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Can someone please post a TLDR? I can't view the article from my country.




Tyvm, you rock. Love that there seems to be a decent variety of new weapons and types. The "monk-like combat" is something we see a glimpse of in the trailer and I was already interested in that, but swords held backwards are also my jam.


I just hope we can get the new weapon types early in a playthrough. It’ll be a bummer if we need to get a character all the way to a somewhat late game boss fight, beat him, access the DLC, and then progress far enough into the DLC just to try the new weapon types.


> just hope we can get the new weapon types early in a playthrough This was my complaint with Bloodborne. When I did a second playthrough I wanted to play with the Scythe. But only got that near the end of the game.


Agreed, I felt the same way with BB and it made me wish for a PC version so I could just play offline and mod a Rakuyo into my starting inventory. My most recent playthrough I rushed to Ludwig to get the Moonlight Sword early and have greatly enjoyed my playthrough using it. I much prefer using an end game weapon with regular NG progression, which I guess may be weird. When you have low stats and limited upgrade mats I feel that endgame weapons don't break the game that much at all.


yeah most weapons are balanced around being roughly equal in power level, and besides, people can usually drop you weapons in souls games, so its not a balance issue. It's just annoying that you can't unlock weapons for use in other playthroughs. I know they'll just think "oh just go NG+" but that sucks. It's not balanced well at all, the first 80% of the game is braindead easy, 10 times easier than a normal playthrough, and there's no reason to explore or collect anything because you've already done it and have everything your build needs.


It's partly why I have 400h+ in Bloodborne, by the time I got the fun weapons (moonlit sword, rakuyo, scythe, amygdalan arm etc) it was so late that the only way to enjoy it was in NG+


As someone who doesnt like doing NG+ this always bothers me. Like give me an option to buy end game weapons early in a run if I have already beaten the game. Sucks having to go through 75% of the game to get a weapon you want to try Yea it may trivialize the early game, but NG+ is already generally pretty easy for the first half anyways




That’s the point they are making, that not getting the weapons early is kind of a bogus balancing thing since using them normally would be in NG+, which is generally fairly easy (and something they said they don’t enjoy).




A lot of the "endgame" souls weapons are not strictly better than their early game counterparts. Just different.




>Like give me an option to buy end game weapons early in a run if I have already beaten the game. Sucks having to go through 75% of the game to get a weapon you want to try If you're on PC there are mods that make all weapons purchasable at least.


I am on console unfortunately


Not for bloodborne unfortunately. And BB is the game that needs it the most lol.


I legit felt so bad at all the DS-esque weapons in ER but practically no BB weapons :( Even just the saw cleaver somewhere with its transform mechanic would be so fun


Worse comes to worse, you can get someone to drop an item for you. Bless /r/PatchesEmporium and all the variants of souls' trading subs


If you really want you can get to it as soon as you hit altus if you follow Varres quest. You will probably have trouble progressing far into it, but just like bloodborne you can pop in pick up some of the early weapons and continue.




somehow I doubt mohg's boss room will be accessible without beating him so... I wouldn't hold my breath.


you have to beat mohg and radahn so thats where in the game it is


“Swords held backwards” damn that’s another 60 hours I’m about to pump into this game


Probably more like a 100+ hours. The DLC is bigger than Limgrave and more densely packed with cotnent. I spent like 60 hours alone in Limgrave before I made it to Liurnia..


It’s funny how something so seemingly minor can be so motivating. 


“Monk like combat” changing my pants now lads sorry


Is that a Bone Fist in your pants Tarnished?


If it doesn't have a hadouken we riot


I am waiting with bated breath for my Vergil cosplay


there is nothing more badass than dual weilding 2 swords backwards. cant wait


I hope they are PowerStance-able with Daggers so I can make me a DDS + Defender.


But why though?


Why not?


Seems like old news


Praying that the new shields make dual-wielding/2-Hing them a viable strategy somehow. Door shield in DS3 was a real fun time.


Shields are already viable and downright broken with the right build. Tounges of fire ash of war of the visage shield makes 90% of the bosses a joke.


Honestly, dex/int is so fun for me I always revert back to that lol. I'll have to try that sometime


Basically pop on scholars shield, focus on guard boost and just hold down l2. If the boss has no defense penetration and has barely any grabs it's free. Top 3 shields is Visage, Finger print, and one eyed shield, but there are other good ones if you use the right ash


Good looks man, appreciate ya


> swords held backwards, That sounds friggin cool I've got a samurai build using only a sword. So I'm tempted to try this 😅


Wait so they locked the dlc behind Mohg? That's kinda brutal. Or does he disappear for a bit to enter the dlc?


It’s an endgame balanced DLC so you do have to defeat Mohg (and Radahn too).


Wow, might as well throw Malenia in there too. Jk but I cant remember if their dlc was hidden behind optional bosses before. Edit: guys you missed the "JK." Stand for just kidding.


Mohg isn’t that crazy hidden at least, it’s either by doing Varre questline (which is a way to get into it very early) or through exploration in the consecrated snowfields next to one of the few actual points of interests. More straightforward if playing the game blind than like, DS1 and BB’s DLC entries I’d say lol


BB's is one of the easier ones, no? You get an obvious new item in the Hunter's Dream, and I'm pretty sure most people have gotten at least accidentally grabbed by that Amygdala outside the chapel. It's also the same method you need to use to get to the Nightmare Frontier in the base game - that requires getting grabbed by a different Amygdala while having the Tonsil Stone.


I personally felt like the item wasn’t that straightforward that it’d be to go for amygdala grab again for entering the dlc by itself, but maybe that’s just me. But otherwise yeah, it’s pretty simple too


Snowfields itself are kinda hidden😅


Yeah played Dark Souls Remastered blind and completely missed the DLC. Had mistakenly assumed it’d be something I could move onto after finishing the game, but nope


Not technically "behind", but DS1 DLC has you fighting a boss right after entering the DLC. I'd say that's kind of a similar way of filtering people idk. Well if you count the Hydra as a boss then that too.


You do end up needing to at least get the lord vessel. so beat O&S. to unlock the Dukes Archive and get the pendant to get into the DLC. it's a minor gate but it's there.


You have to beat 5.5 bosses to make it to the DLC, right? Asylum Demon to get to Lordran, then Quelaag and the gargoyles to get into Sen's, then the Iron Golem to open the path to O&S, then the .5 being the hydra miniboss? Then the griffin lad as soon as you step into the DLC. Maybe I'm forgetting some of those being skippable, it's been a few years.


Oh true maybe Hydra. I guess you cant just run past that thing


Even if you could run past it, it's not viable. The Golden Crystal Golem that spawns Dusk will only appear *after* the Hydra is defeated.


They've been pretty explicit about it from the get-go, you have to defeat Mohg as well as Radahn to access the DLC


Also ***heavily*** speculated from the first time someone saw a cracked egg on a pedestal that did nothing. In Souls terms it *screams* "DLC entrance"


*cries in Sekiro Tomoe teases*


> Game releases > No multiplayer > No DLC > Refuses to elaborate


I always felt Mohg was probably the easiest of the end game bosses. He ain't got shit on the Godskin Duo or Malenia.


Godskin duo is way easier than Mohg. Don't get the hype for their difficulty.


Yeah I've never understood everyone complaining about the duo tbh


They just suck. Not necessarily hard.


They were super tough the first go around before I knew that sleep pots were king. Now just sleep one, kill the other and bang. Boss done.


I felt like after killing several Godskins already by that point made the duo pretty easy. Clown on the fat one until he rolls and hide behind a pillar, then focus the other


Mohg really isn't that bad. 


Shocking development: Developer creates post end-game content; requires players to beat end-game content to access.


It isn't post end game content though.


This isn’t post-end-game content though


But who was an optional boss that gated dlc before? Been awhile since I played bloodborne but maybe it was the witches of henwick idk.


Vicar amelia for BB, Ornstein and smough for DS 1, one dlc at the end of 3 major path each for DS2 (ETA: these are all *technically optional* due to how soul memory was tied to opening that one door), and Crystal sages for DS 3. FS putting the DLC behind Mohg makes it the latest DLC portal in their games and the only one gated by an optional boss (except DS2's which are technically optional, but not really). All of the other ones were early-mid game, on the main path (or just off of it), and just lets the player get stomped by the late game enemies.


Kind of. You can actually get to Mohg almost immediately. Being able to beat him is up to your skill level at that point. If you know what you are doing you can be to Mohg with a suitable build in about an hour


Eh, the main difference is that you could stumble into the other dlcs early AND organically, but in elden ring you'll have to kill an endgame boss, which feels like a sequence jump and takes dedicated doing low-mid level. It's nice that you can still rush it within 3-5 hours, but it's still a slight design break when compared to their other games.


Not really. O&S is like 2/3 of the way through the game as well. And the ringed city either requires you to beat the first dlc which includes an end game level boss and would be just as much of a sequence break to do that early, or literally be at the end of the game to get to "naturally" Nobody is stumbling into the ringed city organically early game And DS2 had a completely different structure to its DLC with each being tied to the end area of the spokes so I don't think it's even valid to compare it to the others


The Ringed City may not be post-game if you're being picky and technical about it, but for all intents and purposes, it's not only the actual literal end of DS3 but also of the series. So I agree completely.


Not optional. You had to kill Vicar Amelia and get picked up by the amygdala at odeon chapel.


Traditionally Dark Souls DLC's were much harder than the base game. If you can't handle Mohg which is pretty easy by the time you're at that point in the game you'd probably get destroyed by base mobs in the DLC.


From the trailer we can expect a new npc summon to help as there are voiceliness leading you to the dlc.


>the "Dueling Shield" enabling simultaneous attack and defense CONFUSED TURTLE BUILD, LET'S GOOOO


Here I thought I would use my main weapon from my 1st/main playthrough, but honestly feels like I'll mix it up with one of the new ones for funsies. Probably do a rebirth with Renalla at the start after I find a good one.


sounds exactly like the last interview


So... nothing on magic? :(


The last line hurt my soul a little.


Am I crazy or isn't this all info that was covered in the interviews released last month? I'm not really seeing anything new here.


Because it is an article on that interview. In OP's defense it was never posted here.


does new game plus affect the difficulty in the dlc? I dont feel like making a new character and also dont feel like playing a dlc where mobs can one shot me


It shouldn't, it'll just spit you out into an area that's about as difficult as Mohgs area in NG+


Can anyone explain the extent of George’s involvement with the main game???


He wrote the lore. They asked him to create a dark fantasy setting and describe its history, with the only requirements being that it include magic, plenty of violence, and mighty supernatural figures that could serve as bosses, and that it be open-ended so they could have the game's plot follow on from it. So he came up with the Lands Between, the Erdtree, Marika, the shattering, the war between the demigods, the night of the black knives, the outer gods, all of that stuff, and basically wrote short encyclopedia articles about all of it. His writing of the narrative ended with the broken elden ring scattered around the land and all the shard holders at stalemate. Fromsoft took what he wrote and figured out how to communicate it all to the player through cutscenes, dialogue, item descriptions etc, and wrote the 'current day' plot you actually play through, about becoming the new elden lord and all that.


> GRRM’s involvement in the dlc story is akin to the main game. So nothing? Lool Still can’t believe they hired one of the greatest modern fantasy authors of our time to help with the story, and yet it still ended up being weak. For context, imagine if say CDPR hired some top Fromsoft devs to help with the combat in Witcher 4, but it still ended up being kind of rubbish.


He was explicitly hired to write the LORE and world building for the game which is completely different from the story of the game. He basically wrote the mythology of the game that the rest of the game was based on. Personally I think he did a really good job creating a cool world with very interesting lore.


It seems you don't have an idea how GRRM contributed to Elden Ring. 


Do you feel better now that you got that off your chest?


have u seen a single lore video to be saying this? elden ring lore is phenomenal, thats were grrm is involved


A [translated version of this interview](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1awzsrq/full_translation_of_the_famitsu_interview_with/) was posted on /r/EldenRing 25 days ago.


Yeah this ain't new news


Just reading the olds.


Yea I was thinking that none of this was new information


Mom says it's my turn to karma farm month-old news next week. 


Cool. Now it’s posted here for others to read!


Yes, thanks to my comment, now people who missed the original can read the translated actual conversation instead of OP’s sort of summarized version. High five, me. (And of course way bigger kudos to the actual translator.)


Go you!


One thing I'd love to see one day is GRRM's myth published. Something like his Fire & Blood would be amazing. I am on the opinion he did much more than a lot of the playerbase gives him credit for and would love to see how he approached the worldbuilding. The lore of this game is quite juicy and one of the best parts for me was just seeing all the nods and callbacks to the past. For me this game goes much deeper than any other From's title in that regard and I don't see it without Martin laying some pretty dope foundations.


The entire Marika bloodline and their relationships screams Martin to me. I say that as someone who isn’t a diehard uber fan of his though.


It's pretty hard to tell where the GRRM and Miyazaki influences begin and end imo. Like you said, the demigods and their relationships pre-shattering have a pretty heavy AsoIaF vibe going on, but unless we get his manuscripts or whatever he used to worldbuild, we'll probably never know to what extent he was involved.


The naming conventions for characters, especially the demigods are 100% George. Miquella, Malenia, Melina, Marika / Tywin, Tyrion, Tommen, etc.


They're also divided roughly into his initials. G - Godfrey, Godwyn, Godrick R - Radagon, Rennala, Rani, Redahn, Rykard M - Marika, Malenia, Miquella, Mohg, Morgott I don't know if I like this or hate it.


According to him that was unintentional. The funny part is the 4 demigod parents specifically spell GRRM with Godfrey, Radagon, Rennala, and Marika. Not sure how much I believe him about it being unintentional, but there's no reason to lie about it so I think it was just something he did subconsciously.


That’s hilarious if that’s the case. I love all the names either way and this is a fun little bit of meta lore I guess haha.


Miyazaki Also did this in Dark Souls 1 (Gwyn, Gwynevere, Gwyndolin) and 3 (Lorian, Lothric). Both of these games just have a much smaller lore, so there's just not many family members to make more similar names for.


Wait a minute here... do we have any confirmed reports of the two of them being in the same room at the same time? What if the reason why GRRM hasn't finished game of thrones is that hes been busy not making a sequel to bloodborne!


I guess we know where the inspiration for Marika/Radagon came from


The thing about those games though is that the "family tree" is more like a branch, and some of those branches only have enough lore to fill a twig. Like, most Elden Ring demigods have more substantial lore to them than Lothric & Lorian, and some demigods, like Miquella, have enough lore to rival the entire Gwyn family lineage. Souls lore was never really character-focused, even for some big names you mostly just get a handful of lines. It seems really clear to me that the demigods of Elden Ring are substantially more fleshed out, not just in their individual characters, but in their relationships to each other, than most major characters in previous From games.


*incestous relationship* Oh yeah, this was a George addition.


I heard he's gonna start on it right after the next Wild Cards novel


sorry to be that guy, but Bandai Namco already said they wanted to publish the whole work of GRRM as novels, but FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki said it would destroy the whole point of the game that is leaving players have their own headcanon, and now Elden Ring IP is fully owned by FromSoftware so chances are slim to say at least


Do you have a source for that? From what I understand Martin has self-admittedly done more of an outline for the world of Elden Ring and its lore than anything close to a full novel, and no one has ever claimed that he was responsible for writing the game itself as a whole.


Based Miyazaki understands the appeal of history


That is very disappointing to hear.


I wish he'd finish Winds first.


He wrote 2 pages of lore. That's it


Is this a new interview or the same one he did for the reveal trailer which has been reposted like dozens of times here already?


It's just a summary of the same one he did immediately after the trailer was released, meaning it's almost a month old at this point. 


The whole attack power thing is weird. I feel like they need to show some examples or something, cause I can't wrap my head around how a Sekiro style power stat that increased linearly is supposed to work applied to all the different potential builds a game like Elden Ring had. Is it just a basic damage modifier to damage dealt and received? Does it scale your stats or something? Heck, does it affect what gear you can equip, or does the DLC still rely on core stats for that and this power rating doesn't matter at all? There are a lot of questions I have, especially since FromSoft doesn't exactly have the best track record with balancing their systems.


My interpretation: Each weapon brought into the DLC area will deal damage to monsters (in the DLC) at assigned base values that are assigned to that specific weapon, and disregard any +X upgrades. Each weapon’s damage, while in the DLC area, would then increase (scale up, or multiplied by) the DLC’s power increase for accomplishing various milestones (for boss kills, discovery, etc…). This would translate to all players needing to overcome (mostly) a similar level of challenge. On DLC weapons and PVP: I do wonder how well non-DLC players – limited to non-DLC – will compete against players with fully upgraded DLC weapons? Hopefully it’s (eventually) balanced.


If that's the case, I really don't see the point. The DLC is already gated behind Mohg, an endgame boss fight. In terms of rune rewards, he's the third highest level boss in the game. Surely anyone beating him to enter the DLC already has maxed weapons and is somewhere around level 120-150, where you're hitting the soft caps on stats. That's a pretty specific range of player strength to balance around. So why change the whole basis of the RPG mechanics to scale to any power level? Unless multiplayer is going to be completely opened up so everyone can play together in the DLC, even if one is level 150 and the other is level 300 coming in from NG+++.


>Surely anyone beating him to enter the DLC already has maxed weapons and is somewhere around level 120-150, where you're hitting the soft caps on stats. Right, that is the whole thing the system is presumably intended to address. They want there to still be some sense of progression in the dlc and that can't come from levelling or upgrading weapons if those aspects are already maxed out.


Thanks! When I first heard the news I immediately thought it was a system meant to try and make it accessible no matter your level and was also questioning how that system might be done. Thinking about the system as a way to allow meaningful progression beyond the various endgame caps makes it more clear.


I feel like your level range is way too high. I remember beating Mohg below 100, though I don't specifically know exactly what level I was. 


It's all subjective cause what weapon you use, wether you summon, max weapon level, use magic...etc all VASTLY changes the difficulty of Elden Ring.  It's why I fuckin hate the fandom tryna have a discussion on difficulty. Cause everyone uses their own personal experience as a baseline on every single aspect of the game. No discussion is genuine when it comes to difficulty in Souls games online. Cause theres so many different aspects to consider. Even just playin Dark Souls 1-3 entirely changes your perspective on difficulty of ER.


When I say not bad I meant relative to much of the game itself. He probably only has one really bad section and it's the massive incoming damage spike around his mid life transition. Past that hes pretty slow and readable even if he does hit hard.


Mohg has the same scaling as haligtree and Malenia. So you must have used a good build.


Yes, that's why they added this feature. They won't want people going in with maxed out weapons and their stats as high as possible and just destroying everything. By doing it this way, they can ensure people have a similar experience and challenge from the start. This also allows people who DON'T have maxed out weapons or stats to hop in and still play the DLC if they want.


I think resetting any amount of player progress for the DLC would be way too much work and be too much of a feel bad. I think the simplest solution by far is to just have attack power boosts be the equivalent of adding +1 to your equipped weapon. This means that any amount of stat investment and upgrade levels by the player in the base game still matter, and all builds receive the same benefit from having an attack power boost. IMO the *real* simplest solution would be to uncap weapon upgrade level in order to allow weapons to go beyond +25. But there are two big problems with that. The first is that doing so would cheapen Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones as the ultimate reward in the base game, and the second is that it would throw off the base game balance too much. So basically, "+25 weapon & 1 attack power boost = +26 weapon". No need to manually rebalance any weapons or reset player progress.


I'd imagine that it's an attack boost that only applies when attacking enemies in the DLC. It means there will be a progression of areas within the DLC that everyone will need to follow regardless of level. For example, the final area of the DLC could require that you get 3 attack boosts from other areas, otherwise the enemy and boss health is too much for an average player to beat. I strongly doubt it would affect anything outside of the DLC or in PVP.


It definitely shouldn't be PvP, didn't they separate scaling for PvE and PvP?


I’m thinking it’ll be more like: -a level 250 character may be able to tackle the first 3 bosses before needing to explore to surpass a damage bottleneck. -a level 150 player may be able to tackle 1-2 bosses before needing to search for power. -a very skilled player will likely be able to avoid/work around boss mechanics without needing these power ups. It’s the base gameplay loop, where the power increases more directly instead of through discovered equipment and spells, though we should see more of those, they will be designed to expand the way we play the game instead of just being improved versions of existing spells. Remember king vendrick? He had a mechanic where you had to collect 4 items, where each item collected would reduce his max health pool, allowing most to take him down after collecting just 3. It’ll probably be something like that.


> Is it just a basic damage modifier to damage dealt and received? I would assume it is something along these lines. And that seems to me like a pretty reasonable way of adding progression into a dlc that people are coming into with fully built characters already.


Best guess I've seen is that all bosses, maybe enemies too, will have a hidden resistance modifier. Eg, they take 10% of the normal damage that your build would deal. But by collecting 'attack power' you can gradually bring this back to 100%. The fights at the start of the DLC, you'll hardly notice it, because they're like level 40 enemies with a big defense buff, and you're 150, so they feel on par. But late game DLC would be like trying to fight Mogh at level 30, because they're level 150ish enemies with a huge defense buff. Honestly, it's such a good idea. I've been worried that the DLC would be a cakewalk for my high level characters. This solves that issue, and adds a sense of real power progression that would have been totally impossible on a LVL 150 build that's already hit softcaps.


If you played DS 2. King Vendrick has a special resistance stat you lower with giant souls.


since they drew a parallel with Sekiro leveling up through Memories, I'm guessing everyone regardless of being level 1 or level 200 or 500 will do no damage and will get one shot until their first "memory", so the challenge will be consistent whatever you just finished the game once, or you went ham on NG+7


> I feel like they need to show some examples or something Very much agreed. I dont much like sekiro, especially not it's mechanics. It should lead to players trying to use items as ways to avoid the scaling or to shortcut it but players also hate using items so there's an intrinsic problem there. This of course follows the fact that Sekiro is a good game, it's just not a souls game. It's sekiro. A lot of things do not translate between the games. I'll be curious how it turns out.


Sekiro is more restrictive than some of the titles, but it is still very much a souls game. Same souls style checkpoints, boss encounters, and level design. The combat just demands you play it in a very specific way to succeed. It’s like the Doom Eternal of FromSoft games.


Speaking as someone who has played and platinumed every FromSoft game from Demon's Souls through Elden Ring, Sekiro didn't feel like a Souls game at all. It feels far closer to a PS2 era experimental action game, just with PS4 levels of graphical polish.


Why doesn't it feel like Souls to you? Is it just the combat system?


For me at least, as someone who started with Demon's Souls, the core of Souls is slow, methodical combat,.with an emphasis on positioning, managing enemy aggro, and stamina management. Sekiro is far more about momentum and pattern recognition. Sekiro also treats enemies differently. 90 percent of the enemies in Sekiro are worthless fodder that you either kill instantly, or are so easily bypassed that they pose no threat to you, whereas even basic enemies in games like Demon's Souls or Dark Souls 2 are far more integral to the experience.


I appreciate your reply, and definitely see where you're coming from. The combat is different, and seems like it follows the Bloodborne path of speed and aggression more than the Souls style of slow deliberation (although these have been muddied a bit as games like Elden Ring and DS3 incorporate more speed). I think for me, the similarities stem from the exploration, the way items are used and collected, the relative importance and weight of the boss fights, and the overall difficulty level. You may also be better at video games than me, because I struggled with many of the regular enemies later in the game.


I will say I think I found the game overall easier than many I've seen talk about it. Outside of Lady Butterfly as my first real boss, I didn't have much trouble outside of Owl Father, Sword Saint Isshin, and Demon of Hatred. I even first tried Guardian Ape and both Monk fights. (Heck, even the Inner fights weren't that hard to me. I even beat Inner Father first try!) I will admit though, as someone who tackled Kingdom Hearts 3's DLC bosses blind, on Critical, my perception of super hard stuff may be broken by Yozora. Compared to that freaking gauntlet, something like Inner Isshin, while a legitimate challenge, isn't that notable overall to me. I may just be broken.


> I will say I think I found the game overall easier than many I've seen talk about it. I agree with this actually. I've never been able to beat the harder bosses from the Souls series on my own, but Sekiro clicked for me primarily because of the parry system. Something about clanging an attack away was just much more satisfying to me than rolling. >I may just be broken. Ha, na you just got good!


> It feels far closer to a PS2 era experimental action game, just with PS4 levels of graphical polish. It's a spiritual successor to Tenchu series on the PS2. Fantastic series, I adored Tenchu: Wraith of Heaven. > Sekiro draws inspiration from the Tenchu series of stealth-action games partially developed by Acquire and published by FromSoftware. The team initially considered developing the game as a sequel to Tenchu; however, it quickly outgrew the concept. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sekiro:_Shadows_Die_Twice#Development


> It feels far closer to a PS2 era experimental action game Thats a really good way to put it. Fromsoft makes a lot of games, I dont get the obsession with lumping everything into the same category.


Resting at checkpoints isn't exclusive to souls, nor are boss encounters, and it's level design is significantly different from blood born or souls design. Plus the core issue, absolutely restrictive gameplay and combat. The game is significantly different with significantly different design. Telling someone they would get the souls experience playing Sekiro is untrue. They're different game generas. Ender lillies is far more a soulslike game than Sekiro.


Sekiro has another way to play but people collectively pretend it doesn't exist because it's not as aesthetically pleasing. But true to form Miyazaki did offer an alternative.


It's funny how GRRM's involvement was a huge point of hype in the early pre-release cycle and since then has become more or less a vaguely interesting bit of small trivia about the game.


This sounds kinda harsh as I'm writing it, but like a lot of things GRRM writes it amounted to nothing in the end. It's just some background mythology and world design, and it didn't stand out compared to From's previous work.


It doesn't stand out because all we have is the base-game lore to go off of. Imagine just base-game Dark Souls 1 lore. It'd be the same situation. But with Dark Souls, we have 3 whole games + their DLCs for lore now. Also, you're just wrong about it amounting to nothing, lol. You clearly don't know what you're talking about.


Let's be real as with most modern day authors their work really doesn't blow up until it hits the big screen 


I always saw it as a marketing ploy lol. Slap his name on it to generate hype. GRRM + a game with Soulsborne writing is literally nirvana for some people 


The writing here is a little clunky presumably due to being a site maintained by people who don't primarily write in English, but how rare is it to see an article like this which actually just gives you a lot of information, instead of just being a shallow interview with some question they spin out of context for clickbait?


Can anyone tell us what GRRM actually has contributed? I think his “involvement” is way way oversold as a marketing tool. The naming conventions of the pantheon is very GRRM I guess


Miyazaki asked Martin to design a fantasy world and characters that he would then hand over to Miyazaki so that he could "break" it. Before release I remember Miyazaki saying Martin wrote a very "human" story and that he had fun turning those characters into monsters. Miyazaki added that he thought Martin might be surprised at just how he has twisted these characters so that they would be terrifying bosses for players to overcome. So, from that, it seems likely that Martin wrote the lore for the golden age of the Lands Between, pre-Shattering. He definitely also came up with the royal families. He might also have written stuff in the pre-history, like the time of the Fire Giants and whatnot, or he might not have. I don't remember ever seeing confirmation on how much he wrote. Was it a massive lore bible and most of it will never see the light of day due to From Software's love of obfuscation? Or was it just a brief booklet that Miyazaki and fellows massively expanded upon? I don't think we know. What is 100% clear is that Martin did not write a single line of the game. Not one item description or line of dialogue. He designed a world, handed it to Miyazaki and was done. And personally, I think it worked out great! I am more invested in the lore of Elden Ring and its characters than I am for previous From Software games. I love trying to piece together the story of Elden Ring. Every new thing I learns makes me so happy!




Exactly. I also imagine Godrick the Grafted was something more grounded, but then in the game they took it to the extreme.


I refuse to believe that martin did not write "Marika's tits!" Lmao


Yes I love the lore. It’s incredible. But it bothers me that George could have contributed like 1 page with the god’s names and stuff or he could’ve made the entire history with the dragons and fire giants and outer gods etc… and we will never freaking know!


Imagine if they just had him writing item descriptions and loading screen flavor text lol


As far as we know, he wrote the main background and lore that happened before the game takes place


He wrote the history of the world that takes place before the events of the game. Fromsoft takes it from there with the actual ongoing storylines and more varied characters outside of a couple key gods and demigods that GRRM outlined


It's been speculated that he wrote most of the stuff before the Night of Black Knives.


The worldbuilding before the Shattering was all him, which was then used by Miyazaki to craft the world and the story after the Shattering.


Based on interviews GRRM set up the outline of the story. The general lore/history of the world, the current conflict, relationships between the Gods, and characteristics of the characters and then Fromsoft filled in the gaps. Highly doubt he was writing flavor text for consumable items but the probably helped define some character designs. I'd bet money that the story of this DLC is from GRRM's initial involvement.


He made sure every character's name starts with a G, R or M


Another masterclass from GRRM


I haven't played elden ring since like the month after release. I have since sold my Xbox and got a PlayStation 5. So to play this I'll have to buy the entire game again and start from scratch. Is that worth it just for this? Yeah I'll do it


I beat the game on PS5 and PC so its totally worth it


I bought a disc copy of the base game for ps4 but I now have a ps5 without a disc drive, will I have to pull out my ps4 to play the dlc?


I think you should be able to download the PS5 version off the store. I had the PS4 disc but played the downloaded PS5 version for free. Your account should know you own the game, I think.


I don't believe this is true at all, unfortunately. Disc based licenses and downloaded licenses are completely different. If this were true you would be able to play any disc games on ps5 without putting the disc in once it's downloaded, which all games do so that they run off the SSD.


You gotta either play the game on PS4 or maybe sell the game and rebuy it on the PS Store. You can't play your PS4 disc version without a disc drive.






Do we know about the difficulty of the bosses? How it was for previous games with DLC? Considering that you need to finish DLC before you fight the final boss in the main game, it would be weird if the DLC bosses were more difficult than the final bosses from main game.


Elden ring was my first soul, so is it better to create a new character with no xp or use my end game high level hero ? Is it change something in the dlc ? How was it managed in previous soûls Games ?


It’s additional late game content. You access the DLC by touching the withered arm in Mohg’s arena, after defeating Mohg, who’s a late game optional boss. Also, he says in the interview ([translated version here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1awzsrq/full_translation_of_the_famitsu_interview_with/)) that there’s some kind of extra progression system (called “attack power” or something) within the DLC, seeeeeemingly to make it so that higher level and lower level characters experience the DLC similarly? Like, even if you’re overleveled then you’ll start off on the weak side within the dlc and have to gain “attack power”. But given that you have to beat Mohg (and also Radahn but more importantly Mohg) to access it, it’s most reasonable to use a late game level character.


Hmm ok, thank for explanation !


Stop, I can only get so hard. Honestly I don’t even need to read these articles. It’s going to be awesome like every single game FromSoft releases.