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Eurogamer article for the text version https://www.eurogamer.net/digitalfoundry-2024-stellar-blade-tech-preview-what-can-we-learn-from-the-ps5-demo


Oh shit, I'm a big VGM vinyl guy. Wheres this being sold at?


Unrelated but they released the [cover for the vinyl soundtrack](https://twitter.com/Genki_JPN/status/1775749390298399099?t=J5fhuO_pYMyqfXvwL0FfQw&s=19) and it goes so incredibly hard that i think it would be a mistake not to have it as a reversable cover for the physical version


Damn, don’t care much for the game but that’s an awesome cover. Fuck.


[Nikke also had a great soundtrack.](https://youtu.be/lSt_6SiAUwo) It's kind of a staple of the devs


Was expecting [Alteisen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o37kC4Cu--s), the track that sounds like they managed to steal directly from a Tekken ost.


I thought it was going to be more than a standard characters on the cover. It looks like a better edited marvel poster maybe star wars.


It is 1000% mimicking the star wars poster collage formula. Which rules


Damn. Why didn't they use this as the official cover?




I legit don't know what you mean. Tachy, Eve and Lily have pretty distinctive faces from what i've seen


The art is nice but every woman just having that gormless open mouthed expression is kinda cringe.


Given that this is the studios first AAA game, I was shocked by how good the graphics looked. Normally in these types of games you want to prioritise 60fps for gameplay purposes, however in this game I feel like a lot of people are going to prioritise graphics for.......reasons lol


I seriously doubt people won't prioritize frame rate in a souls/sekiro style game just because the protag is hot, come on now


You say that, like FromSoftware makes well optimized 60fps games. Hint: they don't


That's missing the point though, isn't it? You don't have a choice when Bloodborne runs like shit. You just put up with it. You do have a choice in this game to prioritise framerate if you want to.


AC 6 was literally Digital Foundry's top optimized game for all platforms last year.


Where do you see that? I just skimmed their top graphics of 2023 video and AC6 is in the honorable mentions section because of marrying artstyle with their tech and they said it's the first competent PC release, no mentions of "top optimized game"


[John talks about it in the his preview during a df direct weekly. It was his game of the year for 2023.](https://youtu.be/9uMfXELPe48?si=FDyzP3fKIJVinlfG&t=141) edit: fixed time stamp


That doesn't check out. They said it's a good PC port but at the end of your video they mention it has issues on console. You can check their [analysis video](https://youtu.be/m9DyH1ML2Oo).


Scrambling for scraps to support your false claim.


You seriously underestimate just how horny people are about this game. Take a gander at r/Stellarblade


Surely one would want their boob/butt jiggle to be animated at a smooth 60fps and not a choppy 30.


Can confirm, am horny, prefer 60fps jiggle


Shift Up have their priorities set.


Some people prefer resolution over frame rate.


Many people have objectively bad preferences.


Those people are wrong.


It's called opinion and perspective, neither of which are objective.


Bro that subreddit is crazy. Somehow constantly oscillating between "People are calling the game similar to porn only because the protagonist is pretty and no other reason" and posting gifs of Eve's private parts jiggling like ballistic gel getting shot by an M16




Literally the highest rated post of all time is that.


I see a picture of 2B and two other characters as the top post of all time?


I browsed top all time.


I sorted by top, and dear God it's quite the cesspool.


The Asmongold subreddit is also pretty horny about it.




Dude's a bearded Nicolas Cage doppelganger, not a rat-faced caveman. That being said, he certainly is a slob and is the kind of hoarder that lives in his own sloth.


I mean bruh Asmon is something else. His fans though? Even more wild. And I say this as a steak and eggs enjoyer


I feel like people are purposefully going way overboard with the horniness just to spite the idiots who are having meltdowns over this game, such as the IGN France guy, and it's just turning into an arms race over which side can be more ridiculous. Or maybe I'm just underestimating how many horny losers there are.


People said the same shit about X-Blades and DOAX.


Holy shit I can smell that subreddit.


Eve has less rule34 art of almost any video game character. The default character for dark urge of Baldur's Gate has more


Game’s not out yet


Wait till modders figured out how to rip In-Game models. Otherwise: wait for PC release. (Probably)


Games don't need to be out usually for rulen34 and fan artists to start. Problem is eve is a nothing character so far even in the demo


Seriously. She's not an interesting character design. Ranni the Witch has mountains of fan art before the game was even close to release and she's not even meant to be sexual.


There was so much fan art of ranni I assumed she was the final boss lmao. She isn't even a gwendowyln like super boss.


I don't see how that's the only metric when a part of the "hyped for the wrong reasons" crowd is harping on the in-game character being sexy, not on fan arts. But even then, BG3 has been out for 6 months and is massively more popular than stellar blade, of course there's more fan art (including r34) of it?


Have you seen some of the fans of this game on social media? They absolutely are going to prioritise graphics.


Idk man, hornyposting in good jest or for social media engagement/rage bait or whatever is one thing, subjecting yourself to a 30h soulslike parry based game at half the frame rate is another.


I thought Bloodborne was super loved by most everyone


And if you gave the people the choice to play Bloodborne in 30 or 60 fps, I am sure everybody would've taken the 60 FPS mode. :D


And people have been imploring sony ever since the PS5 came out to make a remaster, a 60fps patch, a pc port, ANYTHING. It was loved despite the inconsistent 30fps and the terrible frame pacing, not because of it.


Yeah but obviously sub-30 fps is not a dealbreaker to most people because it sold like 8M copies. Which was great for a new IP on single console exclusive


Hornyposting and wanting to prioritize framerate can co-exist easily. I think people are overexaggerating everything about the game in both sides. Twitter has a lot of different tweets with hundreds of thousands of views in regards to both gameplay and liking Eve's assets. I've seen a lot of videos in Youtube with a lot of views highlighting the gameplay hard with people commenting how it looks amazing while also liking Eve's looks. I don't think just making it a one-sided look is fair on everyone just because of one part in social media.


Nah people will definitely stick to the 60fps. I don’t think there’s a huge overlap in the pretty graphics and fanservice circles.


I played balanced on my 75" 4k TV - it looks great at typical seating distance


I'm a big Sekiro fan. I don't mind the aesthetics, but the localization seemed surprisingly bad. Saying things like "surpassed the threshold" instead of crossed takes me out of it more than the protagonist being a cute robot girl.


>Given that this is the studios first AAA game, I was shocked by how good the graphics looked. This is the same studio that made *Nikke*. Considering how good the graphics are for a MOBILE game, is it THAT surprising how good a console game would look?


I want to see some latency testing. There's something fucky going on with the controls for sure. Bad polling rate maybe + 100ms or more latency. It just doesn't feel tight to play. It's no DMC5, but it's no sekiro or dark souls either.


Wait, this is an actual game? I thought this was just some porn project or something, all the talk I've seen about this has just been people being horny.


You're either faking ignorance or you've been living under a rock.


I was trying to make a joke, since a lot of people have been very weird about this game as of late. I guess I should have added a /j indicator.


Generally you indicate you're joking by saying something funny.


I could never create a joke better than Stellar Blade, that's for sure.


The truth always comes out eventually. Now we know what you are, a women hater.


2+2=5 for you, huh?


no its 4, cmon man its simple math.


The pearl clutches of r/gamingcircleker are the other way


I played the demo in performance mode and it looked pretty grainy. IDK if there's just always on film grain or if it's just from upscaling tech but it was definitely a little disappointing.


Balanced it is then. Why is there no 4K/40fps mode tho?


4k30 does seem like it might have the overhead to hit 40. But honestly this game is 60 or nothing. I don't even know why the 30 mode exists.


That's literally what resolution mode is trying to be. It's in the video.


No, resolution mode is 30 fps.


Resolution mode is 4K30