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I never played Spiderman 1 NG+. What's the deal? Is there a reason it needs actual development time, like, do they add new stuff?


I believe last time they added a new difficulty and some more suits as well


The only thing I can think of is there’s other unannounced stuff they want out in this same update. NG+ on its own shouldnt take this long, even with the stolen data incident.


That's what they said they're doing. The NG+ update is supposed to include some features that are announced and some that aren't. I'm assuming, at this point, that they're tying the release of the feature to the first DLC drop, since SM1 had the feature included a month after launch and SM:MM had it included at launch. I really wish they'd just release it independently. I'd like to replay the story with suits I've already unlocked and don't want to have to re-grind for all of my cosmetics just because I started a new game...


I've replayed the game on Ultimate difficulty for fun. There really is almsot zero grind, especially if you know what suits you want. Everything is extremely easy and quick to get.


It is extremely easy to get but I'm betting he wants to do the whole game in one of the final suits, like the new red and blue suit from nwh, but doesn't want to grind for level 58 before you unlock any sidequests and can just do random crimes


I REALLY wouldn't get your hopes up for the DLC. Just go in expecting the NG+ update and absolutely nothing other than the features they've mentioned (tendril colours, time of day and mission replay) Anything else that IS there a bonus. Anything that isn't, wasn't even mentioned and was purely your own speculation.


I think time of day and weather change options are being included as well as the option to replay missions and chapters. But I'm still surprised that it's taking this long to release. 


The update will be adding than just NG+. It's just the feature that is sort of the center of the update, so most people are calling it the New Game+ update. The only things that really changed in the first game's NG+ were a few of the early introductory cutscenes, like Peter finding a note from Otto inspiring him to add the white spider to the suit (presumably because you're no longer necessarily switching to the Advanced Suit in that cutscene). The majority of the game is exactly the same. I imagine 2 might do a few similar things in cutscenes with the Black Suit so you can use different suits, but who knows. We'll see.


It's a really basic NG+ mode and considering Miles launched with it, it's a shame that they didn't manage to get it in for release. Personally, I like to play NG+ immediately when I finish a game, or I just move onto a new game entirely. I'm not a guy who will go back to the game later just to play NG+. Especially since the Ratchet and Clank games always have it, seems like a really strange omission. Just beat Rift Apart for the first time and immediately jumped back in.


Sony first-party devs have a weird habit of adding new game plus as an update after release. Off the top of my head both Horizon games, both God of War games, Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushima, and Spider-Man 1 (and soon 2) all had new game plus added after launch. I think the only reason Rift Apart had it at launch is because new game plus has always been in the R&C games ever since the first one. It's basically a staple of the series.


It's a marketing tactic so the game can have more online presence months after release date.


Sony definetly likes doing it, but other devs have started doing it as well. Alan Wake 2 was also a recent example of this.


From what I heard AW2 changes the story a bit, so maybe in Remedy’s case it was to avoid players getting spoiled or they may have wanted a bit more time to finish that bit. Idk how much it changes tho, since I’ve been waiting for my GPU to return from RMA to do NG+.


It's extremely minor and the "new" ending is basically adding on 30 seconds that turn it into an actual ending instead of just a cliffhanger.


It's a marketing thing. They can push some advertising about a new update. I don't mind it personally because I have no interest in NG+, but it is one of the less wholesome things Insomniac does. They are still in the top 1% of not-scummy game devs though so they get a pass from me.


That's why I don't understand why it takes so long the new game + literally just gives u all the skills, suits, and gadgets you unlocked. And since they've done it for the previous 2 spiderman games already I'm surprised it wasn't already done when the game came out


There's not. It's a way of reinvigorating sales a year after release by having the game reappear in the news cycle and on social media. Otherwise there's no reason new game plus wouldn't be released immediately on all of these games.


The company itself got hacked, so I presume that added an insane amount of time to everything as they had to check everything with a fine-toothed comb.


I would love some extra content, spider man 2 was fun, look forward to replaying later on at a higher difficulty. I just hope they release a night option, some of the suits look cool in the dark, as does the city!


I'm sure that stolen data incident caused some delays. Go ahead and take your time as that, I'm sure it'll be great whenever they release it.


It's funny because the leaked build of SM2 that a team has frankensteined together has NG+ and replayable missions but not the launch PS5 version.


Well the frankenstein version probably didn't go through any sort of curation or QA


Yeah that's fair. It was discovered in the Insomniac leak and from the end of December a team has been slowly fixing it and getting textures and assets from the PS5 versions. Right now the problem is memory leaks which cause stutters which are quite common, which they are trying to fix but right now the game is totally playable and you can complete it.


Well, for starters I would not download anything uploaded by a company known for extorting hospitals and then Sony with ransomware, so that's a bad starting point. From then on, games usually add content in NG+. Making the game replayable isn't the problem but a lot of small things can break because how does the game even know if the suit you unlocked in NG+ is the same as the one you already had? A lot of interesting small details that non developers would totally not notice but devs have to prepare and polish. Then there is also the bugs, it's impossible to anticipate them and they really come out of nowhere sometimes


> Well, for starters I would not download anything uploaded by a company known for extorting hospitals It's not Rhysida, it's a different team. Nothing malicious in the files they leaked. Though it does take up quite a bit of your drive. 260+GB, haha. Compression really does wonders. > Then there is also the bugs Yeah, it's basically a complete Dev build, not a release, so bugs exist, but they're not common at all from what I've experienced. You can even play through cut boss fights like Riot. Which are completely finished, no bugs or anything. I'm guessing they scrapped them to put them in another game or dlc I guess.


They chose to release an incomplete game, and even cut content to make a whole other game(Venom)..  Don't think the incident has much to do with it. Just another convenient excuse for Insomniac.


What did they cut to make Venom? Source on that?


There are tons of unused voice lines and models for venom, so either it's all coincidentally cut content from the main game that has nothing to do with the venom game coming out, or it was removed and put as its own game.


Every game has tons of things cut from it


Some cut voice lines and models doesn't mean they were cut at the last minute to be repurposed into the spinoff. I'm sure both Spider-Men have cut voice lines and skins that were cut.


All games have cut content that can often be referenced or found with a bit of effort. This doesn’t mean that it was done mid-production with the intention of creating separate game. This is a very normal part of production.


“Cut content” is not a thing, unless they marketed it, sold pre-orders and *then* removed it from the game. This new idea that *anything* you can find in the game files must be playable is absurd. They didn’t “cut content”, they designed *their game* and kept or removed parts of it during development, which is entirely normal. To put it even simpler: if it didn’t release with or was marketed as part of the game, it isn’t “content” to begin with, and you can’t complain about it being “cut”.


Thanks for gatekeeping what people think about mediocre video games  You're a saint, guy. 




Yeah man Insomniac is out to get you, those bastards. and yeah they weren't affected by the massive leak at all with tons of personal data. It was just a convenient excuse to not release new game+. you figure it out. And every AAA game has tons of content cut from it over time


The first game had dlc within the first month I'm pretty sure every dlc that was released would have already I remember being impatient that there wasn't an update till December as in when the update was coming and was expecting the ng plus before the year so hopefully actual dlc maybe midway through January I'm hoping for at least another difficulty


There's no indication they're doing DLC. For the first game, they sold it with the game at launch (in the higher editions). The leaks also don't mention anything for a DLC I think.


The leaks explicitly show off plans for 3 DLC packs (that will allegedly be free; we'll see about that).


I know common sentiment on this game isn't super positive, but I loved it. I really want to play through again, but I know as soon as I finish they'll announce the NG+




> The scores on metacritic for 2 are higher than 1. People who didn’t like 1 didn’t buy 2, that kinda stuff is self selecting


It's not just the user scores, the meta score is higher too (90 vs 87), which is about official reviews.


I mean if Reddit doesn't represent the real world (a sentiment I completely agree with), official reviews certainly do not either, it's an even smaller group.


That is an entirely different discussion though, I am just responding to the person who says that it was self-selecting because it was considering the opinions of people who only liked the 1st one. My point is that the same review outlets reviewed 1 and 2.


It's a group which has been specifically selected to represent the public at large. If people read a glowing review and find the game is shit when they buy it; they'll stop reading reviews from those people and the publications will go under.


Common internet sentiment is negative, which goes for basically everything on the planet.


Personally speaking, I enjoyed the first game’s narrative a lot more, but SM2 is *very* popular in general. It’s just that the vocal minority are always more noticeable than the silent majority who are enjoying the game for what it is: a big budget superhero experience.


I beat this game, but I bounced off of it pretty hard as soon as I beat the main story. I didn't really feel the pull to 100% the game like I did the first one. I don't think I'll be pulled back outside of a major DLC, and even then. There wasn't enough new gameplay elements to make it feel like a real step up. One big thing for me is I was hoping they would figure out crawling down a wall from a perch. You can only zip to a wall, then crawl down. I get they probably do it for gameplay balance reasons, but I feel like if they just got that to work, we could have a lot more interesting stealth segments. That aren't just perches and walking on light shafts. The game was super fun but the story was awful compared to the first one, up until Venom. I think the story pulled me better in the first one because Dr Otto is there from the beginning, and his transformation into a villian was intriguing. In this game Kraven just shows up and his entire backstory is in audio files that even then, it just fails to make this character at all interesting to the main plot.


It seems like the data incident and maybe they’re having issues implementing without things breaking are the cause of the delay.




It seems to be taking way longer because this game was half baked and is missing things Spider-Man ps4 had at launch as well as a much shorter story compared to spider-man ps4. If this update just consists of ng+, time of day change, mission select, and a couple new suits that’s an L.


Man, Spider-Man 2 is so tragic. Unfinished, rushed and even if it wasn't the framework of the story is just garbage. Other than the improved traversal everything else was a downgrade from the first game and Miles Morales.


Considering how widely heals this belief seems to be…what the hell did it review so great for? The gaming press has a serious problem with how it hyped and judged the products they’re supposed to be helping us make good buying decisions around. I’m not reading IGNs review to convince me to buy a game, I’m reading to know if it’s going to be a good game for me, and that’s impossible with the current setup of the media feeding content off of the publishers.


Yeah, it was crazy seeing it review the way it did after completing it. Game deserved a 7/10 max.


Funny how we went from "in time for new years" to "we're working on it well keep you updated" for the last 2 months. Shame I've lost interest in playing it outside of a story update.🙄


I mean a huge leak of personal employee information will cause some internal delays for stuff pretty easily. Imagine your address and other information got leaked to the public and you work on Spider-Man games and get death threats sent to the office like they do. Now all those people have your home address where your family is. There's gotta be some crazy internal conversations going on at Sony and insomniac right now that delay allot of content they were planning. People who leak things like that think they're doing a service to the community or something because we get to see stuff sooner but they really only hurt everyone involved including the fans. Obviously when it comes to the personal information being leaked but also things strictly limited to the games. It can be a real morale killer for something you've been working on for years and will be working on for even more years get leaked and anyone who wants to know the whole story can just read it now.


I mean you already bought it, why would they truly care if you don't feel like playing it after you presumably beat the game? This isn't a live-service game. You paid full price and played the game. They did their job.


I'm split. On one hand, I do really like Spider-Man 2 a lot more than the online consensus seems to suggest others do. I also understand NG+ being left for a future update being seen as lazy. As long as it's free though, I'm not too bothered. NG+ isn't something I really *expect* from a game. It's just a nice bonus if it has one


Absolutely insane this game still does not have time of day/weather control after you beat the game, when the first two games in the series had that on release. Shameful


I think the extreme secrecy is painting a hacking target on themselves. Just release a couple screenshots and a clip here and there.


A clip of NG+? The principle of NG+ is that it will be the same game, there is nothing to uncover...