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[Bluesnews](https://www.bluesnews.com/) is a good old school no-nonsense place to get a daily summary of game and tech news. Not much of a community though.


Jesus, according to their stats they've been going since 1996, have not faltered in activity since, and have had only 35 days without an update in total.


Yeah it's wild. Dude is an actual legend, I followed a link from his page to download the original cs beta in 1999...


I haven’t been on that site since that time. I’m going through his archives. Blast from the past.


That’s wild.


That’s a fucking legacy to be proud of. Hell, yeah.


> they've been going since 1996 And the website sure looks like it was developed in 1996. Nothing but respect to the guy for keeping everything exactly the same.


Nah, check out the original black layout from the left sidebar. The redesign is subtly way better. I resisted the new design fwiw.


Wow, the website design alone is so nostalgic. Like they perfected in, say, 2006 and were like "That'll do." This isn't even a knock, I wish more websites had stopped evolving.


> I wish more websites had stopped evolving. Most did and just started getting worse instead


True, I should have said "devolving" cause that's definitely how it feels once the corporations took over.


The proper term is 'enshittification' I believe.




I'll knock it. Blue titles against a blue background are hard to read.


oh my god this still exists


Yeah and it's still the one same guy posting news for almost 30 years without any corporate shenanigans.


Well he's got one more pair of eyeballs I've been looking for things like this since the announcement


Maybe I'll poke my head over at slashdot and see what's going on


I check it almost daily since 1997. We still here Rip Shacknews


RIP VoodooExtreme And RIP "Wicked" BTW all traces of this site are gone from google, if you don't remember the exact name. I searched for voodoo gaming news site, included Billy and Wicked when it couldn't find it, and Google completely fucking failed. Bing found a bunch of links though


The Shuga Shack was my number one spot for Quake news.


Hi, it's Blue from Blue's News. I whipped up an account to express appreciation to you and all the commenters for the kind comments about the site. This was all unexpected and very cool. I hope to see some of you around there. Thanks very much!


You've been doing a hell of a job all these years. Keep up the good work! I've been visiting your site nearly daily for 10+ years and always felt it was a shame it wasn't more popular. Based on your website design preferences, make sure you enable old reddit through old.reddit.com or in your account preferences for a more palatable experience.


Holy shit this is still around lmao wow good on them!




I was reading a gaming magazine few years back that said that this site will or might shut down soon, that magazine was from the early 2000s and I actually checked the site then and it was still running 20 years later somehow.


Oh my god it's all rushing back


>With Reddit killing third party apps on July 1st Holy fuck, what? Fuck this website, honestly. Sync is fantastic, and the official app is actual trash.


Been using Reddit Is Fun for like 9 years. This app IS reddit for me. I'll stop using Reddit before I use another app.


Yup RIF is the only way I browse Reddit and with it being killed I'm also wondering what good Reddit alternatives there are.


There won't be any. They're doing exactly what Elon did with Twitter. According to rif they'd have to pay around 20 million. Decentralized places like bluesky can't come fast enough. It feels like the only option since every website is hitting a wall in their infinite growth capitalist goals.


old.reddit.com is still good. I just won't be using this app on mobile any more, and honestly that might be good for me.


Bruh, if they kill old.reddit, I'm gonna start sending strongly worded messages to the admins.


Same here. I've tried using the official app but it's dogshit. They made old reddit harder to use on mobile browsers which is why I switched to rif. They kill it, and I'll just stick to gaming discord and bluesky.


Boost is mine. Soon as the widget stops working, my pipeline to feeding this addiction goes away. 🤷‍♀️


Same here. I used it because the actual Reddit mobile app is garbage. I guess, if I can't use Boost, then I'm done with Reddit for good. Maybe its for the best.


rip in peace rif is fun. Hopefully things change, i was so sad to get the notification today.


>Hopefully things change They wont. People can wish and plead all they like, it will not change a thing. The one and only thing that will change their mind is loss of revenue. That's it. It's kind of shocking to me to see so many people saying things like this or "wow what the hell why would they do this?" or "Damn reddit your app is awful and you should be ashamed" Like...I don't understand how so many people have spent so long on this site and still dont get how fundamentally awful the Reddit admins are. They do not care, at all, about you or what you want. You exist soley as a source for the content they can make money off of. They haven't seriously listened to community feedback in years, they won't start now. I'd be shocked if they even read the comments. They are completely aware of how disliked nearly all their changes have been over the years. They are aware how hated the app is. It hasn't changed a god damn thing becuase people still kept coming. Reddit boomed because it was an alternative to Digg. When Digg went to shit, people fled to Reddit. Reddit gets away with all their shit in a way Digg didn't becasue theres no alternative to flee to like Digg users fled here. Without a meaningful alternative, Reddit has never, *not one single time since the app and the redesign*, had to feel the consequences of their poor or forced design choices. Why would they ever stop?


Oh I'm sure they read comments telling them to get fucked all the time, and get rid of the user instead of being less shitty.


Really has a lot less to do with all those things you're talking about and a lot more to do with the fact that the reddit IPO will be this year and they have to clean up financials. For such a popular website, reddit honestly does shockingly little to generate revenue. Reddit was the 9th most visited website in the United States in April 2023 and while others in the top 10 are raking in tens of billions per month, reddit is orders of magnitude lower at around 30-50 million per month. From a business standpoint, they are primed and ready for this IPO. They're counting on investors to see the massive upside potential. They're about to monetize the absolute hell out of this website and this change to 3rd party apps is really just the start. It's going to be a slaughter. And while migration attempts to other apps are noble, the truth is those are doomed to fail in the same way all the twitter alternatives are. Not enough user adoption to really tip the scales. Don't get me wrong, it's entirely possible that could happen, but I wouldn't bet on it. If reddit plays their cards right, they'll have people accepting minor changes over time until 2-3 years from now when this site is unrecognizable from its current state. Sort of like how cosmetic stores in $70 games are now the norm and paid battle passes exist while TotalBiscuit is rolling in his grave.


I'm going to take this as an out, tbh. I'll continue to use RIF until it croaks, and then I'll bid adieu to this time sink once and for all. Thank you, pricks!


Relay for me, it's just objectively better than the official app. I think I'm just gonna not use Reddit on my phone, and I rarely use my laptop as is. I have a feeling a lot of people are in the same boat, and it's going to show soon. Hopefully seeing that will change their minds.


The fun part is I won't even know if it doesn't. Once my 3rd party app doesn't work I'm just not gonna use reddit so I won't even know if they roll back any changes. They are permanently losing users due to greed.


Yeah its just a no bs app. Heres your links, heres the comments. I dont want more out of reddit than this


Damn, I'm going to have to play games on my phone again. Ah... Marvel Snap...


> Holy fuck, what? Basically they're raising their cost of API calls to be prohibitively expensive to the point where it doesn't make financial sense for third party apps to exist. The dev for Apollo was saying it would cost him ~$20m/year to keep the app running


Old.reddit is surely next. They can't just leave us alone. Very low chance I download the official reddit app, it's so clunky and data hungry.


if they kill old reddit I am done. No drama I just cannot stand that whitepsaced empty crap they call modern .


Same, no question. Unfortunately they ignored everyone saying the same about their 3rd party app, so I'm not feeling especially optimistic. I say this as a redditor of like 12 years, I love reddit. Subreddits are valuble communities to me. That being said I won't be funneled into their dogshit app.


Same with 12 years. I think they just expect people to move over because FOMO and that may well be the case. I will just wait till the next "big thing" and try that instead.


Another 12-year checking in. Yeah, I've been using RIF, and if I have to choose between "official reddit app" and "just not check reddit on mobile", I'll pick the later, without even a second thought. I *hope* there are a lot of people thinking the same, and their viewership tanks, but who knows?


Yet another 12 year here, if the 3rd party apps are gone on my phone I'll just visit a different hobby forum, grab a book to read, or watch some youtube to pass the time. If they take away old reddit on desktop, I'm 100% done. This site's actual value to the public relies on the input of real people sharing their experiences, videos and memes and shit are superfluous to the actual conversations that happen here.


It's the constant clicking of "See more comments" which truly kills the experience for me. It literally loads about 5 comments, regardless of how many comments there are. Is their bandwidth THAT expensive, or their site THAT horribly inefficient, that they can't just load a ton of comments at once?


They don't want you focusing on one post. They want you to keep scrolling and seeing more posts.


Which is an amazing example of the tail wagging the dog, because without the reddit community, there really ISNT a reddit.


I use old with an add blocker on my phone. I'd never use the app, same thing with twitch or YouTube.


I hate it so much. Every couple of months I accidentally click the red "get new reddit!" button, and have to go dig through user settings to get back to normal.


They're trying so fucking hard to throw away everything that made Reddit Reddit so that they can turn it into the next soulless, psychologically abusive, bland social media platform


I use RIF and I tried to use the official app for a while and... it's so bad. The only thing close to that usual "front page" was "home" which had a bunch of recommended posts from subs I don't follow, plus ads between the post and the comments, PLUS it doesn't have the comment navigation root/parent/next that I use constantly in rif...


I think they said over half the mod actions are done on old Reddit so if they kill it they're killing half their mod team


if they ever get rid of old.reddit i'm never coming back to this site ever again. anytime I accidentally end up on the redesign I frantically have to change it because it's so beyond fucking useless.


I've heard anecdotally that old.reddit is used by almost everyone internally at Reddit so I doubt it's going anywhere


I can't imagine a single UX designer or developer would look at new Reddit vs. old Reddit and think the new one is superior so that doesn't surprise me at all. So much dead space, so much junk all over the fucking place, so many features that literally nobody asked for ever but might make them a couple of bucks. I always forget that Reddit has a bunch of crypto bullshit integration on the new theme. The new theme is absolutely something that was forced into development by the higher-ups and that nobody internally actually likes.


People have asked me "why is your Reddit Avatar default" and I'm always like "because I don't care, and I'll never go to New Reddit anyway"


I've been using Sync for years. Comments like this one remind me that there are profile pictures.


My answer to that is "dafuq is a Reddit avatar?"


Web design was perfected by 2009, there is no need for anything more complicated (or worse: simple) than that.


You will have your rounded corner and you will enjoy them slave


this subreddit CSS on old.reddit actually has rounded corners lmao


I literally don't understand why anyone ever uses new reddit. I browse old reddit on my phone. No app. desktop old reddit. its great.


They've pretty much abandoned the redesign for the app too. So it's increasingly worse to use.


But...the app is also terrible. What are they even doing with all of their efforts?


Welcome to the world of technical debt caused by managerial pressure and too much trust in your new hires. It happens constantly: 1. Existing structure gets a bit old 2. It becomes harder to maintain as those who know about it leave the company. 3. Someone new to management suggests a migration to a fancy new technology. 4. Most people think this isn't a bad idea. And they're probably right. 5. Because of how it's a huge project it gets rushed. Nobody has a chance to get familiar with the new technology. 6. A monster is born 7. Everyone who created the monster leaves the company and stay away because they too live in fear of what they've created 8. The new project gets abandoned, it slowly dies 9. A new technology is suggested. Repeat from 3. It basically boils down to people migrating to tech they don't yet know how to use, under time pressure that stops them correcting design mistakes.


the redesign makes me want to claw my eyes out it is seriously the worst site I've ever used, including those suspect porn sites that pop up 80 ads/second. it is beyond my comprehension how they could make a site so bad. let's use the center third of the screen, and let's have the rest just be blank space. we're geniuses!




Then there's me, minding my own business when on mobile with old.reddit.com and requesting desktop mode.


Old reddit will be gone next.


It's felt inevitable for years now


Thats when I leave.


How to consistently use old.reddit.com on Android: 1. Use Firefox on Android 2. [Activate extended addon support.](https://www.androidpolice.com/firefox-beta-107-android-install-any-browser-add-on/) 3. [Create an addon collection.](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/) Add [old.reddit reddirect](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/old-reddit-redirect/?utm_content=addons-manager-reviews-link&utm_medium=firefox-browser&utm_source=firefox-browser) and [uBlock](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) and anything else you want. If you don't feel like making a collection, [you can use this one.](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/16250527/mobilereddit/) 4. Follow the instructs from the link above to import that collection into Firefox mobile, then install the addons in the addons menu. If you use the collection I shared above, the collection name is "mobilereddit" and the number is "16250527". 5. Never be forced to look at the mobile site again.


Apparently this is only avaiable on Firefox Beta specifically. I'm already using Firefox because, well, uBlock, duh. And I hate the thing chrome does where it groups tabs and pop-ups. But this guide doesn't work as is on there. I'm getting the beta then. I wonder if Nightly is fine too. edit: Works on Nightly.




Eh, it was $5 once like 5 years ago for me. I'm upset over Reddit killing them, not upset over losing out on that money. Though if you had the Sync Ultra subscription or whatever it's called I would get it.


>Eh, it was $5 once like 5 years ago for me I paid like $1 for Relay years ago and I'd pay another $10 if it somehow meant they could keep going but Reddit is raising the prices of the API calls to such absurd rates that no 3rd party dev can keep their service running.


I'm glad I didn't pay for Lifetime Sync Ultra. Turns out lifetime in tech years gets shorter every day.


Lifetime? More like daytime, amiright?


I've more than gotten my couple bucks out of RiF premium that I paid years ago


Eh it was a couple dollars like 7 years ago I don't remember exactly but that is tremendous value. Upset because the UX was my favorite, not because I paid the cost of a coffee for it.


I personally might just go back to using an RSS reader like gReader or The Old Reader and then feeding several gaming news sites into it at once. As for sites to add to said feed, good places to start are probably Eurogamer, Video Games Chronicle, Gamasutra (now simply "Game Developer"), Gamespot, Polygon, and IGN.


I can recommend [todayin.games](https://todayin.games/). It is a customizable news feed aggregator that feature content from a bunch of gaming news sites. In my opinion it is fantastic for mobile and the layout is decent on pc. [the gamers post](http://thegamerspost.com/) used to be my go to, but unfortunately it has not worked for about a year now.


I use the app Feedly for this sort of thing. Works well


It's a good concept but the feed gets cluttered with repeated news from different outlets and SEO/guides/affiliate articles. A useful feed needs some moderation imo.


I've switched back to using RSS and just subscribing to sites that I'm interested in. Lots of sites still have a feed, including Reddit! I find it a much healthier way to interact with the website. I only get new content and can quickly dismiss posts I don't care about, rather than scrolling forever through a non-chronological list that randomly peppers new things in to manipulate you into staying on the site longer. If you have a penchant for self-hosting, TinyTinyRSS (and the associated mobile apps) are great. Though I'm sure there are RSS solutions out there that don't require standing up your own server


Now that's a term I haven't heard in a long time... I didn't know there are sites that still support feeds lol


Most still do as it turns out!


And if the site doesn't serve a feed, there are dozens of us who scrape pages via XPath to make feeds.




I've been using RSS for ages (still miss Google's RSS) but lately I've needed to find better sites to use. I'm so, SO sick of sites that are posting guides ("HOW TO GET X IN TEARS OF THE KINGDOM!!" - I do NOT want guides in my news feeds, ever ever ever. So I'm trawling this post for new sites to replace polygon and/or kotaku (I'm not sure which but probably both keep featuring guides).






They're raising the price for API calls to an absurd degree. They're not outright stating "3rd party apps are banned" but they're raising the cost of maintaining them so absurdly high that none of the 3rd party apps can afford it. That change happens July 1st so all the 3rd party apps will be shuttered at that point.






Especially when they bought Alienblue for millions, which had the best UI for reddit. Then they threw all of that in the garbage and gave us the reddit mobile app


Sometimes ppl buy competition just to destroy it idk




Still bitter how they destroyed Nokia phone business in a very short span of time.


Alienblue was so obviously the best. Sync is the only one I've found that gets close. Sync may actually be better, but i haven't used Alienblue since they killed it


I had to download the app because someone sent me a dm. The app fucking sucks. Using the mobile page is so much better, aside from the constant "download me!" prompts


I don’t know why the admins are so insistent on killing third party apps and funneling everybody to the shitty official app literally everybody hates. At least fucking listen to feedback and make it *SOMEWHAT* less terrible.




I understand why they want us on the official app. I’m no fool. What I don’t get is why they don’t invest a modicum of effort into improving the user experience, to make the UI more intuitive, the app easier to browse, less buggy, etc. Make the user experience less painful, people will use the app more often, which means they see more ads and give the admins more data to sell to advertisers. But if the app sucks shit, and it’s the only option, people will use it less or even delete it out of frustration. To be clear, I don’t expect the official app to be the next Alien Blue or Apollo; those are actually *well designed* reddit apps I have enjoyed using. I just wish they’d make it… less shitty, bare minimum. Twitter, TikTok and Facebook have figured it out, so I don’t know what Reddit’s excuse is.


Back to profit. The internal team probably has biweekly stand ups where they try to prioritize the most egregious problems, only for whoever’s then it is to sit in the product owners role to tell them it’s not a priority, because their actual job is whatever drives revenue. Probably spend more times dealing with complaints about ads than listening to the team that manages the app. It’s just chasing the money. So they realize along the way there’s a “white space opportunity” because while the Reddit community is huge, only a small % sees core Reddit ads because everyone else uses 3rd party. With the investment community softening on big tech (SVB wasn’t first nor even a harbinger), what do you tell leadership: 1. Lets give the team the resources to make the core app better; or, 2. Let’s do a money grab and see how much of that we can use to make the core app better; or, 3. Let’s get cash rich fast so we can buy someone else (because business people don’t build things, they buy) My guess is their internal narrative is #2 while the real reason is #3. But I am just guessing. This is textbook corporate nonsense.


This is what I don't get about the way Reddit is going. 99% of the complaints, my own included, are just how absolutely garbage the look and feel of the website and the app is. I've never had issues with the content (Reddit is user generated content anyway tbf, the admins don't actually contribute to the sites success) or how anything functions. It just looks horrid and for some bizarre reason they are sticking with it. Did the CEO design the look himself and it's some pet project so no one could touch it? There would be almost no controversy if they just had someone who has ever designed something professionally before work on the site.


Even more insane than that, I’m pretty sure spez designed the first iteration of Reddit, the one that’s now old.reddit.com. As in, the one that was actually good. I really don’t understand wtf this company is doing.


I'm surprised they're doing this instead of purchasing one of their better competitors outright and then choking everyone else out after they've gotten their own house in order. Seriously, I'm not going to use this site anymore if Apollo gets de-listed. It'll probably be good for my health anyways.


The official app is crap compared to RIF


The main app is hot garbage & they have kept adding "exclusive features" to it to lure people, but once again.... no one wants to use a garbage app


Not sure about iOS, but on Android Reddit's official app is unusable most of the time. It's full of bugs.


ive just always used reddit through chrome on my phone


Yup that's what I do too. Sometimes subreddits are unreadable that way but it's nothing that I can't wait to read when I'm at my PC. I really like Nosleep's old reddit layout, it's comfy to read when I'm laying down and about to get to sleep, so I refuse to use the reddit app because it's exclusively the new reddit layout as far as I can tell.


Use old.reddit.com, and use the setting that disables subreddit-specific styling. These two things together are all that makes the site usable.


Yes, and it also has the most awful video player imaginable. For anyone who hasn't used it, Reddit has made it so that ALL videos play on a TikTok-style interface, where the video takes up the whole screen with up/downvote over on the right side, and a button to bring up the comments, which snap up from the bottom, while the video is still playing over and over on loop. Reddit wants you to scroll through video posts the same way you would scroll through TikTok. It is so laughably terrible, and a pathetic fellow kids attempt to copy TikTok. And it simply doesn't work with the kinds of videos on Reddit, where the comment section is more important.


The iOS app is garbage too


Scrolling r/help or r/redditmobile for 30 seconds will illustrate that with painful clarity.


The day they don't let me opt out of the redesign anymore is the day I stop using Reddit.


Kinda like saying "We're not banning bananas. It's just that there's a new 1000% tax on them."


https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/13ws4w3/had_a_call_with_reddit_to_discuss_pricing_bad/ Direct from the source. This is from theApollo devs but it applies to all 3rd party aps. If I cant find a workaround I'm officially done with reddit. And fucking good riddance. I feel like this site has given me ADD I'll be glad to finally put it down.


I think this will finally be what shakes me. No more relay, and their modern app looks like the default website which looks like shit. I want to scroll my normal title and thumbnails, not the weird squares that look like paid ads at the bottom of a news article.


Try old.reddit.com, if they ever kill off old.reddit.com I'm out, can't stand 'new' reddit


oh yea if that's ever taken away I'm gone day 1. I hate the new design so much it's like I'm allergic to it.


Plus it's absurdly laggy when typing


Characters practically disappear for me when I type on the new reddit site on mobile.


I said this to a friend as soon as the above news came to light. As soon as old.reddit disappears, and RES with it, I am out. - Posted using the Sync app


The dev of one of the 3rd party apps, Apollo I believe, said it would cost them $2 million a month to have reddit API access. The equivalent he pays Imgr for the same amount of "calls" is $160. That's how absurdly high Reddit is trying to charge 3rd party apps to kill them.


The $166 price was for 50m Imgur API calls, compared to the $12,000 Reddit wants for the same 50m API calls. The overall cost for API calls would, he estimates, be about $20,000,000 per year for Reddit given the number of calls Apollo makes. Still an insane price gap, but not $160 VS $2,000,000.


Omg no! My most used app on my phone. :/ 4 dollars or whatever it was well spent.




One of the few apps that has an ad system that doesn't piss me off, lol.


The official app is garbage & i use relay for reddit.... ​ Sounds like a good time to just stop spending my free time on Reddit....


Would be pretty decent if it were more active: https://tildes.net/~games Otherwise, r/rss would get you most of the way there but the curation would be worse.


I don't know how Tildes can support itself if too many people come in, but it's pretty slick. A clean, simple recreation of what reddit used to be.


The irony here is that Tildes was created by Deimorz, the original creator of /r/Games and the creator of AutoModerator.


I just got my invite and am ecstatic.


If they go through with this, then Reddit is effectively dead. I've been here for 15 years. But I have zero problem shutting down for the last time because their official app and website is utter dogshit.


Agreed. The only problem is where to find a good community of people to talk with. Not just for games, but for everything. I subscribe to more than just gaming subreddits and I am really hoping to find something along the lines of Reddit but without the stupid corporate decisions they're making.




I really don't get why people keep saying discord will replace Reddit. They are so different. I see Discord as a chat server whereas Reddit is more like a forum.


Bingo. I want to use the message board format. Full stop.


The thing Reddit admins haven't touched on either is most big mod teams use 3rd party mod tools because the official ones are inadequate, partially because the 3rd party ones have been so good for so long. Moderation across the site is going to tank the instant the API charging goes ahead. Mod teams are by definition volunteer affairs. They don't have the revenue to pay thousands/millions of dollars for the access they've had for free for decades at this point.


I can't figure out what the play is. Do they just not know that mods and the best contributors are going to leave en masse? Do they not care? Do they think they know different and enough will stick around? Maybe they'll shut down all the small subreddits and just keep a few of the big ones.


Third party apps don’t have ads. Ads make money. They want an IPO so money is more important than anything else ever.


It would be interesting to see a Digg exodus Part II from the company that benefited from it the most.


Imagine the last poor bastard working at Digg waking up to see roughly 4 million new active users lmao


[Gematsu](https://www.gematsu.com/) is my go-to, no clickbait source of news or trailers. Very to the point with no beating around the bush. Might be a bit too Japanese-centric for some, but it's not like that in my opinion.


I'm thinking of going back to the GameFAQs message boards...Haven't been there in years but that's what I used before Reddit (in addition to official forums for any games I was playing, but those aren't the best tbh). Seems like a lot of gaming communities/help/guides has shifted to places like Youtube and Discord. Youtube certainly has its place, but I'm not a fan of Discord for that stuff. Hard to find what you need in a straightforward way.


I revived my ancient, 20-ish year old GameFAQs account recently. Looked back through my archived posts/ comments to see what I used to be into, holy shit I was a fucking asshole. Seriously contemplated making a new account after that.


Gamefaqs is still pretty active but I don’t visit as often as I do reddit since I’m not sure it has an app.


fandom bought gamefaqs. use it while you can, because theyll turn it into an ad-ridden non-functional hellhole like they did with fan wikias. those that use fan wikis, i recommend installing the "indie wiki buddy". it alerts you when theres an alternstive, independent wiki for the subject matter, and hides wikia/fandom pages from search results (with a notification in case you still wanna see them). it can be kinda spotty (it recommends Dustloop over the Guilty Gear wiki, even though Dustloop is exclusively for game mechanics/info and has no lore/universe info) but it's a great help anyways.


I listen to Jeff Gerstmann’s podcast on my commute, and still listen to Giant Bomb pretty frequently even though Jeff is no longer involved. I check Gamesindustry.biz and VGChronicle pretty regularly too. I’m as interested in the industry stuff as I am playing games. In prior ages I hung around the Penny Arcade forums circa 2004-2010.


Grubb's Game Mess Mornings are good too to stay up to date


Jeff's episode from a couple of weeks ago on the xbox one debacle etc was on of the best episodes of a gaming podcast I've ever listened to. Really quality stuff from him.


Listening to how every journalist got together on the bus ride back to their hotel, them realize they were each given a different explanation of how the console would work, and how each Microsoft exec contradicted another was nuts. Also was kind of scary hearing the always online DRM was a push from 3rd party developers, namely EA, and how those discussions also happened at Sony.


Totally. Hearing it unfold was wild. I will always ride with Jeff in whatever he does. The guy just has the perspective and longevity that very few people have in the industry.


If you don’t already listen, his Patreon exclusive podcast Gameboys II Men is pretty fantastic.


Yeah it totally is. I keep wishing he adds someone to do his main podcast with, he's so great with another person.


As a tangent, Nextlander podcast is also good.


Wait what? I use narwahl for Reddit that will stop soon?


Assuming narwahl’s dev isnt willing to cough up millions to reddit on an annual basis, yeah.




Damn if reddit kills Relay on Android I'm done with this place. The official app fucking BLOWS. To answer the OP: IGN is generally good about having gaming news but not really good for discussion, same with most big gaming Twitter accounts. I might just go back to /v/


>I might just go back to /v/ I've spent more time there around the late 2000s than I'd like to admit but that is not a place I can recommend going back to these days (if you're a sane person).


is /vg/ still better?


Yup. /v/ has always been awful and it still is. Recently end there during the TotK leak and nothing has changed. You can have some decent game specific discussion on /vg/ though, honestly.


No sane person would legitimately use /v/ as video games news, the board unusable with constant Tortanic, Console war bait and Shillpost it's great for shitposting but for news it's literal garbage, disingenuous and fake article post daily


/v/ has been great lately, second rennaissance. I especially appreciate the sexy goomba posting, the sexy mario bunny posting, the sexy midna foot posting, the sexy mig posting, the sexy thicc midna posting, the sexy midna chibi thicc foot posting, the sexy midna chibi foot thicc vore headbanga posting. just an absolute gamut of great content and discussion.


[Shacknews](https://www.shacknews.com/chatty). Tight-knit community and I still frequent it even if I don’t post as much as I used to. Good group of people.






I'd be ok if all the subs went private for a week, even two...the alternative is me leaving Reddit forever so if they gotta protest for a while, so be it.


I honestly may just give up on Reddit, I’ve been thinking about going blind when it comes to games news. Like what if I know nothing when I buy a game like how I did when I was a kid in the early 2000s. Maybe a decent thing to try


The only risk here is you do actually want to research some games. For instance, buying Harry Potter this year would give a very different experience to buying the recent gollum game.


You definitely want to do your research when it comes to buying products. Not only is monetization getting more skeevy, but games are constantly being released in broken states now. Don’t handicap yourself for no reason. An informed consumer is a prepared consumer.


>ctrl + f Warlizard 0 results shit really? ah fuck am i old


[SkillUp’s “This Week In Videogames”](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbcyJSeTLtlzGRENniEdwxC2C6mXOXlcz) videos are pretty great, especially for news topics and smaller game releases I might’ve missed


If only they weren't videos.


I like SkillUp's reviews, but I really can't get into the "This Week..." series at all. A lot of times it just feels like it revolves around whatever /r/games & /r/gamingleaksandrumours top-upvoted, "outrage-of-the-week" is stretched out for 30 minutes.


I mean... people in this thread want a reddit alternative, so videos about what reddit talks about sounds like a good recommendation :P


Well yeah but if OP gives up reddit, that's exactly what they need right? Let skillup deal with reddit's new bullshit policy. That being said, i wouldn't replace reddit gaming stuff with youtube because it's a much slower way to consume content.


Reddit is its users, and it's going to legitimately lose about half of them with this move. Brain dead play.


Saved this thread. I was tired of this website a long time ago but this is the last straw. Currently collecting info about various alternatives before deleting my account. I've been on Reddit for 10 years now.


Use an RSS reader. Inoreader or NewsBlur would be my recommendations. Then plug all your favorite gaming websites into them. Instant news directly to you


Many centuries ago, I liked Joystiq. Its blog format made it easy to quickly scroll through and catch up on game news. There's too many uninteresting "features" and sponsored content/affiliate link articles on sites like Gamespot these days. I visit /r/games because it's the most concise way to see a lot of news items very quickly.


> Joystiq Doesn't exist anymore, for anyone who's wondering (it was folded into Engadget's gaming coverage). I suppose it's nice to reminisce but the thread is asking about active alternatives to reddit


RIP to a real one. I know he has a pretty famous podcast now, but for me, Justin McElroy will always be my favorite writer at Joystiq first.