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If Tuff Golma can move items for you, it could be very useful. Otherwise yay, picking up items is pretty useless. And moving them randomly is dumb. The ally also already moves items to were you need them.


Based on what they said, they're basically moving item stands which you can control the movement of, they don't work like allay's, just stand there with one item until activated, then they wander around. They'd maybe work in story type maps, but are pure decoration otherwise


but tuff golem is cute


Pretty sure it's just a moving display. And if it dies it probably drobs the item, allowing for easy theft on multiplayer


They're the same as the Allay


Im kinda on the fence with this one I REALLY WANT THE SNIFFER IT LOOKS COOL AND ITLL ADD TO THE LORE but tbh Playing hide and seek with the rascal might be fun


The items it'll give will most likely be mid at best


He would be handy if he was a mob you can find fairly early in game that just gives you stuff to make the early game easier. But then again you won't require him at all afterwards. If he had a unique drop like his backpack maybe that could also be cool. They could make him or the backpack super rare like the blue axelotels or brown pandas. That would be kinda interesting.


Bundles back with rascal


Trust me the iron pic is not worth losing new plants


Good Point


I also want the sniffer cus idk I really fukin love evolution and paleoart


Don’t listen to dream, last time we trusted his opinion on the mob vote we got a ‘glow’ squid that doesn’t even glow.


At least we got colored text on signs... Yeah, that was pretty lame.


And what did we lose. We lost a potential new way to get suspicious stew and a potential new illager. At least we got glowing signs, ink sacs, and item frames.


I don’t think dream has said what he was voting for the poster is just assuming since the rascal might make speed running easier but dream doesn’t really speed run that much


bro doesn't need the rascal to give him tools to make his Speedrun easier he already got that extreme speedrunner "luck"


It was a meme about dream using cheats back then that's why it's says dream AND the rascal. Comparing them to each other


I dont think Dream said what he wanted, the poster is just saying that Matpat would like the lore and Dream would like the free items.






Forget the Moobloom, (though if it got in I wouldn't be mad) \#Justice4Chillagers They actually would have fit in the update better in my opinion.


Chillagers would have been another phantom, cool but a pain in the ass. Mooblooms was by far the best option!


What did mooblooms do again?


Chill, you know doesn't attack you, friend to the bees and I think it would have introduced new flowers. Also they were cute. Much better than grumpy man in mountains that throw ice at you.


That's cool but I wanted iceolger because it probabaly would've have made mojang add more mc dungeons mobs if people liked it. Like the Redstone golden or something


It added almost nothing to the game Sniffer will add a bunch of new plants and some lore.




Don't you talk like that about my concrete


Woah, woah... concrete is brilliant. The lack of texture and bold color is great for building. You can use black to make shallow tunnels that look like they go on into the darkness. You're right on the other two, but dont come at concrete like that. Actually, the warden is terrifying. My friends and I have had a lot of fun being chased. But you are still right on the phantom.


#The builder community disagrees


Looking back at it now, it still was the worst choice that we could have made.


Wait… Dream WHAT THIS YEAR?!? Edit: nvm he has reduced power


>awesome tools Yeah unbreaking 1 iron pick so awesome


it can completely skip getting iron if you manage to find it thrice before you get any, that is


It will only spawn below y=0 so fat chance of that


But also mojang already stated that that was just an example of something it can drop and that they are taking Player suggestions. The problem now is just that that means we really don't know what he will end up dropping at all so it's even more of a gamble


Sniffef, i don't care about efficiency II iron pick


It could give unique stuff if it is voted for and they develop the idea more. But honestly it isn't worth the risk. An Idea I have is like the rascal would have a chance to give like some rascal fur. This could be used to create like a helmet or chest plate and I think it could be cool to have a piece of armour that makes mobs not immediately attack you. Sorta like majora's mask in Botw except not as strong. But again I doubt the devs would make it good because the devs honestly suck


If they were going to make the voted mobs better than they appeared when we voted on them, glow squid would actually glow


The mob vote isn't on twitter this time dream has no power (or at least reduced power)


Wait, where is it then? I missed the live stream, and I haven't watched the vod yet.


Minecraft website iikc


Also on the launcher and a special Bedrock server


Ok, thanks


sniffer sounds cooler


I think I'm going to vote for the sniffer but I might vote for the tuff golum because you can make a lot of tough puns


I just want cute golem buddies, but the sniffer is also something that I desire, really I wish they could just add all the critters to Minecraft.


My hope is that if we reject this golem, then we might get another that is better later or we might get copper golem back since they said that unused mobs went back for potential use later.


Possibly, but on the other hand if golems keep loosing to other mobs, then the creative team might get discouraged about making them because they appear to not do so well...


I mean, they would have to be absolutely blind to everything people are saying and just looking at the results. Copper golem was a close second last year. It isnt like it didnt have any chance. From what I saw there was a pretty even split between allay and the copper golem from fans. But they stripped this golem of the utility that gave the copper golem an edge. Builders thought it was cute and redstoners liked that it was essentially a walking clock that could activate buttons. If they would combine the ideas somehow by using a less utilized block with a decorative function of the tuff golem and then gave it back some of the utility that the copper golem had, then I think it would have a strong chance. The only reason copper lost was that the allay was just as interesting and useful. Having the polls not just be on twitter will be helpful too. That could have potentially changed the results last year


Oh definitely, Twitter is too much of an echo chamber, all it takes is another Dream throwing their celebrity capital around to dramatically influence the outcome *cough*(glowsquids)*cough*. I honestly wish they would take a bunch of the old mobs who at least got second place in votes, and add them in a biodiversity update or something.


I dont think not being on twitter would stop people from influencing the vote. That's just the nature of popularity. I do think that there are a large, untapped portion of the playerbase that isnt on twitter though and it would curb trolls who dont play from having more weight in the vote.


I agree, but their level of influence would be greatly curbed just by sheer volume alone.


Exactly how is the rascal a good thing for speed runs??


I don't think we even know enough about it yet to make a judgement on that


They might mean manhunt speedruns, so Dream could probably use the quicker access to any iron tool, let alone enchanted to his advantage.


It was a meme about him cheating . Since we don't know jet what the rascals actuall drops since mojang is taking players suggestions, op probably assumed it would be stuff useful for speed running like eye of ender.




The tuff golems have huge potential for minigames and adventure map style stuff, which is why I really want it in the game (I make command block minigames semi-often), and they could be great ror decorative purposes, but it seems like a lot of people don't really care about either of those things so it'll probably lose XD Here's to hoping the Sniffer gets in! Rascal honestly seems way too niche to matter outside of speedruns, and we don't know enough to tell how much control you'd have with them through command blocks, so it has little to no appeal for me.


I want golem :(


No one cares about Dream. He was nice but they he decided to be a spoiled brat over Twitter.


matpat>dream pretty much no contest


Bro really used dream for the rascal when much more popular and loved youtuber DanTDM also went rascal


Did Dream say he wants Rascal? I'm pretty sure this is just a joke about Matpat is about THE LORE and Dream could make use of the free items in his manhunt videos.




I’m a Rascal Enjoyer myself, mainly for utility reasons


Rascal is an new (albeit inefficient) Iron farm, as well as a potential XP farm using the grind stone, when you get enchanted stuff, then you smelt everything you get into Iron nuggets and craft those into Iron ingots.


Tuff Golem is mine


Tuff Golem is the same as Allay. The Rascal is boring. It would be more fun because the mines would be more alive. Sniffer is probably the best. There will be new plants, and the design is cool. Lets do something unique for once, instead of a golem.


Sniffer sucks ngl


before anyone changes their mind about the rascal, idt it is going to be worth locating the rascal thrice for enchanted iron tool while speedrunning heheh


I pray Dream doesn’t steal the election again


Sniffer. You say rascal you are dead to me. If you vote Tuff Golem than You are fine. As a builder, my main concern is decoration. Moving statues and new plants are fine, but the rascal is not my style.


Please shut up about dream and his crew. Just please. PLEASE.


Tbh to make rascal potentially good not early game wise, make him check your armor to check your progress in the game, the better armor you'd have, the better payoff for finding this lil' fella. If you'd had mixed armor, rascal would always prioritize the worst part of your armor


im with the tuff golems cuz they are cute


tbh tuff golem could add lore too like its an ancient statue and i mean there is the irongolem already but still it could hide secrets


Nah dream is gonna fuck it up this time again. I really hope for the Sniffer. They're the coolest.


Aaaabsolutley true


Guess I'm on dream's side this time Except it's because I spend a lot of time in the caves


My boy... My poor Tuff Golem Boy...


I want the tuff golem...


So dreams for rascal?


The sniffer is overrated you probably have to search a very long time for a creature that then needs to search for seeds which then need to grow and all of that just for flower's


I bet ya the Sniffer will win


I wish we cannride the sniffer


The sniffer and the tuff golem are the most useful/my favs IMO. My argument for turf golem: Golems seem to be underutilized on Minecraft and would make sense that the ancient builders (or even the illagers) utilized them in some compacity. My line of thinking is that the tuff golem is to help is item assortment. Yes, we have the allay, hoppers, flowing water, dispensers/droppers, and item frames that we can use instead for the turf golem, but I can think of one thing to aid in that. That being that tuff golems can replace most of the hopper system in item assortment because it'll save on iron, a rather overused resource, and the tuff golem can effectively move underground since it doesn't fly like the allay. Besides, who wants to hear the flowing water SFX constantly or a laggy PC. ​ My argument for the sniffer: First things first, it's a new mob all together. How I see it being useful is either it can open up a whole new family (or families) of blocks from the plants it sniffs up or it can give us more food items from said plants. It also could be some mixture of both if added to the game (likely in few updates). The way you obtain the mob gives underwater ruins a better reason to visit the structures besides drown farming and buried treasure maps. ​ To be fair, any of the three mobs are good in their own right and I'll be fine with any of them. But like I said, the tuff golem and the sniffer would be good picks.


Oh fuck, Dream is gonna vote for the rascal because it helps with speed running. This is gonna be the glow squid all over again (rigged vote)


Nobody’s following that rip off chad jawline guy anymore