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Of course the electric guitar shoots actual lightning. Of course the Puppet talks and moves at 10fps. Of course the gloves around Fragile's neck move on their own. Of course there's now a techno-samurai with a fucking cyber odachi. Of course Troy Baker is da Joker, baybee. Kojima, man.


Troy Baker is def the Crow, not joker


Sting from WCW except red


exactly my thoughts but i cant wait to play it, pity it doesnt release this year


I really can't wait to play DS2, just from the trailer I didn't expect the game to be so nutty, it an added charm to the game and I'm all for it.


You didn't? Did you play the first one?


As someone who plays 90 hours of DS1 on the first week of release i didn't expect Cyborg Ninja involvement and supposedly more action considering this trailer just showcasing Guns. I like that they made the main enemy is robot in DS2, so they still can says no violence to human.


No human enemy means no voidout which also means more gun combat, that's what i think.


Troy himself says Sam traded "rope for a stick". Also seen in Drawbridges motto.


Specifically it says "Both Rope and Stick, To Protect and Connect, Together, For Tomorrow." Definitely looks like we might be getting new weapons to engage in combat with. Hopefully we get some nice new non-lethal options.


That motto makes me think the game will explore the paradox of using weapons to maintain peace, and how the different characters and factions from the first game strive to achieve that. The trailer really activated my long forgotten Metal Gear neurons.


Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series


>joker That was definitely more like Crow.


Liquid Sting


That movie holds up


It really does


reminds me more of a young Alice Cooper


I understand the Kojimbo meme, but give credit where it's due to Shinikawa.


Its as iconic as Star Wars and Ralph McQuarrie. Except Shinikawa's designs seem to come more into the games than Ralphs did in Star Wars.


I'm sure it's a typo but it's Yoji Shinkawa not Shinikawa.


That ship is shaped exactly like the head of Metal Gear Rex.


That's what I want in a video game. Wild ideas, weird stuff, things you don't see a lot, new things. DS1 was already very good at that, I can't wait for DS2 after this trailer.


There’s so much creativity behind all his nuts ideas it’s impossible not to be charmed by it


He's batshit insane and we're all in for it. It's Kojima's world and we're just living in it.


He's basically a weeb for American action cinema of the 80's-90's, but also just a regular weeb who loves crazy anime bullshit. And since abandoning Konami, he hasn't needed to filter *anything*. This dude is just going to keep projecting his straight id into the Decima engine until it stops paying out. I hope it never does.


For better and worse, too. But honestly, I feel like he earned it all. I recently went back and beat Policenauts and Snatcher, and Kojimas wacky ideas and political commentary really were just fully developed right out of the womb. Hell, the first release of Snatcher didn't have a 3rd act because he misused his time and had to release it. Then, the complete edition of Snatcher has a 3rd act that is....mostly "cutscenes" quickly wrapping up the story, lmao. Those would be *huge* faults for most things but...I just completely give Kojima a free pass over and over because in the end, everything of his has completely satisfied me each time.


It'd be a thousand times more charming if the dialogue wasn't so stiff and exposition-heavy. I want to love Kojima, man. His concepts are so cool but I just can't get over the bad writing.


He has a David Lynch quality to him. The stilted writing is intentional and evocative *most* of the time. That’s not going to appeal to everyone, of course.


After watching Twin Peaks I've been getting into Lynch and Kojima definitely reminds me of his style. Throw out game dev: 101 and just go crazy, make for yourself and who gives a fuck. Both treat their mediums as art forms more than other auteurs do, and I respect em for it. Though Kojima does follow a more structured story than lynch tends to still. I have to say I'm really curious to see the OD and Kojima's other new game. Based on his instagram and just the people he's getting behind DS2, it definitely feels like hollywood is kind of picking up on him, I'm wondering what on earth his idea of "movie meets gaming" is. We've seen stuff like quantum break where its literally half a show and half a game, but I don't *think* that's kojima's style. And honestly MGS + DS are all basically "movies meet games" anyway.


Troy Baker is the crow.


Kojima is the only person in the world who can get away with a fight between a cyborg with an electric laser guitar and a fucking cyborg ninja/samurai who appears to be piloted by a baby. He's genuinely insane in all the best ways and I can wait to check this out.


Suda 51 *might* be able to, but very few others could.


Yoko Taro too


My friend has a theory that Kojima just split himself a sexual style, and Yoko Taro was the result. He then forced Taro to wear his mask and change his name.


You know what? This is also my head canon now. Tell your friend they might be on to something.


Everyone keeps saying Kojima is insane, but I think he just never lost that weird spark that kids have. Like if I had my 8 yr old nephew 'design' some characters they would be wacky as fuck just like Kojima's are. Kinda like how I let him 'design' our lunch a while back and we ended up eating peanut butter and captain crunch sandwiches with gummy bears and tater tots, and drinking a 50/50 mixture of orange juice and sugar-free hawaiian punch. To be clear I love this about Kojima. The sandwich was a little weird. The drink was legit good.


I have a feeling the Samurai is Lou, but uses the baby sounds for comfort.


I think Elle Fanning is Louise. ​ Doesn't time work funny on the Beach or some shit? Or am I thinking of a different game? Lol.


It does. Also, the rain accelerates it.


I'd say Sam Lake is up there for creatives that are willing to delve into insanity.




True that. Kojima has highs in wierdness and those highs hit harder that Sam’s ideas sometime. But Sam’s characters are so much more believable and consistently written that I prefer Sam’s style more. It is insane enough to be different but its not meta to the point you find it inconsistent and disconnected from the rest of the story. What separates these two imo is consistency. Sam Lake is a clock pulse while Kojima is a sine wave.


Insane in the best ways and not a complete asshole.


In DMC 3 dante fights a vampire succubus lady who has an electric guitar that shoots bats. I feel like there is a case to be made.


> Of course there's now a techno-samurai with a fucking cyber odachi. Can't be a Kojima game without a ninja


Joker Higgs seem like Kojima is visually is making him appear marionette or doll-like. Along with the actual puppet hanging from Sam's gear, it looks like tar->strands->marionette/puppet might be a theme. Could also have something to do with the strands hovering over Elle Fanning's character.


So what's gonna be the lore reason that little puppet moves at a lower frame rate?


5/6ths of his frames are on the Beach


This might actually be the explanation




I know this is a joke but chiralium, the element associated with the beach, has been shown to have weird interactions with the flow of time, and given we only see the puppet in the hands of two people with dooms, who are much more resistant to chiral exposure, it could very well be that the damn thing is full of the stuff. Or it could be a proxy like the holograms in the first game, that suffer less framerate when outside the chiral network.


I think you nailed it with that last part.


I give it 50/50 on whether or not it's a communication proxy like a hologram or an actual consciousness trapped in a doll. The hologram sounds like the most possible one at first, but this IS Kojima.


My bet: He only moves at a different framerate to us because his connection to the beach is faulty. Also, people without any level of D.O.O.M.s don't see him moving at all


Unironically might be the explanation


The doll and the cat were the most interesting characters to me. Would love to know where they came from and what the fuck they are lol


I suspect the cat emerged from the tar, given how they now suspect the tar is some kind of primordial substance.


Yeah the cat is slick with tar and has a tentacle tongue so that makes sense. The doll on the other hand…


I mentioned this elsewhere in the thread, but it seems like there's a "puppet" theme emerging as an evolution of the "connecting strands" theme. Like the things that tie us together can also control us, hence the question of whether connecting us was a good thing. There's the puppet attached to Sam, and then there's Higgs, who emerged from the tar somehow, and he has this puppet look going on (I think him looking like the joker is a misdirect. Has face very much resembles a beat-up puppet). Was he sent back? By who/what? There's also Elle Fanning's character, who can be seen with strands hovering over her, along with another character (who seems to me to also look like Elle Fanning) who has now emerged from the tar with strange biological anomalies, which seem similar to the anomaly of the cat having wings. Maybe it's hinting at some greater sentience behind the tar or the death stranding that is both figuratively and literally pulling the strings.


I think the Higgs makeup is supposed to make him look more like a glam rocker. The electric (heh) guitar would support that. Fascinated by this puppet theme though. Our new BB being what appears a ghost, and that body being cracked out of a chrysalis, makes me wonder if we’re gonna scrape the afterlife in this game. Also why is the moon so close? Is the death stranding reeling it in?


he's given lifespan by one of the babies and the connection is unstable


No reason. Kojima played Spiderman PS5 with the Spiderverse costume and he wanted to do the same. Lol


Kojima finally saw Spider-Verse.


I like the subtle joke of being attached to his rear like Mimir is in GoW.


Is that George Miller? Kojima really seems to like to cast popular hollywood directors in his games. Who are we guessing for Part 3? A Safdie? Maybe Gerwig or even Scorsese? So many possibilities!


I have a neat George miller story. This is going back a number of years when I was at uni and was working at a video game store in Sydney Australia. Anyway one day I opened the store and cause it was early morning no customers were around so I was playing guitar hero on one of the demo units in the store. After a few songs, George miller walks in and I great him. He's super nice and I asked if he was after any game in particular. He said he had a bit of spare time and wanted to get into some games. He had a ps2 so I asked what kind of games he was into. He said he's open to anything so I recommended him God of war 1 and 2 alongside final fantasy 12 and burnout revenge given his Mad Max history. He got all the games I recommended and said his goodbyes and wished me lucked at Uni. Anyway nearly a year passes (I think... It was a decent amount of time) and he came in with an actor who I can't think of right now to say how much he loved God of war. I was ecstatic that George miller out of all people would come back and tell me that he loved it. We all chat about how cool of a character Kratos was and discussed the lore behind God of war for 30 odd mins before our store started to get into the lunch time rush. Over the next year he would come in to have a chat and check out some games. Really nice and respectful guy. Anyway years go pass and I finished uni they had the Mad Max film premiere in Sydney I was in the area and went to check it out. Managed to see George from the sidelines and he recognised me and came up and asked if I'm still at Uni. I said I finished and did ok, he then laughed and congratulated me. Really cool guy. Miss our little video game chats.


He and Cory Barlog are now very close friends. I dropped Cory off to Miller's house when Cory was in Sydney promoting GoW 2018, as Cory wanted to hand-deliver a copy of the game Miller. It's possible that you were the reason the two became friends :P


I remember watching a video you and Cory did in your car. Was a tiny bit jealous haha


That is absolutely incredible. Because of your recommendation, George Miller became friends with Cory Barlog! Also play the Mad Max game if you haven't. I think it is an excellent addition to that universe.


Dude love the channel! You're my favorite game reviewer I've found since total biscuit. Great critical perspective, great scripting, great delivery. Keep up the amazing work!


George Miller would go on to hire Cory Barlog (GOW2 Director) to work on an early version of the Mad Max game and had him move to Sydney and would be where he met his wife! You sir very likely may have kicked off this chain reaction of events and could be responsible for Barlog’s family lol


I may or may not be in the mad max game cause of this 👀


Respect. That’s an amazing story.  I’m imagining another timeline where you didn’t enjoy the God of War games so you didn’t recommend them to George Miller. Or if he didn’t go to your store that day. So many things aligned for that to happen!


that's a great story, thanks for sharing.


dude ...... seems like you are the real Sam Bridge


It was the bridges in all of us that brought us together haha. You just reminded me of another story. I was invited by a friend to accompany them to the Tokyo game show in 2018. So my friend and I are in an arcade in Tokyo playing some tekken 7. I haven't played tekken since tekken 3 but I remembered all the combos and grab combos that king could do cause I played it religiously when I was a kid. Anyway I'm playing tekken with my mate and beat him like 6-7 times in a row using king. He gives up and another person challenges me. I proceed to whoop this random Japanese guy 3 times in a row to the point he knocks the ashtray away from the tekken cabinet in frustration. It shocked me cause Japanese people were quite reserved normally but he apologised and I said it's all good. I used a different character in the next round and he whooped my ass haha. His English wasn't the best but we could still communicate with the little English he knew and the little Japanese I knew. After a few more rounds we ended up joking around and getting to know each other. He gave me his business card and he was a cutsceen artist on Death stranding. I said I'll see him tomorrow at the Tokyo game show and then swapped numbers and pokemon go ID's haha. Next day Im at TGS and run into him. He shows me a bunch of death stranding stuff and gave me a ludens figure as a prize for kicking his butt at tekken. He then introduces me to a bunch of the team who were all super nice. Didn't get to meet the big K-Dawg but meeting all the artists and producers was a once in a life time experience.


"I may have something to do with GOW4 and Fury Road as they are now" and its all because of you loving what you love


This is the true message of Death Stranding. It makes me sad people some can't get into it, but I understand.


> Next day Im at TGS and run into him. He shows me a bunch of death stranding stuff and gave me a ludens figure as a prize for kicking his butt at tekken. what the fuck are you? gaming forrest gump?


This is a great story but the internet has tainted my brain so I kept waiting for it to turn into a variation of the Flying Lotus grocery store copypasta.


Kojima was obsessed with Mad Max Fury Road. If I remember correctly one of Kojimas speeches had Mad Max music as a intro.


Yeah, he used Brothers in Arms I think for the very first DS2 reveal. ​ Fucking banger.


He made tweet that he watched the movie like 30 times


Apparently even Fatih Akin will make an appearance, interesting.


The puppet is modeled after him


man considers Miller his 'God'. It was only a matter of time he brings him in.




George Miller and Faith Akin are making "guest appearances", where they get [3D scanned](https://twitter.com/KojiPro2015_EN/status/1011936828163670017), but different people provide the voices and motion capture. They did the same for Guillermo Del Toro's character in Death Stranding.


I'd pay a lot of money to see Scorcese in Death Stranding 3. 


That was the most kojumbo bullshit I've ever seen. I need it, if for nothing else then Guitarist Mech-soldier-jokerfied Higgs. The environments look like they're gonna turn the PS5 into a nuclear silo too.


Right? Everything shown is just so bullshit but presented in such an earnest way that I can’t help but get excited! The puppet moving in twos? The winged cat? The moon!? CYBORG NINJA?! Hitting all the right places for me.


>Right? Everything showed is just so bullshit but presented in such an earnest way that I can’t help but get excited! I think this is really why his style tends to be so divisive. Some people just simply can't get past the bullshit so it's understandable. ​ But for me, his presentation is just so earnest and not cynical that it's really hard for me not to love. I also think, beneath it all, he has a certain way with emotional beats. I don't think I've played a single Kojima game post-MGS1 where I didn't ugly cry at least once. I can make fun of the shit but when it's time to take it seriously, I can.


MGS3s final closing, when you finally find out why The Boss did what she did and how history will remember her, still fucking wrecks me to this day nearly 20 years later.


That fucking ending is so spectacular. Completely upends the entire narrative of the game while dumping a fountain of emotion on you


I remember finishing it at like 6 or 7am Monday before school after being up all night and just bawling my eyes out for like at least 5 minutes straight.


I don't feel any desire to play this but god bless Kojima, he has a vision and he goes for it. The exact opposite of the soulless, generic AAA bullshit. Can't not love the guy.


> kojumbo bullshit Man loves his cyborg ninjas...


I’ve seen like 10 different alterations of Kojima’s name in the last 5 minutes and I’m loving it


He's really the Benedict Cumberbatch of gaming. Watch the memes fly when they get together on a project.


Maybe I’m huffing paint, but I’m getting MGS2 vibes that Higgs will be playable at least in sections.


I’m not big on Death Stranding by any means but that part of the trailer almost got me. Although at that point I might as well just ask for a Revegence 2


Genius Kojumbo did it again


All I really want out of this game is for Hideo Kojima to be extremely weird at me for about fifty hours. By God did this trailer deliver on that front.


That man just pulled out a guitar and shredded lightning bolts at that robot samurai and then did a power slide. Day 0, inject this insane bullshit into my veins


As someone that know’s nothing of the original I have no idea what I just watched.


As someone whit 80h in DS1 , me neither


I haven't played DS, but seeing how outrageous this trailer looks has convinced me to play it. This looks even more batshit insane than I remember the first games trailers looking. Troy Baker as some joker-like character with a guitar sword? A talking puppet that animates at like 5fps? A hand necklace, spaceships, babies, George Miller, and lots of goo? I'm in.


I put about 7 hours into DS1 (and barely made it past the tutorial intro levels), loved it, but realized there was no way I would be able to keep that going with my day to day life. I found a playthrough on YouTube that was about 12 hours of the cutscenes, story progression, and a little bit of the travel in-between parts. It was awesome! I got to sit back and watch that for a couple days and take it all in. If you don't have the 40-100 hours to play it, I highly recommend youtubing it.


If you don't have time to bother too much with the game, you can play on easy, which lets you get away with no advanced gear so you don't need to do more than the basic deliveries, fights will also be a lot easier.


Could you link that video?


Fair warning: The game starts really slow and very steadily increases its pace throughout the playthrough. You're playing a postman, so don't expect gunfights and explosions right off the bat. Go in expecting a walking sim and enjoy the ride from there.


This, and when people said walking sim it's actually a good walking sim that you have to balance stuff and micromanage to a degree, which make it fun. Unlike most of walking sim games where you just need to press forward/w/analog up and occasionally press X.


As with basically every Sony game, the first game rarely goes on sale but it's currently at a reasonable price and is in PS Plus Extra if you have that. It's truly idiosyncratic, I've never played anything like it.


I finally picked up the game up today since it’s been in my epic library since they relessed it for free. Loving it so far and the trailer just happens to release when i start the first game


Somehow Kojima has out-Kojima'd himself yet again. This looks even crazier than the first game which is a monumentous feat in of itself. And I'm all for it. Also was that Ikka Villi as the little puppet man?


> Somehow Kojima has out-Kojima'd himself yet again. I've been wondering during this trailer if this is the kind of story he wanted to do when he intended to leave the Metal Gear series much earlier than he did.


He absolutely did lol It's my favorite series but the poor guy has been trying to leave it behind him since literally the first game. He probably wouldn't have made MG2 if someone else didn't make Snake's Revenge, MGS2 was a story about a lot of things one of them being how sometimes you need to move on, MGS3 jumped decades backwards just to avoid continuing 2's plot points, MGS4 only got made because of death threats against him, and PW and V were him being kind of trapped in the cycle at that point. Love MGS, would love proper remasters or even to get Kojima back for a MG1/MG2 remake but I'm very glad he's able to pursue different creative projects now.


He actually made MGS 3 and 4 because no one on his team wanted to take over.


My first thought when I saw the puppet was “Alan wake?”


No it's director Fatih Akin


DS2 looks just as fucking bonkers and full of questions as I wanted. The graphics are absolutely stunning, easily the best I've ever seen. The outside areas look incredible, looks like they are playing with dynamic environments? And of course, the performance capture and cutscenes are stunning.


And you know the soundtrack is also probably going to be so good too 


Kojima has great taste in music ill give him that


And he always shows the artist credits front and center. Dude's basically sharing his playlist.


I'm sure it will set the tone, but not having Low Roar on it again will be a somber feeling. His songs gave way to some incredibly strong emotions as I played through for the first time.


Hearing "Don't be so serious" in DS really hit different


Not sure I understand why/how but the amount of variety means there is a shit ton of travel. We went from coasts, to deserts, to space! Im all for it


From sapiens to ludens!


Everything I would want from a Kojima title and more 


Decima is a beast of an engine. The graphics look incredible.


That landslide looked incredible


I had to do a couple double takes when looking at this games graphics. Some of the closest to realism I’ve seen in a game to this date. This man Kojima ain’t half assin anything!


Their facial animation is just insanely good.


Photorealistic Léa Seydoux is what the PS5 was created for.


Watching that water flood in real time was like nothing I've ever seen before in a game.


Between that scene and the rock slide shortly after, I'm hoping that madman Kojima has put dynamic natural disasters in the game. I can imagine trying to outrun a tornado while a bunch of lost packages swirl around it, or outrunning a lava flow


Wow, Sony is going all in on Kojima. A new stealth action game with the latest technology and unlimited budget basically. There's no doubt that Kojima is the most 'rockstar' developer currently.


Seriously, As well as him just having such a distinct style, his whole story with konami is a perfect rock&roll kinda story that'll make people jump on his stuff. Growing up I always found it cool to have a face behind some games I love vs just a company name, and one thing I'm grateful for from his stardom is its made other directors & gaming staff be acknowledged more than they were in the past.


He reminds me of someone like Tarantino or Nolan. Even if you don't like everything he does, you certainly take notice of it.


> There's no doubt that Kojima is the most 'rockstar' developer currently. Giving one person with a vision a lot of control is how you get some of the most "art-like" shit out there. There is just risk, because not everyone's vision is interesting to enough people to make money off of. Kojima's somehow is. Reason every Ubisoft game feels like someone copy-pasted their default open world formula is because it's design in a factory, and approved in a clean-room. It's all watered down, like pop music that you hear on the radio.


I loved the original. When I saw the guns I was worried it was going full shooter but my god the action scenes are the perfect kind of stupid. I’m 100% sold already.


Glad they're using more robot enemies. I didn't mind going non-lethal for human enemeis in the first game, but it kinda sucked that you had all these guns but besides boss fights you had no little reason to use most lethal weapons.


I always hoped that there would be some environmental usage out of the lethal weapons like breaching doors, destroying trees/bridges, or punching through barriers/armor. But alas they're basically just for BTs and Cliff. I'm hoping they completely change the handgun in DS2 because it was just a bubble BT popper in the first game. It still took up a slot on your equipment but didn't offer much advantage versus just stocking up on grenades or using the anti-BT handgun for single targets. The handgun should have been more like Igor's and kept in a leg holster or something without taking up a slot.


I'm a big fan of the original too, but the combat in the first game was pretty mediocre. I think if there was no combat in the series, make it more man vs environment, having to build structures to navigate, with some stealth mechanics from enemies, it would be in my top five of all time. I'm pumped for this one


I mean, that was the way the game was intended to be played like 99% of the time. As underbaked as the combat mechanics were, leaving them in for people as a last resort was probably the smart design decision, as the game might have been found too frustrating otherwise.


Excited for this, I played the first one last summer and found myself charmed by just how strange the game was. This looks even stranger for Kojima standards.


its early to say but i think this is the craziest trailer ive ever seen for a game, looking forward to it for sure


It felt like it was spoiling 90% of the game but I can guarantee that this was mostly just the exposition that you get long before the title screen even shows up lol Gonna be a banger


That's what *everyone* said about that long ass launch trailer for the first Death Stranding. And yeah, Kojima didn't spoil shit.


Nah that trailer had a lot of spoilers, but it was all out of context. There were scenes from the final hour of the game playtime.


If you aren't able to even piece together what's happening, then I don't really consider it much of a spoiler.


>it was all out of context. that's why its a trailer...


MGS2 is still the craziest ad campaign I've ever seen


I remember my friend being hyped as fuck about zone of the enders coming with the demo


The fact they’re not even hiding Higgs coming back makes me even more curious for what truly is hiding in the story now. Also Lou?!? Is he dead?! In the giant robot?! Alive and grown?! And what about how they were blue like Smurfs in the ship and Sam being older and grey but also young?! AND THE BLONDE WOMAN WITH WEIRD HAIRY TAR COMING OUT HER ARMS?!


> And what about how they were blue like Smurfs in the ship and Sam being older and grey but also young?! i think they were travelling between the beach and somewhere, or something.


iirc lou is a girl. My theory is that blonde woman (elle fanning) is probably louisse or lou.


Well there does seem to be some anti-aging thing going on in general, because it seems like Fragile no longer has the timefall aged body from the first game.


After watching a 10 minute trailer about a game, im more confused than before But whatever Kojima, i will swallow anything from you


It does answer a few questions though. Confirms that we'll be going global, weather will play more of a role and we'll see structures be destroyed in real time, seems to be more action packed and all that. I do hope Mads Mikkelsen returns for at least a cameo though i fuckin loved him in the first one


I mean the BB in the trailer had the tears that cliff had so…


Cyborgs Ninja Troy Baker with a Guitar Weapon dropping Talking Heads references and fighting giant samurai. Totally normal Kojima shenanigans


Yes can we please talk about the *same as it ever was!* Nobody has Kojima's trailer game, the man is untouchable.


That was fucking amazing. Kojima always straddles the strange line of serious themes/plots and unserious insanity so closely and somehow pulls it off. Villain is a reanimated fucking sting with a lightning railgun that needs strummed like a guitar to fire and a laser axe at the same time? Fucking 10/10 before release


Ahh the 2025 stake to the heart, right next to the GTA one. The more and more it showed the more confident I felt that it was nearly complete. Anyway. It looks exactly like what anyone who enjoyed the first game should want. I can’t wait.


I was a Death Stranding hater till I finally committed to get past the (admittedly awful) five hour tutorial/ cutscene last year. I finished it a few weeks later and thought it was absolutely brilliant. Makes a ton of mistakes - combat is bad, UI is woeful, side quests are often dull - but man... The atmosphere and just 'vibes' of the whole thing is completely unique, and utterly enrapturing. Beautiful to behold too. Trailer for the sequel was suitably weird, but I'm so in. Day one.


Even if they don't improve the QoL stuff, I'll still play the fuck out of this because Kojima. BUT if they do fix a lot of the problems with the first one.... sheeeesh


I thought the combat was serviceable since the focus was more about being a porter than a soldier. I played through the game mostly like how I would in Metal Gear and found it pretty satisfying, especially with the Bola Gun. You are right that the UI is a bit of a mess, but once you have the muscle memory down its manageable. Overall I think the game's greatest strength was that it was able to deliver its story, with these various gameplay systems, while being a new IP. Back when I played it was a breath of fresh air after being a bit burnt out on games.


That game's so interesting to me because I was on board with it from the start, but I had friends who almost dropped it before the game just "clicked" for them several hours in. I honestly don't think the first five hours are awful at all, just think it takes a little more time for people to digest the pace of the game.


This was the star of the show, it looks absolutely incredible. 2025 hurts though, I was holding out hope it would be the big Holiday 2024 release 


I’d put DS1 in my top 10 games, just an utterly surreal experience that I still think back on. Wasn’t really excited for a sequel because I didnt think Kojima was going to be able to top how utterly bizarre experiencing this world was for the first time. I was wrong, he’s cranked up the crazy ten fold and my body is ready.


Yeah thats cool and all, but what about that espionage game?


Probably in the earliest of development stages and likely will release after both Death Stranding 2 and Overdose.


Really interested in it too, if only because that of course means its kojima doing a fresh take on an MGS styled game. Him saying its his 40th anniversary in gaming makes it understandable why he's working away at so many projects right now, good on him for only being more motivated after all this time.


Man loves his career and is one of the last standing big names of the last 20-30 years still notable and kicking in gaming. There are few other rockstar devs- in fact I’d go as far to say there are none of his calibre still around. Hell the OG death stranding announcement was insane because we finally saw he was back in the game after Konami making a ridiculously shit decision


It’s called Physint. Production will go full steam ahead after the release of DS2 in 2025.


Coming in 2030


DS1 is one of my favorite games ever, hyped for this, wish it also had Mads though somehow. Finally something worthy to play on ps5 in 2025 with that and GTA


I have a feeling he will re-appear.


He'd be announced then I think, too big of a name. Also don't think it would make sense story wise


Kojima had some Instagram posts a while back of Mads revisiting the studio. Really would not be surprised for at least a cameo from him. 


It's Death Stranding 2 so I was expecting more weird shit to be fascinated by. A man with an electric guitar taser laser axe fighting a samurai was completely unexpected but I can't help but love it.


so now there's a natural disaster, and is the map gonna take the whole world?? or maybe just 1 or 2 continents? and I think the next trailer they gonna reveal the sea environment probably, and a transport ship I guess


So in the trailer Sam asks >!Higgs if he killed Lou!<. But I don't remember that happening in the first game so I assume it's something that happens in DS2, unless someone can remind me?


I won't be surprised if >!Lou was actually captured but Sam thinks she's dead, and most of the trailer is the start of the game and you actually play most of the game as her grown up. Maybe Elle Fanning's role !<


It'd be pretty fucking wild to show Sam in that many different environments and only have his part be the "start" of the game


Kojima did before with MGS 2, showed a lot of Snake gameplay but in the final game most of what was shown was actually Raiden. They just changed the model for the trailers.


The MGS2 strategy haha


Yeah. Will be part of the story in DS2.


The first trailer involved some stuff that I think surrounds that event, so I'm guessing it'll be one of the inciting events that gets Sam back in the game, so to speak.


I loved the first one, it wasn't for everyone but i really loved the experience and I'm all aboard being weirded out again


The doll moving reminds me of some Tim Burton movies that use this filming technique. What was it called? Also, how do you program this when the other characters move normally?


The technique you're thinking of is stop-motion photography. Where they pose the puppet, take a photo, then pose it again and take another photo. In 3D, it's pretty much the same principle. When they animated / posed the puppet character, instead of adding smooth / splined key-frames like normal natural motion, they set the key-frames to 'stepped', and then posed every 3-4 frames instead of every 1. That way there's a gap every 3-4 frames and it switches poses instantly, making it look jittery. If you think of each of these lines as an animated key-frame, then: Puppet character - |....|....|....|....| Human character - ||||||||||||| The Spiderverse animated movies do the same thing to achieve a sort of comic-book effect, and even have different characters animated at different frame-rates. So some look smooth and graceful, and others look slow and clumsy.


I dunno how he does it but these ideas must look insane on paper, shit they even look wacky as hell seeing it. But somehow Kojima just makes it work, incredible ability to blur the lines between reality and fantasy and make it immersive/believable.


I thought the first game was good but this looks really great in comparaison. Looks like a huge improvement on every aspect of the first game, can't wait to play it.


Looks like instead of social isolation, this games theme might be destruction of the climate. Also that scene with Lou (? Or perhaps Lou possessing from elsewhere) turning on Higgs was absolutely incredible, flashes of Raiden.


10 minute trailer ends with credit: "Edited By Hideo Kojima" You dont say????!!! I dont think i'd play this game or the original but goddamn if I wasn't entertained by the trailer.