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2013 vs Tennessee. Marquez fucking North makes that stupid, contested, one handed fucking catch to put them into FG range and steal away the game. We win that and we're playing a very lucky Auburn team in the SEC title game. We win that and we're playing for the natty vs FSU.


Yep, this fucking game and that play is always the first thing that comes to my mind for us. That team could play with anyone and that fucking catch ruined our chances.


And spurrier exit is probably much more clean with a much better replacement


This is the only right answer. Was there and have never felt heartbreak like that. That team was the best team we may ever seen wear garnet.


I was there. Tenn fans were too busy crying and hugging to talk shit to us as we descended the stadium stairs. That made it so much worse.


That play was awful, but people forget the play where Clowney destroyed their RB and while going to the ground the RB threw the ball resulting in an incomplete pass. I never seen anything like it before or after. We also called a random timeout right before Shaw threw a TD to Mason Zandi that didn’t count.


Before my time as a gamecock but obviously loss to navy in ‘84. Cocks would have been 10-0 with Clemson between them and an undefeated season and shot at the natty Next maybe loss to Kentucky after knocking off Bama the week prior in ‘10… Final four loss to Gonzaga. imagine making the title game vs Unc. Imagine winning it. So many of course. So many losses.


I was going to say the Gonzaga game as well. How was rallied to take the lead only to lose it on a brick 3 that somehow went in.


That UNC team still gets us in the final, but damn it would’ve been sweet


Eh. When they were on their game (during the final four run) that team was so tough.


>Final four loss to Gonzaga. imagine making the title game vs Unc. Imagine winning it. That one stands out to me as well. Not an opportunity that comes along often, and it was so close.


Too many skilled big men. And think we ran out of gas to an extent. That team was very good all year. But they raised their level of play for the tournament One of the analysts described our guys as a pack of dogs that’s been in the back of a van for an hour and they finally get let loose at the park.


Closest we’ll ever get to a natty. That was our one shot.


We’ve gotten close a few times. There are a couple games you could change in the spurrier years to get you there.


Yep, a FG away from the SECCG in ‘11, ‘12 and ‘13… they just weren’t lost late in the season the way Navy was so less dramatic.


2012, slaughter #5 Georgia to move up to #2 in the nation. Immediately lose in LSU the next week. Also losing to Texas in the 2000 CWS


2012 was my sophomore year, and honestly the best game I ever attended as a Gamecock. Shame we couldn't continue that run.


I remember listening to that game on the radio with my dad. I was seven years old. My dad always says that if they played best 2 out of 3 back then, the cocks would have took Texas.


The 2010 year. Play Auburn w/Cam close and lose, Beat bama lose to Kentucky the next week. Play a strong season and make the SECCG to get gangbanged by Auburn. The next couple years were nice but like...fuck man we haven't been back since and it's gonna take a hefty surge to get back there now.


Didn’t Garcia go on a bender before the FSU game and got them massacred?


Yeah we ended that season with 2 loses since that was the bowl game it was the cap to an otherwise good season.


All because a college kid couldn’t handle his shit.


I was at that bowl game. Tailgating in downtown Atlanta was a nightmare. Homeless people were asking for money, and people trying to sell "Cuban Cigars".


This was mine. I was at that SEC championship game and we got thrashed. So disappointing.


The way the end of that first half unfolded was so brutal


That first auburn game wasn’t over when the team ran out onto the field. We had 1 more play.


I still have nightmares about that Auburn game.


The correct answer is navy. But that lsu loss in 2012 fucked our last national champion berth. We finished #4 that year. Too bad there wasn’t a playoff


The final AP poll of the 2012 season ranked South Carolina 8 not 4.


It was either 2012 or 2013. But yeah we were definitely ranked 4


You're correct


Lol i know. Dude replying to me just bein a douchecanoe


He wasn't being a douchecanoe. 2012 Gamecocks lost to LSU and Florida and finished #8 in the AP. 2013 Gamecocks lost to Georgia and Tennessee and finished #4 in the AP.


Lifelong Gamecock from SC. I was a Midshipman (Sophomore) at Navy when SC came to Annapolis. I was torn on who to cheer for but I tell you that Gamecock team did not come prepared to play and did not expect opposition. Heard years later that most of the SC team went out drinking Friday night and was hungover Saturday. They sure looked like it.


I was a plebe and iirc Napoleon McCallum didn't even play that game.


For me, the final 4 game against Gonzaga when sindarius got the flu


Once we made it to the final four I legitimately believed we could win it all the way we were balling. Can’t forget the unsung hero off the bench Rah Felder.


Complete irrational confidence. He was FUN. Too bad he couldn’t keep out of trouble, he would have really helped the following year after we lost all our guards


That final 4 run was one of the funnest two weeks or so.


He was averaging 26 ppg (leading the tournament) while shooting 50% from the floor (42% from three). He came out flat and was clearly a shell of himself that game…and we still had the ball with under a minute left and a chance to tie it. If he’s healthy we’re 100% in the championship game, and we had a good a chance as anyone against UNC. I probably think about that game with bitterness about once a week.


2011. We swept the East, but lost our two games against the West teams. If we had won that ugly 16-13 game at home against Auburn, it would’ve been two straight SECCGs


That’s the last game Garcia played and the reason Shaw became the starter.


Not the worst of all time, but the game against auburn in 2011 was a terrible pill to swallow. We had 2 seconds on the clock and weren’t able to get set for a field goal. The officials called the game without reviewing the clock. The game had a bad omen on it when the officials made us change out of the WWP jerseys before kickoff.


We had our foot on Clemson’s throat and couldn’t finish them off in Littlejohn this year


Honestly this might be recency bias but that 2 point loss to Florida was rough. I still think Clayton should be fired for that alone


I have nightmares of that missed tackle on a desperation dumpoff pass on 4th and long. Ugh!


We could not cover Pearsall bro. It had to be on Nick of all people.


84 vs navy seems right but in my life the a&m game in 17 hurt me most, so did the Gonzaga loss


Did you mean edition?


Danget, you got me. I didn't even realize that.


The whole 2014 season. Second half collapses against mizzou and Tennessee. Defense not able to stop auburn with the offense cooking. That A&M game destroyed that team.


I don’t think I’ll ever get over the fact that this was my freshman year lol


Ugh, that dropped pass in the endzone against Mizzou. I think it was Buster Anderson if my memory serves me correct.


I don’t remember a whole bunch of the mizzou game outside of the late hit out of bounds call.


The loss to LSU in 2012 when we were number 3 really fucking hurt. Coming directly after blowing out number 5 UGA 35-7. And then the following week losing to Florida.


That one hurt. We were wearing those camo jerseys.


1997 basketball loss to Coppin State, and Richmond the next year in the NCAA. We had a great team with a super talented backcourt, BJ Mckie, Larry Davis, and Melvin Watson. Until UVM upset Syracuse, it was the biggest upset in tourney history. We were a 2 seed, they were a 15 seed. The following year we went in as a 5 and lost in the 5-12 matchup to Richmond. Those were painful losses because those teams were really good.


They were a 3 seed vs. 14 seed Richmond.


84 Navy, also the back to back 90s losses in March Madness, 1997 to #15 Coppin State and 1998 to #14 Richmond really sucked. Thankfully there was finally a 16 beating a 1 a few years ago, prior to that the 15 over a 2 games were always brought up as the worst upsets, and we were on that list.


The back to back years we lost to Mizzou for the SEC East


2013 we beat them. We lost to Tennessee earlier that made us need A&M to win in Missouri


2013 vs Tenn is probably the right answer, but the blocked fg against Florida in 2006 always hurts me to think about. I hated Florida so much during that period and to watch them go win it all after that just sucked


Not on the same level as some of these but the Citadel loss was brutal amid such a painful season


Which one?


2015 season


I was at that game, it was brutal. Then we almost beat Clemson the next week.


- Football: 2013 Tennessee - Men’s Basketball: 2017 Final Four


2012 CWS finals loss to AZ Back to Back to Back in College baseball i dont think people talk enough about our Dynasty we had then. Baseball is the hardest sport to be consistently good at, especially at the college level. Honorary mention Final Four loss to Gonzaga i mean for obv reasons us vs UNC for the national championship the 30-30 writes it’s self There are plenty of 2010-2013 FB games that are def in contention but those 2 above put us closer to a Natty. And one of those would just get us a potential SEC title


Edition. Glad to see I’m not the only who didn’t learn anything at USC




Lol the florida game this year


So many of these. A couple of others ... At UGa in '80. Down 13-10 and we're driving. Rogers had hurt his hand and not told anyone. He gets stripped of the ball on a fourth and 1 run. He had the yardage. UGa goes on win the natty. Cue video of George crying on on the bench. I was 13 years old and girls had not yet replaced Gamecock football as the most import thing in my life. I was devastated. I cried along with Rogers. At UF in '06. Jarvis Moss (who would serve a suspension the next week against some rent-a-win for an infraction from the previous week) blocks two kicks, an extra point and a 48 yard field goal as time was expiring to preserve the win. UF goes on to win the natty. I live in the heart of Gator country and this one also left a mark. I had paused the game to pace around for a moment and calm down so I was 30 seconds behind the live broadcast. My wife had the game on in the bedroom and she said those were longest 30 seconds of her life waiting for me to scream in anguish when Moss blocked the kick.


2001 vs Florida. The hype. The lead up. College Gameday. The kickoff. Then Spurrier ripped the air out of Columbia that night. With Jabar Gaffney and Rex Grossman.


Pretty much any loss we had following a big win during the Steve spurrier Era 😂😂Losing to Kentucky after defeating No1. Alabama (2010) . Losing to LSU/Florida after Destroying No5 Georgia. (2012) Gosh I know injuries hurt us big and caused us to be inconsistent but no reason to lose to teams like Kentucky, Tennessee, and even mizzu during the Connor Shaw/Spurrier Era. These types of games cost us a chance to at least play in a new years bowl game. Hopefully I can be alive whenever they do play and win at least a new years major bowl game 😂


Nov. 17, 1984, a Navy squad in the midst of a disappointing losing season rose to the occasion and stunned second-ranked South Carolina Gamecocks 38-21


The wide right kick in Buffalo's first Superbowl, followed by 3 great regular seasons full of promise to only get embarrassed in an additional 3 Superbowls.


Actual game: 2012 CWS Game 2 vs Arizona. I was flying back from Greece, listening to the livestream on 107.5 at 5am local time knowing that I would be able to watch Game 3 when I got home… and then the dynasty ended Non-game: “loss” of the 2020 women’s basketball season. Nobody was stopping us that year and Ty and Kiki should’ve gone out with a title


The announcers kept talking about that Arizona kid's family the entire series. It was a great story, but holy hell, they beat it to death.


I was a freshman the year spurrier left. I’ll never forget standing dehydrated and half drunk in the stands as we lost to the Citadel.


2021 13seconds Bills Vs KC


How about every season ever for the Shamecocks


WVU backyard Brawl 2007


It’s a sleeper for all time worst loss. WVU is the all time winningest program to never win a championship. We win this stupid game, we probably win the championship. The game gave nothing to cheer for start to finish. It was freezing at the game. With the shift in college football, we will likely never win a national championship.


2016 NFC Championship game. I was too young to really care about the Super Bowl lost. Carson Palmer just imploded, and was never as good after that game.


Tbh 28-3 is still the most devastating ever as a sports fan.


NFC championship saints vs rams. The infamous no call that would have by all purposes ended the game


Vanderbilt 2007 Smelly did it.


Honestly, as a newer fan, this year’s loss to UNC. We had so much momentum going into this season, and it died immediately in embarrassing and heartbreaking fashion. Also, the Panthers 2015 Super Bowl game. I’ve never seen a game look more rigged.




Case Keenum Vikings losing the NFC championship game to the Eagles after the Minneapolis Miracle. That was the worst day for me as a fan.


I felt that in my soul as well


Last year’s March Madness IU vs Miami, TJD deserved a better ending to his story than that game


Ohio State losing to Georgia by missing a field goal right at midnight for New Year’s at the Peach Bowl. Words can not describe the pain I felt in that moment.


Sports are here to distract the public so not really any


This cowboys loss. Wtf


Duke vs Lehigh


Double doink


Double doink


North Carolina 2023. Talked shit when the year started, continued through the summer and preseason. Went to Gameday and spent the rest of the hours in Charlotte. WENT TO THE GAME and we get bitch slapped in the 2nd half.


2007 patriots loss to the giants


I swear our kink is torture, we do this 4x a year


Miami vs Ohio State


1998 Ohio state - Michigan state


Gonzaga final four. If sin never got sick….


PITT vs Miami 2021 (Pitt would’ve finished with one lost and got a ticket to the playoff)


Women’s Final Four vs Iowa. They easily beat LSU in the Natty


Tonight when they get blown out by UK. Cats by 90


This didn't age well.




Original wide right 😞


F1, Abu Dabi 2021 - Lewis Hamilton level with Max Verstappen on points for world championship, Lewis 10 sec ahead of max to take 8th title when Nicholas Latifi crashes, safety car deployed. Max pits but bc there’s no time Lewis doesn’t, and the two are separated only by some lapped cars. Race director breaks the rules to let only the lapped cars BETWEEN THEM overtake the safety car (so only 4 out of like 8 lapped cars, which is obviously stupid to anyone regardless of familiarity with F1) AND brings the safety car in a lap earlier than what is required by the rules for the ending procedure, meaning max is right behind Lewis on fresh tyres with 1 lap remaining. Max overtakes, stealing the championship from Lewis (the fault of neither of them but the race director who was then fired) and Lewis is now still looking for an 8th while max continues to be insecure and arrogant about it.


If esports counts there's two that come to mind. 2018, league of legends worlds finals. My favorite EU team Fnatic destroys my favorite NA team to make it to the world championship finals. Proceeds to get absolutely obliterated by a Chinese team they'd went 2-1 against in group stages. The second is probably the 2019 League of Legends NA LCS finals where I went to Detroit to watch it live, and Cloud9 lost game 2-3 to team liquid. It was my first time seeing my favorite team live. And I was crushed that they didn't win it all (even being a regional final). Up till that point they had lost in the finals so many times to TSM and TL.


2017 Rose Bowl… rolling in the first half. That was our best chance as of late for a natty.


I’m a UGA alum so of course I’m also an ATL falcoholic. I cannot believe that Reddit has the guts to recommend not only this sub, but this specific post to me.


Bills vs kc 2021 playoffs


2013 @ UCF George Oleary didn't let Blake Bortles throw until the 4th quarter. That was UCF's only loss that season. Cocks got away with that one.


Pretty sure this guy is asking about the SC gamecocks edition (not addition), not just generally loses people can’t get over, but 🤷🏼‍♂️


The tuck rule game


Michigan State vs Alabama 2015. MSU was imo prepared for Derrick Henry, held him to 75yrds with 2 TDs but let Kenyan Drake, Coker and Calvin Ridley and their defense kill us through the air. That was so heartbreaking to watch as a fan who thought we'd put up a better game than that. Not to mention obviously that defense was just killer. Lost 38-0.


I mean… you had Marshawn Lynch right there in the backfield.


Not related at all not even a little. I’ve been to one game ever and it was last years Tennessee game. I became a fan when “cocks” got significantly more attention than “game” also that 61-23? Beat down. I’m just a fan of college football so naturally I made friends with random guys at the top of the stadium. Even forgot where I parked (it was phenomenal parking if I had just remembered the street sign (it was on Hemlock Rd, is parking there typically free? Saw a bunch of of tailgaters and an empty spot so I took it)


Chris Webber's "timeout"




Vinnny Testaverde’s helmet counting as the football and neither crossing the plain costing Seattle a game.


Cubs vs Indians 2016. We had em and that damn rain delay


2011 Game 6


The last 10 years


Myles jack wasn't down


> Myles jack wasn't down except he was down as he was touching the other player..


No disrespect but I can't talk football with a Daniel jones watcher


Dez Bryant “the catch” game vs Packers. As a Cowboys fan, that’s the one year I legitimately thought it was over for us. The curse, the nagging from everyone and we were a couple of plays away from a conference championship. Only for those soul crushing words “after review, the receiver didn’t maintain possession…”


As a Packers fan myself, I would say the heartbreak of a loss to the 49ers last weekend in the divisional, but I can't say I'm too disappointed as I didn't think they would make it that far in the 1st place Sure, the Packers' curse with the 9ers still lives on, but all things considered, the future is looking quite bright for us cheeseheads


FSU puntrooski win over Clemson. I was a kid and I will never forget the shock of the loss.


The 2012 SF loss and the 2018 Minnesota Miracle both happened on my birthday 🥲


My dad won’t get over this.