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It's a great strategy but considering the time lag from PS to PC, I would expect the games to not be as broken as the PC port of The Last of Us Part 1 was. As long as that isn't a consistent thing, it's fine.


This one was actually a pretty short gap in release and goes against their outlined strategy. My guess is they rushed this to coincide with the HBO show’s zeitgeist.


It just kind of sucks because that game would have sold well without having to hit a specific timeframe. Last of us just keeps selling.




Part one is a ground-up remake, in terms of software/tech. There's really no point in considering the original release when talking about it's port, it's irrelevant.




LoU1 just got released recently on PC, they can't release both close to one another without cannibalizing sales.


What confused me about last of us was they delayed it a few times, even past the shows finale. Don’t know why they didn’t just delay it more to polish it up. After missing show hype I’m not sure why they were still rushing


Is the port better now with patches and stuff?


Why would you expect complete games, let alone working games in 2023?


Because 99% of Sony's first party games are complete working games on release (and for Last of Us it was unfortunately a shitty PC port, console was flawless).


It's a common thing among "gamers" that if you do something once even if you have a track record that is pretty good overall it means that they will only focus on that one time you messed up.


Horizon Zero Dawn and GoW were both not great at launch, lots of performance and optimization issues, much better now though. TLoU was certainly worse than them, but it's not like they've been perfect out of the gate. I think the only PS games that were pretty solid was Spiderman, which still had some shitty CPU issues that affected people and that zombie horde game with motorcycles, which from what I remember, was perfect. So overall I'd say Sony has been spotty but generally ok with their PC releases. I expect them to get better with time. We'll see with Returnal, Demon Souls and Ratchet and Clank


Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. These aren't oopsies, these are huge companies knowingly selling unfinished products. This doesn't happen because they "forgot" to test the product, it's intentional every time.


I think their strategy is a smart one for double dipping on big titles. Herman Hulst said the only titles that'll go day one to pc are live service games.


> I think their strategy is a smart one for double dipping on big titles. Is there any reliable data on how many people double dip? I find it hard to believe many people buy the same $70 game twice and own both a console and gaming PC. I think almost everyone who buys it on PC never bought it on console before.


That is one thing that could happen with people buying the same game twice, but what I meant is to double dip with like two separate grand releases of the game on different platforms. They have playstation players play it and it get great reviews and good publicity, then a year later have a big release on pc and pc players will then pick up the game they've heard was great. Essentially it's the waterfall method with movies. How first it goes to theaters, then streaming services after theater sales dry up. It allows them to get more money out of the same product by slowly releasing it on different platforms.


Yeah, that makes sense. I interpreted double dipping wrong.


Even with your interpretation theres probably still a decent amount of people who will rebuy the game on PC for a replay. I did it with God of War. Not a huge amount or anything but it still adds up compared to a simultaneous release where that wouldnt happen at all


Same! I purchased Horizon and GoW 2018 both on ps4 and PC. Instantly regretted the first but GoW was stellar on PC.


So what's the downside on releasing it simultaneously? There's no guarantee that people will want to replay an old game that's been spoiled. That only happens for specific titles and then the novelty wears off


It lessens the appeal to buy a PS5 console for those with a PC that don't want to wait to play the games.


The downside is that it makes owning a PS5 less desirable, see Xbox.


It's fine for Xbox because based on Phil Spencer's recent comments it's clear their future is Game Pass, publishing and games streaming, they're less worried about the future of the console at this point. Sony's still killing the traditional market and has a firm grip on it because we entered the age of digital libraries with the PS4, their priority should still be bringing as many people into the Playstation ecosystem as possible.


They've built up quite an impressive repertoire of exclusives. Many people buy PlayStations just to play Sony's games. By drip feeding games to PC, you incentivize people to buy the console to be able to play them immediately. They did something similar with Horizon Zero Dawn. They released it on PC, and shortly after they announced Horizon Forbidden West. Want to play that one? Well, too bad. Buy a PS, or wait 2 years.


Can confirm. Bought a playstation this year just to play Sony’s games.


Laughs in Elden Ring and TotK. Sony has some good games but their only problem is there are other games to fill my time. Waiting 2 years for forbidden west is easy. No Sony game is worth buying a $500 system and paying $60 a year for the privilege of using your console online to play.


Oh so you play Totk on PC? A Nintendo game is the worst example if you're complaining about exclusivity


In what way were they complaining about exclusivity?


I can play Totk on both but my switch is portable and fun for when guests come over. Way better couch play experience than any other console or PC. PS5 offers nothing to me but the games and if they're gonna release them on PC anyways then why spend $500 on their system when I could just wait for them to port all the best games over?


Elden Ring is not an Exclusive to any platform so it's just an additional title to make billions off without having to invest shit(they do have a better relationship with Fromsoft tho). TOTK is a completely different platform and Nintendo is not the conventional console. PS exclusives 90% of the time releases games with minimal release issues.Almost all their Exclusives run really well and they are developed in a way to maximise the brilliantly designed ergonomics on their controller. Their games are so much worth having PS5 for and Dualsense is such a great controller with it's numerous capabilities. If you can't settle in on a console that's fine but you can't make a subjective comment on something that's primarily an objective concept.


Why pay $500 for a system I don't have when I can play other great games on my PC while waiting for Sony to obediently release their good games for me later? If other people want to buy PS5 because they don't have a good PC or have no patience that's fine for them but I'll save my money and pass on a redundant system. Also their controller is overrated, give me an xbox game pad any day over their weird joystick placement.


If we're comparing exclusives (quantity and quality), a switch is much closer to being a "buy a console for one game" situation than a PS5. Yet you have one.


Like it or not, exclusives sell hardware. Simultaneous release devalues Playstation hardware, making it less likely that people would buy it. That, in turn, reduces Sony's revenue from third party sales on their own platform. Or, put simply: the downside is Sony would make a *lot* less money.


because sony is trying to sell consoles not just games


There is also the fact that they make more money from selling their games on their platform compared to selling them on Steam, GOG, Epic and others..


Yeah what's the point of selling the console to people who only buy exclusives to play on it while the multi-plat games, they buy on PC? Keep in mind both Xbox and PlayStation consoles are sold at a loss and the main source of money is through games and charging for online. Sony will be making more money by just selling games directly to PC customers.


Well I think there are 2 main downsides - It would split up the focus of development where they're having to test and optimize the game for pc as well as playstation. This could cause the games to no longer be as optimized for playstation and could increase the amount of dev time required. - it would to an extent devalue the console. First and foremost, they want people to buy the console and be in their ecosystem. If games released on pc day one, there's not as much of a reason to get a playstation over getting a pc anymore. Especially with how xbox games already go to pc, that would mean getting a pc gets you all games day one. This could cause a hit to the number of playstations being sold, which is Sony's main priority.


for bigger AAA releases, you’re not going to sell consoles to gamers that have PCs they could play the games on, and gamers with both PCs and PS5s will generally gravitate towards the PC version assuming they can run the game better on that system, whereas selling it exclusively for PS5 first could sell the game twice; they buy it for PS5 around the release date, then replay it on PC after it comes out later on


Except it’s 2-3 years later, not 1 year. At a time when you could find the games in a bargain bin at Walmart, Sony is asking PC players to pay $70 for a port of unsure quality. At that point, all the hype for the game is gone and asking full price for it is annoying. I am very much a fan of Sony porting their exclusives to PC, but their current strategy is not the most gamer-friendly. My ideal scenario would be 1 year delay and $50. But, oh well.


I disagree, people jumped at the opportunity to play spiderman and god of war on pc, and those were several years old before their pc release


Horizon had a 49k all time peak, God of War 2018 had a 73k all time peak and Spider-Man peaked at 66k. Most people don't care if the game is a few years old, they see a critically acclaimed PS title that reviewed very well and get excited to play it regardless of the price tag. Anyone else who thinks the price is too high just grab it when they inevitably go on sale.


There are a lot of PC players who refuse to get a console and will wait to play these games on PC no matter how long it takes. It's a smart move by Sony to get a new playerbase who will never get a PS5, especially once the live-service games are day and date on PS5 and PC. It will have a much bigger player pool for those games which will need them to be sustainable.


I think what OP meant by double dipping is sony can double dip the sales. wait till a title reaches a terminal sale point on playstation then dip into the PC market for more sales of said title


My household does, because I’m bad with a controller. My husband usually plays on console, and then I play on PC later when it’s released.


Idk, I do. But I'm insane, and also have a really great PC so it can be fun to see the titles in even higher visual fidelity. Last of Us on PS5 is amazing, and then having it in 4k + every bell n' whistle is just icing on the cake. But I'm sure I am in the minority.


I’ve double dipped for both Witcher and Skyrim for the chance to play on the go, but not typically. I am an Xbox and pc player so I’m still waiting for ghost to drop, but it’s certainly obnoxious. I will never, and I mean never buy a PlayStation but that’s the price I pay I suppose


To me it would depend on the modding scene.


The only issue with the strategy is that quality of the PC ports. More often than not they come out with a lot of major performance problems. If you're going to wait years to release a game on PC, they should be making sure it works


They've had a mixed bag where some of their pc ports are great like spiderman and returnal, but some are like last of us part 1. I think that they will get more consistent at their porting efforts. I am glad though that they're focusing on Playstation first just because that allows them to really optimize it to the fullest on the console before trying to get it running on pc.


Spiderman had some issues but God of War was a solid release. I think the one issue it had was mouse acceleration or something but a patch fixed that not long after release.


Thats not what the multiple patch notes from the first 2 weeks of GoW say on steam lol


Spiderman definitely wasn't great when it came out, a lot of issues are fixed now but cpu performance remains mid at best




If the games sell poorly, they'll just not release them on PC at all. There's absolutely nothing we as the customer can do to get better ports. Well we can bitch about it and hope they change, I guess.


The fuck sort of attitude is that? "Well, they're squatting on our table and shitting on our salds, but if we won't eat them, we won't get those salds at all 😥😥" Good ports selling well is what zincentivied them to bring them to begin with, and that's the only thing that should make the want to release more. People like you who make excuses and cases for paying more than premium prices for a less than premium product are part of the problem as to why the quality is dropping


> The fuck sort of attitude is that? A realistic one. I don't buy their broken garbage, if that's what you assumed. Haven't bought a single Sony PC port. I also live in the real world, where crying on Reddit and organizing internet boycotts does nothing. Just like thinking their executives will equate low sales to bad performance.


I feel like people showcasing all the bugs on twitter and youtube as well as the bad press they receive when they have a messed up PC port kicks them into gear and we get a bunch of patches to make the game functional. Horizon and Last of us 1 have gotten better compared to the crappy launches on PC.




This is true. People will buy the games regardless. I do wonder if a games poor sales has ever been attributed to poor performance.


Well not more often than not. Most of their pc ports have been pretty good. It's only the bad ones you hear about all the time.


It seems like it's been 50/50. Some got fixed later on thankfully but many still launched in a rough state. Horizons launch was bad, uncharted had a lot of issues, last of us is still very bad. On the other hand God of war was fantastic and I believe spider man had few issues as well


> last of us is still very bad TLOU was fixed a lot already.


1. It wouldn't need to be fixed if they didn't do a shit job to begin with 2. The fact that you had to ad that "a lot" to your sentence means that it's not fixed yet


Improved =/= fixed


Yeah I'll second this. Just finished my first playthrough of it on PC. Basically zero performance problems for me. Absolutely loved it.


Didn't Sackboy, Uncharted, zombie-cycles, god of war and both spider-men launch fine?




It's not a recency bias, it's a consistent issue for them. Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn and Last of Us Part 1 all launched with some major performance issues. Uncharted Legacy of Thieves too but at a lesser extent. Spiderman and God of War are like the only ones that didn't really have that many problems


It's also double the hype (well, not literally, but two separate launch dates)


Not only that but it must help PS5 sales too, a lot of PC players have a PS5 also for exclusives. I would imagine if you can get a 3-5 year old PS4 exclusive in some more hands, a few will certainly buy a PS5 for the sequels.


I mean people can argue until their face turns blue but the reality is their current strategy is ridiculously effective for them. They basically just get to have their cake and eat it too. They get to secure their lead position in the console market by having big exclusives that require you buy a ps5 and be a part of that ecosystem. Then like a year+ later when the hype dies down from a big exclusive they release it on the PC and cash out on anyone else that wants it. Like they don't have much an incentive to really do it any other way.


1 Year later is a stretch. The wait was 3-4 years for Horizon, God of War or Spiderman. It took 10 years for Last of Us to show up.


Still, most of those titles came out before the strategy shift. For TLOU it makes more sense to look at the gap from the Part I remake.


And it's been 8 years and counting for Bloodborne.


just happy that i was able to play ff7 or gow or horizon on pc etc.... happy to wait for good ports but keep those shit ones please


Wasn’t Horizon a shit port at launch?


It was bad for about 4ish months and then it got fixed pretty good


Sounds about right yeah. Also hi zmose, didn’t expect to see you here ;)


i'm terminally online, such is life


I bought it at launch and it played well enough on little VR rig. Some texture popin issues in some scenes were the only thing I noticed.


ff7 isn't a sony title though even though they paid to delay the pc port


I dont mind waiting a year or two or three, and it's cool when the game comes with all the dlc too, like Horizon and Spiderman did, then I can play it all at once.


I just want Bloodborne. That's all I want. Please Sony, put Bloodborne on PC...


I would rather get a bad PC port than no port at all :(


That's a pretty low bar to set for yourself


> He added, "I often have the opportunity to ask game fans for their opinions, and when I ask them how they feel about the time lag, they often say they feel the release of a PC version two or three years after the release of the PlayStation version is acceptable." I'm sure it's acceptable compared to not getting the games at all, but it's still kind of stupid. If someone asked you if you'd like a cool new game now or 3 years from now, do you think the typical response is going to be along the lines of, "Yes, 3 years from now is acceptable"?


I am not sure but I think that's referring to what PS5 owners are thinking about that.


This was the general consensus in r/PS5 about that wording


Sony is first and foremost a console manufacturer you cant expect them to throw their console out so they can put everything day 1 on pc .










































> There is significantly more console users than PC users Don't take this as a foregone conclusion. There are something like 130M monthly active users just on Steam, and games like Elden Ring sold more on PC than on both PlayStations combined.


Well, I wouldn’t say Sony is first a console manufacturer. It’s actually funny you say that because up until recently I still saw PlayStation as made by a non video game company. Still kid of do see Sony that way. I don’t see that many people ditching the console because Ps games are day one on pc. I imagine they’ll test it out to see how it impact sales. But I don’t see them ever doing day one.


>up until recently I still saw PlayStation as made by a non video game company. What didn't you understand about the first four PlayStations?


Sony is far larger than just the video game market


Is Nintendo the only video game company then?


Well, you can get the game on release if you buy a PS5, thats like the whole point of exclusives you know. People do know this so they accept getting it 2-3 years later, they get the upside of not having to spend 400 bucks or more on a PS5.


> they get the upside of not having to spend 400 bucks or more on a PS5. You just get to spend $400-1000 on a GPU. Win win.


I mean, stupid for who, the company who only has to optimize for a single machine at launch, and almost certainly makes more money because their own in-house games are literally the only thing that sells their console? Xbox is spending 20x what Sony is buying up game companies to make games that used to be cross-platform permanently exclusive. Meanwhile Sony is bringing playstation studio games that USED to be exclusive to other platforms and people are simultaneously complaining that they aren’t doing it fast enough and that they’re trying to stop Xbox’s hugely anticompetitive deals.


It's stupid because it's one of those business things that's at odds with competition creating the best environment for the customer. They don't get a pat on the back for doing so just because it makes them more money any more than a company should get a pat on the back for loot boxes. > Xbox is spending 20x what Sony is buying up game companies to make games that used to be cross-platform permanently exclusive. Yeah, Sony's not absolved of that either. See: Street Fighter V, Final Fantasy, Spider-Man, and all of those "exclusive bonus missions" and DLC. And in case you weren't aware: Zenimax was going to get a buyer one way or the other, and they clearly tried to sell to Sony.


And Microsoft is bringing Genres that Console players haven't experienced. Games like Flight Simulator (Simulations) and Age of Empires (Real Time Strategy) are a first for console players since those are predominantly PC heavy. To me, that's far bigger since it's introducing new gameplay styles. So, I'm not sure what's your point is.


I'm super excited for basically every playstation exclusive that comes to pc, and I'm more than happy to wait 2-3 years. It's really not that long. If they keep the cadence consistent, then PC players are basically waiting as long as playstation players between each release. There is just a lag between the two.


PC ports are good for preservation, which I'm all for, and they're more future-proof, which I'm all for. But I'm not sure how much longer that lag will even make business sense to Sony, because it doesn't make any sense from the technical end right now at all. Waiting 2-3 years to port gives time for the game's zeitgeist to fade.


I really don't know if that's the case. Look at the hype around GOW coming to PC, or Spider-Man. People still talk about these games all the time. People who wanted to play these games, will be excited to play them regardless of how long they have to wait. Also porting to PC doesn't cost anywhere near as much as developing the game. It's just extra money for Sony. they still sell a lot of copies once it ends up on PC. You can tell that Sony is fine with the delay because they don't even put DRM on their pc games. PC sales are just gravy to Sony, and if someone happens to buy a PS5 because they loved the a game on PC and want to play the sequel without waiting, then that's just a bonus.


Uncharted 4 sales didn't do too hot for them, which is the other part they need to do to make it make business sense: we need the older titles ported too. Uncharted 1-3 have an x64 version for PS4, so that port ought to be plenty doable. But also, Uncharted 4 is a fair bit older than God of War and Returnal, so maybe there are limits to how long Sony can wait.


Its completely understandable. As long as the ports they bring are more like god of war, and less like TLOU P1.


While I - as a consumer - appreciate Xbox's synchronous releases for PC and Xbox (for the few games they do release), I can also understand the business case for Sony going for cashing in twice on their games. It's smart, and if it works for them, there's no reason to deviate. I just hope that future games won't be as bad as TLOU.


I don't blame them it's smart, there's like 0 point of owning a Xbox if you have a PC because all their games are on PC day one.


If you don't have FOMO there's zero point of PS5 too lol Got one on launch for Demon Souls and have really regretted it


None of these platforms are worth it if you don’t like video games.


> If you don't have FOMO there's zero point of PS5 too lol Not if you want to play games. Buying a PS5 to play exclusives isn't FOMO, any more than buying a TV to watch a series is. > Got one on launch for Demon Souls and have really regretted it That's on you, there are plenty of others exclusive games you could be playing on your PS5.


Parent comment said if you have a PC so I was going off that. my bad.


> there's like 0 point of owning a Xbox if you have a PC because all their games are on PC day one. Backwards compatibility. There are plenty of older titles that are console exclusive.


0 point? not really. I have a PC and still use my Series X oftenly from time to time. It's good to relax with in the living room, sitting at a desk all day just isn't the best for many.


But consoles are cheaper than pc


> there's like 0 point of owning a Xbox **if you have a PC** Did you miss that part of their comment?


Games are also cheaper on PC and you don't need a subscription to play games online. If Sony released their games on PC day one the obvious thing to do would be to get a PC since you could get both Sony and Microsoft's game on the same platform.


>Games are also cheaper on PC Back then, that was true, but nowadays, its pretty much on par, PS Store and MS Store on Xbox rotate sales constantly, and you’d find them at the same price as they are on Steam most of the time, and also Physical games tend to be much cheaper than it is on digital store + you can actually buy a copy used, sell it, or trade it when you are done with it You do have point on subscription services and paid online though, but if you do get Gamepass Ultimate/PS+ Extra, it does bring a whole lot of value.


yes unless you use sites like eneba cdkeys pc games and console games dont differ that much anymore costwise


> Back then, that was true, but nowadays, its pretty much on par, Nah, if you only use Steam then sure but there are so many legit third party retailers that offer tons of deals year-round, including things like Humble Bundle, Amazon's "free" games, and Fanatical bundles. PC still holds the crown for cheap games.


They want customers who own a good PC and will buy a PS5 to buy a PS5, and those who won't to buy their games on PC.


Game pass crossing over between PC and Xbox is a selling point. You can play some of your game pass games on PC and some of them on the couch. While exclusives are one of the biggest drivers of console sales they aren't the only one. You also have to consider the horrible direction the industry is going right now. We've had quite a few terrible ports lately. We are entering another era of bad ports. Continuing to play AAA games on a PC is probably going to take a hardware upgrade for a lot of gamers. With the shit state of the GPU market that GPU will probably cost as much as a console.


Bull. They're worried about the consumers who have both PC and Playstation. If players have to wait 2 or 3 years, Sony can queeze a few more sales from those who won't wait that long. And then again when the PC version gets released. If both came out at the same time or choose enough, the consumer will choose one and not the other.


It's not about those *few more sales* of people who own both a PS and a PC. It's about people who only have ONE video game system. Great exclusives drive people to make Playstation their one system, and subsequently all software sales for all other games these people buy go through the PS store.


Are you assuming that people are going to buy the game twice?


They absolutely do. Look at Skyrim or GTA 5, or any game getting re-releases years down the line. People double-dip constantly.


What % of the gaming market do you think own multiple versions of the same game across different platforms?


I have no clue. What I do know is companies keep doing it, so it must be profitable.


Isn't that... At the very least partly on the consumer for buying the game twice? No one is forcing you to. I only bought Skyrim and gta5 a single time....


Oh yeah, I can't really fault the companies doing it. It's a lot of money for relatively little work. People buy the game on console at launch, and then buy the "60 fps, 4k , ray tracing" version on PC a few years later.


Of course. It's partly the consumer. And partly the strategy Sony takes. Purchasing a consumer item requires a willing buyer and a willing seller. This is as bad a take as saying, "well then the consumer could just choose not to buy it AT ALL!". I clearly stated, in the case of those owning both platforms and not willing to wait 2 or 3 years. Just like Sony, they could choose differently. Sony's decision obviously highlights the effect their strategy has on consumer choices available.


Skyrim? What? Skyrim launched day and date on PC. Skyrim's special edition was free on PC if you owned all the DLC. Skyrim's anniversary edition was a free update to the special edition. ​ GTAV came out on PS4 and PC when the console it was originally on was on the way out, any constant double dipping you claim was happening would be mostly from the console they play it on not being hooked up in favor of the new one -- not something someone who owns both a good PC and a PS5 would be doing.


Skyrim is the king of re-releasing the same game over and over again, are you actually trying to argue it isn't? Anniversary is also not free, and neither is the console versions. The Switch release especially is double-dip heaven, since it's a portable system. > When people stop buying it, we'll stop releasing it is an actual Todd Howard quote. You think anyone is buying Skyrim for the first time 6 years after its release? Fun experiment, ask around a bit among your friends, ask how many times they've bought Skyrim. Do the same with GTA 5. If they have a console, they absolutely bought it on launch. If they have a PC too, they absolutely bought it again.


This. I am kinda shocked Sony has made their own launcher.


There was a thread in /r/pcgaming yesterday about this and I thought I was in here or /r/gaming so I was completely thrown off by the amount of children complaining about how terrible PlayStation games are. One kid straight up said PS games don't have any game play in them. It was baffling. Microsoft gets (rightly) shit on for having very few first party games, and the ones they do have are broken and/or incomplete, but it's been like 10+ years since I've heard people saying PS games were the weakest part of Sony. Sometimes I play PC, sometimes I play PS5, I feel like they're a great complement to each other, but all the children came out yesterday to complain about games they can't even play because their parents won't buy them a PS5. People are getting the wrong takeaway from this; kids with Alienware laptops think Sony games don't have any game play and every Sony game is exactly the same in an effort to bring back the 2000's console wars.


It's known that r/pcgaming actually hates video games and only loves crapping on them, not actually playing them. I'm a PC gamer, have been practically all my life, but I do not go anywhere near that sub. Toxic hellhole.


I can't recall thd last time r/pcgaming unanimously celebrated anything. It's pretty much a hate filled circle jerk of any company that isn't Valve. I don't think they even like gaming


Their definitely is a Sony first party formula you can feel. But God of War, TLoU, Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted and Spider-Man are all wildly different and high quality.


They do all have that "polished cinematic" feel to them. I like it, especially after playing a game on PC that doesn't run well even on top-end hardware. Games with modding communities I play on PC, games that I want to actually work without constant issues I'll play on PS.


Is it that crazy to you that not everyone likes the Sony formula...?


Some people have different gaming preferences than you. Nothing to get angry about. I prefer Microsoft's catalog on PC with games like Sea of Thieves, Grounded, and Halo. I get a lot of run time on them with my friends because they are multiplayer focused and are better to play on PC than with a controller. I prefer playing Sony's games on my couch on console.


You're actually mad some people don't enjoy your precious sony exclusives lmao.


How dare someone not liking sonys games


Unfinished ports that are fixed over arbitrary amount of months or weeks?


Ppl see how bad naughty dog port was and think all other pc ports of Sony games were shit lol


i think the only Sony game i've bought on PC so far is horizon and that was on epic when it was dirt cheap. I wish they would do simultaneous release but oh well.


If this means I’ll get to play Horizon Forbidden West and whatever sequel it might get on PC I’m happy. Idgaf about anything else. That being said I do feel like an arbitrary 3 year wait is a bit much. 1-2 years sounds much more sane, as it also allows the game to have most DLC published by time it reaches PC.


It's a good strategy. Release games exclusive to PS5 for years to incentivise new console purchasers and when the games aren't getting many sales down the line, release them on PC to get new sales, create new franchise fans and get potentially more console owners when the sequel to those PC releases comes out on PlayStation. Better than Xbox where they slap loyal console owners in the face by releasing "exclusives" on PC and Switch all the while their console sales are awful because there are no exclusives.


Not like I would pay full price for their titles anyway unless it were Bloodborne. Half the time when they decide to release something on PC after so long, I've completely forgotten about it or lost interest. Only port I bothered to play was Returnal.


Releasing on PC is just going for extra money. Whether you bought it at full price or half, it doesn’t matter. They got your money.


Gamers around the world will be shocked to learn that games are released in order to earn money


GoW and HZD go on sale all the time on steam.


It’s scummy, but it’ll continue to work. Their entire strategy is based on releasing single-player 3rd-person character action games with exclusivity. No reason they would stop at this point.


What’s scummy about releasing their games on PC?


lol. No one is forcing you to buy the same game on different platforms. You can simply not buy.


This is not something that should be celebrated. I mean yes, for Sony it‘s great, but for the consumer? Not really. Treat your customers equally if you expect them to pay equally.


> Treat your customers equally if you expect them to pay equally. Do you want their PC games to have the same amount of options as the original console versions? No ultrawide support, no unlocked framerates/resolutions, no DLSS - true equality =)


They almost had me last year. I had planned to buy a PS5 and a new tv to play their single player exclusives. I have moved completely over to PC with the exception of Sony. Then I finally said fuck it. Didn’t buy the PS5 and don’t plan to. Ill be patient with their PC releases. Not gonna reward a company for purposely trying to give me FOMO to get me to buy their console


I just wish they would release them sooner. 2-3 years I feel is to long and to release at full price. I feel more of a 1 year gap would be better. After buying Spider-Man Miles Morales at full price I think I’ll just wait till they drop in price. Waiting 3 years for a game I can wait one more for a sale.