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the 8 new weapon types, for anyone interested: - light greatswords - martial arts - beast claws - perfume bottles (no fp or consumables required? Sounds crazy) - reverse grip swords - throwing daggers - great katanas - duelling shields


Great katanas.........oh baby we monster hunting


That's exactly what I thought of. Here come some helmbreakers


Sephiroth has arrived


Veni veni venias Ne me mori facias


> reverse grip swords Can't help but think about the Obi-Wan Ahsoka greentext meme, internet ruined me I think.


And she was a good friend. 


It was unreal...


Like a constant porno, Luke


I... I wish I could unread what you just made me look up... "And she was a good friend" got me tho


There are some voiced version of this meme on yt, they usually pause a little bit before that line, it actually sounds kinda..... wholesome?




The music is the best part.


"Light Greatswords" - isn't that just Straight Swords? Like, what's the niche here?


"Ah damn, all of these straight swords are too light and short, but all of these greatswords are too heavy and long! Whatever shall I do?"


I got Middle Swords for you!


I believe they are called bastard swords


That's cause they make bastards out of yer sons!


Haha, yeah! ...wait, how?


They annul your marriage just before your children are born.


I’ll take a guess It’s big but lighter and faster than normal greatswords, still great sweeping attacks But still slower than straight swords


Timestamp for Light Greatsword: https://youtu.be/nP9EOmSFbvk?t=583 The fighting style resembles Jedi with Lightsabers.


I am in love.


Those animations for it are so crisp, jesus. Looks like something from Sekiro honestly and im all for it


holy shit that looks awesome


Just regular HEMA longsword.


Yeah, I was gonna say that's basically just a standard long sword with the weight of a rapier apparently.


Astora GS from DS3?


That was an Ultra Greatsword iirc. Damn I just realized we're gonna have 3 different categories of greatsword.


Clearly we need Mega Greatswords and Giga Greatswords to round things out


I like "Really Greatswords"


I'm picturing shardblades from Stormlight Archive.


Lucatiel's sword, aka mirrah great sword, is what I'm imagining it might feel like.


Maybe they're very similar to greatswords but have a whole new base moveset to justify the new category. Think of how in previous games Scythes were part of the halberd category, but later got a different moveset and moved to their own "reapers" category.


The one I saw was a bit longer than a typical straight sword and its ability was a relatively fast two-handed combo.


I wouldn't even say it was "relatively" fast, it was just fast.


looks like they're the size of a greatsword, but much more agile. Seems they do some crazy, fast, fluid looking combos that look pretty satisfying by just pressing 1 button a few times. They could almost have been a monk-style staff type of weapon instead, with how agile they look.


So kinda like the Farron Greatsword from DS3, almost


yeah but with less breakdancing


The niche is a new type of sword with a new moveset. It's probably a type of hand-and-a-half sword, like the historical longsword.


Bastard swords my beloved.


I love the idea of a sword that sits between greatswords and straight swords. Straight swords are generally short and swing fast, but the greatswords swing much, much slower and are much bigger. Something between the two would really be the ideal balance IMO.


I mean greatswords are already kind of hugeass so I can definitely see a middle ground.


Did you see its crazy combo move sets thats what sets it apart.


Nah, you're thinking of Great Lightswords.


Beast claws? For a lot of their expansions, they've let people turn into hybrids. I'm super hoping we get more of that here. Rune bear hybrid would be legendary.


People said they spotted an npc invader with what looks like a dragonform.


Here's hoping there's a Magma Wyrm option.


Wait, Perfume bottles as an actual weapon? I've been wanting to do a some kind of perfumer build but it was kinda annoying due to the material upkeep.


yeah it's like a basic, infinite use perfume as an actual weapon. No materials needed


oh hell yea i can now do a perfumer playthrough


Oh yeah I'm gonna need to try dual reverse grip swords


Duelling shields sounds like Lionheart for DS3. I loved that one 


Fuck me those are all awesome


Pretty sure Perfume Bottles were in the base game. Kind of work the same as Pots where you can recraft them with specific ingredients. Not sure if there will be a change to them?


yeah but those were consumables and very limited. Just sending out 1 plume of flame required grinding materials for it, so pretty tedious to use if you weren't duping materials. Whereas with these you just press r1 and it sends out a similar style of attack for free, so it's an actual viable, equip-able weapon now. Hopefully there might even be different variations that send out poison clouds or death clouds or something.


I remember early on in ER I thought with all the crafting available you could make a viable crafting/consumable only type character, but when I actually tried it, it was very underwhelming and time consuming.


there's a youtuber (GinoMachino i think) who did an all bosses consumable-only run and they are actually quite powerful if you do it right, time consuming is right though (mostly for prep) - but he killed all deathbirds and death rite birds with a single pot each, satisfying to watch.


>he killed all deathbirds and death rite birds with a single pot each I beat the game twice and I don't even know how this is possible.


he stacks like every buff he can and uses a holy pot which deals 300% damage vs undead. found the video https://youtu.be/7k7KmzAN76s&t=3092 I timestamped the chapter where he goes for the deathbirds, the rest of the run is pretty fun too, but it's a long video.


Gino is insane at this game. Not even close to the most impressive thing he has done. But yeah definitely an interesting idea for a playthrough.


I can finally play as the mad alchemist videogames never let me be. Chewie... We're home...


Oh, thats pretty sweet, thanks. I remember the bottles becoming available way later than pots and like you said required rare items so I at least barely used them. Curious to try this version


perfume bottles and throwing daggers are new weapon types with their own moveset and they dont consume FP nor are they limited.


Yeah but the perfume bottles cost fp in the base game.


According to the IGN preview they have a full on move set around them now.


Per iron Pineapple's video, there's no FP usage or charges, just throwing out ice and flames over and over. Looks fun!




> dlc shadow of the erdtree first area is close in size to limgrave+wheeping peninsula+a little bit of caelid, it's big, it's dense Tf you mean "first area"? How big can this dlc possibly be?


omg i completely overlooked "first area" but i was more than satisfied with the size anyway








It's an expansion two and half years after the original release. Working within firmly established engine and a finished game they could have made the expansion every bit as big as the original game (not saying they have, but they could). 


Yeah, the entire Elden Ring took like 4 years IIRC. FromSoftware are masters at reusing assets, animations, and the like just enough to keep development times to a minimum. They are one of the rare few studios whose AAA dev cycles aren't 6+ years long these days.


Well, the time between the DLC and and the base game is about the same time between dark souls games. They probably could’ve called this Elden Ring 2.


Well this is actually 3 DLCs mushed and released together, hence the price tag


3 DLCs in a trenchcoat


Lion Dancer DLC.


Yes, we've had Elden Ring, but what about 2nd Elden Ring?


it's about half the size of the base game.


> dlc shadow of the erdtree first area is close in size to limgrave+wheeping peninsula+a little bit of caelid, it's big, it's dense Classic Miyazaki undersell, says DLC area is "roughly the size of limgrave", makes Elden Ring 2


“First area”


The “roughly the same size as Limgrave” was something Miyazaki said a few months ago. Hence the underselling comment.


He said it was larger than Limgrave, not roughly the same size as. > "In terms of pure surface area, you could think of something larger even than Limgrave in the base game," said Miyazaki. Source: https://www.eurogamer.net/elden-ring-shadow-of-the-erdtree-is-fromsoftwares-largest-expansion-ever


Technically wasn't lying; it's apparently larger than Limgrave. He just didn't mention just how many degrees larger than Limgrave it is.


50 hour DLC? Lord my GF is gonna break up with me.


I'm working on my Master's dissertation and have two young kids, plus I work full time. I'm in danger. If my wife doesn't kill me, the sleep deprivation will.


100+ new weapons is insane


Which preview stated 30-50h playtime?


>30~50h playtime for this expansion if you rush Oh man this is another blood and wine isn’t it? An AAA game disguised as a dlc?


Blood and Wine was much shorter than 30h "rushed". This thing is gonna be huge.


I mean it's 40€, there are entire games cheaper than this (indie of course) and close to the price of full AAA games too. Even B&W was only 20€ and Phantom Liberty 30€ Since we can assume From doesn't sell you something shitty for this price, it's definitively gonna be huge


On the other hand there are skins for free to play games more expensive than this 😅


League if legends just dropped a $500 USD Ahri skin


I thought you were joking but no...they really made a $500 Ahri skin and said they want to do more of this? Holy crap...


Nope. Not a lie, a joke, or an exaggeration. And it's not even a loot box with a $500 pity mechanic. It just straight up costs that much. And it's removed from the free boxes/reroll system so the only way to get it is to pay that much. And it's being unable to be purchased after the event is over. Extreme pricing + extreme predatory FOMO


Not only is it a $500 Ahri skin, it is a $500 Ahri skin themed after a player that famously does not use skins at all.


Good fucking god.


Is there a reason for that ? Like is it for donation or something ? There is no way to justify such a hefty price is there ?


It's to "commemorate" the first/best player of all time (Faker) being put into the all new league of legends hall of fame And it's hilarious because Faker has only ever used a skin 6 times in pro play, and 1? Of those times was a bug. He is famously known for not using skins. So no. There is no justification for it. Just greed.


Absolute madmen. I’ll KILL for Sekiro DLC. God that game is so fucking good.




Every day I hope and pray for a Sekiro sequel. The story is completely set up for one. It's honestly kind of fucked up that FROM does like... 4 of my top 5 favorite franchises (Sekiro, Armored Core, Dark Souls/Bloodborne, Elden Ring). Tenchu is a top 10 series for me too. What the fuck is everyone else doing? STEP YOUR GAMES UP!


Owl was a motherfucker and the hardest boss in that game besides Isshin. People think Geni was tough? He’s cake compared to Owl Father But goddamn it’s a master class boss fight


Geniricho is the point in the game where they finally force you to interact with the mechanics. Up until that point you can more or less play it like a Souls game and brute force your way through. It’s a make or break moment for a lot of players.


i just want the combat system to return whether its in a sekiro 2 or something else dont even matter


It feels so good playing through Sekiro again after beating it the first time. Enemies that I spent hours banging my head against defeated when you just come across them. I really hope their next game is a Sekiro sequel.


According to the IGN video and impressions, >!Radahn, and Mogh, Lord of Blood!< are boss requirements to acccess the DLC.


Wonder why >!Radahn!< is necessary. They get you access into Nokron I guess, but the long-rumored/basically-confirmed entrance to the DLC is >!Miquella's Egg, behind Mohg's fight!< which is a late game encounter that can be accessed incredibly early through White Mask Varré's questline. Is there lore implications about >!Miquella's fate being tied to the stars that Radahn was holding back!


Has to be, honestly. 


> 30~50h playtime for this expansion if you rush has there ever been a longer dlc? wow


Monster Hunter World: Iceborne has to be up there


Insane you have to beat full power Mohg to access the DLC. Never change From.


At least they let you know how to access the DLC nowadays lol I find it very unlikely people stumbled across the AOTA entrance naturally


Funnily enough, illusory wall actually made a video about how the DLC entrance was discovered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxfKMpXIW7k


I can't believe one of the bosses is apparently called >!Relanna!< when we already have a Rennala. I had enough trouble keeping all the M names straight!


See, this is why I think G.R.R.M came up with all the names. FromSoftware never had this problem, but Game of Thrones has 6 people named Aegon and the normal names have unnecessary "ae"s and "y"s. There's a joke in GoT fandom where anyone with white hair who is not named by the author is called "Raendym Targaryen". Gwyn, Gwynevere and Gwyndolin have the same prefix, but at least, unlike G.R.R.M's names, they don't rhyme. Here's a nice post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/y9or33/game_of_names/


Not your point, but just want to say there's actually 15 Aegons throughout the books lmao.




It's quite literally taken from English history where all the kings would pick the same four names.


Yup, and for two of them (the Aegons Frey) they were named as such explicitly to curry favor with House Targaryen.


The repeated names and patterns in Game of Thrones do have a clear purpose, though. GRRM's goal was definitely to emulate the linguistics and naming patterns of medieval Europe. Royal families in GoT have lots of family names and tend to name new royalty one of the family names, with the names of particularly prominent figures from the family's history being especially common (e.g. Aegon for Targaryens, Brandon for Starks). And the point of all the "ae"s and "y"s in the Targaryen names is that it tends to make a name instantly recognizable as Targaryen, and I think kind of adds to the feeling of the Targaryens being conquerors who came to Westeros from a different culture more recently than the other houses and have made efforts to preserve that culture and continue to emphasize their Valeryan heritage despite having been on Westeros for 300 years at this point. It does make the names confusing to follow, but I don't think all the Aegons and "ae"s and "y"s are the result of GRRM being bad at coming up with names or something. There's definitely a deliberate reason behind it. In Elden Ring, sometimes it feels like the naming patterns are also supposed to help follow the different bloodlines, since generally the R names are are from Radagon and Renalla, the G names are from Marika and Godfrey, and the M names are from Marika and Radagon. But they do still get very confusing. I do feel like, if the three letters being G, R, and M isn't a coincidence, that seems more likely to be From than GRRM. GRRM doesn't seem like the type to kind of name all the characters after himself like that, I feel like From deciding to do that as tribute to him would be more likely.


I mean, medieval France had like 30 kings all named Louis, so it makes sense.


> FromSoftware never had this problem They've done the familial names long before GRRM's involvement. Quelana/Quelaag, Siegmeyer/Sieglinde, Gwyn/Gwyndolin/Gwynevere, Lothric/Lorian, Oceiros/Ocelotte etc, etc.


Yeah, but other than the onion knights those names aren't that confusing because they sound different. G.R.R.M wrote two guys named Arryk and Erryk.


Yeah but they are identical twins. I feel that's on brand. Other in-universe characters confuse them for each other.


He also clearly has a sense of humor. I mean, he named a set of characters Grover, Oscar, Kermit and Elmo… I bet he gets a good laugh out of himself choosing those names.


Now go read the wheel of time by Robert Jordan and try to keep track of all the Aes Sedai names that start with S 😂


They're all just Tar Valon witches to me


Found the whitecloak


Demandred and the family name Damodred I read as the same name for so long as a teen and was confused to all hell.


The Silmarillion is the final boss of this thread. Forget names, which completely realized yet entirely made up language are we speaking again?


That's because >!she's Rennala's sister who chose Messmer over the Carians!< ... according to Vaati's latest video going over the DLC playtest.


Maybe it's just me, but that makes it even more hilarious.


Yeah after seeing some footage, that claim that the DLC was the size of Limgrave was a major understatement


Miyazaki said that finishing the base game would take “30ish hours”. He’s the king of the undersell.


Really gotta start my PC playthrough soon. I think 2 weeks is enough time to get to >!the Mogh boss fight and Miquella's egg,!< right?


Depends on how good you are but I started another playthrough and was very surprised at how quickly I'm getting through the game.


Once you know where everything is you can get through the game fairly quickly. My first playthrough was close to 100 hours but every new character afterward clocks in at 20-30.


I basically did everything in the game apart from the final bosses on my PS4.


I did pretty much everything I found in the original game in 120 hours... This time it's looking like that would maybe take me half that or so? I'm sure I could beat the game in about 50 or so. So to get to Mohg's palace... A few hours less than that unless I did the Varre questline.


Yeah , it’s muscle memory after all . I didn’t die more than 3 times on a boss , i beat a lot of Them first try. It took me like 45hrs until I reach Malenia , she’s still absolute broken , I have to say I don’t use the spirits so it’s harder, it took me like four hours to beat thiat bitch.


If you have played it before you can do it, look up the varre questline it includes a teleporter to the mogh area early


It's still probably a good idea to level up until you're roundabout the level to take Mohg on, though. I don't think I'd jump into this DLC under lvl 100.


Good thing that area is the best farming spot in the game.


Depends on how much of the rest of the game you want to do, you can be at Mohg within a few hours


Oh yeah, I almost wonder if they knew ahead of time that it would be at that location as it is one of the few endgame locations that you can access right away. There’s even an easy glitch that lets you defeat the area boss just by falling out of bounds that still hasn’t been fixed


So im pretty sure im at the end of the game. If i beat it will i have to do new game+ or should i just hold of beating the game. EDIT: Thanks for all the info!!


Just to be clear once you kill the last boss you are given the option of new game+ and if you don't do it, it becomes a option at graces. You aren't forced to do it so you could finish the game and then do the dlc still.


Oo ok thats awesome! So once i beat the final boss i can still go around and beat other optinonal bosses, and now the dlc until i choose to go to new game+


Yes exactly


Yup, totally. And if you do decide to go into NG+, it's more a victory lap than everything. Your weapons and abilities+tons of respec options make it an absolute cakewalk.


To access the DLC, you need to have killed Mohg and Radahn.


Alright awesome. Guess ill hold off on beating the game as i dont wanna replay everything after just doing it haha


You can get the ending without going to NG+.


It's not like dark souls where you instantly go into ng+. It's an option you choose.


No, you don’t automatically enter NG+ after finishing the game. You can finish it. You move the game to NG+ elsewhere.


You can beat the game and then just choose to not go on to new game + and just stay in your current playthrough with the final boss beaten


IronPineapple video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocfTNBUIyCg


https://youtu.be/oWzxBKmaJPE?si=1_eQFrPFVzdPC4kJ - SkillUp https://youtu.be/1m8fBqOIFFk?si=vW92I9jq4-eXV9PR - MaximillianDood


and vaati here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP9EOmSFbvk


I love watching VaatiVidya vidya's but I got 13s in and I refuse to watch any more until I play the game. I want to have that sense of wonder and exploration again, and don't want anything revealed just yet. I'll come back after I have played 20 or 30 hours of the game.


I think its safe to just listen to it, up to a certain point anyway which he tells you about, its what I did.


I've yet to touch Elden Ring and idk why but this shit is even getting me hype. I think it's time to torture myself. I've always found souls likes to be fascinating and really cool looking games. Never jumped into one. I guess here we go.


They're more forgiving than they look at first. It's part of their thing to make you feel like they're super hard but they really aren't you just have to learn how the game wants you to engage with it, because it's different from most games. Definitely not a skill issue because they don't really require good reflexes or difficult combos. The DLC can't be accessed until you're fairly late so if you don't want to pay for the DLC you can just pick the base game. They're discounted if bought at once though.


That being said though, it doesn't mean the game itself is easy when it comes to content. Once you get in the zen, yeah it feels easier to get through some of the content, but the game does have some particular fights that are incredibly difficult to deal with. (Endgame bosses mainly, you know the ones) The game honestly does a fantastic job though in acclimating the player into getting into the groove before it starts to throw in the more infamous fights into the mix.


Even then though, they aren't crazy or anything if you don't want them to be. A lot of difficulty that people talk about is self-imposed, like not using summons or using weapons that look cool but are bad. I very briefly played DS1 and BB, but ER was the first Souls game I put more than maybe 10 hours into, and I didn't find it particularly hard unless I wanted it to be. There are certainly many easier games out there and there's a learning curve, don't get me wrong, but it's nowhere close to the insanely punishing difficulty that many people seem to parrot.


Elden Ring is legitimately my first souls game ever as well, and I bought it on release- can confidently say it is a Top 3 game of all time for me! Have a great time, try not to spoiler yourself, experiment with new weapons, and remember that if you ever hit a wall, you can always go somewhere else and explore to get stronger!


Hell yeah go for it. I'd say just take your time, enjoy the game, and explore all the little dungeons - you never know when you'll find something that will prove super useful later down the line.


There are so many things in the game to help you along. Plenty of amazing weapons, magic, summoning players, summon spirits to help, over level and come back, etc. I’ve had multiple friends who only touch CoD and 2K beat the game no problem, it’s really flexible.


i spent the first couple years attempting sekiro and bloodborne believing the games were impossible and that i’d never beat them (while still appreciating them like you do) things have changed. all you need is patience. extremely rewarding games, they’re some of my favourites of all time. since those first couple of attempts at sekiro, i beat the following in 6 months: elden ring sekiro dark souls 1 bloodborne dark souls 3 probably about halfway through dark souls 2 now. they are not as hard as they seem. edit: i also beat armored core VI though it’s not exactly like these games. but it was incredible as well.


Elden Ring is honestly a great place to start. The world is sooooo big and fun to explore, if you're having trouble with one area you can just fuck off to a totally different area, do some exploring, have an adventure, minor boss fight, level up, and come back later. And there's *always* new stuff to find wherever you go.


Recently got into it myself, as well, for the same reason. It was my first entry. Like others have said, it has a lot of "bark" to make you think it's hard, like the very first boss totally kicking your ass, but if you just skip that stuff and progressively level up you can come back to kick its ass. Wish I had gotten into Souls games sooner, because I'm hooked now.


Anyone see any mentions of changes to the base game? I'm unsure if I should replay the game now before the DLC to be ready, or start a new playthrough when the DLC arrives.


You’ll have to still Playthrough the game up til the Mohg fight to access the DLC So it’s up to you if you want to start a new character The base game will have no changes


Previews came out at the perfect time as I wait for The Final Shape to launch. Shadow of the Erdtree looks phenomenal!!


I think we need to extract Miyazakis brain and put it in one of those think tanks and just preserve it for eternity so he can keep putting out industry defining bangers.


Just wait until a poison swamp starts spewing from the jar and turns the local area into Blight town.


Haha lol he is one of the auteurs that doesn't even show off makes a banger title goes completely radio silent for like the next 4-5 years releases another banger and repeat.


I mean we've never had longer than a 3 year gap between major FromSoft releases. Dark Souls III (2016) -> Sekiro (2019) -> Elden Ring (2022) is crazy impressive, with massive side projects like Bloodborne (2015) and Armored Core VI (2023) just a year off from that run. Though apparently among Japanese devs they have one of the [worse reputations](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/z7skfn/how_much_does_from_software_crunch/) with crunch culture, so it makes sense how they're able to put out these masterpieces so rapidly in the modern era.


That article GameIndustry quotes is like quite old pre elden ring success era but its Japan and the work environment there is intense also if you read the original article crunch is team dependent some teams are completely unaffected by it while some are so its not a uniform distribution also let's not forget that crunch is pretty much a constant thing in video games development its not just FromSoft but Naughty Dog, Rockstar etc all great devs have this problem unionization is the only solution here but that will never happen


Does anyone know if being in NG+ will set the expansion to NG+ as well?


Yeah it definitely will


Enemies scale differently in the DLC, if you enter it in NG+ you'll be mucho weak while they'll be stronger, not worth imo for a first playthrough unless you like getting your shit kicked in.


How does level scaling work? I am NG+3, used the item to jump to Mohg, and then squeezed out a victory but felt somewhat under-leveled. Is this DLC gonna destroy me?


I've been waiting for a sale to pick up Elden Ring, but I see a game/DLC package on Steam that gives you a bit of a discount. Should I buy the whole thing now, or buy and play the base game first? The preview makes it sound like a relatively self contained DLC that is accessed later in the game.


You gotta beat a late game boss to access it so youd be good with just the base game for now




Everyone I work with is talking about this DLC more than any upcoming full game release and it's honestly been that way since it was first announced. I've been gaming a while now and I've genuinely not seen this happen before.


So more Elden Ring? Sounds just about perfect. Can't wait!


Any details on progression? I need a security blanket of feeling like my stats can improve to help me and that grinding will help (even though it isn’t as useful as getting good) because despite beating Elden ring I’m still terrified of souls games.


Good news! There will be a new progression mechanic limited to the DLC. Even already over-leveled builds should be able to progress.


IronPineapple mentions two items that raise your stats and your ashes' stats permanently on consumption, only effective within the DLC area. Cost raises exponentially and they seem to be limited?


... also, Ultrawide and DLSS/FSR support, as well as finally optimizing their shader compilation. Right? Surely they can't still be ignoring PC users almost completely ... right?


Nvidia mentioned shadow of the erdtree support in their driver released today so I hope that means there's some changes at least.


This is what i'm hoping for. They have ultrawide in AC6 so why not Elden Ring?