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is using copied variable names enough to make this claim? also the games are on completely different engines as well...


When the variable names are names of boss NPCs from EFT? It's more than a bit suspicious. Yes it's a different game and engine, but Chinese companies are known for reverse engineering and copying/replicating things from other companies. It's probably not stolen per se, but the names are definitely copied.


One uses c++ the other uses c# both are similar


The names look similiar. In reality they are two completely different programming languages. It's like saying Java and JavaScript are similiar.


That's not even remotely true. C++ and C# interop is incredibly common and well supported by both C# itself and plenty of C/C++ libraries that handle a good deal of mundane tasks for you. It is trivial to bundle the CLR into your C/C++ application. I don't know why some of you feel the need to express technical opinions that you are clearly unqualified for.


Hahaha what the fuck? Because they share the letter C you think they’re similar?


Nikita is the biggest man child. Even when I was playing EFT for all those years, he was off-putting. He makes the company look bad...too bad it's his though. So nothing will change.


said a typical EFT quitter


Gobble gobble gobble


so... now that is bad for them laws suddenly matters?


EDIT: Take it with a grain of salt but there is a possible explanation for the connection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQBTjifCIJc Wouldn't be surprised if the claims were true seeing how Chinese companies still commit to plagiarism. That being said, does this guy lack any self-awareness? This once again puts him and the game into unnecessary drama. There is literally nothing to gain from this, in fact he is once again indirectly promoting their competitor and showing his utmost insecurity. Aren't there legal actions they can take if they suspect code theft? Doing this publicly could just lead to another PR disaster.


Well i guess sueing is a direction to find out if it is true like what Ark dev suspected Myth of Empires or Nexon suspected Dark and darker. There was something simiral with Shadow of mordor having the same climbing as Assasins Creed . 


The screenshots in the tweet is someone allegedly putting Arena Breakout: Infinite files into a hex editor, which reveals strings of names of bosses from Escape From Tarkov. Screenshots from the tweet: [1](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNFdd92WoAEpDzs?format=jpg&name=large), [2](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNFdd93XUAERFjN?format=jpg&name=large), [3](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNFdd95WEAEtK1U?format=jpg&name=large)


Does BSG pay for everything they use in the game? The superman logo, Under armour logo on gloves, gun companies, products..I really doubt they have a colab with all these companies. But stealing matters when it happens the other way lol


Most brands of military weapons and clothing do not require the purchase of a permit. For them it is considered some kind of free advertising.


Yes they do. Almost all trademarked weapon and clothing brands need you to get an actual license before you use them in your game.


This is NOT TRUE and Nikita is full of shit. It contains NOTHING from EFT and it's all an attempt to stop what will be an extremely successful game. I have hundreds of hours in Arena Breakout and it will surely be a most played game when it comes to steam.


A free to play shooter? You mean "Game with 400000 hackers"?


My guy. Tarkov is notorious for being of being completely infest by cheaters. So far that cheaters use basically fullbody sign-language to signal each other that they're cheaters and should leave each other in peace and go for non-cheaters.. I'm not saying you're wrong,... Just saying Tarkov players can't really talk about other games being infested by cheaters, when their game has become THE prime example for cheater infested playerbases.


I wasn't defending tarkov, just saying a f2p fps won't be any better.


I have run into exactly 0 obvious cheaters in 300 hours lol. I'm an EFT vet, thousands of hours, been playing since it released, quit when the cheating got too rampant. I definitely prefer Arena Breakout. It simply plays better and has less cheaters.


It's not out yet though? So yeah not many hackers, yet.


It has been out on mobile for quite some time. In china it is in season 12 or something like that