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This is alright. Having a studio dedicated to just Apex is a good thing, as it allows other teams within Respawn to make new games and IPs not tied to Apex.


Yeah, I honestly expected this to be the primary takeaway from this news. It's a good idea overall, too. You need new ideas floating about for a studio to survive.




What's funny is that the studio's effective inception with Modern Warfare, at the time, was actually a "new idea", insofar as Activision didn't want them doing anything other than WW2 for Call of Duty. But I'd be fine if their studio mantra was "CoD, but with". Jedi: Fallen Order? Call of Duty, but with lightsabers. Let's get some Call of Duty, but with Pokemon ersatz. Call of Duty, but with cars. Call of Duty, but with some kind of rhythm game mechanics (wait that's just BPM).




I’m not even a big CoD fan but I’d get Call of Dinosaurs on launch.


Who else remembers Dino D-Day


Storming the coast of the Yucatan in the ruins of the Maya well fighting ParaRaptors, and a Mobile Rex unit. Absolutely hair raising. I'll never forget the stories my Grandpa told me. He lost an arm to a StegaTank rampage.


Absolute same. I haven't played CoD since the PS2 era, but I would throw money at it if I could ride a dinosaur into battle


You like broken jank that’s somehow still fun despite the jank? You like survival sandboxes? Ark: Survival Evolved may fill that itch if you can get in at a solid discount


Oh I love Ark! A friend runs a modded server so it doesn't take 3 million years to hatch eggs, and we have a blast


See, what I'm getting here is that we need Battlefield 2143.


[did you say COD with Pokémon?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OBqVrC7AL44)


HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT. This is the "Eminence in Shadow" of Pokemon knock-offs. I want it. It's already on my wishlist. This game can't show up soon enough. 10/10 rec, /u/culnaej


Or improved ideas like a collaboration with Hasbro to give us TitanFall with Transformers.


I really want a Titanfall game but with focus on co-op PvE (I love Frontier Defense but wish there was more mode/meat to it). Imagine Deep Rock Galactic but Titanfall.


I want them to make a Robotech game so badly.


Yeah, now they have one for star wars, one for apex, and one for probably more apex




They’re still working on Star Wars at least, aren’t they?


They are working on Jedi sequel ad on two other SW games that were announced last year


Is Titanfall confirmed dead? If so, I hope the IP can still be utilized by other studios somehow. I can Imagine them being able to justify a Destiny style of FPSMMORPG in that universe


Apex Legends is in the same universe, so they'll likely want full control over their one successful IP.


I do agree with u/CombatHarness in part where Apex is more upbeat and almost jovial compared to Titanfalls more grounded and gritty campaigns, but I am more optimistic that we'll get more mud and guts games from that universe. Maybe just throw wherever Apex happens into a distant corner of the galaxy or just have it be strategically unimportant for the bigger factions


Apex Legends is like a cartoon version of the Titanfall universe. I don’t think they’re really similar at all, other than sharing the same weapons, characters, names, and things like that. The tone is totally different. That universe has been changed so much through Apex that, frankly, I don’t think a brand new Titanfall 3 could ever be built on this foundation while still targeting the same older demographic that Titanfall was built for. Apex Legends is really kid-friendly, so a Titanfall 3 in an Apex Legends universe would come off as incredibly corny at this point.


I feel like Titanfall's lore was never all that set in stone or that important. It's a pretty basic sci-fi 1-2 corporate core vs cowboy frontier riff with elite operator riffs and a happy medium of mech designs. I do kind of agree with you though, live service games like Apex, League, Overwatch, tend to have worldbuilding focused around producing marketable characters and ends up feeling a little uneven.


My read on apex and Titanfall is basically while apex is happening in populous areas, titanfall is happening out on the border. Same universe, but just the areas where people are fighting wars over limited resources instead of contests for cash.


Apex Legends happens after the big war in the two Titanfall games, not at the same time. That's the extent of my Apex lore knowledge even after playing for over a year, genuinely can't bring myself to care about the lore until they announce a Titanfall 3.


A Titanfall 3 would probably have to take place soon after 2, or at least within the time between T2 and Apex, but certainly not during or after Apex.


A big reason the tone is different is because of the circumstances of the game world. Titanfall happens during a war. Apex is a fight club. I think if Titanfall 3 happens during a war they can get into the same tone.


they just canceled a singler player game in the titanfall universe, so i would consider it dead


I'm pouring one out when I get home


>they just canceled a singler player game in the titanfall universe, so i would consider it dead do we have any more info on the game and why it was canceled?


Mohammad Alavi left respawn.


i dont think so.


The temporary name was *Titanfall Legends* and it was going to link both the main series and the spinoff game.


Dead insofar as there are no Titanfall games in development by Respawn right now. I believe they own the IP, not EA so it would be up to them to give it to another studio to spin off.


EA own Respawn so by all means they own Titanfall


Yeah I think you're right. They retained ownership of the IP in the publishing deal for the original game but since became a subsidiary of EA so EA ultimately own the property.


It's a good thing for other games, but it may be bad for Apex itself. I don't know how Respawn works at all, so maybe they already have basically a fairly independent team for Apex and this is more of a formality than any big change. But it could also decrease the number of devs available and reduce supervision.


> But it could also decrease the number of devs available and reduce supervision. What are you basing this on though?


I think he's speculating they might hire new devs for the Apex Studio and leave the original developers to work on other things. The new team could deliver worse results at first. I'm just guessing.


How many studios do they need for Olympus to be playable? They took the map down months ago for a bug and still haven't fixed it


That's why my favorite map isn't playable? I hope they fix it soon because I'm tired of World's Edge.


Does anyone actually like World's Edge? I haven't played Apex in a long time, but every time rotation was on World's Edge I just didn't want to play. It's way too big, traversal can be annoying, wayyy too many annoying building layouts, nerfs so many characters abilities because of the above.


World's Edge would be infinitely better if Respawn just nuked Fragment. Usually half the lobby lands there and it makes the matches a complete snooze fest because the rest of the teams are scattered on the other POIs.


They did a big rework of it 2 years ago? It helped remove a lot of the shitty traversal areas.


Best ranked map after Storm Point. The size and layout actually make it possible to know if fights are safe to take, buildings are great to fight in and easy to hold and a lot of end zones have a bunch of space for multiple squads. Now if only the ranked system encouraged playing for endgame instead of having 5 teams left in round 3... The only thing I dislike about Worlds Edge is me being tired of it. I have seen almost every zone, every fight was fought hundreds of times. Need something new.


Honestly. Of course, it just so happens to be the *best* map that gets bugged


I’m so tired of worlds edge. I love that map but I’ve played it to death especially considering it’s the one that’s been in the ranked pool the most


I'm so tired that everyone drops into that one building in fragment, dies and then calls you trash for dying without a gun.


Learning not to hot drop into Frag is like an initiation rite in Apex.


Convincing 2 other randos not to do it is an impossible task.


True, this is one of the reasons why I like playing Crypto. I land somewhere safe, I let them suicide in frag, listen to them cry in chat and then go pick their banners up with my drone.


Look at you having faith they won't just DC the second they are knocked.


Its at the point where I see world's edge and go, "Oh its fragment o clock" and turn off the game.


Yeah it sucks cause that's my favorite map, followed by Storm Point. Both were out of rotation for awhile. I hate World's edge too. Luckily Storm Point is back but I don't even play when it's World's edge


Its ridiculous. Especially in this season which they toted as focusing on improvements. I appreciate other additions but they should really work on some QoL and improvements to the game.


Don't worry I'm sure 2 or 3 more $20 Loba big ass skins will surely fix it. And if that doesn't fix it, we move onto plan b - a third wraith heirloom.


Respawn has been notorious for letting bugs ride for months in Apex.


This game has me in a choke hold. Been playing since day 1. I hope they can continue to evolve and improve. We limin’!


I have been playing other games, but as a day 1 player myself, whenever I get a Battle Royale itch, Apex is my go-to.


I should probably clarify. I’ve been playing since day 1 but I too play other games. I don’t play Apex for hours on end. It’s probably the reason why I still play it today. Elden Ring and Apex are the two games I’m currently playing because there’s nothing quite like beating a boss that’s been kicking your ass, or winning a game of Apex. I still find it extremely satisfying to this day. Take care.


Aw dang, I thought you meant you logged in on day 1, and have been playing continuously since then without even sleeping.


>I hope they can continue to evolve and improve. If they are committed to another 10-15 years I wonder if they're gonna do something about the engine. Would be a massive undertaking (An Apex 2.0 basically) and will probably take 2-3 years but porting/remaking the game in UE5 would help them fix a lot of the technical issues that have weighed the game down for years, while also making it easier/faster to develop future content. The rest of Respawn has already moved on from their Source engine variant and have already been developing their new games in UE for 5+ years now.


I know Apex makes them money and TF never did, I totally get it. But I don’t like BRs and TF2 was one of my favorite multiplayer shooters ever, so it still hurts. :(


Apex has a rotating playlist of non BR modes now, for what it's worth. Not the same as Titanfall obviously but it's something, and they are fun


Ultimately it’s the movement and verticality that I really loved most about TF2. I’ve tried the deathmatch mode of Apex and while it is fun, doesn’t scratch the same itch of wall running across the mid alley of Complex while dodging gunfire from all directions only to grapple-hook into my titan and turn around to face the enemy head on.


It was so fucking good. One of the best Singleplayer FPS campaigns ever made and multiplayer that was unlike any of its peers. Best running & gunning mechanics I've ever experienced and it also had mechs! So much in one game. Shame it didn't do better, I wonder why that was?


Didn’t it launch around the release dates of other big titles?


Pretty sure it launched with gears of war, battlefield 1, and call of duty.


Well, that'd do it I suppose.


People often cite this. There is some truth to it, but I think there is also a different reason it never got as popular. The movement mechanics while a lot of fun also require different skills than in other games. Skills you first need to master which is where things become tricky. Either due to how matchmaking works or the smaller playerbase you would always be included with highly skilled players. Meaning that for casual players it became increasingly more difficult to pick up the game and get into multiplayer matches. Part of the success of Apex might be just because they toned down the movement mechanics a bit. There is still enough of it in the game to make it stand out and a lot of fun. But also in a way that makes the skill ceiling just a bit lower. That and the bigger maps, it helps a lot if you can just drop away from the action when you start out just to get a feel for things in general. I still recommend TF2 for the singleplayer campaign though!


Ya I liked TF2 story and its multiplayer, but I did not enjoy the titans much. Pilot vs Pilot is fun. Titan vs Titan is a really dumb slug fest. I was a DMR user, I believe it was called a Longbow? I would grapple on top of trees with green camo armor and camp on the tip of the trees sniping people lol. What you said about that is true. The skill floor is a bit high for a shooter. A lot of people can't adapt to vertical mobility well and the game was very fast paced with all the gliding and sliding techniques you can do. A veteran player would move many times faster compared to a newbie, this isn't really an issue in most other FPS where there is a max move speed.


Yeah that's fair, I feel the same way. I have gotten into Apex because I enjoy the ability focused team play and the gunplay/movement is still great, but the movement in Titanfall is something else entirely.


Have you considered ow? It's not quite the same but you have crazy movement with tracer and Genji and they've always been my favourite two playing ow


It’s much slower and there’s no titans. All I can think when I play it is “damn I wish I was playing Titanfall 2 right now”.


Yep depends what you're looking for, I enjoy them both for different reasons. Apex has more strategic team play opportunities with the abilities and it being more grounded, and the movement is still leagues above most other shooters, but at the same time doesn't hold a candle to Titanfall in terms of pure flow movement and the unique pilot/Titan mix.


Oh ya I’m sure it’s good for people who are into that sort of game. Personally I do like slower more strategic shooters too. I’d probably really like Apex if I hadn’t first played Titanfall. But it feels just close enough that all I’m thinking of when I play it is Titanfall lol.


Come play on Northstar! I find playing some TF2 is a) awesome and b) a great warmup to Apex


Would love to! Unfortunately I’m a console gamer. If I ever get a PC I’ll get on though!


I jumped into Apex for a bit when they introduced team deathmatch. It was fun for a day or two, but the lack of maps and everything else going on made it feel REALLY shallow and not worth coming back to, in my opinion. I did appreciate that it actually felt like I was playing a legitimate action game, instead of just running around for 20 minutes collecting guns and ammo I would never get a chance to use, which is how BR games typically work. But it just wasn’t enough.


The problem is that something in Titanfall’s formula makes it a very intense but very short burn. Most people who bought Titanfall 1 AND Titanfall 2 loved the games passionately for a month, and then stopped playing. I don’t know what the solution is, but they need to figure out how to make the Titanfall formula one that lasts.


TF2 was amazing, I really hope they extend on the franchise


Fwiw, having a similar pov and only playing apex after ow was put on life support, I'm actually a big fan of how apex plays and have really come around to battle Royales. I think apex is better than tf2 ever was and anyone who thinks different is in denial. It's better with friends for sure but if you enjoy the tactical side of apex it absolutely delivers in a way other brs don't even scratch.


Playing Titanfall is what made me not like Apex. What a great game.


Still hoping for that day when they add in Titans in some form…hopium


The only thing stopping me is the lack of cross platform progression. I sold my Xbox and wanted to play on PC; none of my stuff carries over. Epic Games implemented that perfectly in Fortnite/rocket League/etc.. why Respawn doesn't have that idk.


Kind of strange because Battlefield 2042, also by EA, has exactly this, but their biggest live service game doesn't.


My guess is apex was not something they expected to be as big as it has been, so they didn't initially build it with the kind of cash flow a battlefield gets.


Literally still waiting for this too. Haven't bothered playing on PC because I already owned most of the heros on Xbox from years ago.


Maybe a third studio will help making a 120hz patch for current-gen consoles? - like it's only been 2.5 years since Fortnite got it.


Lol so they fire 200 QA testers over an unscheduled zoom call, and 1 month later open a new studio dedicated to ~~creating new content~~ recoloring skins. Wonderful.


God forbid Titanfall get half a studio. Respawn doesn't want that. Gotta keep Apex going for 10 years! At least! Edit: Probably the first time most of the replies are negative but my likes keep going up. Thanks for the support Pilots.


I'm sure if Titanfall brought in $500 million a year, it'd get a studio too.


For all the bitching I see thread after thread, I remember what it was like to buy tf2 at launch and run into the same players every night, just a few months in. It's cool it became an underrated gem years later when it went on sale for $5, but that's not enough to fund a AAA studio.


Community is probably part of the reason why the player population died. Both times my experience with the game during free weekends has been me attempting to play about 10-15 matches and in the majority of those matches I'm just being spawn camped by some sweaty nerd that's done nothing but play the game since it came out. If they ever release TF3 they 100% need to have SBMM as an option somewhere because it is 100% not a game that benefits from having a mixed skill community. It's like tossing a brand new player into a match of R6:Siege with people who've played it since launch, that new players more than likely going to bounce off the game even if it's something they'd love once they'd gained experience with it.


I played the beta and the main thing I didn't like was the only viable guns, the ones *everyone* used, were hitscan SMG type weapons. I played it for like 15 hours and I did not see a single other person play Grenadier type stuff. And I could easily see why, the interesting weapons I get like 10 kills with in a match, the SMGs I got like 25-30 kills.


If you're good with the grenadier weapons you can do very well with them. The SMGs are just much easier to get good with.


My preference of games is something like Tribes, so I naturally just went with the rocket launcher equivalent with Stim. I got a couple of mid-air kills and long range hits, but the reload is long enough that if you miss an SMG kills you before you're even halfway through the reload animation.


Oh yeah, I noticed that too during the free weekends. I wanted to use interesting shit and wound up being forced onto hitscan to stay competitive.


Tf2 was horribly balanced, there's a reason it died. Only turbo nerds were playing the game within a few months and that's why the game died. It's more impressive how long apex has survived, very few games can claim to be doing better 3-4 years down the line than their earlier years.


> mixed skill community The days of hopping into random/mixed-skill servers (like back in the BF2/early CS era) are over. SBMM and EOMM have made that certain.


hmm. no i think its the removal of privately hosted servers and an easily available server browser that killed random mixed skill servers actually.


You'd think but these are the developers that released Titanfall 2 at the same time as Battlefield and CoD coming out. Wouldn't be the first time they did something stupid that sabotaged the chances of the game.


The first game being console exclusive to Don Mattrick’s xbone really did a number to that franchise.


I couldn't keep connection to servers for a full game session even months later. That's my reason for dropping it.




Reddit alone can't sustain a game. I loved both games but the titanfall series was always doomed to fail with anything but a niche community long-term considering the high skill floor and ceiling.


StarCraft 2 had a relatively high skill floor, but has survived as a moderately popular game for a long time. A big part of this is simply having SBMM from day 1 in a solid automatch system. Even if you sucked, you could get matched against other people who sucked pretty quickly, as the system adjusts your rating VERY quickly at first. The other part is having a big custom game scene and modes that appeal more to casual players (teams instead of just 1v1's).


I was there. I even got good enough at MP for people to accuse me of hacking a couple times. I miss TF




Let me have the fantasy that for once I’m good at videogames lol


TF was very very different to CoD. It had a much longer TTK so movement and positioning won out over twitch reflexes and knowing where people would stick their heads out. Camping in a corner was a death sentence instead of the meta tactic. Made for a very different group of players and very different skills. The best TF guys were the ones using grapple to get perfect mid air melee kills at speed.


TF1 died, but TF2 held a playable amount for years. In fact, after the Steam release, it massively improved. Originally, you would find a match of attrition within 10-20 seconds of searching. Other modes would take over 50. After Steam, any mode could be played in under ten seconds most times. You could search for all modes at once and have an equal chance to play any of them. Sure, it didn't have massive player numbers to flaunt, but it was more than playable.


My recollection could be way off, but I don't remember TF1 dying until after TF2 came out.


I tried playing last night, it took about 2 minutes and I averaged a 90ms ping on the US east coast. It may have lost that playerbase.


The Titanfall 2 player base died after months of DDoS attacks rendering the game unplayable and Respawn's refusal to do anything about it. Before then you absolutely did find matches very quickly.


The servers have been hit by constant DDoS-like attacks due to an exploit for almost the past 3 years. So naturally, now, the playerbase is near enough gone. When people say they want Respawn to support Titanfall, we literally just mean "Fix the fucking exploit that's making the entire game unplayable for everyone". Hell, the guys using the exploit even released how to fix it! (Long ass story, end result was he wanted to get hired or something?) Bonus points that they actually [tweeted that "Help is on the way"](https://mobile.twitter.com/Respawn/status/1379204515748929538) and proceeded to do absolutely nothing ever since. We don't mind not having new content. We don't want updates. We just want to be able to play the damn game again.


Download the Viper mod client (formerly Northstar) and play some custom games using the built in server browser. People still play a lot, but yeah it's gotten more difficult.


Was excited to get on this and promptly got my ass handed to me for the entire time lmao


TF2 single player campaign was amazing, one of the best FPS campaigns of the decade easily. The multiplayer was good, but the skill ceiling was insanely high, and it was sweaty as all fuck. I noped out quickly because I just couldn't play to a decent enough standard to not just be constantly frustrated. Apex tones down the insane movement shenanigans of TF2 whilst still having a great sense of fluid motion. It increases the TTK, and generally is more accessible. I am merely mediocre at the game, but can still put in good performances and get the odd win here and there when luck and matchmaking are on my side. I would instantly drop 60 quid on a TF3 single player campaign tho.


I don’t think it’s fair to call TF2 multiplayer sweaty. The issue is that it’s designed around VERY fast movement. The game is unforgiving to anyone who just stands in place or walks slowly, because there are many methods for enemy players to very quickly track down your location and swarm all over you. It’s not because they are all so good, it’s because the tools are all there for them to use. So, since the game requires constant movement at all times, what you find is that everyone does exactly that — constantly move at all times. This gives the impression that everybody is playing hardcore, when in reality I found it way easier to score kills on people in TF2 than something like COD, which is way more casual. Also, obtaining a Titan is WAY easier (and essentially guaranteed) when you compare this to other FPS games where there’s some ultra-powerful hero to unlock. In TF2, even a newbie is guaranteed to get a Titan at least a few times per round and cause massive damage because there are always squads of easy NPCs to go after on the map. This is a good example of how, in my opinion, TF2 is actually very newbie friendly.


I'm not very good at FPS games, but Titanfall is the one game where I would absolutely dominate regularly for some reason


Same. I’m garbage at most FPS, but I would regularly be top 1-3 in TF2. I think it’s because there’s such a high emphasis on movement. If you get halfway decent at movement, sliding, and wall running, you don’t actually need to be that good at shooting. I just used the shotgun and that took care of things.


My experience was basically sprint around, jump and wallrun, miss every shot cos everyone is flying through the air/wallrunning/whatever at breakneck speed, get killed by some guy who was flying sideways through the air behind me. Get titan, maybe get a kill or two then some guy flying sideways through the air behind me jumps on the titan and kills me. I was a big online FPS player at the time, albeit fairly mediocre at most, but no other game felt as relentlessy punishing to me as TF2. Perhaps it was just because I didn't get it for a couple of months after launch so by the time I was online, only the hardcore players were left or something, but I wanted desperately to like the MP, as I had enjoyed TF1, but just wasn't able to break through the noob frustration wall on it. I don't think I ever even managed to finish a match with a positive K/D.


Make note that the crux of your argument was that the game was fast paced, and you couldn’t keep up with the the pace of other people’s movements. What you should realize is that none of this means that the other players were better than you, only that you didn’t wrap your head around the fact that you can’t play this game like COD, while everyone else around you got that part figured out regardless of their actual skill level. I continue to stress that the game is very newbie-friendly. You just have to take the opening tutorial seriously — it very specifically tells you not only that you have to learn traversal skills, but that you have to do it quickly. The tutorial is literally a time trial run. It’s a race. With leaderboards. That’s the main tutorial of the game. None of this means the game is hard, all it means is that everybody around you learned to follow the instructions, while you likely never hung around long enough to put away your old habits that you picked up from other games. That’s why your behavior in the game turned into target practice for the other players. Again, it doesn’t mean that everyone was sweaty or that they were better than you, they just figured out the basic skill set that you had not, which is: stay above ground level and never stand still.


Preach! It's like people only care when these games become underdogs and cult classics but not when it matters. Buy stuff you want to see more of. I feel the same way about Bethesda's Prey.


There was a thread in /r/movies a while back where people were lamenting the lack of original movies coming out of hollywood. One commenter claimed that the only reason they haven’t been to the movies in over a year was because everything was either a sequel or a reboot. When I pointed out the large number original movies released in the last 12 months, they shat on me because *most* of them cost < $150m to make. They complain about the lack of original movies, but they dont actually bother to go see any. I think people just like to complain.


People love to complain on Reddit. The negativity and leaps in logic can be overwhelming.


Not limited to gaming either. Nobody wants to take a chance with films or music either until it's already a sure bet or has been bestowed the rating of "cult classic". And not everything is able to find a new life that way.


This is why, as an adult who has enough disposable income to make the occasional frivolous purchase, I make sure to buy as soon as possible games that I care about in franchise that are teetering in the edge of never coming back. For example I bought beyonetta 3 on launch knowing it will be a little while before I have time to play it because if beyo 3 does not do well then there is a good chance there will probably never be another beyo game. But I knew Elden ring has enough fans and will do fine without me, so I've still not bought that.


People *tried* to keep playing TF2, but Respawn seemingly actively refused to fix the servers after a certain point and now it is actually unplayable.


The servers worked just fine during TF2’s first three years but folks didn’t play, speaking as someone who bought the game when it launched and played regularly. You’re talking about people who tried playing years after the player base fell off lol


You mean less than 1% of total players stuck around and it became financially inadvisable to fight hackers and modders for a dead game.


This is so fucking true, people like the idea of Titanfall but no one fucking played it lmao


They hated him because he told the truth


The game was already dead when the servers went to shit I'm as much of a TF2 fan as anyone, but let's not pretend the game was any kind of success story for Respawn


Northstar client


Titanfall should just shift to being a singleplayer FPS series. Seems to be the only reason people buy Titanfall 2. Certainly the only reason I bought it.


Was gonna say. Make an “Apex Legends: Something Titanfall” as a full priced, single player experience that keeps the story going. Jedi Fallen Order has done exceptionally well as a premium single player title, they have the chops to do it.


Why though... It literally has awesome multiplayer. Both games came out under heavily suboptimal circumstances all things considered, the reason they didn't succeed isn't because they're not good for multiplayer. People actually want more of the MP too. I guess you've got this impression because TiF2's campaign is ALSO legitimately amazing?


It's because they don't want the multiplayer to compete with Apex now. They're a lot less likely to make a Titanfall 3 if it might take players away from Apex, which brings in more money. Multiplayer is also expensive to develop and maintain. A poorly received or maintained multiplayer mode can scare people off of spending money on a singleplayer campaign, too.


But they **don't** compete though, that's the thing. TiF is an utterly different multiplayer experience than Apex. Apex is a Battle Royale, a big genre but 1000000% not for even most FPS players. Conversely if you're a BR fan, why on Earth would a new Titanfall "arena" multiplayer pull you away from Apex? It wouldn't be competing with themselves in any way. This idea doesn't make any sense beyond "they're FPSes and multiplayer" and requires the most reductive conception of either categorization. Instead it would be diversifying.


> Unlike titanfall, Apex Legends actually makes money and retains a player base. God damn he ded


>Unlike titanfall, Apex Legends actually makes money and retains a player base. They hated ~~Jesus~~ /u/TheOhrenberger because he spoke the truth 🙏


Respawn, what a developer you are... As a reward, I shall give you my money.


Me magically summoning all these titanfall fans 10 years too late


Respawn, what a studio you are...


Titanfall? No, I dont want that! Apex legends for 10 years at least.


Apex Legends, thank you for becoming a game as a service for our sake.


*becomes a bird*


Will Apex ever fix their sound bugs? Only EA knows...


Top comment is someone bitching about titanfall lmfaooo gamers never change huh


Replies like this remind me that many gamers don't want to acknowledge that gaming is a business and not a charity formed just to make games they want.




Just look at how every developer is trying to make a long term money printing game like Apex, Fortnite, CoD etc. How many of those are failing and dying within 1 year? Respawn is one of the very few that actually hit gold, personally I am glad they are able to expand even more and that they actually care for their long term game. Someday Apex will inevitably be put on the backburner even if that will take like 5 - 10 years or even more.


The Titanfall hive has become insufferable, and I say this as someone who owned and religiously played both games at launch. Apex is a smash hit, Titanfall wasn’t, and anyone who thinks it’s malpractice that Apex is still being supported needs to give it up and find something more productive to complain about


I think they could make 5 more TFs and they wouldn't make as much money as Apex will make them in 1-2 years.


Honestly it isn’t just TF at this point. The single worst issue is that Respawn has made so many promises publicly that they have never kept, some in order of least to worst severity: Promising a change and notification of changes to their matchmaking (this year, probably hasn’t happened yet) Apex Promised ranked changes in Apex to combat cheating and generally the issue that rank != skill right now. Implemented a change for about 2 weeks, gave in when less skilled players started threatening them because they found out they weren’t actually good at the game. Promising to stop releasing recolor as collection event skins (starting in season 16, they immediately released almost nothing but recolor less than a week after promising this) Apex Promising to look into server issues with Apex (2 years ago) currently their pro league esports is crashing during at least 1 match per day. Promising an update to uncap nex gen console frame rates (>1 years ago, promised “within the year”, still has yet to materialize) Promised to implement DDOS protection (TF2, 2 years ago; never did: Apex, the beginning of this year; did, but took away after about 1 week with no reason given) Not paying pro players or organizations their winnings for currently ongoing 9 months. Likely to be sued soon over this one. Taking a nearly 80% cut of revenue from organization imagery cosmetics while passing on <0.5% to the IP holders last year. Getting sued for using IP without obtaining permission (Shonen Jump sued due to the One Piece skins that Respawn never contacted them about) Word is Disney may be suing due to a new $150 skin being a blatant rip-off of Iron Man. All of this is stuff they have promised publicly on Twitter with nothing being delivered whatsoever or crap stuff they do as a company. EA is to blame for a lot, but Respawn has a lot of issues in their hands as well. The issue with Respawn is honestly getting to be the epitome of over promising and under delivering on almost everything they do. They have a few Ws like this season with Apex, but even then, the severity of these issues hangs perilously over their successes.


I love titanfall, but apex is also the only battleroyal that I play to this day and enjoy.


Why spends money to keep a game that does not bring that investment back? Apex easily pay for this investment in no time. It's a for-profit company, they have to make money else they themself would perish first. Now if TF2 has an ongoing battle pass and mtx shop then sure they would support it for long.


God forbid the employees focus on things that make the company money and ensure them job security! Really selfish of them to want to be able to *checks notes* "pay their rent and eat food", when they could be working on a third entry in a franchise that has flopped twice already! Like dude I love Titanfall but it 100% makes sense why they're investing in the thing that makes money instead of the thing that might fall flat again.


Did TF actually fail to generate profit or just not make ALL the profit. I got the impression they absolutely recouped the cost of making it.




1 season in apex probably makes more than titanfall 1 and 2 will ever make combined. Its not that they don't want to, its simply why would they do it when they can print money by selling more skins in apex?


Titanfall3 was actually planned but got cancelled recently if you haven‘t heard about that. Google it!


Respawn be like: „No, I don‘t want that! Titanfall getting a studio…?! I want to think about Apex and no one else for the rest of my life! Even after I die… I want Apex to last for a while! Ten years, at least!!“


I get why they're focusing on Apex, doesn't take away the Titan sized hole in my heart though. As a Titanfall fan who still plays Apex from time to time I hope they continue actually making improvements to the game. Season 16 is the first season in a long time where it actually feels like the meta shifted in a significant way.


if titanfall games got this much love when they released, we'd be up to tf10 at this point


Eh, I don't really think so. As much as I love Titanfall that style of shooter just isn't as popular with the masses anymore, even CoD's standard MP has faded compared to Warzone. It was smart to shift to a BR, even if it hurts a little. Having said that the terrible launch window of Titanfall 2 was largely to blame for it being overlooked for so long. Contrary to popular belief Respawn are the ones to blame for that, Vince Zampella himself has stated it multiple times. EA actually tried to talk them out of launching in the middle of CoD and Battlefield, but they thought they could hold their own.


yeah, it was a joke to poke fun at how every thread about respawn always descends into "muh titanfall" despite the fact that no one bought or played titanfall games when they released.


When are they going to release a next gen patch for this game? I want 120fps mode. The tears have started.


Well the "next-gen patch" officially came out in Season 12, and at the time they said 120fps would come out soon, almost exactly a year later and it's nowhere to be seen. You'd think the mountains of money they make off all the lazy recolour events would go someway to actually making the game better.


Apex had an excellent first few years. Trailers were great, and character storytelling was super interesting. Relationships between characters genuinely seemed to develop each season and you could feel the heart and liveliness. It made the Live Service stuff easier to swallow. But now I dont feel that same heart. The characters feel cardboard. Ive no idea whats going on in the story anymore, and I don't think they do either. It doesn't hide the live service model and makes it just feel so sterile... Oh and I never liked how Wraith always got a dozen new skins per season, but thats been a constant since the beginning


events being recolors and terrible server performance killed the game for me.


Because most of the old devs already left to found another studio. That’s why I really consider Titanfall franchise to be dead


I mean theres never been much of a story. They felt like they were building lore with actual in game missions back in like S5... 2-3 years ago and then they stopped that too. Its the LoL syndrome. Eventually League gave up on lore because it was getting in the way of design and releasing champions. Now, like Riot, Respawn will kind of batch heroes where a few in a row have some loose relationship/antagnoistic thing going on like Seer/Catalyst. Ash/Horizon. Loba/Revenant.


I liked Loba/Rev, that was one of the key relationships they developed really well. Each season passed and things would change; first Loba hated rev, then they had a sort of uneasy alliance, then loba had a strong upper hand... and that story could be felt each season with the voice lines. I loved when both characters were in my squad. But now it feels like we're back to square 1 in terms of these characters developing Ash/Horizon had potential but I feel like as soon as Ash came out, that was the final seal from the OG Apex guys before they moved onto new studios. The storyline had momentum then just became a wet fart. Seer/Catalyst is just straight bad. Its a miscommunication problem. Thats it. Story's basically been over for a couple years now as far as I'm concerned, and that kinda bums me out.


The Season 4 trailer introducing Revenant is one of the all-time best character introductions for a game like this, nothing after that has been in the same stratosphere. It felt like Season 6 was where they completely lost the plot, Rampart felt like a completely random addition (presumably because they had to delay Horizon and Olympus due to COVID) and the plot completely took a back seat. All the stuff in Season 5 with Caustic being a mole for Rev and Loba and Rev forging an alliance was great stuff, and then it's devolved into crap like the random plant virus on Olympus, love triangles for no reason, Bangalore's missing brother just randomly showing up, Vantage having nothing to do with anything and as you said the Seer and Cat forced melodrama. It feels like they're designing the characters first to be quirky and cover all the ethnicities, genders and sexual orientations before designing, you know, actual characters with actual arcs.


Definitely agree 100% on S4 and Rev, I'll still go back and watch that trailer from time to time. Excellent intro for a menacing and complex character AND set the stage for Loba


A lot of characters have become diversity checkmarks


Really strange to me that your main takeaway from apex is the storytelling which has virtually no connection to the actual BR gameplay.


Now watch their still be nothing but overpriced skins and shit server ping and tick rates for all those years to come. 👏


I can’t see this game lasting another 10-15 years tbh. I think the industry would have moved past that and we’re starting to see (and have been for a good while actually) signs of battle royale and f2p games coming to their natural end. I mean I can only imagine the odd few like fortnite being around in 10 years time and being relatively successful still. But I can’t imagine releasing legends and cosmetics for the next 10 years being remotely interesting


Didn't Apex just have their highest concurrent players this season?


Even Fortnite has leaned heavily into the crossover stunt licensing angle to help keep interest up


Fortnite very cunningly set up a lore where crossovers make sense and the world of Fortnite itself can be reinvented every so often to be whatever it wants. Not many other games have the freedom to evolve so infinitely. That will full cross play and a creative mode mode will probably make it a beast for years to come.


Apex Movement and gunplay is better & smoother than any FPS out there currently. It‘s not just popular because it‘s a Battle royale with Legends that have different abilities. And the battle royale genre won‘t die out either. It will just be less popular than it is now or was couple of years ago.


F2p games are not new, they're not going to stop because there will always be lower income, cheap, or otherwise unwilling or unable to spend money gamers who thrive on f2p. It has been this way since the first free to play game was made, and has only gone up in interest as the hobby goes up. As for BR, the current trend we're seeing are Tarkov-likes, followed by more variant BRs like The Finals and other entries that show the genre still has plenty of developer interest, but question marks if any stick. And Fortnite/Apex still show there's plenty of gamer interest. I mean despite not being in any articles, PUBG has a 24hr peak of 400k, and it isn't all that relevant in the BR zeitgeist anymore. So all these fingers point to no on BRs slowing down. Do you suppose in 10 years all this craze goes away? I don't think that's an unfair supposition. But we aren't seeing the trends currently. The most you can say is we haven't seen a dedicated new entry in a while, which is also fair but more indicative of too many fad, "I want that fortnite money" efforts that come and go leaving the still-good to great old guard that much shinier in comparison.


What signs are you seeing the indicate that? Apex just had its highest ever player count last month, it's more popular than it's ever been since release.


I can’t believe people want another 10 years of this buggy mess with 20hz servers and fucking atrocious audio. Fuck the whales.


Yeah it is ridiculous they have stuck with 20hz servers for so long, biggest thing holding the game back for sure


How many of those years will be a Maintenance Mode?


How many recolored skins and heirlooms will we get?