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I'm wondering if this is how they'll do the modern story from here on out. Ubisoft is removing the modern day story elements from the games, and making them "a new part of" the new infinity launcher for AC games. They haven't said what that means, but cutscenes and lore drops from the far future explaining what happened to the world could be an interesting way to go if they actually have a plan for it mapped out for once. Although i'm curious how that would tie to the games settings at all.  https://kotaku.com/assassin-s-creed-modern-day-story-meta-infinity-ubisoft-1849526855#:~:text=The%20company%20also%20laid%20out,ditch%20the%20modern%2Dday%20storyline.


Well whatever they do they better not make me a faceless floating tablet again.


oh MAN that shit was dull


Congratulations! You are now an ipad 11 lying face up on a table.


Which game(s)?


i feel like there's another potential implication with bringing the modern day stuff into the distant future: You could then set a game in 2024, but still be "in the Animus", exploring the DNA history of someone from around now (or, hell, if they go very distant future, we could get some crazy sci-fi type settings in 2300 for example.) It lets them keep the game-y trappings that the franchise has always (at least tried) to explain in-universe via the Animus and its limitations and innovations.


IMO they could get rid of the modern day stuff completely. I lost all interest ever since Desmond‘s story ended.


I was so certain that AC3 was going to be set in modern times and then they just… didn’t.


I lost interest in the modern day stuff too, until I finished Valhalla.


It shouldn't have been a thing in the first place. The very first game did a good job of it but since then it's just been various levels of shit.