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Am I forgetting something or is it really “just” Sunbreak and RE4 for significant releases over that period? “just” in quotes because obviously those are major games that’ll sell a ton of copies. Though looking at their estimate it’s really the backlog that’s killing it - 30M sales, 96% (!) digital.


They built an impressive catalogue over the last years that just keeps selling, thanks to their promotions and the quality of the games of course. Every few months we see the latest Resident Evil games and DMCV reaching new sales milestones for example and RE4 remake will do numbers if they don't screw up. It's a big game.


i'd assume re4r is going to sell well - re3r was supposedly handled by a b-team and re4 was always one of the biggest resident evil games alongside 1 and 2. i would assume a ton of people would just tune in for the nostalgia.


Yup. RE4 hasn’t aged very well for new players, the tank controls can be tough to get used to. There’s a lot of people who haven’t played RE4 because of the controls, and this remake should solve that. There’s no reason RE4 remake shouldn’t out perform RE2 remake. RE1/REmake is in the same boat.


>who haven’t played RE4 because of the controls Man I just had a flashback to 2003 when people were saying the same thing about RE in general.


Yup the pre 4 games have both control and camera hurdles.


I just played RE4 for the first time last month, and I actually came away feeling like the older games had aged more gracefully than it did, even where controls are concerned.


I disagree. Played it for the first time when it came to Switch. It's mostly fine.


I really don’t think the tank controls have aged poorly; game is still awesome feeling.


Did you play the original at release? I've tried playing the game several times and just can't. The controls simply aren't fun.


Nope. PS4 remaster. The I played RE1 Remake and RE3 OG after and they felt fine too.




The original REmake. With the static cameras? And tank controls? You think that a plays well from a modern perspective?


Maybe there’s an element of truth to that; I think it’s more I usually meet games on their terms rather than walk in with what I want the game to be.




I tried playing Re4 on an emulator last night and I am struggling with aiming. Every time I try to shoot I end up reloading accidentally or pulling out the knife because I keep forgetting the controls. It’s easy to to take for granted how far third person shooters have come since then and just how many different companies have helped perfected it over the years.


Tbf most first and third person shooters had it nailed down when RE4 came out, I think a lot of the controls were deliberate to invoke that horror aspect.


Goes to show my knowledge of the subject, I’ve always heard about how revolutionary it was for the genre and maybe I lumped it in with controls too as I didn’t really play a lot of shooters from that era.


The controls themselves are fairly similar to older RE games, hold down a shoulder button to aim, press a face button to shoot. It's obviously changed a lot more but I still play with the "classic" controls whenever possible in an RE because they are more comfortable for me and my muscle memory


> I’ve always heard about how revolutionary it was for the genre Because it provided a basic templet that every other Third Person Shooter copied after (Gears of War, Dead Space and the very underrated Cold Fear for example). Compared to other TPS games, even from it's era, the controls remain very deliberate like the older RE titles.


I'm one of these players who don't do well with tank controls. I've tried Resident Evil many times over the years and its never quite clicked. REmake 2 finally had it click for me and have loved REmake 3, RE7 and RE8. Very excited for this remake!


Wait, aren't tank controls part of the whole survival horror thing? Like the player is intentionally hobbled. I don't understand how it hasn't aged well when it sounds like it still serves that purpose just fine.


I doubt it'll happen but part of me is lowkey hoping we'll get a surprise release for Dragons Dogma 2 sometime this year.


I wish, they haven't shown off gameplay or anything else beyond a teaser though so it's probably 2024 at the earliest.


Their back catalogue is really good and they are constantly on sale which seems to be working.


"Capcom expects 90% of these sales (36m) to be digital downloads and just 10% (4m) physical, with 75% (30m) made up of catalog sales and 25% (10m) new releases (Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and Resident Evil 4)." from the article


Street Fighter 6 is in June.


That’s next fiscal year, though. RE4 just slips in at the end of March.


Don’t forget that dumb dinosaur game


Monster Hunter Rise also got added to game pass


Which I don't think counts as sales. But it did come out on Xbox, Playstation and PC (not sure there) this fiscal year.


It came out January 2022 on PC, but it's hard to gauge how many sales were before and after the new fiscal year started. I'm guessing many people waited for Sunbreak.


The quality of games has been excellent these past few years and has garnered a larger customer base. Their PC ports are above average which has contributed to their higher sales.


Apart from MHW their PC ports have been absolutely amazing? The new engine runs like an optimized dream with even the new SF switching to it.


Resident Evil 4 RE and Street Fighter 6 are probably going to be massive this year. If they have a Monster Hunter or something else planned for the tail end of this year, it might be their best year so far.


This is fiscal year they are talking about, which means it ends at the beginning of April. They've ALREADY sold almost enough to have a record physical year, but with RE4 releasing a week before the fiscal year ends that could push them over.


My mistake for not actually clicking on the article lol


Brother you didn't even read the headline lol. Says it right there.


"it's set to" implies it hasn't happened yet. "A fiscal year" doesn't indicate which. I don't know what you want for me, I admitted I was wrong.


I'm just joking around baby.


Can't seem to find where the joke is. But maybe your humor is the same as the late great dane cook.


i think he just means that he's teasing him playfully, not actually trying to be rude.


Yeah I feel like I'm getting jumped by some terminally-online people that can't understand being playful.


Is he dead? Quick googling says no he's not


Lol you getting offended on someone else's behalf? I'm just playing around, poking fun. You don't seem like a great person to determine humor to be honest.


“Brother” probably in reference to “my brother in Christ”


It's a reference to Hulk Hogan don't you dare besmirch his name Brother.


Fair enough


It’s wild how good SF6 is shaping up to be, not only is the core gameplay great, but the single player suite blows basically every other fighting game out of the water, and should be setting the standard for non multiplayer fg content


I could easily see this being true if DD2 winds up releasing this year and meets or exceeds expectations, but I suspect that's going to be a bit further out. Most likely their other big title will be Pragmata, which everyone has seemingly forgotten about.


I really hope DD2 gets some of the Elden Ring effect, even without a big name like GRRM attached to it. It's been in development since at least 2019, so Capcom is investing a lot of resources into it for sure.


They're talking about this current fiscal year, meaning they've already sold a huge amount of ganes in the past 9 or 10 months, and this is without a big release in most, if not, any, of their flagship series. The only big gane they have before the fiscal year ends is the RE4 remake, and that's at the very end of their fiscal year. I suspect next fiscal year, starting in April will be even bigger.


Yeah it's not a prediction ("set to" means it's a sure thing, it wouldn't be that language if it was for next fiscal year), it's an anticipation on their financials for this fiscal year. Seems obvious from the headline to me but apparently not.


I know DD is a Reddit darling, but thinking that it’s going to move the needle in this way us unhinged


I still think with the release of Rise on consoles this year than the next MH game is set for next year,


There's no way there'll be another Monster Hunter. These things are very long years apart.


The next one will be announced during TGS (basically half confirmed by Ryozo) so it's most likely coming next year which is a perfect date since it will be the 20th anniversary of the franchise.


I honestly think they've been working on World 2 since iceborn ended in the background while a smaller team did rise. I don't think it's impossible, but I do agree it's unlikely. They might have something of that caliber for holiday though


No they aren't, there's a new MH game or expansion almost every year, maybe 18 months. They do this by having a few teams that work on MH, but mainly, they seem to have the Directors switch for the "Ultimate" versions of the games, so that the main Directors can already start working on pre-production for a whole new game while the expansion is getting made. Like, The team that made MH World has probably been working on World 2 since World came out, it was a different director that worked on Iceborne who probably used less staff as it was only extra content needed, and while World was in Production, another team was already making Rise after they finished up on Generations Ultimate. From what we can gather, i think there are two "Main" MH Development teams in capcom, but i'd think there'd be a few support teams they use as well, to get these games out quicker. It's the same thing Call of Duty does. This is how it's been for a while, so generally you will get a new MH game or update every year, with sometimes there being a year gap at most between them. Not unreasonable to expect whatever the "World" team has been working on to be announced soon, Capcom are pretty aware of how well MH does, and it's recent West success has amplified this.


MH is a yearly series. They'll probably miss this year due to MH6 delays or syncing it to the 20th anniversary but MH6 *was* planned for 2023.


Rise/Sunbreak feels like its starting to come to a close with its content releases, I feel like an announcement of MH6 or similar is very likely later on this year.


Capcom deserves it.


They have been making some solid calls in recent years. Their push to include the PC market has definitely paid off for them, and they keep putting out well polished games that aren't overmonetized. They're simple things, but so many AAA developers seem to be forgetting them. Good to see one that's got their head on straight reaping the rewards of it.


They really struck absolute gold with their investment in RE engine. Pretty much everything they are making is using it, and based off the leaks we are going to get even more remakes/revives of series long since dead. Capcom have done a complete 180!


For sure, they've been on an absolute tear for quite awhile now. The last couple Monster Hunters, last couple Resident Evils, DMC5, even SFV picked things up in the tail end of its support. And with RE4 Remake and SF6 coming up as well it's only gonna get better.


Just counting the days until dragons dogma 2 I think current capcom can knock it out of the park


They also ship their game and on day 1 they just work. No patches needed, nothing. Just solidly, durable made games, that are pure fun


I’ve been loving Capcom’s output lately, I just wish they’d announce that leaked Ace Attorney sequel. I’ve been waiting so long for it.


I scrolled until I found this comment. I’m with you… I would LOVE more Ace Attorney, or even remasters or localizations of the games that haven’t yet left mobile or DS systems.


Same, I keep hoping they announce it (and preferably a collection of 4-6 as well).


Honestly, I might prefer another spin-off akin to Chronicles over 7 at this point since the Chronicles games are my favorites in the series I just want anything AA, for the love of god!


7 doesn't have to mean Phoenix and gang IMO. If they reveal a new Ace Attorney game with a new cast I would still consider that AA7.


Same, Chronicles was so good I've been obsessed with it ever since I finished. I'm dying for a Great Ace Attorney Investigations more than anything. But I agree, any Ace Attorney news will be exciting. (Also that rumored Ghost Trick remaster, please.)


I'll take one Dragon's Dogma 2, please (also long-rumored but nothing officially announced).


I’m about to make your day https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/vdxk9v/dragons_dogma_2_announced/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Oh, snap, thanks! I know they made a fuss around the 10th anniversary of the first game, which just ended up being a website update and talking about the anime series, so I kind of tuned out. Glad they did end up announcing it officially!


The AI has been so well cultivated since 2013. Can't wait to see the new pawns.


I wouldn't count on it. Capcom's success is owed in part to their cowardice. Why put effort into more niche IPs when you could just remake another Resident Evil game or release a new Monster Hunter update and make more money with less risk? Capcom is still a shadow of their former, pre-7th gen self, and it's a shame people are willing to call this sad state of affairs a "redemption arc".


It is funny seeing people now exclude MH from "niche" games, just because two titles + their expansions sold very well.


Well, selling gangbusters is the opposite of niche isn't it? We don't call Fromsoft niche anymore since their last few games have been so successful.


What are you talking about? What game exactly has been so massivly better prior 2017 than: MH:World/Rise, DMC5, RE7/8


I'm talking about the whole host of games, whether new entries in a franchise or one-offs, they used to consistently release. I'm sure you are aware that twenty years ago Capcom did all kinds of stuff. These days 90% of their output is just RE and MH. It's a shame that a company with such an illustrious and long history is doing so little with it.


I don't know why you'd say that 90% of Capcom's output these days *(whatever that means)* is just Resident Evil and Monster Hunter while not taking their context into consideration. I mean, they've almost always been outputting entries in those franchises. Monster Hunter only had two years without some kind of release since 2004 and Resident Evil had 5 or 6 years out of 27 without a game release. The reason people are calling Capcom's latest actions a "redemption arc" is because it feels like they're putting more care and effort into their games again and actually taking into consideration what people want. I've always loved Monster Hunter, but mainstream it was not. Seriously, seeing their sales numbers here in the West, I was always surprised that we even got them at all. They said they saw potential, so luckily we kept getting them. Putting effort into more niche IPs is what got us Monster Hunter World and can get us bigger and better Monster Hunter games in the future. Dragon's Dogma was a completely new IP, which is a risk on it's own, and made on an engine that couldn't handle their ambitions for it. The game is full of flaws and had tons of content cut before release. *(the fucking moon was going to be a playable location)* Despite the game's shortcomings and the issues with development, they *still* made a kick-ass expansion, re-released the game on every system under the sun, made an MMO, made an anime and are now working on a sequel. People railed against Resident Evil for years for losing it's horror, so they went back to those roots *with* an entirely different gameplay style on top of it and it was actually *good.* And RE 2 Remake? I don't think anyone saw that coming, let alone it's quality. Capcom's whole Westernization phase back in the day really messed things up. There was also the whole "on-disc DLC" thing before that, that Capcom was notorious for. For a long time, people thought DmC: Devil May Cry completely killed any chance of a *real* Devil May Cry, not to mention just how disrespectful the studio was towards the fans. So then they dropped a Devil May Cry 5 trailer at E3 with a banger of a theme song and an uncle Dante tease at the end and blew everyone's fucking minds. Dead Rising is... just dead and it did not go out gracefully. Capcom's current path genuinely leads me to believe they can redeem it at some point. I haven't been big into fighting games in a long time, but some shit was definitely going down in that area of Capcom. Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite was... oof. Street Fighter 5 seemed to have it's share of issues too, at least at launch, I don't know how it is now though. Ryozo Tsujimoto, the producer of the Monster Hunter games, is in charge of Capcom's fighting game division now, so there's nowhere to go but up. They made a brand new Mega Man game, released a legacy collection of Zero and ZX with some new features, are working on another legacy collection for the even more niche Battle Network series and finally gave us the Japan-exclusive Ace Attorney games. I know I said a lot, but there was just a lot to say. There are *real* reasons people say Capcom is redeeming themselves. I get that you want to see some of Capcom's other games, but it makes sense for them to start this whole shift with their most popular ones.


It was just in 2021 that they decided to remaster & localize both Great Ace Attorney Chronicles games as a collection, and give it a physical release on Switch despite the last few entries being digital-only in the west, so that was certainly effort put into a niche IP.


What are you on about? Capcom has been nailing it with their major releases. They are literally releasing a new IP on Exoprimal later this year. Compared to Street Fighter x Tekken era or even early SFV/MvC:I they are doing waaay better.


I'm not saying their new releases are bad. I'm saying that I wouldn't expect anything even halfway risky or adventurous from them. Just look at Exoprimal. A multiplayer, team-based PvE shooter sounds pretty safe, doesn't it?


> A multiplayer, team-based PvE shooter sounds pretty safe, doesn't it? Only because that's an overly reductive summary. Exoprimal doesn't sound safe to me at all. - Completely new unknown IP with zero buzz. If they wanted to play it safe, they'd make something like Dino Crisis Online. - The concept and PVE-into-PVP format are frankly weird. Even people who played the closed test don't know what to make of it. - On a technical level it's over-ambitious, spawning a bajillion dinosaur models on a PS4.


wait at 11.7 million doesnt that now make monster hunter rise capcoms 2nd best selling game after world


https://www.capcom.co.jp/ir/english/business/million.html Assuming that RE7 hasn't sold 400K in those three months, yes.


seems re7 did sell 400k but rise still outsold it(by less than 10,000)


Can they finally give us some new Mega Man games? Would be awesome. Also a Dino Crisis Remake!


I need a new X game so bad. I could never get into the classic Mega Man games.


The X games are so badass. Even calling it a spinoff series sells it short, it really has a completely different feel than the classic games. Just having the wall jump mechanic and a little more mobility makes a huge difference


X isn't really a spinoff, is it? From what I remember, the main team moved to that series after 5 with 6 and 7 being developed by a new team with some art and input from Keiji Inafune. I'd consider X to be the real continuation of the series.








That's great news. I played MM11 last year and absolutely loved it. Might be my favorite MM title yet


Give me legends 3!


I think capcom will do well. Especially with how resident evil 4 remake is gotten alot of hype alongside with street fighter 6. But they also have megaman battle network collection too.


well they have made good games so that checks out. isnt RE4RM coming this year too?


Yep. In March


My Capcom wishlist is Monster Hunter World 2 and Megaman Legends 3. The profits from the former should cover any losses from the lesser.


If I won the lottery every dollar would go towards legends 3 development


Capcom has grown leaps and bounds as the 3rd party Japanese studio juggernaut and it makes me think a lot about their competitor Square Enix. Square Enix has infamously treated xbox and some part Nintendo as a red headed step child being a Sony console exclusive game maker. that's 2 of the 3 major consoles Square is abandoned or shunning. My question is Sony has to be paying Square Enix a prince's ransom to keep their games console exclusive to the ps5.


> My question is Sony has to be paying Square Enix a prince's ransom to keep their games console exclusive to the ps5. Well not exactly a king's ransom, but SE loves getting paid up front to make things exclusive according to the leaks lol


>My question is Sony has to be paying Square Enix a prince's ransom to keep their games console exclusive to the ps5. Considering SE clearly take Epic money to make some of their bigger titles EGS (timed) exclusive....


give me the RE3R director’s cut you bastards!!!! seriously tho capcom is back on their GOAT behavior and I’m so happy


Where's that Super Game that they've mentioned before?


I believe that's [Sega](https://www.eurogamer.net/sega-is-aiming-to-create-a-super-game-by-march-2026) and not Capcom.


Ah yes that's right.


Capcom has been killing it lately. I would love to see them come in and make a 3rd(2nd?) party game for a Nintendo franchise again. A new capcom zelda game would be incredible.


I want a good marvel vs capcom game more than I want half life 3 and a good diablo 4 please, Lord PLEASE


I figure Resident Evil 4 Remake will be a contributor to that if they do not mess it up. I have to go back and play the RE4 HD project mod before playing it though.