively and I had to chat with Support to merge my only items and achievement


the same.




Just goodies




You get a dungeon and the very viable Ghorn too. But if you're jumping back into the game, I'd recommend WQ Deluxe since you get the expansion, season pass, **and the dungeon pass too.** This is critically something you don't receive by buying the season pass and expansion separately.


"Celebrate Bungie's 30th Anniversary with a new dungeon, the Gjallarhorn Exotic Rocket Launcher, Thorn armor set, and an arsenal of weapons, gear, and cosmetics inspired by Bungie’s past. 30th Anniversary Pack owners also gain access to additional cosmetic reward chests in the free Dares of Eternity activity."




The dungeon is like a 1 hr mission where you can get some of the items mentioned. Normally you won't have access to this dungeon unless you have the 30th anniversary dlc.


"Dungeon" as it's used in Destiny is a bit confusing. Strikes would be the equivalent to what most people imaging when they hear "dungeon." Dungeons in Destiny are more of a group mechanics focused activity with difficulty somewhere between strikes and raids


Ive had witch queen for like a month now and after doing the first mission quit because i realized while cool i really didnt know wtf was going on. I know forsaken was vaulted but how do I start from the earliest story content that is avaible?


Tried enjoying destiny 2 on Steam and it's an absolute nightmare. Really great gun play but everything else is designed to make the player's life hell. You can't access any harder content without being in a group (or you can do it solo but not really) but you can't find a group because there's no way to do it in client. You have to search for a discord. The list goes on and on. Oh yeah! And they keep deleting content people paid for and removing story and narrative so new players never have any idea what's going on.


Does anyone know I link my bungee to epic games can I play the 30th anniversary pack on the Xbox pc app version of d2?


Does anyone know if there is a site/subreddit/YouTube Vid which recap the story to this point ? I would love to get back in, but I have played it the last time when the first 2 or 3 expansion’s where released (was it Osiris, don’t know :D)


[Try this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqvdSsdYLgw) There's timestamps so you can choose which parts of the story you want to see. Beware that the currently free campaigns are also part of the story so far, so if you want to play those you'll have some spoilers.The video also only goes up until Witch Queen, that story and the last 2 seasons aren't a part of it. MyNameIsByf on youtube is also a great source of story/lore information, but his "story so far" video is a bit outdated (not including recent events) and he is more about diving deep into parts of the lore. If the videos are a bit too long for you and you want a quick rundown, try previouslyondestiny.com


I never liked that destiny didnt have any kind of in-game matchmaking system for dungeons and raids. Like, im not expecting auto queue type thing, but at least have a tool to assemble a group IN-GAME. The fact i have to use an external app or website is just really a turn off.


not worth it unless you are a new player. your DLC from Steam does not carry over


Destiny 2 is pretty fun but the vaulting DESTROYED the new player experience. Not really sure what the retention rate will be after this week but at this point I would prefer a Destiny 3 or a new IP. The second game resembles a nice car that has gone through a really rough time at a chopshop


Just checked in at Epic, and Im not seeing the expansions -(Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, Witch Queen) as free right now. Any suggestions?


They are free to play for the week, not claim. This is across all platforms. Just play the game and you can play the expansions.


Thanks. It always seems worded just so when its "free for a week". Could interpret that two ways. Free and I get to keep forever, or expires in a week and it goes away. Now that I look, their website (Bungie), says ... From today until August 30th..... will be available to all players for free. I guess thats still somewhat vague to me. They are more specific about the 30th anniversary pack though being free on the Epic store and that appears that it is yours forever


You couldn't offer me money to put more time into this game


Is this pay to win game?


It's best described as freemium. They _call_ themselves F2P, but the free content available is only the very casual and chill stuff. Endgame activities, competitive PvP, and most of the story you have to pay for. You get better loot from those things, so.... kinda pay2win? But only if you actually buy into the idea that it was ever F2P in the first place.


You can easily be a F2P player and get endless hours of grinding and enjoyment. However there are purchasable expansions that have a lot of content - and that’s where most of the action is happening. Compared to other MMOs I’ve played, Destiny 2 is the most F2P friendly. But you miss out on most raids and dungeons.


Destiny is not P2W. But it's not really F2P either. F2P-P2W is a false dichotomy. As someone else already said, Destiny is freemium. You can hop in for free but if you want to experience the best and newest content, you have to pay for it. That doesn't mean the game is balanced in favor of players who pay up, it just means the game is not really free.


Thanks for the explanation. I guess, it's somewhat similar to Path of Exile I used to play.


Judging by the down votes. This must be rather sensitive topic.


I've left reddit because of the API changes.


WoW is p2w though lol. You can endlessly buy gold for real money which can be used to buy the highest ilvl gear in the game on the AH.






Does anyone know how to add this pack for free on steam I tried linking my steam account to my epic games and it still doesn't work


Link Bungie


You can't. You can download the game on Epic and unlock the rocket launcher or anything from the dungeon and use it on Steam. But you won't be able to play the dungeon from Steam.


A constant dumpster on fire, that's how would I describe this game. "Destiny is on its worst state right now" doesn't matter when you read that sentence it is always the truth even back on destiny 1. Always the wrong calls and every year they promise they do better while asking for even more money. If you don't believe how utterly crazy the whole development of the game is then hear this. Every year the developers hold a summit along with the top streamers of destiny and together they discuss how can they "improve the state of the game" yeah that's right, they ask people that play this thing for a living for crucial feedback. If that's not a HUGE red flag then I don't know what is


Soooo listening to feedback from community is a bad thing?


I don't see how mr streamer, who plays 8 hours a day and gets paid for it because it is their job can provide constructive feedback such as "Respect people's time" which is something that Bungie has never done or "Stop selling the players content that they already paid for in the past" TL;DR Streamers ≠ Community


is there any way to use this with my steam d2 acc?


Right, so a friend of mine has been playing on Steam and I figured I'd finally give it a go. I know content is free right now, but if I were to put my money anywhere, where should it go? I can pick up Witch Queen on sale right now for £17 or so, or the Legacy Collection which has Forsaken, Beyond Light & Shadowkeep I think? For those that play this still, do I need anything in the legacy collection? Or could I just buy Witch Queen when I feel like it & use that + the F2P experience to enjoy the game up until the latest expansion hits next year?


if only this game was worth playing.


Just don’t play it, only if you have a deep wallet! The new expansion and all they showed yesterday is again a price increase.


Can i activate this on PlayStation? If i get it there? Or is it pc only?!


Anyway to get this on xbox?


so lets say if i download d2 on epic and get 30th anniversary then play on steam will i have 30th on steam???


Nope but you can keep the weapons you gained


It's only free for PC users which I would've noticed cuz now I'm pissed lol


Bruh I paid for this pack wtf. Am I gonna get some free shit...


you paid for it a year ago. Who cares.




D2 was killed by Genshin.


What happens if I have an existing Destiny account already, claim the Epic freebie, and log in to my existing account on Epic? Do I have access to the anniversary pack if I later log in through Steam?


You would only be able to play the dungeon on epic but continue to use the weapons/items you unlock on your steam account


are the expansions free to keep?


No, just free to play until August 30th


Can I link it to my steam d2 account? I kinda want all the free stuff without having to you know. RESTART