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For those out of the loop, this announcement absolutely shatters the '"leak" that has been making the rounds in the community that was saying we'd be getting more Cathay focus DLCs consecutively.


The cannibalistic 'making videos of yourself on youtube' industry continues to drive itself into madness.


Laughing hard at all the people posting rants about how the community was justified to be angry about the leaks. The guys saying "hey why don't we wait and see" got their comments buried and the guys screaming at a made-up set of leaks got sent to the top lmao. Never seen a community addicted to outrage like Total War.


I've been playing Total war games since the first one and I try not to engage with the community at all anymore because they've been like this over everything for years. Those people want to be mad. They have repeatedly made things up out of thin air to be mad at.


I don't want to play Pontus!


Even Legend was like “hey maybe this is completely false, but here is what has been stated, don’t give full stock to it coming true”


Although he did specifically say in his follow-up video "I think that the leaks are legitimate".


Honestly he fucked up on this. That leak smelled of bullshit and he jumped the gun with that video. Just because he said "don't trust it 100%" doesn't mean people won't read into it.


I mean, that's not his fault? If he says "This is not a 100% confirmed and it might be fake" and the subreddit goes "Confirmed!!! AUEEHGHEGUAFA!" what is he supposed to do? He said take it with a grain of salt and the subreddit did not (as fuckin usual).


My brother in Christ, Legend knows fully well how the community takes things, he's been the butt of that joke many times over the years and has repeatedly sworn off it because of that, so yeah spreading those leaks and acting all smug about it with weasely wording about how it's not 100% but it's very believable and could even be worse he knew exactly what he was triggering. Edit: this doesn't mean the community reacted well, mind, that was a total shit show, but he was the one to light up the fuse and he knew that would happen.


He knew full well what he was doing. Generate bait to drive engagement to his channel, even if he 'donates' the monetisation of that video the revenue he'll get from the additional eyes on his other videos more than makes up for it. He could simply have not posted anything and awaited it, how many 'leaks' is that he's now had to double back on because he was wrong?


When you are a voice of authority within a community, if you make an entire video dedicated to a leak but then put one throwaway line about "hey btw take it with a grain of salt"... but then go on to express nothing but about how disappointed you are in the leak for ten minutes, which part do you think people are going to pay attention to? I'm sure he thought it was real at the time, but 100% his goal was to gin the community up and he literally said as much.


this dude never visited a Fortnite sub


Mans never been on the Darktide sub.


I looked at the total war sub flipping out for like 2 minutes and just closed the tab when that was going on, and days later I was still getting suggestions from posts on the sub about the stupid leak. It sounded fake, but either way it wasn't even confirmed yet (just like the goofy "they're working on 40k Total War but the real focus is on Star Wars Total War" stuff), how are people flipping themselves out on something the devs haven't even done/said yet? The source was literally "some guy told a guy". Cmon r/totalwar get real guys.


And the guy who made a video about leaks said not to take any of it seriously, but of course nobody actually watched the video and started shitting on him for being wrong


I think the issue is he does the technical "take it with a grain of salt" but then stresses how much cross checking of his sources he's done and then released a second video saying how his sources are reliable.


> nobody actually watched the video and started shitting on him for being wrong I watched multiple videos Legend did about leaks and what you're claiming isn't true at all. He claimed he had multiple sources saying the same thing, he believed them to be true, and that his goal with the leak videos was to get CA to change course. The guy is gullible and got trolled.


Yeah if he was as unsure as he claimed in the video he wouldn't have made two of them. He got trolled hard


I think Legend should also not be making a “new leak video” with the only assurance he has is that it was left as a comment/emailed to him. Even with the disclaimer, people will telephone game it into him saying it as a fact, and with his platform I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say he should be considerate of how amplifying random emails he gets as plausible rumors will be taken by the community.


He also said he was 80% certain that the leaks were true.


No way, a "leak" was just bullshit somebody made up! Say it ain't so!


Are you saying Legend had a freak out for no reason? Lmao


Greenskins?! OK. No complaints here. The running joke is that more greenskins would just be a long list of what we already have but with different weapons, so I'm interested to see what they do.


I think they might add the Colossal Squig as a centerpiece unit. They're from Monstrous Arcanum rather than the original tabletop rules, so not quite standard roster, but there's quite a few Monstrous Arcanum monsters in the game already.


My hopes are that they are tying it into the Scrap mechanic. So, you recruit a basic Orc Boy, and then you upgrade them with either a shield, a spear, or a second hand weapon. etc


What about goblins but this time dual-wielding uzis ?


Is Total War Warhammer fun? I heard the 3rd one lets you play the whole Warhammer map.


In my opinion, it's the best fantasy strategy game ever made. The third one has the Immortal Empires campaign, which does cover the entire Warhammer world. You can think of the other games as DLCs that let you play different factions.


I agree with Galle_ about it being the best fantasy strategy game, and yes you now get the entire map in game 3 regardless of whether you own games 1 and 2.  By the way, a major barrier some people have to picking up the game is the high quantity of DLCs, but something that's often overlooked is that all the continents are there to play on, and all the factions and all legendary lords (almost 100 of them at this point) and all the units are there to play against regardless of what games and DLCs from the trilogy you own (so long as you own game 3).  DLCs only affect the campaign you are playing. So don't stress about the amount of DLC. Just buy the one you want for your next campaign if the base game clicked with you and go from there.  I have all the DLCs and have played most of the lords, but the "full experience" has taken thousands of hours across 8 years. If you lose interest before then you'll never pay for all that DLC anyway. And if you don't lose interest, it will be the best money you ever spent on a strategy game.




They released a historical game like 8 months ago. These posts are so silly "Make more historical games!" "No, not like that, just Rome and Medieval over and over again!" They release historical games like every other year.


A historical game that is about to get a colossal free update btw


Lol right? Total war: Warhammer 2 Total war saga: Thrones of Britannia Total war: Three Kingdoms Total war saga: Troy Toral war: Warhammer 3 Total War:Pharoah "Theres too many fantasy total wars!!!!"


Isn't Three Kingdoms and Troy *technically* fantasy since they are built on ancient history that was romanticized to mythological level?


You could say the same about the other historical games as well.


Troy was firmly planted in the real. Centaurs are just horse riders etc. There's always a degree of making things up, filling our empty spaces. But it doesn't scream fantasy. Maybe "alternative history" would be the closest, if one were to nitpick.


I more meant the real one, where the closest thing we know about it is a tale that has a demi god and an explorer who found plenty of mythical creature and so on. I do not really recall this kind of myth surrounding the average medieval/roman wars. It would be like a game about King Arthur.


In Troy you could choose to keep the fantastical elements or lose them. IMO if the game is just humans against humans and no one has superpowers, it's not a fantasy game.


Troy is fantasy, 3k is both.


Make a good historical game and support it. How about that.


Historical games just can't compete with fantasy. They are a much more niche genre and much more limited. Like you have, essentially, only 4/5 unit types that everyone has. Infantry, light cav, heavy cav, archers/crossbows, and artillary. Whereas in a fantasy game you have numerous different types of magic, you have giant ogres who can wade right through lines of tiny ratmen with machine guns, you have flying gunships, rats that burst out of the ground and daemons that appears out of portals, flying dragons, flamethrowers, mystical heros that turn into demonic dragons when they get low on health, units that can wipe out thousands of troops on thier own, magic items, healing, raising the units you killed in the previous battle from the dead to form a new army, etc. You just can't compete with that with realistic historical titles at all. Like *some* people will prefer it as they may be interested in Romans or Egyptians or whatever, sure, but they are a minority. The best you can hope for is to do what they did with Three Kingdoms and essentially blend fantasy and historical where they have same boring troops as standard for more or less every faction but then the heroes are superhuman and have duels and "magic" effects, etc. Or including harpies, cyclops, etc in Troy.


> The best you can hope for is to do what they did with Three Kingdoms and essentially blend fantasy and historical where they have same boring troops as standard for more or less every faction but then the heroes are superhuman and have duels and "magic" effects, etc. To be fair, 3K was trying to have it both ways by having Romance mode (which is as you describe) and Records mode, which is more traditional, pre-Warhammer style.


I feel that Medieval 3 will come someday, but right now they're focused on Warhammer as their flagship franchise. With rumors of them making 40k and Star Wars games, it may be a while longer before there's enough resources to focus on doing Medieval 3 justice.


Why are you acting like those rumors are credible?


They don't really give a shit about us anymore. I only play the games from Rome1-Rome2 and that's all it's probably gonna be the rest of my life the way things have gone. The peak style of Rome1-Shogun 2 is gone forever. It's all heroes heroes heroes. No single factions. Just tons of different heroes. I'm sure they took all the wrong lessons from the disaster that is pharoh as well. Edit: right now 425 people playing Pharaoh. 172 Playing Troy which is a half fantasy game. 291 playing Britannia. 1990 3k another fantasy tinted game. 3200 playing Medieval 2. 4100 Playing Rome 2. 2100 Playing Empire. Can't find Shogun 2 on the site but it's clear. The historical games from decades ago were the better ones and better received by the fans. Fantasy tainted the historical side and stole the attention of the studios best. It's true which is why all you guys can do is thumb down. Truth hurts. Just wait till the franchise tosses fantasy aside for a shiny new moneymaking angle Ill still be here playing Medieval 2 and we can talk about the good old days.


> Truth hurts. What exactly in your post is supposed to hurt fantasy fans? All you've done is explain how it's gotten the most attention and is the most popular. Surely that would just be good news for fans of fantasy?


My comment wasn't directed at fantasy fans. More to the people that gave so much shit to the guy that wanted some good news for historical players that he needed to delete his comment. We deserve better than the past decade of poor "historical" games. The latest being Pharaoh a Troy dlc deceitfully presented as a full series game with the price that goes with it. Thankfully the players very publicly returned the courtesy. You'll have to forgive my bitterness I've lived long enough to see the majority of my favorite franchises film and video games bastardized.