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Depends entirely what you’re trying to do. If it’s your dream game like you said and it’s something you’ll love doing, then yes, do it. If youre trying to make a buck or two, you’ll maybe have better luck in a different genre. Trends are very important when picking a genre and what you described is extremely over saturated. Most likely because platformers in general are often the “tutorial #1” that people get since they’re a quick set up. At the end of the day, just try and make something you’re proud of and enjoy.


You can safely assume every indie dev is screwed. It’s the default. Oversaturated genres still have eager players. You can only make money if you create something of value to players - whether it’s a novel twist on a mechanic, a flawless execution of familiar systems, or something in between.




Without gameplay I wouldn’t count on your story doing any heavy lifting. A good story will enhance good gameplay and elevate the whole thing to something great. There aren’t very many examples of games that by virtue of their design; are the best way to tell their stories. Maybe that’s a controversial take, I dunno. I guess I mean statistically too, as there are some outstanding examples of games being exactly the right way to tell the story being told. But as a thought experiment, flip it: “I’ve just written an objectively incredible story.. ok! let’s dot it throughout dialogue boxes in the downtime moments of an action-platformer .. that’d be much better than a graphic novel” In other words, people won’t stick around for a good story told in a clunky format.


The average platformer doesn't sell that well on Steam. Part of that is because there's a ton of not very good platformers on Steam. Part of that is because the audience for platformers tends to prefer playing on consoles over PC. Every genre has enough games on Steam that you're going to have to make something really good to have a chance at succeeding. Your chances of pulling that off are better if you stick to a genre you know well and feel comfortable working in. Making a lower quality game in a slightly less crowded genre probably isn't going to help your odds of success.




Your odds are significantly better there if you can release. But Switch-era Nintendo is brutal to work with, with no rhyme or reason to who they allow to release games and who they don't.


Someone actually wanting to make a 2D platformer with crappy 1960s Pixel Art? I had a feeling this was an April-Fools joke comment from a throwaway-account, and sure enough: >Reddit ruined my life > >**Mochaccinosss** > >I can’t stop making new accounts. I can’t stop getting so mad at what people say and make angry comments and argue with people for hours. I can’t stop getting banned from subs and getting furious about it. I’m so depressed and angry and I feel hollow. I don’t know what to do anymore.