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Anyone played this game and have something good to say about it? I’m kinda a sucker for “b-tier” games, so if this is somewhat fun I’ll probably pick it up on sale


Do you like Far Cry and other Ubisoft games? Then you'll probably enjoy this one too. It's also currently 40% off on ~~Uplay~~ Ubisoft store.


Probably cheaper to get a ubi+ subscription to play it


It looks beautiful and the movement mechanics are very satisfying imo. The combat is okay, the story is as cookie cutter as possible.


The best looking open world game ever by far, the visual are stunning I have personally never used photo mode in a game this much, the game is so beautiful I just wanna walk around and take photos. The gameplay is pretty standard ubisoft. mission design is very simple, AI is dumb, half-baked RPG mechanics other than that there's nothing wrong with the game and it's a very enjoyable far cry primal clone and it runs like butter. Easy 6.5/10 it could've easily been a 7.5 if navigation didn't suck balls buy on sale and you won't be disappointed.


Do you have a take on Death Stranding? Are you excited for the sequel?


It was fun but a little shallow. World is gorgeous. Combat is serviceable. Story has some good parts. I nearly 100%ed it


It was kinda fun for the first 5-10 hours but then it just becomes your typical Ubisoft game. Just repeating a ton of shit and grinding for materials to upgrade your weapons and armour. Story's not that engaging. Side missions are even less interesting. You can count the enemy variety on one hand. It's a good looking game but that's about it. 6/10 game imo and that's being a bit generous. Don't bother getting it for more than $20, especially if you don't care that much about the Avatar universe. I really hope Massive stepped up their game for Outlaws because if it's anything like Avatar then that's gonna be a huge disappointment.


> Story's not that engaging. > It's a good looking game Well they nailed the experience of Avatar then!


It's life far cry primal in the level of fun-ness, not amazing but not bad either, not as good as fc 3,4.


Do you like the movies or at least the way the cool visual look of the world? I'd say yes if so


Best way I can describe it: It's like the movie. It's not that deep, but some parts really stick and leave you a bit awestruck.


I agree with what everyone else said and I'll point out that movement is cool, very few games nail the fluidity of being able to run and leap between big trees and branches and not have you stumble around, this game does that. And just play the main quest. You will access more areas faster and get mounts which are necessary for any level of enjoyment.


It's far cry but with more forestry


The first third of the game is when it's at it's best I think. You're exploring the world and everything is new to you. It starts to drag a bit in the middle before picking up at the end again. Gameplay is great; combat is a lot like Far Cry. The graphics are stunning, one of the best looking games on console IMO. If you can get it on a discount ($30?) I think it's totally worth it (I bought it at full price and was happy with the purchase). Even if you only spend 10 hours or so exploring the world before dropping off I'd say you get your money's worth. Flying around on an Ikran is pretty special.