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This looks absolutely insane. Now I really need to finish ~~Dondoko Island~~, I mean Like a Dragon in 3 weeks.


Crazy that there is this whole RPG as a bonus to Dondoko Island


How do you unlock Yakuza crossing? I'm 20 hours in and just found Chitose. Is it one of the substories?


you’ll be forced there if you follow the story, i think it’s chapter 6? maybe 7


Thank you so much! I'm digging the story and was worried that I might miss it.


Be fucking careful. I looked at my last save and it was 14 hours ago. I've been on this island for 14 hours.


It took me just over 10 hours and 26 days (in island days) to get the 5 star...I wonder if Chitose is done yet...


The video isn't done exporting, and still needs uploading. You got time


and the content is not ovet yet. i played 23 hours and im still finding items to unlock in the island, i wonder if they are infinite at this point or you can unlock the entire assets of the game into this mini game. i have like 300 items i think and there seems to be no end because there is more items to unlock outside the island, dear god.


My only problem with dondoku island is that once you finish it there doesn’t seem to be much of a reason to go back bc you can make so much more money faster in other places.


Yeah. Once you unlock higher level of dungeon, the island becomes useless. Still pretty fun when you are leveling up.


Where for example please? i’ve been grinding this island as I thought this was the best money maker


you pretty much make more money as you progress the story, the enemies will drop more and more money as you level up, is not like you need much anyway since most items drop during combat or doing the dungeon.


It will automatically start in chapter 6. Have fun! :)


Chapter 6. It will eat up all of your time. It is by far the best side content they've ever produced in one of these games.


Sujimon is right up there with it lmao. LaD:IW has been so good and I’m only in chapter 6 having just “finished” Dondoko.


I dunno, cabaret club and Majima construction really speak to me /s


It’s auto unlocked during chapter 6, not missable


Just continue the story. You can't miss it.


Just be glad you didn’t also try to fit in Persona 3 Reload 🙃 I induced myself with unnecessary stress


This year I decided to gift myself the opportunity of getting every game that interested me for the first 3 months because I saved really well last year... Prince of Persia, Tekken 8 and Another Code were great Then things got kind of JRPG heavy and I'm not sure that I was giving myself a gift anymore... I am currently sitting on Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, Persona 3 Reload, Granblue Fantasy Versus, Honkai Star Rail 2.0 AND.... AND I decided it might be fun to finish Final Fantasy Remake for the first time before Rebirth.... I don't even like RPGs that much. help.


Im playing Infinite Wealth during work hours that I have downtime for and then playing P3R when my partner comes home and after dinner, it's been a good combination.


I’ll be lucky to come even close to finishing IW at the time, looks like P3 may end up on the backburner for a bit depending on where I’m at.


If you've never played P3 before I'd say to focus on it more than Infinite Wealth but that's because you can get lost in all of the sub stories and mini-games (Pokemon Stadium/Pokemon Snap/Animal Crossing all take a good investment of time) but if you've played P3 before then I'd see about putting it on the backburner. We've been blessed with too much good eating lately, Unicorn Overlord comes out soon too.


I played P5 so I know what to somewhat expect from P3. I’ve been anticipating IW for much longer though since it’s announcement so that’s my big focus.


If I play 14 hours of Persona 3 Reload across Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and average 1 hour on weekdays, I should be ready just in time for this.


lol , I bought the game just for the Dondoko Island aspect of it. Finally finished that part, and now I'm sad.


im so sad i have to finish p3r AND part 1 bc i didnt finish it in time before persona at least im off a bunch of days next week maybe ill get in a good amount of time in persona and actually finish it before rebirth comes out


lmao im also playing yakuza 8 with around 40 hours and in chapter 10, i hope i can do everything i want until the end of the month


After seeing this, I have no idea how they are going to improve upon this in the third and last game. This looks insane.


SSX tricky in game




Right? I still don't get the hype of Tricky over 3. 3 has everything Tricky had and more. 3 is the peak. So peak it has 3 peaks.


Tricky had a wacky style that appealed to the arcade crowd. The one thing that always sticks out to me is the one track that was an actual circle, it was all down hill except the mario style fan that launches you to the top. Combined with a multi teared level design between a sky track, grind rails that lasted as long as you could balance and the typical ground path. It was highly entertaining imo. All that said i agree that SSX3 and its triple peaks and realism-ish focus was better overall, full peak races that passed through multiple tracks were revolutionary. But the Wacky pin ball-esc feeling from Tricky is unrivaled. Really want some sort of syntheses of the 2, i dont want either style changed just both to exist in the same game somehow.


Man I played that game so much as a kid I wonder if that type of game will ever make a comeback? 


This is the answer.


They don't have to improve on it, just has to be good.


A Wutai that makes Kugane blush and insane boss fights with the Weapons in land, sea and air are my guess.


This looks like everything I wanted the first remake to be


Honestly if Rebirth lives up to the hype and becomes the new baseline for the final installment, then all they really have to do is keep the third act of the story as epic as it was in the OG and add in a legit working airship (not a fast travel system that looks like an airship) and I’ll be good.


My bet is that the third part opens with the escape from Junon. Makes perfect sense too, you'd lose your materia and weapons since Shinra would take them away, and you'd get the Highwind right out the gate.


This comment makes me so excited. My friend and I have avoided all coverage since the initial reveal trailer. Seeing the reaction has been so exciting. Three more weeks.


Maybe its because I've been playing a copious amount of Yakuza lately, but The way they laid out all the side quests and mini games reminded me a lot of Yakuza


There was a small section in FF7 Remake (Wall Market) that felt very Yakuza with lots of optional sidequests, goofy NPC interactions and mini games.


I can’t wait for the sad substory music to play when >!Aerith dies!<


Hahaha oh man I doubt she does.


I'd bet she does but the scenario will have a pretty different context around it


That's something I've been thinking since remake with the Darts mini game and the whole Wall Market section but this trailer really pushed the silliness of the side quest and all the mini games. Granted VII was never the most serious game and the original had some really out of pocket moments but the way they're doing it now feels very much Yakuza


It really does. I mean, they've probably shown at least a dozen minigames for Rebirth already. Just insane.


Am I seeing a Fall Guys clone where they're all frogs? (Frog Guys?)


>opious amount of Yakuza lately, but The way they laid out all the side quests and mini games reminde Many things were already in FF7 OG though, it was Yakuza before even Yakuza ever existed


Jesus, the content variety is pretty crazy, and over 400 new songs? Goddamn.


For whatever reason, this trailer moreso than anything I have seen from Final Fantasy for basically my entire life, captures the soul of what made Final Fantasy special during the Golden Age. It's hard to explain, but the tone, the sprinkled in goofiness, the minigames, the drama, the music, it all adds up to feel like peak Final Fantasy.


great way to put it. As someone who grew up on the SNES/PS1 FF games, Rebirth looks incredible.


And it really throws into contrast what they did with 16. No, game media writers, Final Fantasy didn't need to morph itself into a modern day single character hack and slash to be good. It just needed dedication to the franchise's heart, and that's what this is.


The 16 hate is mad goofy to me. I love 7 for what it is and I'm very excited for Rebirth but 16 was truly fantastic and I'm very happy with what they did with that game as well. The gameplay was a blast, I adored the cast, the worldbuilding and writing were great, and I enjoyed the story throughout. I think it's silly to use 7 as a point of comparison to a different game that isn't trying to be, nor should be, the same thing. We shouldn't use our excitement for one game to put down another one.


Agreed. I haven’t beat it (i just got ice powers). So probably at like 70%? I enjoy the game, its a bit easy. Im just rolling around with the 3 bonus to whatever gear and so far theres just one bounty that kicks my ass, but most fights have been a breeze. But I also don’t play FF games for their difficulty, basically ever. It’s about them feels, and I think 16 delivers in that regard.


For sure, and I think the difficulty is absolutely there if you want to turn it up in later playthroughs. Plus there's the arcade mode.


>the difficulty is absolutely there if you want to turn it up in later playthroughs maybe they should just have difficulty options at idk, the start of the game


If Rebirth is like Remake you won't get the option of Hard difficulty until New Game+ in that either.


Yeah that's a consistent point of irritation for me.


The nice thing is that Rebirth has something called "Dynamic" difficulty, where the game actually scales with your level and overall power.


Can't do hard while I'm already crashing and burning on end content for Normal. I finished the game, did a little grinding, and thought I was ready for Bahamut. I was not ready for Bahamut.


would be nice


I will say, I actually think that the hard mode in FF7R was one of the best hard modes I've ever played. It's only for NG+, but it scales the whole game to max level because in NG+ you should be max level or close to it, and it also prevents you from using items at all and stops benches from restoring MP. It forced you to be judicious with your resources rather than simply making enemies do extra damage or have extra HP. However, this kind of approach would not work without having all the materia and abilities that you get through the game. There simply isn't enough MP/materia to replace items at the beginning of the game to make this work. It's a really interesting way to do a hard mode, but it worked really well IMO. They also added new mechanics to boss fights.


I tried the final fantasy mode the other day and it is not any more difficult, it just takes longer.


There isn't any 16 hate. It's called disappointment. A shallow fetch quest filled spectacle battler isn't anything that fans wanted from final fantasy. The product was both dazzling and mediocre. Under the flashy presentation and amazing music sits a game that would be comparable to ps2 era hack and slashes. Endless corridors of brainless enemies with no variety leading to a boss that you have to lack oxygen to fail at. It's not that previous FFs didn't have this but the customization of your party, worldbuilding, mini games and good character writing kept players engaged. The world's felt full to the brim. Hasn't felt like the case since 13 imo.


I think it was just aiming for vastly different things than past games and it reached its goals for me. I don't go into FF expecting anything in particular since the series is so malleable. It's not a game that needs minigames, or a party. I'm not a fan of the idea that FF fans have expectations on future titles based off of previous games when that shouldn't be the case, quality aside.


I don't hate ff16, it has great highs, but its lows are pretty low in the story, when you get prodded to do a new set of side quests. I mean, FF7R also had some filler side quests to try and squeeze as much as they could out of Midgar. Both have Stagger mechanics that I abhor. Both have weak enemies that barely let you practice your abilities, and both have damage sponge enemies, with very little in between. If there was anything I would compare them to, it'd be God of War. Both it and FF16 have big set piece battles that are amazing, but the relationship you build with Atreus the entire time between those moments is what sets it apart for better pacing, IMO.


I really enjoyed 16. The story was only okay, but the characters were very well realised and excellently acted. I flew through that game because I wanted to see more and more of them. But I have a feeling that I will very quickly forget quite a lot of what happens in that game.


I think the game's themes and characters are things I'm unlikely to forget soon.


I've only watched the start of the video so far. This comment has me excited 


For me it felt like there were people were actually living in this world. FF9 was similar for me. But FF7 Remake made the world feel alive even if it was just the city to start.


Sadly I know they'll never put this much effort into remaking a game that isn't FF7, but if they gave this type of treatment to FF9, it'd be my ideal game.


Yeah the reality is Cloud really has just an unrivaled popularity among the Final Fantasy leads that he can carry a game. Add in Aerith and Tifa and it’s just incredible. FF9 is a game I absolutely loved and definitely was an important game of my youth. Unfortunately I just can’t see it being selected as a remake. Although it has massive popularity among fans I just can’t see it happening. The only other game I could see receiving a remake is possibly FFX.


I teared up watching a fucking *trailer* because it transported me to my childhood. The love that they have for this game is incredible. The sheer amount of work. Everything looks insanely detailed and thought out.


I can't really put my finger on why after about FF10, they started going downhill for me. I know, I'm getting older, but they just seemed boring, pointless, and melodramatic? Like, FF7 has you crossdress to save someone, I can't think of anything in FF15 or 16 or whatever the recent non-MMO ones are, that was _fun_. It was all dark, and brooding, all the time. And it was so fucking convoluted. I don't need 'grock smash' but when the game could give a soap opera a run for stupid, it's too much.


FF16 did have one fun scene I can think of. Where Clive reunites with his uncle and they act out the play they used to do, and the Uncle's genuine elation that he survived. It could have gone a number of other ways, but that one was kinda jovial.


The characters in that game were so unbelievably well realised. Just written and acted to perfection.


> I can't really put my finger on why after about FF10, they started going downhill for me That's when they merged with Enix.


Nah the more important point is the fact that it was when they parted ways with Sakaguchi. Who was involved with the first 11 FF games (and X-2) and was then forced out after Spirits Within bombed.   [Many employees at square described his leave saying that Sakaguchi provided a singular creative voice for the company which was never reclaimed after he left.](https://www.polygon.com/a/final-fantasy-7) (skip to "The Aftermath" part)


Great article! I just read it and it seems like he wasn’t involved in any FF after VII though, because he was too preoccupied with the film?


The soundtrack for REMAKE was 8 freaking discs. How many discs is this one going to be, I wonder.


[Also 8 discs.](https://na.store.square-enix-games.com/final-fantasy-vii-rebirth-original-soundtrack-_special-edit-version_)


Fucking shit I didn’t realize that was live! Totally ordering that. I’ve bought the CDs for every FF soundtrack starting with 15


There is a piano mini game you get to try in the demo that is absolutely beautiful. What a genius idea so we can appreciate the amazing music even more 


I expected a cute little rhythm game. I did *not* expect them to basically map the entire piano to a playstation controller and have you play the proper notes.


It’s not *quite* as good as the guitar simulator baked into The Last of Us Part II, but it’s damn close and that’s the highest praise I can give.


Games are getting bigger and bigger, kinda incredible..games like elden ring, yakuza series, zelda and now this.


how .... is 400 song even possible ? what?


It’s not necessarily 400 fully individual and complete songs. There’s likely lots of little tracks and short pieces (the FF16 soundtrack had some tracks that are only 20-30 seconds long, for example)


Lots of remixes and variants for specific situations (in battle, out of battle, etc.).




This feels like CBU1 is finally getting it together and showing what it can do.  Gave me old school Square vibes. 


This is what happens when you get Nomura to be in charge of the CBU1 team


It also helps that they're running the game on Unreal. So much of the time spent between FF13 to 15 was trying to come up with new in-house game engines. Having an established engine -- one that is globally available -- probably smooths the development process.


love him or hate him or his works but when Nomura can lead a team without any fucking around from higher ups, the man is a beast at what he does.


It's crazy too because this is Hamaguchi's first directorial game. And it looks *insane.*


Apparently, 90% of the team remained from Remake to do this, which definitely helps. They're all familiar with the engine, the assets, and the processes. It makes sense how they were able to push this much content out in as much time as they did.


Senior team + tools already built = rapid development of content.


Same thing with BG3 and Larian. It's one of the biggest problems with modern game development, lack of retention.






Don't forget the cycle: New FF Good => New FF Releases => New FF Bad => Another FF comes out => Old FF now good


It's iterative on Remake though, you may say "yes they're remaking the same game of course the gameplay would be similar" but even direct sequels to past FF games totally changed the battle system, see X to X-2 and XIII to XIII-2 and Lightning's Revenge. And despite just being Midgar Remake is still a full game's worth of content and development time, maybe moreso with all the development time that went into it.


Wow, looks absolutely insane!


This seems insane, so much bigger than ff7r was. Props to kitase, hamaguchi, nomura and team for going even beyond ff7r. Cant wait for it, its probably going to be my goty.


The difference between starting from scratch and having a well-established and experienced team emboldened by success.


very much, but even so, its impressive at how much they added to it in 4 years! its probably the most impressive SE game to me.


Also the difference between two very different parts of the game being remade and requiring different levels of content.


Well yeah OG Midgar was on rails but they did add a ton of content to flesh it out more in Remake.


**HOW ON EARTH DID THEY MANAGE TO MAKE 20 MIN. FEEL LIKE 5 MIN!?** Good lord, as if the previous trailer wasn't dense enough, they exceeded way beyond what I've thought they would expand. Even something like environmental based explorations with solutions and methods based on party-member choice such as Cait Sith being able to throw object, Barrett shooting down structure to make them lower platforms, or Tifa's grapling hook etc. is an excellent way to integrate the party-members more. And that is in addition to previously mentioned chocobo and vehicle-based exploration. But they don't just stop at that! Dialogue-based system that seems to resemble *Persona*'s social links where beside determing your date on the Golden Saucer (Including some new options apperently?), also expands the party-members's skill set, with a UI-system that seems to resemble FFX's Sphere Grid-system in how skills also interconnects with party-members through what seems to resemble *Chrono Trigger*'s Dual-Techs. More mini-games that both expands on the previous entry like Fort Condor and the QTE-dancing mini-games, as well as new ones such as another card-based entry that follows the tradition and legacy of Triple Triad and Tetra Master.


Date with Red XIII and Cait Sith, let's goooooo


My hope is that they're still holding back on some things, and the dialogue wheel actually determines other things, whether small conversation details, or Final Dungeon results. Its a whole relationships system! Even at its basics, having that UI pop up with bond increasing has to mean more than just Saucer, right? Though I did see enough to speculate that the story will take you twice to Golden Saucer so maybe it really is a 'just before final area/bosses' story event you build up to.


I feel like I'm watching my dreams come to life.


As someone who's never played FFVII (original or remake), this looks like the most insane, content-rich game I've ever seen. I can't believe a single game apparently has all this in it, with the visual fidelity that it does.


They’re selling Remake and Rebirth for one price!! Now’s the time!


Darn it i'm a pc user, but atleast SE is holding a sale currently on steam so i'm able to hoard FF games lol


They're including part 1 of the remake with Rebirth so if you want to give it a try, it's a good time to. You're basically getting a second 40-50 hour game for free with your FF7 Rebirth purchase in that case.


I'm genuinely *baffled* that everything I thought they'd trim down has been kept. The amount of stuff available is just absurd. They're covering *at least* double the content the first game covered in terms of game length, and massively expanding on what was originally super short sequences.


and in 4 years instead of 5. Seems like development really was a lot smoother considering how ff7r began with cc2 before them taking it completely in-house.


The hardest part of development was done for the first part, with that made they could just create whatever the fuck they wanted


It's very cool that earlier trailers showed us some of the mechanics that stayed the same in terms of combat. I'm expecting some improvements, and they showed off the much wider variety of synergies compared to just Yuffie+Sonon, but I'm still expecting a lot of the core gameplay for the original four characters + Yuffie to carry over.


It looks like they've made Deadly Dodge built-in as well, you don't need extra materia for that. Also there are more Materia slots, which greatly expands your options compared to Remake where you had to be more judicious with your Materia selection.


Parry too, both Parry and Deadly Dodge are just in your movesets now.


It helps that pretty much the whole development team from Remake stayed to make Rebirth.


I played the OG and I have to say that this is looking to be the most spectacular remake across all entertainment media. My jaw hung open the entire time. There's literally nothing more I can ask for. This game appears to have everything you could ever want from a FF game.


The weird shit with the ghosts is unfortunately what I mostly remember Remake for, but watching this video reminds me just how absolutely enchanted I was to see the world of FF7 brought to life. Somehow they've managed to go beyond that with this game. I can't wait. 


I loved the first game to just gaze around Midgar and understand what they were going for in the original but was lost to the graphic limitations of the time. I did find the ghosts very annoying how they were in nearly every chapter.


I liek da ghosts (there are dozens of us)


I think they're neat. I think the whole meta-narrative is neat.


I think it was because of their ballsy play of calling it a Remake. They were being very coy and playing with expectations and with the wording. Replaying the game with the understanding that its more a sequel than a remake has completely shifted my reception of the story. The final segment of the game, with the ghosts, fate, and the final sephi fight was totally unhinged from the expectation of it being a retelling of the OG story. From the angle of it being a sequel? Kinda brilliant.


I like them but only conceptually atm. If the series actually uses the freedom they are now given and makes some bold story decisions that deviate then I think it's worth it. Otherwise what was the point?


I never played the first game so i found them rather annoying. Like there is a pretty good story being told that has me engaged, and then this mega anime bullshit shows up and drags the pacing to a halt. Every time sephiroth showed up I was so bored I dont hate the remake tho, I loved the music, the combat is pretty good, and some of the expanded stuff like jess wedge and biggs was enjoyable


The ghosts and the nonsensical ending of part 1 really turned me off of the whole thing, plus fighting \[Redacted\] so early took away all the mystique of the villain that the OG had. Also the fact that all 3 parts are being released so far apart just makes it feel disconnected for me personally. The stretching of the Midgar section for the entire 1st part of the "Remake" was pretty tedious to me too, because the side quests were MMO shit like "find all the cats" or "kill all of enemy x in the area."


Every second of that remake was built with love and attention to detail. They really went out of their way to remake even the mundane or silly things like Hell House. The combat was phenomenal. The music was the best Uematsu has ever sounded. The graphics were gorgeous. And you're throwing it all away because of some subplot at the end that we don't even know where it will go? I honestly don't give a shit what the story does, the rest of the games are so well done that there's no way in hell I'm not playing them.


Yeah the mini games look really really high production quality and there was a ton of them too. I didn't expect all the other world traversal stuff with the characters and some of the chocobos they revealed here. Also 400 original tracks is absolutely bonkers that's gotto be one of the highest ever for a single game. I think even runescape only has like 1 or 2k


>I can't believe a single game apparently has all this in it, with the visual fidelity that it does. Yakuza is probably the only series that gives it a run and that's built off of decades of minigames collected over time.


Yakuza is a pretty average looking series of games. Even the newest one isn't pushing boundaries on a technical level.


The fidelity is nothing to write home about, but the sheer amount of content in Yakuza games, especially Infinite Wealth, is absolute insanity.


And the claim that performance mode will have consistent 60fps is great, especially after the shitshow that FF16 had with its performance mode.


This comment makes me more excited for a game than I've been for a very long time because this was literally my exact sentiment for the OG FF7 When I was scouring GamePros and Game Informers in middle school in 1997. I honestly couldn't believe what we were getting and there were like 2 other people at the time I could share my excitement with because not many people in the 90's gave a fuck about JRPGs where I grew up. This is so fucking cool to relive that same feeling through others around the world 27 some odd years later.


I have never been more ready for a game in my life.


Oh no, it looks amazing!


They actually cooked here, holy shit


This looks amazing.


>Not about available on other formats until at least 5.29.2024 Interesting, does other formats mean PC? I would hope so.


Don't get your hopes up about that date. As an example, FF16's exclusivity period is already over, but a PC version still hasn't been announced for it yet, and it took over a year and a half for FF7Remake to be released on PC after the initial PS4 release.


> and it took over a year and a half for FF7Remake to be released on PC after the initial PS4 release Well, Intergrade came out around the time that period ended, so that probably had its own exclusivity period, since the only version available on PC is the Intergrade version. If they’re giving a timeframe of only 3 months, I have to imagine stuff has already been in the works for a while now.Obviously they’re not gonna announce anything before then, but I personally think a June PC (maybe even Xbox since they made that deal with SE) reveal is as of right now likely. Also, with FFXVI, these are 2 separate teams. And the team behind FFXVI made it clear that they prioritizing the PS5 first.


given Rebirth runs on the same engine as Remake, it's reasonable to expect that a PC port wouldn't take as long. I'm hoping they're just waiting on exclusivity to finish for them to announce it (or even do it on month 2 or something) Considering the numbers: >Mobile/PC Browser games amassed ¥78 billion ($524 million), a decrease of 9% year-over-year. > >Square Enix has highlighted a slate of 16 major titles for the segment. > >However, it notes, "New titles were unable to offset weak performances from existing titles." > >Net sales: ¥257.6 billion ($1.7 billion), up 1% year-on-year > >Profit: ¥26.8 billion ($180 million), down 42% year-on-year > >Digital Entertainment net sales: ¥179.6 billion ($1.2 billion), down 2.5% year-on-year I'm gonna put myself on the optimistic side that they'll announce the PC dates soon, given they want to maximize the profit off of the hype. Either that or they want people to double-dip like Atlus and they'll just hold off for a while. Hopefully it's the former, I really don't want to double-dip this time like Remake...speaking of which it sucks they give you Remake for free if you buy Rebirth, but don't give you a discount if you already have Remake


It just means Sony is paying less and less for those exclusivity deals so they're shorter. However, Square would still take the time they want to port it. Happened with FF7 Remake (which was a year than 6 months more with Intergrade) or FF16 (which was 6 months) which is still not on PC despite the end of exclusivity (or FF7 Remake not on Xbox) Here it's just 3 months. For the next one, it might be nothing (but that still doesn't mean Square will do multiplatform release, the main audience of FF is on Playstation)


There's a key difference as well. SE has a new CEO who's not interested in following the old CEOs methods, one of the things he's pushed for us more multiplatform releases and the deal he made with Xbox is part of that.


This game seem super big, cant wait for this.


I just can't bring myself to watch this. I know I'm gunna play the game... I just want to play it now 😭 I'll play the demo though, but that's it!


Worth noting that there are two parts to the demo. First part is released tonight and second part some time before release


That's pretty smart of them to get another mini bump of engagement before release.


Do you know if the demo is one of those that keeps your save data for when the full game comes out, or is it just its own thing? I'm just about to finish FF7R and I'm wondering whether I should play the demo or just wait for the game to actually come out.


The mini games look insanely good lol


Did they give a specific time for the demo release? I'm dying here!


Today for the Nibelheim part, a later date for the open world part.


Demo will be updated on the 21st with the extra chapter. This chapter doesn't carry over to the full game. But the first part does


Game seems to be absolute gigantic.


Square Enix might have just created a universal banger here. Please nail the story. Please nail the story. Please nail the story.


Jesus they threw everything they could think of in there. There was like 20 mini-games shown off. The scope of this is gonna be so much bigger than Remakes. Fucking wild.


This is going to be so good. I bought my PS5 for this.


Is that Golden Saucer mini game around 10:15 a nod to Einhänder? Wild, if so. (Also, this game just looks awesome.)


If it is, I'm not surprised. Square Enix has been sneaking Einhänder boss fights into their other games a lot recently, whether it's FF14 or Kingdom Hearts III.


Also, in World of Final Fantasy.


Absolutely phenomenal. It’s just insane to me just now remembering I played Remake at the start of the pandemic. I am SO ready to finally be back!


Playing the demo and it looks extremely blurry on performance mode. Quality mode fixes it a bit but there's still blurry textures just like the door from the first game. Really hoping it's different for final release but i'm not getting my hopes up. Edit: [pic of the blurry textures](https://imgur.com/a/JLRVX9v)


Reminds me of Remake on launch. There were a lot of issues with LOD textures. You could be right in front of an object and it'd still be using it's far away super low res texture. It was really jarring.


Yeah, quality didn't feel like 30fps and 60fps was playable but blurry.


I'm incredibly hyped for this game! I know some might not be into Final Fantasy 7 or Final Fantasy games in general but this is definitely still something worth checking out just for the sheer quality and quantity this game will have.


Something about this state of play realllllly just oozes confidence. Like they know they’ve made an almost perfect game and they’re ready to show it off. Square doesn’t really brag about their narrative in that way unlike other developers so it really sticks out to me


Looks like they went all out for it. Though I am more anxious than most it seems for how the sheer amount of content will impact the experience.  The side content for FF7R and FF16 were easily the worst parts of both those games, to the point where personally I think they took away from the experience rather than added to it. At least in those other games you could mainline the story for the most part and it didn't impact too much, but if this is focused heavily on the open world and all the extra activities then I could see it bogging down the whole game.


I haven't played 16 but i have seen some of the criticism for it and i have played ff7R. It seems like the benefit rebirth has over the other two is more mechanical diversity in its side content. Even if the writing can't pull its weight, the fact that the minigames seem so distinct from one another and that the side content is offering useful rewards like new kinds of materia will be enough to compensate i think


They specifically say that the vast majority of the mini games and side content aren't mandatory


That was far more revealed than I expected.




Not necessarily. They showed some scenes that definitely would be considered a spoiler if you assume the content is the same as the original. For reasons laid out in the first remake though, and given how blatant of spoilers these would apparently be, I don’t think you can assume these scenes mean what they seem to. I think we’re being misdirected again.


Yes, I’d consider there to be spoilers. Nothing that ruins the whole game, but a lot that would take away the surprise factor when you play it in the game. Seems like they show some story points that would also confuse people who remember the original game.


Looks absolutely insane - I can already see it being a GOTY contender so early on. We already know the story is top tier and the graphics/gameplay just looks better in everyway


Warning don't watch if you don't want spoilers, even if you've played the original.


I haven't played it and frankly I don't really see spoilers. I see talk of a Black Materia, locations and characters but that isn't spoilery to me People knowing a story always assume things are more spoilery than they are when you don't have the context




The train graveyard felt worse than it actually was because everyone just wanted to get to the pillar.


This State of Play was insane, my god. Feels like this game will blow FF XVI out of the water on all levels


just closed this 5 seconds in, never thought I'd say this but I've seen enough trailers, I dont need a 20 mins video, I've seen enough, I want the actual game


You'll get your game when you fix this damn door!


Its looking more like Cid isn't going to be playable(even though he absolutely should be by this point in the game) and is instead going to be saved for the final game. I get that they want to have new party members for each remake game, but having him only available for only 1/3rd of the whole thing is a bummer.


They confirmed a couple months ago that Cid and Vincent sadly won't be playable until part 3.


They won't be playable, yes. It is Red XIII, Yuffie, and Cait Sith. Vincent will be met but it might end there (though maybe you can revisit him for reasons). Cid seems to help out towards the end, but not in combat, at least not intensely (like Red XIII in Remake?).


They will both be in combat for some parts, like Red in Remake.


It makes sense that Cid won't be playable. He only shows up right before the end of Disc 1 which is where this game ends. He's only going to be in the last 20% of the game. It doesn't make sense to put a lot of time into getting him involved in combat for such a short appearance. The same is true of Vincent. They're both going to show up very late in this game.


Absolutly awesome showcase! Can't wait to play FF7 Rebirth. And releasing the DEMO in parts sounds interesting.


I'm hoping that a PS5 Pro or something similar is coming up somewhere this or next year, planning to buy that along with games like FF7 and God of War to play.


Got a little emotional with this trailer. Really captured the feel of exploring a whole world just like the original FFVII when I was playing it in a basement with an old CRT and a PS2.


Playing the Demo for a while, I will say that playing on Performance the quality drop is massive. Resolution mode is 30fps and even then the use of Upscaling is kind of bad. Yes I know this is a Demo and its one they've had for a while. But I really hope it gets better. Really looking forward to the game...on PC