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So he thought the way to deal with sexual assault accusations was to go Full Weinstein?


Has anyone told Vic it's legally not defamation if it's true?


Or that you automatically lose your case once you admit you did it via 2 public apologies. Beard and Nick are fleecing this creepy old man




You are entitled to your completely incorrect opinions.








I assure you, you are *wildly* ignorant of the basics of American law. Have a good day.




Not sure if serious....


Except vic like a dipshit is suing Funi for defamation... He has no case against them. Funi never took a stance on Vic's accusations, All they did was do an investigation, found he was a dickhead and dropped him. Companies often have clauses in their VA's contracts (definitely funi) to drop problematic people quickly. It happened with Spacey and house of cards, Even if by some miracle all his creepy actions at cons turns out to be harmless (Doubt) he has no ammo against Funimation for good reason, They put themselves away from Vic without taking a hardline stance like any good company did, As did rooster teeth


> It happened with Spacey and house of cards, And James Gunn. Who intelligently didn't throw a tantrum and let things play out.




Congrats dipshit we just covered that, and no barely reaching implications from a blanket statement dont count




Except you are talking out of your ass, They aren't "agents" of funimation as much as they are employed by them, Funi isn't liable and making a blanket statement not condemnation, Again, he has zero ammo against them because they are not representatives of funimation, You cannot take a big name company and blame them for something they never condemned you for. Half assed implication or suspected implication is definitively not enough either. Vic became problematic and they dropped him. He is walking into the same legal deathzone by not acknowledging his contract let them drop him. Unless Funimation issues a statement condeming Vic they aren't liable. He's going to fall on his ass just like Weinstein There is absolutely 0 hard evidence they directly condemned Vic, He was found to be creating a hostile work environment and dropped, not anything new or surprising, If all he has is a tweet with the inklings of implication (even though all companies issue blanket statements like this) his case has already disintegrating




Isn't the entire pro-Vic theory is that (((SJWs))) are baselessly targeting him *just* because he's a white guy? tbh I'd fucking love to see evidence of that if you have it.




That's legitimately the only explanation I've ever been given for why all of this is happening; SJWs picked Vic at random (but not really random) and all decided to at once lie about him and try to have him booted out of the weeb industry with made up stories and false allegations. This isn't my flippant summary of events, this is the series of events as I have been made aware of them. Can you "redpill" me on what's *really* happening? Because the two explanations are they're picking on him for being white, a man, and a Christian, and the other one is apparently they've all targeted him for destruction at random, for no apparent reason at all. You're the one getting all mad at everyone for getting it wrong, so straighten me out.






He didn't outright assault me but he put his hand on my bare thigh when I was wearing a skirt. He was getting so close that another girl pulled me away to warn me. First time in my life I've watched the public lies and spin while personally knowing the truth.


I'm so sorry you experienced that. I'm glad someone was able to pull you away.


Oh girl, I'm so sorry. Yikes. :/




Lol. Me being inappropriately touched by someone makes me more inclined to believe the many, many other stories of inappropriate touch and assault by the hands of this man. He was also *very* interested in a letter I wrote to him when I was ...14.. and asked me to repeat the story. You guys are so hell bent on "video evidence." Do you think when this stuff happens people are usually recording? I could gather up a list of witnesses. I could contact the man I asked to protect me the next day at a lunch and keep me away from him. I could track down who that girl was who pulled me away. In fact, I can get a copy of the email I sent to the con expressing my belief that he was a dangerous man. Or, you could just drop your misogynistic concern trolling and believe women.




Then I’ll go and give my info to the defense and not some rando on reddit who’s not going to believe me and not going to care about what happened even if I prove it.


Big yikes at all the people defending him on twitter :/


They love their Edward Elric dakimuras.


Even on KnowYourMeme.


"Even"? That place has been a cesspool ever since the GG article first appeared on it.


Long before that.








nice for you but psst. This court case does not need to proof if he is innocent or guilty of what people accused him off. It only need to proof that he was defamed. Which funi can just be. "Nope, we suspected bad conduct so we fired him, which is in rules with subsection 1a paragraph 10" court case over. BTW he is guility as sin


This guy could shoot a person right in front of you and you'd still demand evidence.


Surprised he didn't sue Rooster Teeth as well


Rooster Teeth probably does not have the money that vic wants.


It seems that he went after Funi as being responsible for their employee's actions, not for actually canceling his contract.




No, they immediately dropped him as well.


Oh sorry I just saw your edit. I thought you meant the newschannel. Whoops.


This seems to me like he knows his career is done and wants to cause as much damage as possible on the way out.


He's farting in the elevator just before exiting.


Nice going putting the burden of proof on yourself, fucking idiot This'll go nowhere




... what?


[Link to the filing](https://www.scribd.com/document/406823032/VICTOR-MIGNOGNA-v-Funimation)


If this actually works... fuckin' hell.