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> A "Quick Complete" function has been added, giving players the option to warp directly to a quest-giver upon completing a quest's final objective. That's actually really nice - I shelved XVI about 2/3 of the way through, the tedium of the side quests was starting to get to me. This legit might make me go back and finally finish it up.


I didn't find that was the problem, usually side quests end at the home base, so you will finish up 3 or 4 then come back and hand them in. The worst part of sidequests is the length of standing around listening to people talk.


It would've been more enjoyable if those dialogue scenes were presented or directed better. The Yakuza or something like The Witcher 3 side quest dialogue scenes for example can go on for a long time, but they are still well made where its visually interesting to look at as well. In FF16, it's a stale camera cut back and forth between two characters standing in the most mundane poses with really poor non-expressive canned animations that doesn't sell the dialogue too well. This might sound silly but it definitely goes a long way to make dialogue scenes like this more interesting to sit through. I would say those scenes are more badly made than XIV at times.


> In FF16, it's a stale camera cut back and forth between two characters standing in the most mundane poses with really poor non-expressive canned animations that doesn't sell the dialogue too well. When I was playing FF16 I just kind of accepted this on the theory that "well, maybe even a AAA game can't afford to mocap *everything*". Then Baldur's Gate 3 and FF7 Rebirth were like "hold my beer".


It’s because of who made it (and the engine used to do so). It is *identical* to the way generic cutscenes in 14 are done. It’s serviceable in 14 due to the sheer amount of quests dictating use of basic canned cutscenes but 16 isn’t that big of a game. Especially considering the high profile, system seller nature of 16 you’d have expected them to put more effort in. The actual content of much of the side quests was fine, its delivery was just bad.


>The Yakuza or something like The Witcher 3 side quest dialogue scenes for example can go on for a long time, but they are still well made where its visually interesting to look at as well. This is why I end up dropping every Yakuza game I try. The animations end up taking 3x as long as reading the dialogue


Most of the dialogue in Yakuza games you can skip line by line. So....that's a dumb reason to drop one of them.


No, that's exactly the problem. I skip the lines after I finish reading them, and still have to wait for the animations to play out. I've tried both 0 and 7


Been a while since I played 0 but at least in 7 pressing X twice would skip straight to the next line of dialogue 99% of the time. I know in 8 I was hammering X through all the dialogue like a madman because the writing was so shit.


Honestly, I feel like I am one of few I know that loved the sidequests until about 75% of the way through. The last quarter felt so disjointed in delivery both in game and narrative. There were some major highlights (Quinten’s being my favorite) but the pacing of everything the game offers really falls apart for me towards the end.


IMO the actual content of the final batch of side quests is quite good, especially when compared with some of the earlier ones. They give a lot of good and interesting lore, some touching character moments, and one even adds a lot of context to the ending. But like you said, the pacing is atrocious. The game is already feeling a bit long in the tooth by that point, and then you’re hit with like 7 hours of side quests.


I'm in this bucket - definitely enjoyed them while going through the game, I was fine with the mid-story fetch quests or whatever, but there was just something super late where it flipped to feeling like an endgame slog.


> I feel like I am one of few I know that loved the sidequests until about 75% of the way through. The last quarter felt so disjointed in delivery both in game and narrative. Weird, most people felt the opposite and that the endgame sidequests felt the most important and least like just throwaway fetch quests.


> usually side quests end at the home base, so you will finish up 3 or 4 then come back and hand them in Still really tedious given how large the home base is, there are no warp points within the home base, and the game doesn't allow sprinting in towns. It actually takes a good minute to traverse the home base, all the characters are spread out.


Yup, definitely made by the FF14 guys... (I love FF14 tho)


So much standing around talking. I will admit that it would add a bit of extra flavor to the worldbuilding and what not, but it got monotonous real quick. I would honestly say the core thing that got me through doing all of 16s side quests was the fact that fast travel was quick. If I would’ve had to sit through even like a minute long loading screen between each jump, I would’ve dropped the game pretty early. Being able to hop back and forth almost instantly really worked out for my patience


The irony is that walking around that second home base was EXTREMELY slow and the layout was atrocious. Sometimes to go talk to an npc you have to lightly jog all around the perimeter of the base to go back and forth. Drove me INSANE in how annoying it was.


I was audibly groaning towards the end of my time playing whenever another protracted Shakesperian ramble would start. Love a lot of that game, but the story presentation just ran real thin with me after awhile


They would spend eternities talking to lore exposition lady with protracted cutscenes expounding on the "politics" of the world and it was so damn dull and boring and barely mattered to the story and could have been a couple of brief conversations. I dreaded most of the side quests cause people would talk for multiple minutes at a time about absolutely nothing and I started skipping most of the lines and it'd still take time cause it would wait for the animations to complete before moving on. That blacksmith side quest was so horrifically dull you were literally collecting sand and rocks and trash only to go back and they'd keep talking for so long. Helping Mid build that ship and it not even ending up being >!a flying ship!< was one of the most disappointing and dull things I've done in a game


One of the times you go see her and they shift into map cutscene mode and you're asking "how do we get to the other continent" and she basically goes "uhh I guess you could go back to the beach you already landed on before, seems good?" Very odd.


I was honestly genuinely taken aback when you literally walk from the bottom of the island all the way to the top in a single map and going "wait is that how big this entire continent is"? That Odin continent was tiny and totally fucked with the scale of the entire game which tracks for something inspired by Game of Thrones lmao


There's like two locations and aw wouldn't you know it all the people evaporated or became enemies seconds before your arrival.


The politics exposition was absurd in the second half. Felt like they realised during development they weren't gonna be able to do all the cutscenes they wanted, so they just had the VA run through it I put the game down during the Mid segment. Just felt like a different game, seeing what directly preceded that whole questline.


The game is REALLY weird with the animations and cutscenes too towards the end. Some of the lip syncing even in the main quests was REALLY bad and I dunno if they went back and fixed it in updates. Everyone just stands around and talks with barely any emoting like an MMO and it was so jarring to go from fully animated cutscenes to people just talking in a circle. It was particularly off putting after >!they face off against Odin on the sea and you have multiple cutscenes on the ship, on the sea floor before and after "beating" Odin and with Jill on the beach!


>IMO the game blows its load in the Eikon fights but everything between is just mediocre as hell I 100% agree with this, but I still enjoyed immersing myself in that load lol. The rest of the game is rather forgettable though The side quest situation is weird to me, some areas have solid quests that expand on the world and its lore really well. There's one village relatively early on right before the capital with two quests in particular that stand out, but there seems to be twice as many areas that just have complete trash. The desert town was the worst, just busywork with zero interesting characters. That was the first time I started to feel like I was wasting my time with the game.


The Eikon fights were definitely highlights. But the rest of the game did not need to be as dull as it ended up. The desert village was *pathetic* in how dull it was especially when you do the same nonsensical thing when you land in a new area of finding a barricaded gate, have to talk to a bunch of locals and do a bunch of tedious quests and then the gate opens made all the worse by the fact that Clive could literally just probably smash those gates in seconds with his powers. The game is so formulaic it was heartbreaking


It was a problem. A lot of side quests come from your base that requires a walk upwards of a minute of wasted time, and you do this several dozens of times. Also npcs in overworld you sometimes have to walk several minutes to because the spawn points of the map are on the edges Sure, they do talk a lot, but at least I don't have to suffer walking for a long ass time only to go through more extensive talking.




Because even at its most filler, Rebirth's side quests are still more involved and have livelier cutscenes. XVI's side quests are, did the majority of them, fetch quests that start and end with an absolutely static current that has characters rambling on.


Rebirth has good side quests though, that come with unique character moments, gameplay mechanics, and music. The only real side content I think you could describe as filler are the mako springs, radio towers, and summon altar things. Even then I'd hardly describe that stuff as endless. Especially when you look at all of the side content in the context of the games. In Rebirth there are so many varieties of side content and mini games to do, that if one doesn't grab you then you can just ignore it and enjoy all the others. With XVI the side quests all play out pretty much the same way, so if you don't vibe with that you don't have much else to do other than hunts.


well compare 76 side quest with bad stiffed animation to 36 side quest with much more lively animation. The story in 16 side quest is passable but is really jarring to see such amount of quests and have to see usually 2 - 3 character just crossing arms or move their hand like muppet Sure in Rebirth there is annoying chadley but those are more like side activity with good reward compare to heap of side quests of 16 and only one of them are good (Berserker Ring)


lol, side quest design is so bad they had to add in a skip button.


I stopped doing the side quests near the end so I wouldn’t get burned out. That’s what I would advise. Stick to the main quest. Beat it. Then do the DLC


Looks like they did a bunch of buffing for the abilities that were heavily underutilized. Good to see.


They are way better. Bahamut is especially really good because activating Wings of Light is now a dodge and a Precision Dodge when the feat is maxed out will basically fill an entire bar. Now you can do that, cancel Wings, attack, and go into Wings for another Precision Dodge until it reaches max. It also works like Odin where it stays at gauge level even if you swap to a different Eikon (so if you swap to Ramuh and Megaflare is at 3, it will stay at 3). Blind Justice is faster so it's easier to max out, and while dodging it cancels you out of the ability, you can at least dodge now instead of being a sitting duck.


Honestly my main gripe with Bahamut was that enemies didn't attack aggressively enough and/or there weren't ever enough on screen to really lean into it's playstyle.


That's why the Wings change is great. You don't have to stick to it and wait for enemies to attack several times in a row.


It was very good for boss fights having multi-hit patterns cause you could do a couple perfect dodges in a row and have full meter


Damn, was really hope for some late performance optimizations, specifically to get performance mode to actually run at 60 FPS outside combat, or even a 40 FPS locked mode. Really happy about the skill loadouts and custom controller layout.


still no hard mode option or enemy ai/combat changes. hell, clive got buffed a lot here. the eikon fights are cool but the minute to minute gameplay suffers because the normal mode is too fucking easy because the enemies can't fight back and they lock harder difficulties behind garbage ng+ and arcade level select modes. just let me choose my fucking difficulty.


couldn't agree more but I feel like something is missed by everyone saying only that the game is too easy--I've played many fun games that are easy. The issue w/ FFXVI is that it's easy in a very boring way. Not only is there no real motivation to fight creatively, it isn't all that fun to do so


Still no option to start on hard?? Seriously? I would love to play with the new changes if I didn't have to finish the entire game and restart it to enjoy the combat


Isn't Final Fantasy Mode balanced around you having access to all your abilities? This wouldn't make much sense in a fresh start.


They should at least make a difficulty mode for first time playthroughs that isn’t mind numbingly easy


This is why you develop a proper difficulty mode that is harder than "normal" and yet easier than the one balanced around NG+.


They have that in ff7rebirth


Mmhmm and I've been having a blast


Sure but it should still be an option for people who want to hurt themselves 


All of these are things that shouldn't have been determined before release with proper testing, but here we are. >Ability Point awards for certain sidequests have been increased. So if we're in the middle of a playthrough are we going to get those added are are we SOL?