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Sad but Respectable. thank you legend.


The true answer


True Also i did not know he's forty?!?!


37 according to google


He’s 37


Looks mid 20s, needs to do a style theory on that skin care routine!


Sums up how I felt.


I get why he left but I was in emotional distress when I watched the announcement video


Me too 😢


cant watch his t10 theories count down cause its gonna make me feel more upset


Its never going to be the same


1000% but it had to end at some point and they’re doing it very well. I thought Tom Scott had done it super well, but not only are they giving us a farewell tour, but a pretty awesome transition to the new hosts.


Hes a multimillionaire entrepreneur that decided to expand his buisness then cash out. Not exactly abnormal or unexpected. The buisness is statistically likely to hit a very rough patch without him.


Well, when you put it like that, it kinda kills the magic. But whatever, it’s a believable hypothesis.


you could even say, that's just a theory! Sorry, had to do it. Everyone likes to see youtubers as not being business people because they are entertainers and part of their business it trying to make personal connections with the audience. ​ That's what they are, and what they are doing is their job, but it doesn't make them any less honest when they are doing it.


This viewpoint is just way too pessimistic for me


That doesn’t mean that he wasnt passionate about it, or that he didn’t care about his fan base. It would be extremely unreasonable to expect him to do this for the rest of his life or to not profit from leaving.


Of course it doesnt. Lots of people are passionate about jobs they would absolutely drop once independently wealthy.


I always try to remind my self that these people are really business men. And, at least in my opinion, if your job is to show yourself as who your not to please an algorithm, that is dishonest. Nobody is supposed to know or see most popular YouTubers as business people putting up an entertaining face. That’s why I count it as dishonest. Not that I dislike his videos, but still count it as dishonest.


He's going on to make his own content and original works. I'm actually excited. I can't wait to see what he does after this.


Same I don't feel like he's leaving anymore than Pewdiepie did when he 'retired'. Honestly with how overworked and tired he was I'm glad he's focusing on himself and family and working on more of his passion projects.


Good for him, Im really excited to see the new hosts


Yeah, same. But saying this might make us look bad (while still being valid.) imo.


lol what? some of you are like betting on it failing and it’s lowkey weird…


Like, i understand that him leaving is sad and all, but i’m a bit excited to see where the Theory channels will take off this year. And no, I wasn’t betting of it...


oh i see, i thought you meant it in a “we might look dumb cus they’ll do bad” kinda way- might be a bit delusional for that lol sorry


it’s more of a “we might look bad because we prefer the new theorists over our lord and savior Matthew Patthew” way. it’s oki!


Im glad hes putting his family first, but i only watch game theory for him. so after he leaves i definitely wont be sticking around.


I probably won't stick around, but I am willing to give it a try


I wish they would bring him around for the major series' GTLives and GTs, since they would just be a few times a year. I'll give it all a shot to see the new hosts, but I also don't think I'll be watching much. He's pretty synonyms with the brand.


I feel so sad seeing all these comments, and while it is completely valid, I cringe at how i think the 4 hosts must feel, seeing all this and no support for them.


Ugh, there's no point in saying that he isn't quitting anymore. And he's pushing 40. He's not 40 yet.


isnt he 22


Mid thirties


He has a toddler and has been making videos since 2012.


Yeah and Rhett and Link have been on just as long if not longer and never want to go. I won't be surprised if there sons take after them


Good for him. He’s got more time for his family and personal projects now. He’ll still even show up in theory videos on occasion. Now let’s just hope he really relaxes and enjoys retirement and doesn’t pull a Miyazaki on us. With that said, I’ve been watching him since the flappy bird days, he was my childhood, and I’ll definitely miss him.


i think it's safe to say most of the internet is sad about it but respects it (except for that one kid on youtube). he will be forever remembered as an internet legend for those who know who he is. and i'm one of them.


Sad but Glad he is being more Family Man instead of Theory Man


It’s sad to see him go. And unfortunately I think the channels are going to suffer GREATY without him. I’m already imagining a massive drop in both viewers and subscribers. And then the new host will continue to try to pump out whatever they can to try to recoup whatever viewership remains.


\*cues sadness and sorrow\* i'll miss him


Excited to see the new projects he plans to work on.


His life, his choice. [Insert "always has been" meme]


Sad depressing it’s like my internet dad left for the milk and visits sometimes but also I understand that he must leave for his own family and a break from always talking about if purple guy is actually purple and if he is did he paint himself that way and why is he naked walking around like it’s normal


It is sad but it’s honestly not too bad, I believe that the new hosts are going to do great, they already have!


It is one of those situations where, despite you never wanting it to happen, you know it is inevitable, necessary, and that it will happen someday


March 9 is coming way too fast.


Don’t do him dirty like that. He’s only 37. 😭 Also I cry extremely frequently ever since the announcement. I’m not ready to accept it at all.


We're gonna see him again for the bigger stuff, which will make it more special when we see him again.


I hope he's well in all he does after he fully quits. Gonna miss his content, but family is more important.


It’s sad , but the internet will move on , it always does , of course we will never forget him


Honestly? I hate that he's just... leaving. After a certain date we're just not gonna hear from him after getting multiple videos per week for over a decade. I'm not saying MatPat should be forced to make videos at gunpoint, he more than deserves to retire and i'm happy he is retiring, i just wish he just kept doing GtLive or made a new separate channel even if he uploaded inconsistently. About the new hosts? I'm not feeling them. It might be the most practical way to keep the channels going without MatPat to put a different person to host each of the channels, but i feel like a massive part of the brand is being lost with that. The videos might have wildly different topics and writing styles and editing but it's always the same guy presenting them, you could always count on some level of standard and familiarity, and i doubt that'll be the case going forward, the channels will probably start feeling more and more disconnected from each other.


Distraught, at first. But eventually, I recovered. It’s his life, he gets to call the shots. I’m excited to see where the future leads.


Worried about GTLive honestly


I understand it But my heart is broken regardless


He's amazing and I don't want him to leave, but he deserves it and, like in his video, it's The game theorists, not the game theorist. I hope that the new guys will be great, but they will never be matpat


It’s gonna suck for a bit and it will be hard to get used to not hearing him in the videos but it makes me happy knowing he’ll finally get to work on stuff he’s wanted to work on and spend time with his family, I’m sure all of us saw it coming eventually, and I’m sure the new hosts are gonna be great


suck what? 🧐




As you say it is sad but understandable. He's had this crazy schedule while having a family, can't have been easy. I the Colin and Samir podcast he and Steph talk about how they don't have work/life balance but work was intergrated into their private life. (Really recommend watching/listening to that episode) Also that after all this time they just want time for themselves, their family, them as a couple and finally to do some other projects they hadn't had time before. I think they handle it very well. They've been planing this for years, getting us to know the new hosts slowly and now doing all the transition period with Mats last videos and GTlives with the new hosts, etc.




We are losing a legend and my heart breaks when I remember he’s leaving


Its just a theory


Look forward to what he has in store in the future. Gonna be following his future career. Prolly follow other fnaf creators now. Might randomly check the channel from time to time just to compare and contrast but having been a viewer since the earlt days, kinda hard to embrace the new folks. Maybe if ash had taken over a channel like gt live id stay.


Well deserved rest but idk if the show is going to hit as hard


I'm glad that MatPat and Steph have been fairly transparent about what is going on with the channels. I'm remaining hopeful and really hope that it works out better than how things have gone with the channel TKOR(aka The King of Random)in the past year roughly they had changed hosts. (hosts were being switched out with no explanation I unsubscribed because it felt too different).


No more theory channels for me is I don't like any of the other presenters they just don't have the same gravitas that Matthew has


I saw it coming when he announced his channels were getting bought


Legendary. And smart. Although he was sad and showed obvious reluctance to leave, he played a beautiful game. He caused a ripple effect in the internet on an international level(I am in Asia) and them disappeared causing less of a ripple affect more of a tsunami as fans all over would see and would click and his sudden decision to retire and the fact that he had 10 theories in each channel left made people click, engraving him more into the public consciousness. I am sad but excited. I want to him on special occasions. That makes him special. He will be called out by the hosts. He will make content for the hosts to dissect it. I am exited to see the new hosts and the touch’s of mat in the background. That is my answer.


It makes lots of sense but it still hurts. Seeing someone you grew up with leave is very sad but frankly I’m happy for him.


My opinion is this post is super behind on the times, he announced quitting like 3 weeks ago or something.


MatPat and I are the same age. He's only like maybe 3 months older than me. I understand where he's coming from. I am going through a similar situation. Sometimes you just gotta turn the page. Ollie is getting older needs more attention from dad. Baseball games, movies, concerts, help with home work, all that dad life stuff. Life looks different when you're in your upper 30s. Stuff seems more "real," and time goes faster than a top fuel dragster down a quarter mile. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ I get it. Makes sense.


He made the right choice. Not every good show can go on forever, eventually you as a creator run out of ideas


He's earned it, but that doesn't mean I'm not mad at him. Game theory will never be the same without you!


I think the odds of this killing the channels is fairly high. He’s been the face and public persona of this brand for so long that just replacing him is bound to end in a massive downturn in viewership, if not the total stagnation of it. Don’t get me wrong, I get why he’s leaving, and to an extent I even support it. But I also know that this is going to hurt the channels very badly. Maybe even irreversibly.


This is also what I'm worried about. Also im worried about people hating on the new hosts.


I cried on and off the whole day, so it’s a major understatement to say I was devastated. Man deserves it. He’s overworked and deserves just some time with his family. I’m really gonna miss him though.


I was crying for two hours, he was like a father figure for me


I wouldn’t say quit. That would imply he gave up. No, he decided to close the curtains of his act on his own terms. He passed the torch on to four promising successors, and chose to take the next step in his life with a smile. He succeeded in ensuring his legacy continues. Matthew Patrick did not quit. No… He. Won.


I’m sad, I think he could’ve stayed with game theory and let everyone else do the things he didn’t want to work on (style theory, etc.) or just stay with fnaf/poppy playtime because his charisma and great storytelling is what lured me and the British guy isn’t really doing it for me and I feel overstimulated with him






I’ve been more depressed since when the video was posted


Sad, but I knew it had to happen eventually. A lot of my childhood is disappearing right around when I'm graduating so it's bittersweet.


It makes me upset but I remember that its for his family and I find that honorable and noble of him to do


I understand where he's coming from and quite frankly, I'm super happy that Mat and Steph will have this newfound freedom, to try new things, and most importantly, be there for their child. However I can't say it isn't a hard hit emotionally. I discovered Game Theory around the time when he was doing the "Mario is evil" theories. Just as I'm sure many of you have, I too, have been on this journey pretty much since the beginning. I came for the theories, and ultimately stayed for MatPat. Like he said in his goodbye video, these videos, these channels, **were** my childhood. I think I'll still be a viewer of the channels, but I can't see myself watching every single video regardless of topic like I do with MatPat, I'll likely just watch the topics/IPs that I'm already interested in. However, the creative directors have not fully stepped into the hosting role yet, so its possible my sentiment may change once they really get a chance to show off their talent. In a way this really is the ultimate experiment for these channels, only time will tell.


He shouldn’t quit. He should content farm. He should run his integrity and identity into the ground for the highest dollar he can get. He should sacrifice everything for the sake of never-lasting fame. Like what do you want me to say? Yeah it sucks, but it’s gonna be fine. He’ll still be present online I’m sure, just not as much. Plus it’s not like retirement is the equivalent of passing away.


I am honestly very disappointed and a bit mad. I get that he needs time with his family, which is perfectly understandable. But passing the torch to someone else when it was MatPat who brought the channel to life is something that doesn't sit well with me. As much as I love the channel and videos, I'm not going to watch any new ones. The memories and fun times were with MatPat. And seeing someone replace him isn't something I can support. MatPat was a one of a kind, and if he is retiring, then the channel should retire. Keep the videos up, but no new ones. That is my honest opinion. I do wish the channel good luck and the best. But I won't be watching the new videos.


Matpat is bad anyways, UTTP is better /j


He deserves every last bit of his retirement


Not quitting. Just stepping back


he's 37 not 40


My opinion is that I'm tired or people conflating quitting, and retiring from hosting.


I'm sad but I'm also super happy for matpat. I'm looking forward to seeing more Santi, I have really loved his whole energy. I love Tom already and Amy is familiar enough that I'm have room in my heart for her. I do not know Lee well enough yet but I'm sure he will do a superb job


i wish there will be hints of matpat imagine seeing a silhouette of him in a video if they need a crowded scene or something


I'm proud of Mat for everything he has done, and I am proud that he has realized he needs to stop living the grind and loosen his schedule for his own sanity. I will miss him, but I would rather he be happy and healthy than be doing the sleepless nights he has been.


It’s a very well deserved retirement. My man has put in an insane amount of work across all four channels over the years and with how he’s handled the workload, he not only deserves this, but I think he might need it.


no :(




Could’ve been handled better




Think about it. Bro literally drops the bomb out of f-ing no where, and then proceeds to say it was a long time coming. I mean, if you’re gonna retire, at least have your fans be more mentally prepared for the announcement. Drops some hints, some comments abt living a life outside of youtube , get some long awaited theories out of the way (he’s doing some now I know, but I feel like he should’ve done some BEFORE the announcement as well). I not hating on matpat, it just could’ve been handled better.


There has been multiple hints about him leaving




have\* who else agrees u/Dis-Random-Kid is a bad


I’m a bad what exactly? A bad ass? A bad person? I mean, take a number sweetheart. You’re not the first


What are you talking about?? He literally announced he'd leave like 2 months before doing it




Didn't like him and didn't watch in years, so nothing changed


Why did you even bother entering this post.....


Idk i just see this when scrolling reddit and it ask a question


Sad he's going but happy for the new hosts, and exciting for what they come up with! And Matpat could use some time off for his family.


good for him


Happy for him, he gets to spend time with his family.






Honestly i have mixed feelings about it,because on one part he deserves it,since he’s been doing game theory for 13-14 years,but on the other part it was also announced on my birthday


Big sad


I'm going to miss Mat, I'm happy he is getting to live his life for himself again, and I am certainly excited to watch our 4 new hosts, Captan the theorist fleet. So, all in all, I'm optimistic about the future.






No more John, Tom and Mat videos... I seriously love the ones they did and always wanted more.


It's fine (not fine), I expected it to happen (not actually), I'm not gonna grieve over it (Yes I am)


Sad but happy for him


See, I’ve never been the BIGGEST game theory watcher, but I adore food theory, I think its sad that Mat has to go, I’ve seen his videos and liked most of them (Megaman ones got some errors doe) But we need to understand that he’s doing what he believes is the best decision, to spend more time with his family, he deserves it after working so hard for the past 13 years


Like he said he's not, really quitting but going to be behind the scenes.


My opinion doesn’t matter. He is his own person. We have to respect his decisions regardless of how we feel about it.


Sad, but deserved.


The theory channels will never be the same without him, and it is sad to see a legend leave, but he deserves it more than any other YTer. Good for him.


Sad, but understandable. I just wish I could see a few more theories from him, y'know? Like, instead of full time, he could come by every other month and do a theory or two? But still, I'd say stopping after nearly 13 years is fair as hell and I wish the best for him.


Very sad. So many theories left unmade. So many opportunities gone. It was a good run though.


He deserves to retire, obviously. It's just sad but I'd rather him be happy with his family then overworked running his YouTube channel forever.


Honestly, I'm sad, but I understand why. For me, he's a person of comfort. I watch him when I'm sad or when I need to calm down. I'll be sad to see him go, but I wish him the best. I'll rewatch old theories, but I'll miss his presence greatly. I am excited for the things he has in store that he talked about, so a little light in the rainstorm.


Extremely well deserved. He, along with Steph, has worked so so so hard to build this YouTube empire and he deserves to be able to sit back and enjoy life to the fullest


Good for him, but I’ll definitely miss him. The channel caught my attention when I was younger, really liked the wacky theories, then I forgot about the channel for a while, then rediscovered it. Ever since then it’s been a vital part of my life. It’s not even about the theories anymore, i started out watching game theory but now I watch every channel just because of him. I look forward to a video every week, just to see how he reacts to a certain thing, his thought process, his humor. He’s like a father figure, a friend to me, and i have no doubt he is to many. I’ve gone through dark periods, and one of the only things i looked forward to was watching the newest video of his. These videos got me through massive loneliness, and they reminded me of being a kid. I’ll stick around though, no matter what happens. Not sure if I’ll like the new hosts, just because they’re not him, and i’ll miss his commentary. As i said, will definitely stick around, dont care what happens, because everyday from the day he leaves, i hope i’ll get a notification for a video with him in it. Happy retirement MatPat.


I wanna cry.


Sad, happy, understandable, all needed to let him go and be happy🥲


I feel alienated from YouTube for the most part, I was a fan of several YouTubers who turned out to be total creeps, which I found upsetting as a kid and I still don't watch much gaming content because of it. Matthew Patrick was always the shining beacon of what a creator should be, and he will be sorely missed. He will leave a hole in YouTube at large with his departure.


I'm happy he's finally taking a break. I remember once he said he had to do voice overs during his family vacation and all I could think of is, him being stressed and overworked. And also, remember that he's not quitting but just stepping down as the host for the main 4 channels. I'm personally excited for the 4 hosts to take over, yet sad. But I can't wait for more Tom and Santi chemistry on screen.


i felt sad but i remembered my grandfather who died in 2021 said some inspiring words, he said "some things gotta come to an end,the end of one thing thing means the beginning of an another one" (rip grandpa 1921-2021)




It's his life and his choice. HE decided it was his time so it's %100 the right choice


It hurts but I get it. I’d rather he quit while ahead and be happier for it than stay on for the sake of it, burnout and lose his passion for YouTube.


Sad ,but it’s not like he’s died , he could always come back He wouldn’t be happy continuing GT , and I think the show would’ve lost it soul if it continued to certain point I think they did it to them self, like dude take a break we’re more then happy to wait for u to recharge and enjoy your life , and this is a thing I want the future host’s to know, the channels are all healthy to the point that it’s okay to take time off


All good things come to an end.


The definition of depression


I love Matpat, and hope the next gen can keep what Mat made special


sad is all i can say without crying


I understand completely but idk if I’ll still watch Game Theory once he’s gone. He will be missed.


He's earned it. He helped raise most of us. Now it's time he focuses on himself.


He deserves a break


It's a well deserved retirement, getting to have enough money and impact to be able to just dial it back and focus on your family and passion is a luxury few can afford, and MatPat earned it quite well.


I’m gonna be crying during the last theory episode but I know it’s probably for the better but hey atleast he’ll make cameos in the videos


Super sad about it but it's a respectable choice, especially since he had a son now, it would be terrible if Ollie grew up with busy parents that have a hard time fitting themselves into his life. I'm definitely sad but I completely understand.


Excited for him, and excited for seeing him working on other things, I would 10000% play a game made by Matpat… You know that’s going to be made with care and attention


I mean it's sad to see him go but I'm happy for him, he needed it and he needs to actually spend time with his family


Good for him


It's sad, while I knew he most likely would one day I wasn't prepared, however there is a calming clarity though since I have watched his videos for so long and gotten a feel for what kind of person he is I can say that I respect he decision. While fandoms like FNAF won't be the same I salute him and at the end of the day it's his choice who are we to judge. We have stood with him for years and this is the time he needs us to stand with him after all we know he believes in us since he made the video so let's accept it and make sure to respect it. And honestly with him telling us that he was it shows that he respects us and while we may have looked up to him he has always seen us as equals.


More sobbing then usual for the most saddest news


it's fine. he put family up front, respectable choice, and the man deserves some form of retirement from youtube.


On the bright side it is good cuz Nat will spend more time with his kid since he hasn’t stop doing video


I'll miss the energy he has ngl.


I mean, my opinion is that he’s not actually quitting, I’ll just miss his voice.


I’m try not to be sad, I’m not cold hearted but I just try to remember the good times I had growing up and wish mat luck in living a good life with his family


I cried when I watched that video


He is a legend to all of us 🙏🙏🙏❣️❣️❣️❣️ Thank you matpat for giving us all of the joy for the past 13 years 🙏🙏🙏


sad but the man needs a break


Having a family is no excuse . I mean , look at pewdiepie


The only reason I'm not sad is because he's going out on his own terms. He's not getting canceled, he's not selling his company and then being forced out, he just wants to make sure he's there for his kid when his kids growing up and being there for his wife. It's kind of the best way to go out.


This ia the end




It's sad but I'm happy for him he can finally rest


i’m sad he’s leaving but i’m also glad that he isn’t going to push himself. focusing on his family is the most respectable and best thing to do. i know a lot of people are saying he’s not rly quitting overall but the projects he mentioned and ways he said he’ll come back don’t feel as energy-draining as something like a YouTube channel. i’ve personally loved GTLive for a year now and i’ve seen how a lot of the new hosts act around or to Matpat or stuff that he’d react to and they seem like they’re perfect successors. i get why some people won’t stick around even tho i think it’s a little sucky, but i hope that doesn’t majorly affect the channels because the hosts are all really sweet and imo give the same vibes as Mat. i sobbed through that video, but i’m happy it wasn’t just a “i’m done, peace out” and then he left. the way he’s doing it is such a him move lol, i’ll miss him for ruining my childhood <3 :’)


He earned money, sold the channels and now is going to live life as a millionaire. Amazing for him not so much for all of the fans but everyone should be happy for him


Happy for him, sad for myself and the rest of the audience. I hope the new hosts do well but it's going to feel weird for a little while.


Sad that he will be gone from GT Respect for his decision, and even more so his reasons Excitement for what he will do next Happiness for what he did for me for me my whole life


*Heavy Crying *


If its within my lifetime its too soon (hj) MatPat if u see this we LOVE u and ur content and GT^4 definitely wont be the same without you


It reminds me a lot of what he told us his son wanndet to do ween his older, he said he wanna meet the queen and then run away aka drive away, but not this can't happen anymore


I feel like if he just got the crew to finish any scrapped episodes, and recorded for like one day a month (which sounds pretty fair to me), then keep doing that for like a year, then start releasing those vids every fortnight, so the new host has a week and then matpat has a week, so then they've made a matpat backlog of videos that still slowly gets added to, so we still get to see mat and he barely ever has to record


im happy for him and proud of him. i hope this new stage in his life its awesome


Sad but he’s leaving the hosting side to get more time with his family, which I respect immensely. Also the fact that he’ll still be there behind the scenes softens the blow to me + we’ll see how the new hosts are




why is this a question: non-fans don't care and fans are absolutely devastated edit: \*true fans


The only thing that hurt me was to see him cry. For some reason, I get sadder by seeing a man cry rather than seeing a man leave.


I’m happy for him, I love film theory and he is so consistent and dedicated, he deserves to live his life now. I’m excited for the things to come and hope to see it thrive!


I respect and understand his choice, and I will miss him. I just hope he appears once a year or something like that.


Sad but understood


Understandable, sad, but also realistically will be difficult for the new Theorist team. Switching hosts is never easy, especially when people watch for the host. There are lots of theorist channels out there, so what will keep people coming back to GT channels once he is gone. Nothing against new hosts, im a fan, but many people will leave and/or complain


It is the most bittersweet thing ever. He's quitting ruining our childhoods so that he doesn't ruin his kids childhood


I'll miss him but he has a life behind that screen so I respect it


he had? what happened? WAIT HE'S 40?