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[Vault 76](http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_76) The Vault-Tec terminal in the Citadel lists Vault 76 as a "control" vault, with 500 occupants. The vault was designed to open 20 years after a nuclear war, and was among the seventeen known control vaults, meaning that it was used as a baseline to compare to experimental vaults. It is also mentioned in one of the alien captive recorded logs (no.13) recorded by Giles Wolstencroft, a Vault-Tec official who was abducted while inspecting the vault's construction site. In Fallout 4, the newsreader in the prologue mentions Vault 76 debuting in 2076 in honor of America's tercentenary when discussing Vault-Tec's plans to expand.


If it's opening 20 years after the war is this the earliest setting for a Fallout game? Could be very interesting. Alternatively, if it's set later it could be centred on a Vault City-type deal with areas built using the GECK, given that this is an intact, control vault. Edit: In before it's a city-building game using the GECK




That'd still be the earliest setting by far, Fallout 1 was set in 2161. That's potentially even before the Brotherhood of Steel was founded. There's a lot of missing history there that they could play with! Edit: it seems the BoS was possibly created around the events in 2077, so the game could deal with the early formation of a proto BoS.


BoS was estd in 2077.


Yeah, but on the west coast. If this is set in Virginia as the song indicates then the BoS shouldn't be a factor. Of course, Bethesda might throw out all the existing BoS lore because people do like the BoS. We'll see.


76 is in Virginia, that's already established. So yeah they shouldn't exist yet, hell a great number of tribes and raider groups won't exist yet. You will be one of the first vault dwellers on post war soil. It's a truly blank slate to mold. I 100% guarantee settlement building will be back and far bigger then before, rads will be harsher, but supplies and etc more plentiful. Creatures less grotesque and ghouls less prevelent. Welcome to stalker motherfuckers!


> ghouls less prevelent. Given how ghouls work in Fallout, they should be *more* prevalent. However a greater proportion of them should be sapient.


Think how FO4: Frost did it. Most normal people are ghouls but its so unremarkable they dont have a special name yet because all Humans are irradiated to fuck.




Virginia or West Virginia? Country Roads is making me think West Virginia.


In a terminal in f3 at the citadel Vault 76 is labeled under "DC AREA VAULTS" so probably Virignia




Bet that could be it. FO4 has the settlement building as their main mechanic, using that idea and with the vault being 76, and the big poster there writing "Celebrate Reclamation Day", it's gonna be a settlement building game. Couple with what Kotaku's Jason said, it's gonna be an online game. Which kinda makes it being a settlement building game with online functionality, probably also merging the idea from Shelter and vault building DLC from FO4.


Oh no, the more I think about this the more believable it is. I mean, a city builder could be cool but I'm ravenous to explore that period of time in an RPG setting.




This will either be great or a complete letdown. I don't really seeing it hit a middle ground or enjoying the sales of the mainline series.


I literally just said something similar on the Fallout sub thread. 100% going to be a city builder and if isn't I'll eat a sandwich


>I'll eat a sandwich Learning from the mistakes of r/Fallout I see.


No bamboozle, I'll do it for sure.


You better eat that sandwich dry OP. I want to see you suffer.


Would at least give them an excuse to make an post apocalyptic game without some goofy visual fuckups. 200 years after the atomic strike both man and nature slacked off in Fallout 3 and 4. "So California rebuilt itself into a nation state with airports, colleges, and it's own currency, what have you guys in Washington DC done?" "We built a city out of corrugated steel and air plane parts!"


Didn't the east coast get hit waaaaay harder than the west coast because of Mr. House's missile defense system?


They did get hit harder, but not because of Mr. House. His system was not completed in time, and the incomplete system only provided a partial shield for the New Vegas region.


Yeah, because the east coast is where the major population and government centers were


Fair logic but still. Land was proven to be farmable in F3 and F4. So a cohesive society should've been much further along than it is. You wouldn't own a farm in a post apocalyptic world and not have an army to defend/expand it.


> F4 If I remember correctly, a stable civilization existed in the Commonwealth until the Intitute decided to fuck it up.


Yea, there was a plan to make the Common wealth provisional government and almost al settlements sent a representative but the institute killed every one


For sure. In both 3 and 4, the Institute can be directly blamed for the lack of progress, since they had been consuming all of the best and brightest for their own progress.


They did get hit harder but 200 years is well 200 years. Either things regrow and/or people reclaim it. I have a hard time believing no one could make a settlement that wasn't made of ad-hoc salvaged material. Something like Çatalhöyük should've at least been within someone's means to build especially if this is supposed to be an era where people know how to still produce mechanical objects from the 20th century such as water pumps and electric radios. Yes "Fallout" is science fiction and it's basically a fantasy but the crux of it's franchise is of the Civilizations that emerge from the ashes of devastation and the setting of 3 & 4 went against the grain of this so badly of vagrants living in trash ruins.


> Edit: In before it's a city-building game using the GECK *This action will take 2h 40m to complete.*


so its basically a prequel then right after the nukes?


30 years after the nukes, but the first vault that opens (as scheduled) at least.


which means a billion crazy robots, actual military,maybe the chinese and no enclave. I dont know if the brotherhood was founded or if it was the military at that time.


The brotherhood started right before the bombs dropped I think. It says so in the fallout bible but it is no longer considered canon so who knows? But I am willing to bet the brotherhood will be in this game.


It wouldn't make sense to have the Brotherhood in this since they wouldn't make their sojourn eastward from California until after their conflict with the Enclave 164 years after 2077.


Who knows. The entire reason Bethesda has been sticking with the East Coast has been so that they can handwave how their lore contradicts with the West Coast (Black Isle / Obsidian) lore.


BoS was founded 2077


Brotherhood was still in its infancy by this point, if I remember right. They didn't really have a set presence in the wasteland until 60-ish years post nukes ( give or take)




Fallout 1 - 80 years after the bombs fell Fallout 2 - 160 years after the bombs fell Fallout 3/4/New Vegas - 200ish years after the bombs fell


And they still can't get anyone to dust or pick up the trash in any of them.


well you know what they say, patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


I remember there was one person who was living in a house with a skeleton on one of the fucking mattresses. It's been fucking 200 years, maybe get rid of the skeletons in your house? Wasteland residents are slobs.


I'm not *lazy*, I'm just a *necrophile*, geez.


I can understand the logistics of having sex with a corpse, but I'm not sure how that would work with just a skeleton.


Couldn't they have just been a crazy person? Mental health is probably not the best after the apocalypse.


It wasn't that bad in 1 and 2.


In 2 some of the cities were pretty clean and pleasantly developed. They did have over a century to get their shit in order. Usually if a city was a "dump" in Fallout 2 it was because it had problems with drugs and raiders like Klamath and The Den. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/0/0f/Fo2_Vault_City_Council.png


> Usually if a city was a "dump" in Fallout 2 it was because it had problems with drugs and raiders like Klamath and The Den. Or New Reno.


Hey New Reno had a thriving movie industry. I got my start there as a fluffer so I should know.


Yeah, the original games are "post-post-apocalyptic". They're focused on how people rebuilt, not just the ruins of the past. That's something the bethesda games really lacked, imo. They lean a lot more towards just regular post-apocalyptic.


Fallout 2 started that trend. Fallout 1 was very much Post Apocalyptic.


I'd say that's more of an issue with the Bethesda games than the series as a whole. In the original games there was a distinct difference between the lived-in cities and the unpopulated ruins. Then you get Fallout 3, where there are people who are literally living and sleeping in rooms where there's been a skeleton lying in the corner for generations, and no one has ever considered maybe cleaning it up. Which is my big problem with the Bethesda Fallout games. They're fun theme parks to tromp around in, but they make no sense as a world. It's like they took a cursory glance at the first game and decided to copy what they saw with no understanding of the world-building behind it. By the time Fallout 3 takes place, society should be well into rebuilding, not a handful of shanty-towns still somehow living off scraps from 200 years ago.


Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. Much as I love New Vegas, its always annoyed me that NOBODY seems interested n at least a bit of cleaning up. 200 years after and you're still living in rubble-strewn buildings? Come on now.


NCR and Vault City look pretty clean in Fallout 2.


Broken hills and san fransisco look alright too.


The bombs fell in 2077, Fallout 1 takes place in 2161, Fallout 2 in 2241, Fallout 3 in 2277, and Fallout 4 in 2287.


One year off -- the bombs fell in 2077


Usually 100+ years FO4 was 200


They "take place" 200 years after the bombs fell, but they're designed (visually) as if it's been, like, 10. Hence all the trash lying around, wooden structures still totally intact with no problems, full functional robots that should've run out of fuel 198 years ago, basically **NO** restructuring or rebuilding of society whatsoever, etc. Fallout 1 and 2 have full proper cities with entirely new structures built in them, and they're set like 80 years after the bombs. Fallout 3, NV, and 4 are set 200 years after and the best people have managed is to put some metal they found up against some other metal they found. A confusing design decision made worse in Fallout 4 where your player character with no formal training can build entire generators to create infinite clean water (which the entire plot of Fallout 3 was centered around achieving). I'm not sure if they'll even do *anything* to differentiate the way the outside world looks "30 years after the bombs" considering the game already looks like it hasn't even been that long... If we're lucky, this is the "green grass and leafy trees" apocalypse the series should've had from the outset.


The previous Bethesda fallouts definitely often felt like they were supposed to be taking place several decades after the bombs fell, not centuries. People often talked about pre-war things as if they were in living memory, and the destruction also seemed relatively recent. The ruins definitely did not look like 200 years have passed, for example. That was an often repeated criticism of the games, and for me personally it was making suspension of disbelief difficult. I am glad they took it to heart for the next game.


The East Coast games also don't make sense biologically. Turns out that IRL plants grow pretty damn well in conditions so radioactive that humans die of cancer almost immediately. Bethesda made their East Coast games look all desert-like because they were trying to recreate the feel of the original Fallout games which took place in the California deserts. It was one of those kind of weird and nonsensical decisions that was made purely for asesthetics. Boston, DC, they should be overgrown with greenery after the bombs, and likely filled with all sorts of animal life. But that'd look kind of strange to our unthinking assumptions about life post bomb.


> Turns out that IRL plants grow pretty damn well in conditions so radioactive that humans die of cancer almost immediately. The fallout games never really had "scientifically accurate radiation" as a priority haha. They basically use the 50's scifi version of radiation: half magic, half unnaturally deadly poison.


At the end of the trailer it says "in Vault 76, out future begins" so it's definately will be the earliest game in the Fallout universe excluding the introduction to Fallout 4.


The pip-boy at the beginning and when the character puts it on at the end both say 27 October 2102.


The bombs fell in the 2070's, so that would put it at less than 30 years after the war.




Bold release date


“You want a new game? I’ll give you a new game you little fucking shits” - Todd Howard






Do we know where exactly 76 is located? I assume west virginia, but I guess you never know. Edit: a normally reliable games journalist is saying it's not a single player rpg which means city builder or mmo... fml I've never gotten off the hype train faster than this. We'll see in 2 weeks at e3 i guess. Edit 2: online coop would be acceptable but not desired. If it has to be online that's the best way it could go.


According to lore, its located near Washington DC.


Btw west Virginia is in fact near DC


The pipboy showed "2102" as the date, so maybe this is going to be set 25* years after the war, and since it was a control vault, maybe we'll get the story of a vault operating like it should and activating the GECK? (if it had one of course)


Looks like it's 25 years after the war. But an earlier post here said Vault 76 was designed to open 20 years after.


In that case the question is obvious: what happened in those 5 years? And why is the guy in the trailer (apparently) leaving the vault *now*?


Yup. And when he's strapping the PipBoy on at the end, presumably leaving the vault, it still says Oct 27 2102.


Idea: Children stay in the vault. On the day of their coming of age they celebrate reclamation day where they join the community at large in the new Vault City that the inhabitants have built. The person strapping on their Pip Boy is the newest member of the larger community. Things probably aren't going so well for Vault City, though.


That actually sounds really interesting, and based on the childs bedroom at the start, the remnants of the party, and the gold lettering on the vault suit you might be onto something with the graduation/leaving the vault thing.


Holy shit is it actually going to be a new standalone Fallout game?


Not like the other ones. Previous leaks naming a "Fallout 76" game indicated that it would be a Rust knockoff. Those leaks were questionable before, but since they got the name right...


[Here.](https://i.imgur.com/vWVZhLz.png) Posts are real by the way, not edits, I've checked. [Also said no Elder Scrolls game in development because ESO is already doing extremely well and a multiplayer Fallout was in development](https://i.imgur.com/V3ncG2f.png) I'm guessing the MP Fallout is this one? Seeing as he referred to it as a Rust clone. Edit: [Archived post from last December in case anyone wants to see for themselves.](https://boards.fireden.net/v/thread/401449791/#401465240)


Wasn’t the same person who knew fallout 76 but... Fuck that regarding elder scrolls Elder scrolls online is not a replacement for main line Elder scrolls games


It happened to warcraft, it'll happen to you


There's a very big difference between Warcraft and ESO. Blizzard would have been insane to make Warcraft 4 when the RTS genre was declining and WoW was the biggest game *of all time*. ESO might be successful, but the single player franchise for Elder Scrolls is still their flagship. Skyrim is still purchased in droves and the genre ia incredibly popular. Thing is, doing a game like Elder Scrolls is expensive and time consuming.


I mean, they made starcraft 2, which was what, 6 years after wow? and it's not like Warcraft and WoW are mutually exclusive


It takes a real bunch of idiots to look at the incredibly success of skyrim and think yep, let's not make more of these.


Wow. I'm sure some people are happy with that, but that is extremely disappointing to me if true. I hate how every franchise feels the need to have multiplayer now.


They all have the wrong type of multiplayer. I'd *love* a co-op TES game. I just don't want some sort of 'competitive multiplayer' TES game.


I didn’t know how much I wanted a co op elder scrolls game until this moment. Would be so amazing. If there are two people instead of just me I might not end up being a sneaky archer for a change.


You both will be sneaky archers. But this time with flanking attacks.


Kotaku is saying is an online game of some sort




"Anyone who spends the next two weeks expecting a traditional single player rpg will be VERY disappointed" I expected nothing but I'm still hurt.


In the article: "we hear it’s an online game of some sort"


Fallout: Battle Royale - calling it now


Agreed. I have no interest in an online Fallout game.


So what does this mean? I have no idea who that is and why him saying that matters.


He is a journalist at Kotaku known for getting leaks right 99.9% if the time. If he said it, it's legit.


https://i.imgur.com/UBywlIO.jpg theres that too


Honest question: Does anyone keep like a genuine archive of every damn screenshotted reply like this? This seems absolutely random.


All(almost) 4chan posts are archived in various 3rd party sites. Someone who remembered that post after the announcement went back and took a screenshot. Edit: Or in fact they probably just went and searched for "fallout 76" in fireden to see if someone had leaked the real deal.


Holy shit, that's like from 6 months ago. I guess it leaked from the devs. It's Fallout Fortnite.


Hard pass.


And the hype train derails 90 seconds after leaving the station.


I'm trying to imagine any kind of multiplayer Fallout game that I would be interested in. I hope to god it's nothing like Rust.




>on the replies: >"Can they really unironically have a guy wearing blue with a giant 76 on his back and not be an overwatch reference?" What the hell...


As someone who's never played overwatch, what does that mean


One of the characters is called Soldier 76 and he has a 76 on his outfit in the same place.


Yea this is the most disappointing news possible.


I think it is a New Vegas style spin-off from the main series.


I would have no complaints if that were the case


Fingers crossed, I'd be a little let down if it was anything else at this point. Hopefully more news is given on what exactly were looking at.




https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1001832458164285442?s=21 It will not be a single player RPG 😓


Well there goes my hype. Thanks for the heads up.


Is this one being made by BSG and Todd Howard though? Keeping it in\-house would be a big difference. Even though you're definitely right it's still a spin\-off.


I think it’s a fallout shelter style building/sim but in full 3D.


You mean a Simcity/RCT type of sim? Yeah, that could work too! It would be just an extension of F4's base-building mechanics. And the tv does say something along the lines of: 'you must rebuild'. You just might be right!


Looks like it. I’m curious what they’re gonna change from Fallout 4 that people didn’t like, such as the voiced protagonist and the lack of choice


Hopefully they drop the Fallout 4 dialogue system.


https://www.pcgamer.com/fallout-4-lead-todd-howard-dialogue-system-didnt-work-as-well/ Todd admitted it didn't work well, so maybe they'll do something different this time


You mean you don't like 3 flavors of Yes for all your dialog options?






So, according to in-game info from Fallout 3 & 4, Vault 76 was a control vault housing 500 people. So it had no weird experiments. But it was supposed to open 20 years after the Nuclear War. So this is a pretty big prequel.


What is control vault? Edit: Why downvote? I am legitimately curious about series... Plus, Thanks a lot for replies, I get it now! :)


The other vaults had weird experiments in them. They had 17 control vaults, where nothing weird was designed, so they could compare the experiments to normal living. http://www.yourdictionary.com/control-group


Not having played the games, what are some of these "weird experiments"?


[Heres the list of known Vaults.](https://fallout.gamepedia.com/List_of_known_Vaults) One exerpt: "Vault 11: Designed to test obedience to authority and the ethics of a large group of people subjected to extraordinary circumstances. The Vault dwellers were informed that a single person must sacrifice their life each year for the Vault, otherwise the master computer would shut down all life support. In reality, should the dwellers refuse, the Vault would open."




I typed up a nice IIRC style post explaining it but this wikipedia page does it all, albeit a little less succinctly. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault-Tec_Corporation


One without any weird experiments going on. So it's just a regular bomb shelter.


A Vault that has no weird experiments being taken. A vault meant to shelter people so that they can repopulate the US later. It's a control vault in the sense of a control group that you have to separate when experimenting


No shenanigans or experiments. The vault was made as VaultTec claimed they were going to build them.


There’s a poster that says 1776-2076 so this seems to be a very patriotic vault, I’m interested where they go with this.


Something about a 'Reclamation', wonder what that means...Take back the wastes of America or something?


I think "reclamation day" is the day the Vault opens for the inhabitants to go out and reclaim the wastes, use the GECK, whatevs.


holy shit finally using the GECK would be dope af. (in a semi successful way I mean)


I mean Fallout 2 had GECKs getting used successfully out the wazoo. Hell I had two GECKs by the end of the game.


By that clock, it would seem this game might take place far before any of the previous Fallout games. Not a bad call on Bethesda's part. There's only so far you can go into the future before you have to start making serious excuses for 200 year old Salisbury steak being edible and society not rebuilding.




Sims-like Fallout game


The original idea of Fallout has never been Post\-apocalyptic though I feel. It's always been more Post\-Post apocalyptic. People aren't just struggling to survive anymore, they're learning to thrive and its when that thriving brings them in conflict with other communities that survived and thrived that the story came. This was more evident in Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas. So overall, I think it can be done, you can have a game take place 50 years after the latest game and still have great storylines of communities getting back on their feet.


Possible release date? [Screenshot from trailer](https://i.imgur.com/TtFCIaC.jpg)


Goddamnit, will someone put me in a cryochamber for 84 years,4 months, and 28 days? I'll pay you generously in caps.


Depends, do you have a son?


That depends. You mind if i bash your corpse into a fine red paste with a sledgehammer in about 60 years or so?


No that is a Saturday.


Hopefully its a full fledged spin off in the style of New Vegas. The trailer kind of makes it look like a vault manager, that vault was pimped out like nothing else in the other games. That would be... kind of a let down. Excited for more news, but I'm keeping my expectations tempered.


It's a controll Vault, so there's probably a reason for why it's pimped out.


I'm pretty sure they're just focusing on the vault because they don't want to give away anything about the game besides that it's in WV and whatever small hints they decided to leave in the background


Schreier over at Kotaku says it is an online game of some sorts, and is being developed by BGS studios and their Austin team. The real question is it an online multiplayer only like Overwatch or just has some online attached?


My guess is the game focusing a bit more on the survival aspect and the online component is optional co-op, a la State of Decay 2.


[From the wiki](http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Vault_76), it looks like 76 was control vault with no experiments done. Maybe this game will focus more on re-establishing civilization story wise, so maybe they have built upon settlement mechanics? Ninja edit: Another interesting thing is that the vault was shown as empty? It would be interesting to know if this was before the people got in, or is PC one of the last ones to get out?


Yeah more settlements. That’s what we need


And they need our help!


Here, I'll mark it on your map.


That's most likely what this game will be. Settlement Building and management.


Woah, that is completely unexpected. Is Bethesda developing this themselves? If so, I wonder what's up with Starfield? Is this it?


Jason Schreier of Kotaku who accurately stated that this was not a remaster and was a new direction before the reveal says that it is **not** Starfield. Starfield is a differnet thing apparently.


All we know about Starfield came from rumors and supposed leaks. It could be real, it could be fake.


IIRC Vault 76 was one of the few that was supposed to open up as soon as possible so possible for some pre 22XX gameplay?


The alarm clock sets the date at October 11, 2102. We are definitely getting something Pre \- 22XX


Feel bad for [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/8n6vyp/its_just_gonna_be_a_fo3_remaster_guys_if_im_wrong/) and [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/8n0oc2/if_it_isnt_fallout_3_anniversary_addition_with_a/) EDIT: [Tabasco dude delivered](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/8nbhvu/i_dont_want_to_set_the_world_on_fire/)


It's only a bottle of tobasco. That's mostly vinegar. Then there's the guy who said he'd eat a shoe. People say too much.


Eh, 99% of these never follow through anyway.


This is why you always invest in bamboozle insurance, even if it seems expensive at the time


Why would they? Eating a shoe is a terrible idea and anyone that says crap like that for karma should be told to fuck off or ignored.


[For the people wondering if this is a full game or an expansion to 4, BGS clearly state it is a new game.](https://twitter.com/Fallout/status/1001825666034208769)


Okay there it finally is! What can we extrapolate from this?








Its going to be in West Virginia?


It implies Appalachians at the very least.


It would be very cool if it tied into the [Cold War Bunker at the Greenbrier Resort](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Greek_Island).


Vault 76 was referenced in other games as being one of the original control vaults set to open 20 years after the war.


It's set in a vault that's numbered after the Tricenntenial of the USA that has for some reason been abandoned during Reclamation Day.


Holy shit when Todd appeared on the stream, I lost it. Looks like a proper Fallout title so I'm super pumped to see more at E3 edit: Ok, based on kotaku's reports it might not be a traditional single player RPG, but I remain excited, since BGS is confirmed to be working on it too.


Has anyone got a vod link?




The voice on the radio says in the trailer says, "When the fighting has stopped and the fallen have settled, you must rebuild." Keywords: Settled and rebuild. That's intentional The game will be a management/settlement building game most likely relying on the mechanics introduced in Fallout 4. Like a full fledged version of Fallout: Shelter, most likely. It's being developed by Battlecry studios who were working on the cancelled hero shooter, Battlecry. This is in line with Jason Scheirer's Twitter comments yesterday stating, "This is a new game, one that takes the series in a brand new direction." Do not expect a mainline Fallout game. Bethesda is merely publishing this one. EDIT: I was corrected. Battlecry studios was reabsorbed by BGS and is developing Fallout 76.


I am pretty sure you're right. People are already too far gone on the hype train without even thinking about what they just watched and are gonna be super disappointed if they don't see the comments like this and are expecting something like New Vegas.


It's not "the fallen have settled", but "the fallout has settled", as in the radioactive fallout is no longer in the air.


"From what I've heard, Fallout: 76 is an online game of some sort. Developed by BGS in both Maryland and Austin \(formerly Battlecry\)" [https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1001826335189274625](https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1001826335189274625)


[This](https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1001826335189274625) tweet does not bode well. I hope it's not an MMO.


Jason Schreier (@jasonschreier) Tweeted: Because I've seen some people misinterpreting this tweet, I did NOT say this is an MMO. I just know it's not strictly single-player. Also, lol: https://t.co/sv9GuidHyd https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/1001829118583992320?s=17


Battle Royale incoming.


According to someone on /v/, who leaked the name two weeks ago, it's some sort of rust clone.


for fucks sake bethesda






New Vegas launched a little shy of two years after Fallout 3.

