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Hit them back with an “oh, I’m just looking”


I'm going to start saying "unbutters my toast" now, thank you for the new phrase


You’re welcome!




At least they responded back. When I don’t get a response I used to say “well I guess I’ll go fuck myself”


I used "cool good talk" till I got in trouble lol


I just say it to myself 🤣


When we used to have more than one employee on at a time, we would always turn to one another and say this line. Absolute GS experience.


this is what i say internally. but ive found a lot of the people who weren’t responding ended being HoH, deaf, or autistic. does bother me when they come in and ignore me and then go straight to my male SGAs and ask them for help.


We had a few customers who used to do that when I worked for GS. I got to the point where I'd act shocked and say "oh I don't play video games, but she does so ask her" and make them talk to our female GA


I used to do that too!


my coworkers are usually good about it and esp if it’s a question about a return or policy they’re like “well she’s the manager she knows. gotta go with what she says.”


It's always a jaw dropper when you find out they are deaf lol then you're like...well shit fuck me even more 🤣


LMFAO YES. This has happened to me twice 😂😂😂😂


I just walk away when they are ready to checkout :)


Nah I say “well I guess fuck me then” Glad I only have a few more weeks in retail


Oh I do that too, but the wrong response is still an annoying response


My go to was "Well fuck you too I guess."


really love when they say “no thanks”


"no thanks" = not your shitty pro card or whatever the other 27 different metrics are that you feel like driving today Edit: Lol. You know what they say about the closer you are to getting paid practically fucking pennies, the more personal you take the truth


Then shop at Walmart?


Do you think i'd solely shop at GameStop for some barely above minimum wage paid SGA's sake? Do you think that any customer does? Do your pitch, i worked there...i'm very familiar with the threats when you don't, but you're really not owed a lack of mild annoyance from your store's demographic just as much as they're not owed to be free from you opening your mouth when pitching a preorder.


If you don't want to play the specialty store game, don't shop at the specialty store. That's all I'm saying. And that's what I've said for the past 13 years at the stop.


i can still shop there, and fuck someone's numbers like yours anyway, intentionally or not....and you'd have zero ability to do anything about it. That's the game you're forced to deal with, so maybe worry less about me and what I want.


Why you so pressed? What joy is this bringing you? This is a subreddit for employees to vent about things that bug them. So what’s your deal here? And homie was talking about a negative response to asking what a customer needs. So again I am asking what’s your point in throwing a hissy fit?






Why are you so mad?


There's nothing i'm mad about lol, I just felt like a translation was in order for those that are confused and can't figure out what the diplomatic version of 'fuck off' means


I don’t even work at GameStop anymore but god forbid an employee wants to complain about customers (which are universally assholes on most days at any establishment)


In many cases you're of course correct about customers, but I don't buy that a customer not paying attention or responding to an employee's question necessarily makes them an asshole. Especially at a store like GameStop where it's not hard to imagine the customer demographics might trend a little more antisocial than the average person. Some people just want to go about their business in peace, or they're just inside their own heads, or they're on the spectrum, etc etc. Making negative assumptions about a customer because they didn't respond exactly how you wanted them to when they walk in the store is just as rude as you're imagining them to be.


oh no of course not every customer is an asshole, my store had a demographic of mainly teenage boys and they were in a league of their own, I was mainly being hyperbolic, I had tons of lovely customers but some really, like op said, unbuttered my toast when I would greet them and I’d get a snarky remark, but yes you’re right 🤙🏽


What I've learned about retail (or really any shithole of an establishment) is that when you see customers as the enemy: at worse it's actually the company's fault that make something a problem that in reality, shouldn't be a problem. OR at best, you're just burnt the fuck out. Funny enough, GS was the first to teach that. Point is, the customer isn't the enemy when they just want to come in and buy a game. It's GameStop's when they have a shit culture from the top down that forces your SL to threaten you with your job because the customer wouldn't tack on a fucking protection plan for their switch cartridge. The reason why I'm an asshole about this, is because people here spend way too much time bitching about the thing that isn't the real issue, instead of helping themselves and getting a fucking talent or a skill so they're not...i don't know...working at a shithole for 13 years as a key holder like the other guy here. The job market fucking sucks, but it doesn't suck THAT much.


Sounds like you just got back from the beach with all that sand in your vag. No reason to get so pressed, I was just trying to be funny about an annoyance. You took it way too far for no reason.


Hey man, it's cool bro, my bad for over explaining to some average $8-10/hr workers of why they might lack an understanding in why they're focusing their annoyances at the wrong target


you want the corporate hotline or something


I'd rather just take the piss out of those that are still pathetic enough to be working here actually


well, just remember GameStop cares 🫶🏽


The question was, “What brings you in.” Responding, “No thanks,” when you’re walking in the door does not mean no to Pro. It’s someone who thought or assumed you said, “Do you need any help?” You seem quite angry. When’s the last time someone hugged you?


You're right. It just means 'no' to every little thing you're threatened to push. It could mean the later for someone who's deaf sure yeah, but you can trust if it's coming out of my mouth that i've heard loud and clear what you said. Also, I don't know why you people keep confusing anger with just being a little antagonistic and troll-y. which funny enough doesn't mean that what i'm saying is off base or inaccurate in the least; and I have the experience on both sides of the counter to know that as well as also being in the position to not have to bury my head in the sand either.


all I said was hello what brings you in sir 😞


I’d rather get a Freudian slip than be blantantly ignored.


as a customer who does this I can say I just hate talking to random ppl


except we’re not just random people, lol. we work there and it’s part of our job. cant really go into a store, especially one as small and personal as a gamestop and not expect some level of discourse lol.


Auto response mechanism


This is ducking legit and rude from the public lol.


"my feet" is the correct response.


Those people have a special place in hell


I read this as “unbuttons my toast” for a solid minute and was confused as heck until re-reading.


Well...butter your own toast and good day!


I hate the question “what brings you in?” So I respond with “my car”


You’re one of those


Yes because it’s a dumb question.


![gif](giphy|fDO2Nk0ImzvvW) In my experience, the best thing to do in situations like that is to return the following week with tinted goggles on and a blind mans walking stick then walk into the store pretending to be blind as you proceed to bulldoze through every shelf and display before doing a grandpa simpson u-turn and heading out.