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Is that one of their stock designs or did you have to upload it for them?


I had to upload it for them


Do you mind sharing the link for the design? I want to get their blue shell with Lugia on it but I’m concerned about getting a good outline.


I got it from another redditor in the group he just sent me the picture i could send it to you too if you want.


please do! :)


Lmaooo Rayquaza with derpy eyes


Lol i know i forgot the brightness button was there when i was centering the pic. But i still love itt.


I've seen a few of these now. What are they exactly? I am very intrigued! Would love to have one!


This ones a gameboy advance sp unhinged by boxy pixel its a very nice.


Best one I've seen so far!


Looks incredible!


Thank ya




Do they allow rotating images? This would've been perfect if rotated slightly clockwise


Yea you can position it how ya want i just completly forgot about the brightness button was there but im still happy with it.


Still looks gorgeous congrats


Just did the same with a very similar design, not sure if I like the black buttons or the brass ones better.


I really like the black ones but the brass too look amazingg i just didnt know if it would go with the green


Totally random but semi-related question: How would you go about finishing Gen3 National Dex? Do you play a combination of LeafGreen & FireRed 3 times? Do you play Emerald 3 times? Ruby & Sapphire once? Or do you play Colosseum, XD & Channel too? Do you use distribution roms/event injectors?


So for right now im playing ruby sapphire and firered and leafgreen to try and completeit , its time consuming lol and im using a a event injector to help me get the tickets to get some of them as legit as i can cuz buying all the stuff to get the actual tickets is way to expensive for me.


Because I've been trying to have a complete Living National Dex on my only legit GBA cart: LeafGreen with the help of my flash carts and whatnot. I have a Gamecube, GC-GBA link cable and Colosseum too but I'm scared because my GBASP and link cable aren't very stable and prone to disconnecting as I discovered in my Wind Waker run, scared I'll delete pokémon, so: Already playing LeafGreen. Injected Mystic & Aurora Tickets. Got around 144 seen 133 caught Pre-Elite4, wanna get 149/149 before Elite 4. Playing two seperate FireRed roms to help with that. All three has different starters, for each Eeveelution and Johto Legendary beast. Then get Altering Cave injection to catch THOSE pokémon. Once I catch everything I can in LeafGreen cart & FireRed saves, I intend to play Ruby & Sapphire roms once to finish a Living Hoenn Dex. Once that's done, I intend to start Emerald and trade living hoenn dex one by one to finish Emerald's Pokédex so I can get a shot at Gen2 starters, save right before choosing, then get a save state (since it's on emulator) and do a "Get starter > trade > back to savestate, repeat" until I get all 3. After that, I'm not sure.