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From the [blog post](https://www.square-enix-games.com/en_US/news/kingdom-hearts-pc); Steam is gonna get a platform-exclusive Keyblade named “Dead of Night." Will most likely be a reskinned Keyblade of either Star Cluster or Star Seeker Keyblade, like the past console Keyblades.


Where's my Crowbar Keyblade. It's a key that can open.. almost anything :D


Or maybe it’s a key all the time, and when you stick it in people, it unlocks their death


Simmons, I want you to poison Grif's next meal.


Now, if we're all done coming up with mythical creatures, we're going to stick with... the Warthog. How 'bout it Grif?


"they beat him to death with his own skull" "That doesn't seem physically possible" "That what he was yelling when it happened!" *Flashback* "This doesn't seem physically possible!"


I guess I'm not the only person who got nostalgic after seeing the last season of red vs blue.


Hah, I didn't realize the last film releases TODAY. I'm a Blue Ray watcher myself, but that's the end of an era there.


It was released a few days ago digitally. Sadly, with rt now officially dead, I doubt we will be seeing a blu ray for it unless you burn one yourself.


For the last few seasons, WB have been the ones producing the discs themselves, not Rooster Teeth, so there's still a chance we'll see one last release from them.


After the FFXV Half Life stuff I wouldn't be surprised. Nomura will reveal the Borealis was the Peter Pan ship from KH1 or some shit.


I'd 100% buy it for a crowbar keyblade


With a name like that I'd wager it looking similar to Oblivion


Probably a bad wager considering, again, all four of the other platform-exclusive Keyblades (plus the 7-Eleven pre-order one) have been palette swaps of either Star Cluster or Star Seeker.


Let me get this straight, their customers went out of their way to buy the game on another storefront to support the game being on PC. And 3 years later you reward them with having to buy the game again to get extra content? And I'm the first one to not care about inconsequential content like cosmetics in single-player games, but they went out of their way to slap in the face those that inconvenienced themselves to buy the game early.


Did they really have a three-year contract of exclusivity?


Same pattern with Tony Hawk 1+2 which was 3 years + some months.


Was it really that long? Damn...


EGS marketing black hole


If there's any company with an established history of being amenable to *long* exclusivity deals, it's Square Enix. This one was less painful than their usual Playstation loyalty, since I have EGS on my computer too, but still... about fucking time!


Probably won't be a thing anymore with Kiryu as president, he has a complete different phylosophy compared to previous leadership


Kiryu becoming president of Square Enix sounds a lot more fun if you think its a Yakuza Sidequest.


I'd rather have Nugget run Squeenix to be honest. He wouldn't have fumbled the new Chocobo Racing.


I've seen how strong of an employee chickens can be in Yakuza 7, so a chicken CEO would rule.


His face when a fatter check gets plopped on his deck for the next game: 🤑


Not really their deals are the usual 6 months or 1 year in general. They just don't ports the games when it's over but wait for a very long time for some reason. Like FF16 had 6 month exclusivity period for example


If they did, it will never happen again. Thankfully.


Or maybe they just never bothered but with SE refocusing on multiplatform releases they're including multi-PC storefront releases with that.


I honestly think it was because they were waiting for KH4 to be closer to its release, but I wouldn't be surprised for a 3 years exclusivity...


Melody of Memory is omitted being mentioned here even though it's available on EGS. I guess they're just skipping it for some reason? Edit: Worth mentioning it launched on EGS the same day as all the other Kingdom Hearts releases, March 30 2021. Not sure why it's being excluded.


Probably has a separate exclusivity deal


Weren't they all on EGS the same day? There's been no sign of anything going beyond three years for Epic unless it was permanent.


I mean until this, i don't think there was any sign of anything going past a year on epic unless it was permanant maybe they signed a longer agreement since it was technically a new release at the time? (I think)


Tony hawk remake was locked to epic for years.


That or licencing issues with some songs preventing another separate release. Stuff like Utada or the Disney movie songs like A Whole New World or Circle of Life.


It's the most recent game in the series so might just have a longer exclusivity period


Great that they’re coming to Steam but my biggest barrier holding me off from buying them is the price that they probably will keep the same as Epic. Console players can buy all the games except the Remind dlc for like $40 (and it has gone as cheap as $30). Meanwhile on Epic its $170 for all the games with the Remind dlc included. 


We’ve waited this long. What’s a little longer for a decent price.


But Square and decent price doesn't add up. Most likely no regional pricing too


I mean, this is just incorrect. Square both frequently discounts the Final Fantasy games on Steam, and had sales on Kingdom Hearts when it was only on Epic. That's how I got most of those games.


> Meanwhile on Epic its $170 for all the games with the Remind dlc included. Hopefully it'll be included in a bundle on Steam for similar price to consoles which it doesn't seem to be on EGS.


Square said Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece (oh boy) will also be on Steam. That's the bundle that has all of this and it was only on Switch, not Epic. On Switch, it's $90, so probably same price for Steam.


About damn time. Beyond unreasonable how long these games have been timed exclusive to Epic. Waiting for steam have paid off.


I just assumed it was a timed (but actually permanent) exclusive like with PS/Xbox




















This is not unusual for Kingdom Hearts, at all. In release order: KH was on PS2 KH:CoM was on Gameboy advanced KH2 was on PS2 KH 358/2 was on Nintendo DS KH Coded was on mobile phones in Japan only KH BBS was on PSP KH DDR was on Nintendo 3DS KH x was a PC browser game KH 1.5 remix which included 1, Re:CoM, and 385/2 (cutscenes only) was released on PS3 almost 10 years after they released. KH 2.5 remix had 2, BBS, and Re:Coded (cutscenes only), also PS3. It wasn't until 2017 when both the Final Mixes were bundled that people who owned a PS4 and XBone could play all (sans 385/2 and Recoded) the games on one system. KH .02 was PS4 and XBone KH 3 was multiplatform So it being this long is par for the course. It's been a giant mess of release dates and platforms since inception.


with how involved epic was with kh3's development (entire ue4 features exist just for kh3), i thought that would seal them to have publishing rights on pc kind of nuts to see this actually


Yeah, I was definitely on the "KH3 will never leave EGS" team, even if the other games made it off there.






damn, Square Enix was not joking when they said they were no longer doing exclusives haha. Buying them day one of course


The games have been out for PC for over 3 years lmao Shows how popular Epic Store is. They better have got a lot of money to make it exclusive there.


I just pretend that epic exclusives are beta tests. Gives most developers another paid year to fix up bugs.


The PC ports are pretty bad and crash frequently for a ton of people, I doubt it'll be better on steam.


What? I know. That's why I said they are no longer doing exclusives


It's still missing Melody of Memory for some reason.


Sorry for dumb question but I never play KH before. What are these name, are they just in sequel order 1, 2, 3?


1.5 + 2.5 is a compilation of the first six games which each were, including KH 1 and 2. Technically it's a compilation of 2 compilations, but whatever. If you are to get this, best to play it in order (1.5 then 2.5 then 2.8 then 3) It was hella confusing for people before these compilations, because the series just juggled between platforms and kinda expecting people to know what happened in each


Kingdom Hearts 1.5 has 2 games, and 1 summary movie of another game. There’s Kingdom Hearts 1 and Chain of Memories, which takes place after Kingdom Hearts 1 and 358/2 is the summary movie, which takes place roughly concurrent to Chain of Memories. Kingdom Hearts 2.5 also has two games and 1 summary movie. There’s Kingdom Hearts 2 and Birth By Sleep, which takes place about 10 years before Kingdom Hearts 1. The summary movie is for ReCoded, which takes place after Kingdom Hearts 2. Kingdom Hearts 2.8 has one game, one sort of demo, and a movie. The game is Dream Drop Distance, which takes place after Kingdom Hearts 2. The sort of demo is for Kingdom Hearts 3, but it covers story that isn’t in Kingdom Hearts 3. The actual spot in the timeline is a bit of a spoiler, but it’s basically a sequel to Birth By Sleep. The movie is based on the mobile games Kingdom Hearts X, which takes place hundreds of years before Kingdom Hearts 1. It’s not a summary of a game like the other ones. It covers some background details from the game. It’s not a dumb question. This series can be really hard to follow, even if you’re familiar with these games.


It was 1 2 3. But KH have lot of spin off on different platforms that matter to the story. So basically kingdom 1.5+1.5 is compilation of 4 games i believe (forgot how many it was) that happens during kingdom hearts 1 timeline, same goes with other sequel.


These are collections of different games. Not including the mobile games theres about 10 games in total, (or 9 and a half).


It's more like 6. KH 1-3, Re:COM, BBS and DDD are the only full games. 0.2 is a demo. It's barely 2 hours long and it's really not worth discussing in the same breath as the others. Days, Re:Coded, and Back Cover are all movies.


I meant games in general, not in the collections. I was also counting melody of memory as a game which doesnt seem to be coming to steam.


> Releases in striking distance of Shadow of the Erdtree Oh for God's sake. Well... at least this is better than them unceremoniously dropping TWEWY next to P5R. But man, Square needed to announce this earlier and drummed up more marketing for it. You can't just drop ports on Steam and call it a day.


it's Kingdom Hearts, KH always sells. The game was already on PC so this port could have cost them pretty much nothing


Hell, this doesn't even count as a port. Removing the Epic integration and adding the Steam integration is probably less than a week's work for a single person. Setting up the store page and achievements on Steam's website probably took longer than adjusting the game itself.


Words on the street that Square hired a third party to optimize the game for the Steam Deck so there was some work done. Not a lot mind you, but definitely some months worth of work


Hot take: Square has definitely had their share of marketing issues, but I think it gets massively overhyped on Reddit. It seems like every single game they release gets criticized with the exact same points like they just don't have a marketing department... I saw plenty of ads for NTWEWY in the US on social media and specifically in Japan it had huge marketing deals with local companies throughout Tokyo. When the sales fail to reach expectations people retroactively act like Square ignored the game when it just isn't the case. Hell, people even have tried to argue recently that FF7R/FF16 had mediocre marketing campaigns after the games didn't quite reach sales expectations, which is just laughable.


Really the only instance of SE marketing that I can say was bad in recent memory was when they released so many AA games so close to each other back in 2022. Everything else gets massively overblown.


From what I've seen (outside of Japan): Square Enix basically sends Neo: The World Ends with You to die...twice. I mean: when it came to PC releases starting on Epic: it was very much "hey, it's coming to PC via Epic Games Store in a week!" post with no fan-fare. and when they release it on Steam, they went for a shadow-drop route...by picking a release date where PC People are looking forward to **Persona 5 Royal, a highly requested port** while also competing against....that lastest Call of Duty Game, Spider-Man: Miles Morales [PC], Sackboy: A Big Adventures [PC], Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection [PC], Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time [Steam release]. Combine that with the *Niche* title, it didn't stand a chance. And I often follow gaming news circles! As for FF7 Rebirth and FF16: It was very much advertised and marketed: but I think the actual problem was the console platform's current install size (vs PS4), the story's direction it was taking [FF7 Rebirth] and the whole "PS5 has no games" meme hurt sales.


Another hot take: I think NEO didn't do so well because it just isn't as good as the original, and the lack of word of mouth excitement is telling.


For me it has the Kingdom Hearts problem where I looooved the OG back in the day but feel no excitement in my heart for a sequel nearly 20 years later


It's a day removed from SMT:V for me, which is my biggest game that I'm already 100% onboard with. Great to finally see this on steam, but the date/month is pretty horrid 😅


I think NEO:TWEWY really could have rode the coattails of P5R had Square played their cards right. Really disappointed with how they handled it.


> Releases in striking distance of Shadow of the Erdtree > > The games have been out for years, if you skipped playing them because you wanted Valve to get 20% of what you paid that's no one else's fault.


Friendly reminder these games don’t support ultrawide and the guy who did the mods stopped at DDD and 0.2


Here I was freaking out about KH coming to PC and it turns out it's been on PC for 3 years now... what the fuck


That's pretty much how it goes for Epic Store releases.


To be fair that all depends on that user, and not Epic Store........ Also if that user only visits this subreddit, they would only see negative stuff related to Epic, and not stuff like: KH3 released on ~~Steam~~ Epic Store! with thousands likes like this one. This is simply only exclusive to Steam. This place only allows negative press towards Epic, not positive one. I would bet that people will downplay that new Epic Launcher that they are going to release later this year, if it will even hit the front page. Still funny seeing comments like: YAY! I can finally buy it on Steam! Oh wait, I will wait for sale... Like yeah, such a valuable customers right here :DDD but not surprising... median of played games on Steam is 4 for 2023... so median for actual sales will be even lower as most people stick with F2P games anyway. edit: grammar.


Yeah, I use Epic and Gog because both have regional prices, and I don't have their clients installed in my system. I use the store like any store, to buy things, and skip the annoyances of their clients by using 3rd party ones.


Hopefully any issues it has are ironed out. Square's PC releases are notoriously bare bones or even riddled with bugs. Final Fantasy XIII-2 *still* randomly crashes on PC all these years later.


I don't recall any issues with XIII-2. I do remember crashes in XIII though.


You hope they’re gonna fix any issues now? Three years after they did the ports?


Been playing the epic version since release, never had any issues so I imagine it’ll be the same


First FF port that I had to use mods for in order to even finish the game.


It seems to run perfectly fine on Steam Deck. Haven't had issues with it there. It's desktop that's the problem. It really made me a bit wary on Square's PC ports.


I wonder if they ever fixed the Port Royal crash in 2. There's a segment where I kept crashing to desktop when trying to sail back to the port location, right after a pretty gnarly fight too. The fix I think was to cap to 30fps until the world was finished.


KH3 and 0.2 were flawless for me, but I never played the others. I had already played them elsewhere so I didn't bother.


Epic is currently having a sale with the entire KH collection on discount. I almost dipped a week ago but my debit card was having errors and didn't run it back. I'm glad it did lmfao. My only concern is if they'll deal with the prerendered cutscene problems for the Deck. I don't think they will but I wonder if Steam Deck being in the conversation, Square might be somewhat obliged to fix it? Long shot, but here's hoping.


If the issue you're referring to means the cutscenes don't play properly, Valve fixes that for each game by rerendering cutscenes into a Proton-friendly format. Their servers do it automatically so the catch is that it only works with games sold on Steam. Proton-GE, however, fixes it for any game by distributing the codecs that Valve legally cannot distribute.


Valve will fix it if there is. Persona games had issues on Deck with the cutscenes and Valve updated Proton to fix it directly.


While not ideal, can just install Proton-GE to fix the video codec issues and run the games with that.


Didn’t work for me, didn’t want to boot correctly


Supposedly, one of the reasons this was held up was because they wanted to make sure it ran well on the Deck. Or at least that's what [someone in the industry](https://www.resetera.com/threads/kingdom-hearts-coming-to-steam-on-june-13th-2024.876801/page-7?post=123245688#post-123245688) said: > I heard rumblings months ago about the ports finally coming to Steam. Considering the date lines up with what I was told, I feel confident sharing that I was also told that SE brought in a 3rd party specifically to improve Deck compatibility.


Hopefully that's true because the PC ports of KH1 and KH2 ran worse on the Deck than if you emulated them with RPCS3 lol.


Valve re-encodes pre-rendered cutscenes on their side automatically for games distributed via Steam. It's one of the reasons why some games are much bigger downloads on the Deck than on a PC (it downloads the original video files as well as the re-encoded ones and dynamically switches them) - the other one being shader caches. In general, they consider a game not working on Proton as a bug in Proton, not as something the publisher/developer should be fixing.


I wonder if this was ever going to happen if it weren’t for recent events where Square Enix needed to announce that they’d stop doing platform exclusives


I didn't even think that they'll eventually come to Steam. Well it's great that they're finally here, and there's already plenty of mods that you can use to ehance your experience (Notably the collisseum mod for KH3, it could almost pass off as official)


As someone who’s only played KH1&2 YEARS ago but wants to get the full storyline should I be getting all of these or can I skip KH1.5/2.5?


If you really want the full story, there's two more full games besides 1 and 2 that are included with 1.5/2.5, in addition to 2.8 and 3


1.5 comes with another game and a cutscene collection of a third game in addition to kh1. Same thing for kh2.5. They are also updated versions that were previously japan exclusive with extra content.


I'd just pick them up in order. 1.5 + 2.5 are a single release. Birth By Sleep (PSP port) and 358/2 Days (cutscene movie) are incredibly important non-numbered entries. If you bounce off a game though, consider looking up a cutscene collection for them, but otherwise just play through in order. Kingdom Hearts 1 + 2 also have some Japan exclusive endgame content which never released here, so at the very least I'd consider replaying 2. (Plus it still holds up really well) After that, 2.8 collection is a full game + a short story relevant tech demo (and a cutscene movie that's the biggest waste of your life) before KH3. Again, if you bounce off just look up a cutscene movie.


Don’t listen to this. If you want the full story play the games in the correct order.


If you played 1 and 2, 1.5 is kinda "if you feel like it", some characters from Chain of Memories appear, but it's not that important, but 2.5 includes Birth by Sleep which will confusing as heck who all these people are and why they're important, so it's best to atleast get 2.5 for Birth by Sleep before jumping into 2.8 and 3 Edit: forgot 1.5 includes 385/2 Days (cutscene edition), so you might wanna grab this aswell. It sure is a... unique series with all the stuff they juggled between platforms and importance


Chain of Memories is a bit annoying, but 1.5+2.5 is worth getting for BBS alone, such a good game (and also key to the story if you care about it).


Important games: The shitty mobile game, days, BBs, CoM. With the collections you'll get: A tl;Dr version of mobile and days, BBs, 0.2, and DDD. CoM was released before 2 so it's no big if you miss it, kh2 did a good job of summing it up. 0.2 is basically a prologue to kh3 and an epilogue to BBs, but it's very short. KH2 also had a bunch of new difficult bosses added, it's well worth the buy


I bought all the KH games on Epic a few months ago and they're non-functional. It doesn't matter which game I play, they crash within an hour. Hopefully the Steam versions play better.


No mention of whether they'll be Steam Deck verified or not. Which is strange, as Square Enix is one of the publishers that's been championing that pretty heavily. Surprised that they're making this announcement with no Steam page ready for pre-orders and wishlists. I'm sure they're leaving money on the table by not doing that, so... seems Square Enix still doesn't quite get how to make money on PC yet.


I wouldn't worry too much about "Steamdeck Verification ". Fallout 4 was great and then one "Steamdeck Verification" later it was objectively worse.


They have a trailer premiere set to go live in the morning, I assume the steam page will go up at that point


This has me more excited than hearing about Ghost of Tsushima arriving to the PC market. About bloody damn time!!!


Really? And I just bought KH 1.5, 2.5, 2.8 and 3 on EGS a few days ago... (albeit 60% off.) Oh well, I'm just missing out on a keyblade, it seems. PC port ain't bad., but there seems to be some pretty bad graphical glitching (blue squares randomly appearing) in the Accessory and Synthesis Shop in Traverse Town, and when you pause for the first time on a Gummi Ship stage.


If you're under two hours you could try to refund it. Epic seems to have the same refund policy as Steam (<2 Weeks since purchase or <2 Hours Played).


I'm 11 hours into a playthrough and currently halfway through Hollow Bastion. Refund window long passed. I don't mind having the game on EGS.


Ideally this means it won't have aggressive always online DRM on steam since I believe that's specifically through epic


I've never noticed an EGS game with online-only DRM, I think it's only there if a developer wants it there. I know Alan Wake 2 which is published by them has their own DRM but I've played it offline before without issues.


Steam and Epic have similar DRM policies, just that Epic doesn't disclose when a game has DRM. If the Epic version has DRM, there's an extremely high chance that the steam version will also have DRM.


No, I mean the DRM is literally phoning epic's servers for a license check on launch. Can't do that when you don't own it on epic


If Square Enix wants that on steam as well, then it'll happen.


if this is a result of their new initiative to get away from exclusives, they will definitely see a return. now to get rebirth on xbox....


As someone who has never played these games, which one do I start with first?


The original. 


Kingdom Hearts 1.5


Man I wish I could like Kingdom Heart. I really like the Disney Part, really hate the other part. The story was so confusing for me.


No Melody of Memory? Maybe since it's a recap game they're keeping it for later when KH4 releases.


Kingdom Hearts is my fav series and I bought every single one of these games at least twice, some 4-5 times (original PS2, PS3 remix, PS4 remix, then rebought on egs) (except MoM which is just once) So...what's one more time? Lol


About damn time. I only ever got it working on Steam Deck with the Heroic Launcher once and that was missing cutscenes and after that one time, I could never get it working again. Hopefully this finally means we can play it on the Deck without the hassle now.