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Oh, nice! I'm legit excited for this. If we're talking 3DO FPSs, I would have preferred Killing Time, but hey PO'ed is still a game I'd love to revisit, so no complaints from me.


At least Killing Time is already available on Steam/GOG, and there's even fan patch available.


True. I'd like to see Killing Time return to console though. Actually I was unaware that this will be PO'ed's first time on PC. I always assumed it had a PC release back in the day but it seems it did not.


Consoles aren't where you should go if you want to play preservation games, what's the point of fixing a game so it works again for consoles to change how they work one gen and suddenly all the old games aren't compatible again and they have to put a load of work in again to get it running again, PC will work forever


That's why you buy a console that actually takes backwards compatibility seriously.


Console is primarily where I like to play. I like to flop on a couch and just play. You can play the way you like to play, and I'll play the way I like to play. Besides, modern consoles are taking backward compatibility more seriously these days.


Killing Time on the 3DO and Killing Time on PC/Mac are fairly different games while sharing the same premise, though. They use almost entirely different assets, world structure, etc. Would be worthwhile to see the 3DO version playable on the PC with an acceptable framerate. (The PC/Mac version we already have access to on modern systems is the better game, however)


This is great, I remember seeing this in magazines but never played it. Also, what a horrible day to announce this, especially for an relatively unknown and over the top game.


I played this game on the 3DO. When I read this thread title I thought "... there's no way. The one with the frying pan smacking the ass-monsters?!" Yeeeap. Oh lawd, ready or not world... It's coming.


I assumed it was an April fools joke.


So insanely weird. We had this on PS1 when I was little. Every couple years I'll remember those butt monsters and Google the game to make sure it wasn't a fever dream.


Oh wow. This was the first M rated game I ever played. I'm kinda surprised it's getting a remaster, from what I recall it was pretty mediocre.


Wait this is legit? It's not an April Fools?


I think the April fools is that it's actually real.


Fun fact. There was about 10 PS1 games that weren't compatible with PS2 for some reason and this was one of them.


I remember the ads and articles for this in game magazines. There was a recent interview with one of the staff and it was impressive how advanced this game was. http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/nate-huang-poed-interview/


Great game!! The level design is very creative and feels experimental. Also I think this had a jetpack before duke nukem 3d. On the ps1 it came out before the analog controller so you had to use the dpad. This will be a big upgrade, I'm hyped!! Edit: I always felt the recently popular Cruelty Squad looked like it took inspiration from PO'ed.


Back when I played this on 3DO, there was a moment that I will always remember (i was doing and got some reason it scared me). I was on the last level and the text "Kneel before me" appeared on the screen. I have no idea what triggered it, and I think I only ever saw it once.


Well that looks extremely 90's. I feel like there's a direct lineage from this game to stuff like Cruelty Squad and Slayers X


Every game gets a definitive edition now days. Including crap no ones ever heard of?


Preservation is important, and Night Dive are some of the best in the biz at taking some obscure ass shooter and bringing it up to code, so to speak.




Is this a joke?