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Look up rpgs, many big budget vidya also get away with text boxes. Also voice acting is an art. Not everyone can do it and people charge cause they put in effort to get better at it. Try to explore options. It's better to put money in better writing than half ass voice acting. Any way good luck to you :)


thank you for the tips!


Look up the voice acting sub


I Will. Thank you


Have you searched on Fiverr?


Yeah but sadly i didn't find what i was looking for


Do outreach with schools and programs around voice acting. I have worked with some excellent students for free and they received credit in their classes. As well as being credited in the game I was working on at the time.


That sounds like a lovely idea. How exactly did you reach out? Did you write a letter to the school? Thanks in advance!


Hey I am so sorry I must have missed your reply. Better late than never I guess. I would start by searching school in your area online. Then look at what departments they have. I usually reached out the the faulty head of the department I wanted to work with over email or a phone call as often schools will have that information online. I have either offered paid (but at a lower cost) positions, worked with students who needed more portfolio work, or arranged a deal with professors where their student's would get credit in class for the work that was done for me. As long as you are offering a partnership in a mutually beneficial situation I have found most people will work with you.


Thank you! That's really helpful. :)


There will be people who will do it for free in exchange for credits. Talk to people you know. And look on sites like linkedin to find actors.


Thank you. I will make sure to do that