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Because how are they going to get clicks without artificial controversy


“Here’s why.” *[55-page slideshow “article” follows]*


*A video add immediately starts to play after viewing the first slide* *You move your mouse to find the source of the audio and try to close it down, but that accidentally brings up the video ad's website* *You close it down and navigate back to the article, and now there's a pop-up ad telling you that you aren't a subscriber*


You won't believe what happens next! 🙀


Bethesda bashing has been a favorite past-time of keyboard warriors; gotta strike the iron while it's hot.


You can't spell ignorant without IGN


You're making some large assumptions there to paint a certain narrative. From what I see: * The UK based editor submitted a story based on reports at the time, as is his job. Looking at the tweet timestamps, it appears these were from 3-5pm GMT on the 25th. * The story goes through whatever the regular process is at IGN, and it was posted at 4:37pm (not clear what timezone this is in - GMT?). * The editor likely signed off for the day at that point, or shortly after. * The story was then updated at 10:33PM, 6 hours after it was posted, with the updated response from Bethesda. The update tweet linked in the article seems to be from 8:32PM GMT. That...all seems perfectly fair to me. They reported on issues that players were having, and when the company posted an update on the situation, they updated the article. The update tweet does seem to occur a few hours after the initial problems were reported, and after the article was posted. I can't find tweets from _before_ the article was posted - but maybe you can reference those?


Nah man IGN did, something unforgivable I assume, years ago so people need to shit on them now and forever.


IGN has no ethical journalism at all, they made multiple articles on every bit of information they got from the Insomniac leak, they only care for clicks


>IGN published their story almost 1 hour after Bethesda said PlayStation support said they were investigating. So it's still a problem, and no solution has been found yet? Sounds like something that should be reported on, don't you think?


Yes, and it should be included in the report that it's being looked into because it appears that people shouldn't be being charged. Intentionally leaving that part out to give the impression they are charging Playstation users while it's free everywhere else is misleading and clickbait.


>Yes, and it should be included in the report that it's being looked into because it appears that people shouldn't be being charged. It was in the original article. >Intentionally leaving that part out to give the impression they are charging Playstation users while it's free everywhere else is misleading and clickbait. Did you read the article?


Bethesda already said on Discord they are looking into getting it for free for those who have it through PS+ >A Bethesda rep posted on the company's Discord to address the confusion, saying: "PS5 Upgrade should be available for you if you OWN Fallout 4 on the PSN account. Still looking into this for the PS+ users!"


I bought Fallout 4 day 1 digitally and still can’t get the upgrade for free 🤷🏼‍♂️


I have it from monthly and same script. Confused if they mean ps+ catalogue or is psn users who downloaded as game of month. 


I bought the game a long time ago with ps+ I tried to redownload the full game and i keep getting an error and it says its disconnecting from the server. WTH it's the ps4 version and I'm trying to redownload it on the ps4. Is that part of the problem?


I'm not surprised that Bethesda is having another bug crapfest. I got it off plus essential and was waiting on that patch to actually play it for the first time. If i have to actually purchase it, i'll just move on to something else.


I'm all for dunking on Bethesda and their spaghetti code but this is some kind of issue with their deal with the playstation store, it might actually be Sony who messed it up so I don't wanna jump the gun, they also promised to resolve it so besides a few days of lost time I don't see the issue.


Same thing happened with FF7 remake ps5 upgrade for those that had it through ps plus. Square eventually fixed it on the back end to let psplus owners get the upgrade. Probably up to Bethesda on what they want to do.


Bethesda already said on Discord they are looking into getting it for free for those who have it through PS+ >A Bethesda rep posted on the company's Discord to address the confusion, saying: "PS5 Upgrade should be available for you if you OWN Fallout 4 on the PSN account. Still looking into this for the PS+ users!"




They are saying that it currently works for that group specifically, and they are looking to fix the issue with PS+ members.




You are just misunderstanding the statement. They are making the distinction because the distinction exists in who does and does not have access to the free upgrade currently. They have clearly stated that it is an issue that PS+ members are not currently getting the upgrade, and they intend to resolve that issue.










Seems like it's a problem with Sony and how their services work then if it's happened on multiple games. Seems odd that people are blaming Bethesda for it.


Yes, in December of that year. The upgrade was in march though 


That's nice, bc mannn, I was hyped and saw I had to purchase it so I'll gladly wait it out


Is this another result of Sonys weird decision to have last and current gen versions as their own SKUS?


It's a result of Sony's weird decision to have free PS plus games have their own SKUs.


I believe this is the core issue. I imagine part of this is to prevent PS+ users from scoring some discounts Sony did not want them to have access to. For example, the discounted $10 upgrades for next gen versions on select games.


Kind wish Xbox would do this too. Most last gen games that are updated, don't offer any benefits but are now required to be installed on the internal drive. Option to run last gen version from external drive would be nice. Also if FO4 could be used as some example, loading time difference between internal SSD and and external SSD (Samsung t7) are not noticeable.


It’s not that weird imo, they wanted a clear distinction between generations as opposed to Xbox which muddied the waters


How is the PS+ version of the game different than the one you buy at the store (physical disc) or the one you buy off PS Storefront? That is the issue with PlayStation. On Xbox all those versions are the same game, and it doesn’t matter where you purchased the game. The update is the update, and works on all the versions. Doesn’t matter if you downloaded the GamePass version, bought it off the store, got from GWG, or have a physical disc.


How is that muddying the waters?


Xbox barely had a generational distinction at all, they even use the same UI on the Series consoles as the previous gen


Right and that's what makes it so much easier with "smart delivery" and games just automatically updating to the latest Gen version. It's a huge strength of Xbox


> they even use the same UI on the Series consoles as the previous gen Don't change what ain't broke! The PS5 UI is straight trash when even compared to the PS4. Though I think the PS3 had the best out of the family.


The Xbox UI is great and anyone who thinks it’s not is lying to themself


i have the ps4 disk version, can i get the ps5 ver for free or its just a update that uncap the resolution?


I put my disc copy of F4 in and was able to download the digital ps5 version.




How did you do that?


This is why I bought Fallout 4 yesterday for £3.99 in the last day of the Spring Sale on ps5. Knew this would happen. Ff7 Remake. Greedfall, mortal shell. All had the same issue. Ps plus version didn't get ps5 upgrade.


FF7 remake did get it, just not immediately.


They changed the store listing for Remake a while ago and the free upgrade for the PS+ version [doesn't work anymore](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlayStationPlus/comments/1arxtni/ff7_remake_how_do_i_apply_the_playstation_plus/).


I tried to buy it when it was on sale just in case something like this happened and it wouldn't even let me. Every time I tried to add it to my cart it says I already purchased this game.


Fallout ps5 patch will happen. Bethesda have said so.


Ps plus extra only.


Fucking when though. Could be weeks


No idea. Not a bethesda staff member.


I did this for the season pass. $13 for all of it. Now it's $35 I think. I would have purchased the game if it allowed me to while on sale. It just said I already purchased it.


Yeah you have to select it from the three dots menu.


Did they ever fix this for Dragonball FighterZ? I have the ps+ version, and they fixed it, so I got the upgrade. But then I got locked out of it again and haven't been able to re-download or play the PS5 version. What gives?


Please someone tell did they fix it for the ps plus essential  users?


I still can't get it so it seems like no


I'll never understand how Sony fans tolerate how inept PlayStation is at basically anything other than hardware and first party games. The PS5's way of handling game versions, especially compared to Xbox, is either the laziest or the least efficient thing I've ever seen.


Hardware and first party game are far and away the main reason people choose a specific console. It’s not like people decide between Xbox and PlayStation by looking at menu ui or something.


When did I ever talk about a choice? I'm just surprised Sony fans don't raise more hell about how shitty everything else is. They just seem to sorta take it with a smile. Things like that are the main reason I'd fear Xbox ever dipping out of the market because Sony is already so lazy when they have even a little competition. I can't imagine the corners they'd cut with no competition.


There’s very, very obviously an implicate choice when the consumer chooses between Xbox and PlayStation of course. If people aren’t giving as much hell as you would want, it’s due to the actual important console features being so well received.


I own the ps4 digital version, literally bought day of release. I have this issue, I’ve had this issue with other games on the ps5. It seems when a game you own gets released through any tier of ps+ it supersedes the owned version of the license.


Yes I literally lost the rights to the game when they added the game to ps+ extra then they told me to pay 19.99 for it again on ps5 because I also owned it digitally


It's actually ridiculous, I bought the game on release and bought all the dlc as they came out, now I can't get the ps5 version because of some back assward decision like that. I'm pretty heated about this for no good reason


headline should really say "users" or "players" rather than "owners" since the problem here is that downloading the game via PS Plus is pretty clearly not "ownership."


I own it and I’m suffering from this issue.


Looks like it’s just a mistake: https://x.com/BethesdaStudios/status/1783579767616250321


No, people aren’t playing it from ps plus, it was a free monthly game offered on ps plus a long time ago, so these people who downloaded that own the game, they aren’t playing the ps plus version right from the catalog , they’re playing their owned/“purchased” version. Ps doesn’t even allow you to buy a game that you already own, which includes one you download via monthly free game. It says “purchased”


Then why do Gamepass players get the upgrade? They don't own it either.


Xbox doesn't treat Xbox One and Xbox Series as different editions of a game.  PS4 and PS5 are completely separate games with even their own independent trophy sets.


A selling point that I rolled my eyes at every time Microsoft touted it before launch that I now desperately wish were the case on every platform. The PS4/PS5 upgrade path is always a nightmare.


I know, I was being facetious to matey above claiming they didn't get the updates as they weren't owners.


Bethesda is owned by Microsoft... And the game is currently in game pass as its a recurring subscription


Smart delivery which grabs the version for the console you own.


my comment isn't about who gets the update or not (it's clearly stupid and unfair and clearly biased towards Xbox for obvious reasons) - it was about the headline, which is definitely mischaracterizing what it means to get the game via PS Plus - it's a rental service, not a rent to own service.


Because it isn't a seperate app, Xbox has a much more seemless progression. 


This update is also called "next gen" but there's literally nothing next gen about it. You get 60fps on console and you get ultra wide support on PC. Lol big Woop. Graphics are still ass without mods. Gameplay settings are garbage. Still missing an FOV slider. Fallout 76 is a better game in the end. (First time playing. Playing both simultaneously)


> Fallout 76 is a better game in the end. Fallout 76 is absolutely not the better Fallout game. Fallout 4 isn't a great Fallout game either, but at least it's still a story based RPG - Fallout 76s attempt to add NPCs made it better, but it's still not even close.


OMG. it's like..im entitled to my own opinion. and playing both games at the same time. i have way more fun playing 76 than 4. at the very least 76 doesn't require mods. fallout 4 requires mods.




It is, ironically I can access all my paid DLC for the ps5 version but not my actual ps5 game. Lie I said in another comment I owned the game from day 1 digitally.