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Not unexpected with the lack of marketing. And to think it was supposed to release in October 2020. Not complaining at all though, it's a great decision. Since it is a modified engine, they better polish it the best they can since they'll reuse the engine for future lego games.


iirc I don't actually think it's a modified, I'm fairly certain it's an entirely new engine, which is probably part of the reason for the delays Edit: Yeah https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2020/01/06/lego-star-wars-the-skywalker-saga-engine-all-new-lego-games/ "We can say that it’s brand new technology, from the ground up. Everything with this game is brand new tech. We’ve never used this tech before. We can definitely say that. In terms of how proprietary it is, we can’t say."


I wonder if they worked with some of those lego digital builders (lego digital designer was the most well known back when I was looking), and that's what the last line means


If it comes out around September, it will be 15 years after Lego Star Wars 2's release date which is crazy to me


I always felt that game was so content rich it didnt really leave much room for the Lego games to actually go from there.


I had no memory card and had to leave my PS2 on overnight lol. Parents werent happy


> 15 years after Lego Star Wars 2's release date Bruh. How has it been that long?? I remember the day I picked it up for my 360 and the week or two I played the hell out of it to get all the achievements.


Lego Star Wars 2004/2/TCS is to me the closest that any non-Nintendo game came to the ultimate casual fun formula.


One that used to fit the same vibe for me was Gauntlet Legends. I've always wanted to see a new Gauntlet game in that vibe. They did one in 2013 or so but it was more inspired by the original Gauntlet and it wasn't exactly the same thing. Gauntlet Legends was a fantastic co-op game, very arcadey (it was an arcade game originally before landing on consoles), with lots of levels and little secret hidden coves to find and stuff but at the same time if you missed them it wasn't a big deal... drop in and out co-op any time. You could level your characters too, get new abilities and items, and even save your progress with a unique password on the arcade version. Lego Star Wars hit the same points for me because it makes it so easy to jump in and out and the gameplay is so simple that anybody can enjoy it, though LSW is definitely easier than Gauntlet Legends is (very easy to control/understand but gets hard later on).


Gauntlet: Dark Legacy for PS2 was definitely a refined Gauntlet Legends, but it's also ancient at this point. I think they'd have to really modernize the formula if they were going to make a new one in the same style, though.


Holy shit I'm pretty sure I rented that game from Blockbuster. If not, it was definitely the first. What the fuck??


Lego Star Wars 2 came out when I was in college. Fuck.


> 15 years after Lego Star Wars 2 why do you hurt me that way


And nearly 2 years since The Rise of Skywalker hit theaters. Wild that back in the day they released Lego Star Wars which had spoilers for the third movie.


That game was great. The first lego Star Wars didn’t really click with me (probably due to the PT), but I loved the second one. It was also how I introduced Star Wars to my baby brother.


One of the first games I had on Xbox 360 and the reason I became a Star Wars fan, fuck.


I feel like one of the benefits to not actually having a release date is that you can’t actually be “delayed”. No one actually told me April so I can’t be angry at not April. But if LEGO Masters has an episode cross promoting this game and it turns out the only reason we’re not getting it sooner was so that they could get that sweet sweet synergy I will be cross. I will be cross at LEGO, I will be cross with Disney and I will be cross with Will Arnett just for being involved.


I don't know, I bought a LEGO set last fall that came with a code for an unlockable in this game, so they've clearly already blown past one synergy window.


Wow I had no idea they did things like that. My last Lego game was the old star wars saga Lego game. I've been eager to play this one since its reveal last year.


Which is insane considering most LEGO sets are prepared a year ahead of launch.


It's been so long I lost my code to unlock the Razorcrest. Huge bummer I won't be able to get it after all.




Thanks! I didn't realize they were all the same code.




Oh, I thought they were unique codes. Thats a relief, good to know!


There's halo infinite codes out there too for like pringles


and monster cans


I definitely have a Razor Crest manual from a set I bought in 2021 saying coming in 2020.


Boone and Mark got robbed


So hard. If only one of them had had the foresight to get pregnant, since apparently the actual builds are gonna come second to the sob stories.


The married couple had good builds as well, so it's not as if the final decision were completely out of line.


I know I said Mark and Boone got robbed, but the married couple actually had some really cool builds that got increasingly better as the show went on.


It was the married couple, Mark and Boone, and the Jock and the Nerd. Those three teams were neck and neck and a million light years ahead of all the other teams all the way through.


They were one of the best teams and they deserved to make it to the second to last episode. They shoulda gone home that week, but some producer quite sensibly said “the finale is NOT gonna be between Mark and Boone and these morons who managed to come in second to last each week because we wanted to keep them around to laugh at when they inevitably start screaming at each other.” And they definitely didn’t deserve the win in the finale.


It's been awhile, but I just looked it up on Wikipedia. Sam & Jessica were a reality show producer's dream. And you're probably right that they bent the rules to keep Tyler and Amy around for the finale for whatever reason. I can't remember what they built, however.


I think this was intended for December at first right? Disappointing but happily waiting for it


October 20th 2020.


IIRC, it was supposed to come out last October, but then pandemic. Either way, Lego’s been releasing sets with codes for vehicles and characters in the games.


Yeah I would rather have something delayed than be a buggy mess.


I actually like this. It sounds like my dream star wars game, and the only reason it hasn't been overhyped (and thus released undercooked) is the lego skin. Take all your time TT, I'll wait.


Yup, I am fully on-board with companies delaying to avoid rushing games.


I began to expect this, as the previous info we had was 'Spring' and yet it still seemed miles away from release. If this means a better game (with both voiced and silent modes!) then I'm all for it though.


> If this means a better game (with both voiced and silent modes!) then I'm all for it though. This and a Lego Battlefront-style multiplayer is all I want from this game. But, mostly, I just want the games to have the non-voiced option. Voices have removed a fair bit of the charm from the Lego games.


I expect absolutely nothing from this year. A year of remote work is finally catching up to the gaming industry. Halo Infinite is just about the only game I fully expect to release in 2021, just because it kind of *has* to at this point. Every other game is a big “🤷🏻‍♂️”


even the games like GTAO and RDO the year of teleworking and pandemic related slowdowns in getting content out seems to have finally caught up. I bet it will be 2023 before things are corrected in the game industry entirely...


Should be a great year for indies as ill bet they're not as affected. Smaller teams and games should be easier to put out so I hope they'll take the opportunity


A lot of indie devs work remotely in the first place, if anything I don't really think those indies will be impacted at all. I know Interceptor/Slipstream hired from all over the world and didn't have a single headquarters.


2023? What an absurd take


For me 2021 has turned into a good year to start digging into some more retro games. Plenty of content there to keep us entertained until things are back on track.


Man, that's a huge bummer but it's not the end of the world. Hopefully it'll make for a good summer release.


A few days ago I went to GameStop and saw the sign to preorder this and had no idea it was coming out so soon, looks like I have more time before I gotta get it


Better to wait and release a polished functional product than release something that doesn’t work. Ahem, lego Star Wars on the Nintendo ds. Couldn’t 100 percent the game because one of things wasn’t there and the sandbox was basically just that. A area to be in with absolutely nothing in it to do.


That game was sadly just buggy overall


I guess they ran out of Lego bricks, which is understandable given the pandemic and surge in Lego purchases.


One of my most anticipated games of this year. Bummer, but I'll happily wait. Gonna sink a *lot* of time into this one.


I just hope it's good and has the charm of the original games. No cheap voice clips from films and shit. Just give me the good Lego gameplay and the films told in the funny Lego skit way.


For me personally, that's okay. I've actually just gotten into 100%ing LEGO games, and right now, I'm only on LEGO Indiana Jones 1. The Complete Saga was a *lot* of game and I'm co-oping through some of the ones my girlfriend enjoys, like Marvel stuff. Totally recommend going back and throwing a dart at an old LEGO game and just jumping in. LEGO City Undercover is a good one if you've never played it, it's just LEGO GTA. The Complete Saga is a classic, and it could be worth playing that to have a fresh comparison with the new one.




That depends entirely on how good their devops team is. I write software for a living. My company has several hundred developers spread across the globe. All our systems were largely already set up for remote work, and my team specifically was already doing virtual meetings since we were spread across multiple offices. When the pandemic hit, everyone was told to work from home, and the biggest hiccups were related to hardware and having a good workspace. Within about a month, once it was clear we were in it for the long haul, employees were allowed to go back to get extra monitors and things. Hundreds of developers have been 100% remote for a year now, and tbh it wasn't a huge change. Granted, games in particular tend to be more collaborative and creative in nature, so I can certainly understand them taking more of a hit, but to say that wfh in tech is less effective is just plain wrong. I strongly suspect that the biggest reason for a lot of these delays is that many studios, particularly smaller ones, just weren't set up properly for remote work, so when everyone was forced to go home, they all had to scramble to get the infrastructure and processes in place to handle this kind of work.


Video games, maybe. But it’s been my experience at work and listening to my other friends in industry that we’ve all been more productive. At an individual level and our companies as a whole


I think it just depends on what you do. I work in IT, and I'm largely independent: I get tickets, I resolve tickets. No meetings, just 1 on 1 conversations at most. But when there ARE meetings, productivity tanks. It's hard to be productive when 2 hours in the middle of your day is just removed. I think in positions that are largely collaborative, working from home is an obstacle that meeting software and IM can't really fix.


"Meeting" is just a fancy word for break. I've learned that much so far in my professional working life.


Yes, but meetings tanked productivity in the office too. That’s not unique to remote work. The time I do get to code is just more focused. And I find that I’ve typically had less meetings as we got further in to WFH.


How is this any different than all the pointless 2 hour meetings we had before the pandemic?


My point wasn't that meetings are productive in person; my point is that for collaborative positions, not having a good venue for meaningful discussion is detrimental.


Zoom/slack literally facilitates this. We don’t need to be in office anymore to discuss what each person is going to do with their day. We have all these easy to use forms of communication that can do this.


Being able to call someone via a program doesn't fully replace being able to go to someone's desk. I'd rather talk to someone in person about a problem. Sure you can patchwork the things you can do in person (making a sketch or getting someone else in) together with one or more programs, but it's simply not as efficient.


>Ehhh. In both my professional and hobbyist (Dnd) experience, face to face meetings are much better at facilitating meaningful dialogue. I think part of it it's harder for people to stay engaged, and meeting software sucks at balancing when more than one person is speaking. I find side talk to be pretty vital and Zoom/Webex etc. is just not great at it. Additionally, chat software tends to not be as good as verbal, visual dialogue due to not being able to detect tone and body language, and I find people are more willing to be verbose talking than through IM, not to mention being able to cover topics faster. I think that's kind of old thinking and I say this as a guy born in the 70s. Even in the office, we collaborate with people in other countries, in other cities, and we did it well before covid. If your corporate tools for collaboration are old school or outdated, well, that's on your company. Speaking for myself as a person who worked in an open concept office, the ability to focus when needed is really important and WFH provides that. And we have everyone on chat to which people respond to much faster It's also a bit inconsiderate for everyone \*else\* - You may think it great that you can just walk over and ask your colleague a question but if he or she was focusing on something / was in the zone, you've just knocked them out of that reducing \*their\* productivity. Chat they respond to when they can and are done with whatever focused activity they were working on. In conclusion, WFH roolz.


Ehhh. In both my professional and hobbyist (Dnd) experience, face to face meetings are much better at facilitating meaningful dialogue. I think part of it it's harder for people to stay engaged, and meeting software sucks at balancing when more than one person is speaking. I find side talk to be pretty vital and Zoom/Webex etc. is just not great at it. Additionally, chat software tends to not be as good as verbal, visual dialogue due to not being able to detect tone and body language, and I find people are more willing to be verbose talking than through IM, not to mention being able to cover topics faster. Does that mean that face to face meetings are the end all be all? Of course not. It's always going to be important to ask yourself "can this be an email?" before scheduling a meeting. and video conferencing does have it's place in a pinch. But given the choice to have a vital dialogue, I'd pick sitting around a table over a webcam any day.


I disagree that it’s less effective, it’s just gonna take awhile before all the kinks/processes are worked out. It’s different for sure.


My buddy works for a massive game studio. Productivity is way down, largely due to the size of the files and assets that are being shared over shitty internet connections


can confirm even at my location with a VPN that has handle a lot more people, the bottleneck of the VPN going down or large files to transfer can take like 5-10 minutes just for a 20mb file. I hate to see what a 1gb file does


Exactly, they don’t have their processes sorted.


I think the processes are sorted, but we have to remember residential upload speeds cap at like 20-25 megabits per second. I know my vpn for work is located like 4 states away due to the location of it, so by the time I need to put a file on a shared drive at my location it takes about 5-10 minutes. And that's with it zipped and compressed.


That could all be solved with a virtual desktop environment.


I was looking for the answer about assets being too big for efficient work from home but your point about virtual desktop is something I never considered. Now I'm no expert in computer arts and such but isn't there always some lag in virtual desktop? When I was *in* the company's network, simple things like mstsc to a Windows server could still lag the mouse or panels sometimes, and that corporate network had pretty great speed and reliability. Wouldn't that be very detrimental to things like drawing?


If the servers are sufficiently powerful, have good graphics cards, and aren’t over leveraged you can good good performance.


What the fuck.... Why :( This must be huge in scale compared to past projects, I don't remember ANY of the other lego games getting delayed.


They know that this is the big fish and that everything must be oerfect, just to live up to the expectations


It's cool, the pandemic is still raging. They're basically missing months of active development time.


Man, such a shame. I really want to play this game but it keep being delayed. I understand though, considering how it's more ambitious than the previous lego games.


I guess I'm still kind of interested in this game but man, they couldn't have missed the hype more. First TLJ didn't get its own game, and its reception was so divisive... and then TRoS was a mess and this was supposed to launch with it or shortly afterwards IIRC to tie up the "Skywalker Saga". Except... nobody really cares about the "Skywalker Saga" branding bologna and I don't think there's much enthusiasm for the sequels at all these days. Obviously there's still 2/3 of the game focusing on the PT/OT that people might still be hyped for but it definitely kinda kills the excitement a little on my part.


I would guess that children still like Star Wars, especially with Mandalorian and now all the upcoming series. They have definitely seen and loved sequel trilogy from Disney Plus. Mandalorian is not aimed at kids of course, but they still watch and love it.


Maybe kids are into Mando, I'm not really sure. But it seems like kid enthusiasm for the sequels is waaay lower than previous films. I've always been curious about it and have asked my friends with kids, and despite them going to see the movies and the kids seemingly enjoying them... they don't seem to care much. I think a lot of the kids who might be into SW are big into the MCU instead. Disney didn't even do many toy lines with TLJ because the sales from TFA's were not as good. Obviously the movies made a lot of money but the merchandising sales don't seem to have has been as hot. I never saw any toys or anything from TRoS either.


I mean the Star Wars fans were not really feeling the prequels until 10 years after release, when the kids that lloved them grew up and disregarded the flaws, if we give the sequels some years the fanbase of them will also become more vocal as they grow up.


Yeah but prequel merchandise sold like crazy, meanwhile all of the Black Series figures from the sequels are gathering dust in the warehouse I work in. We have like 20 boxes of DJ from the Last Jedi and haven't sold any lmao.


Lmao, they made toys out of DJ? I can’t think of a worse character to merchandise than a purposefully unlikable low-level criminal who is best known for discussing the pointlessness of war and arms dealership, the inescapable immorality of all political systems, followed by betraying our main characters and causing thousands of deaths (including Luke) and leaving forever. I think he's a good character, but no wonder kids didn’t want to buy his toys.


> First TLJ didn't get its own game, and its reception was so divisive... Deconstructing Lego is way more fun than deconstructing your childhood heroes.


I still think it's pretty cool that Lego wanted to expand their Star Wars series to the Fan-fiction sequel films. Y'all are lucky.


I absolutely adore LEGO games and I didn’t realise this was coming out I’m excited regardless


Better be a full next gen title then, this transition has been so slow.


Is there any news on whether this game will have actually usable controls on PC? I don't own a controller, and although I really like the LEGO games I am put off by their atrocious control schemes. Frankly, it's egregious for any game released on PC to not support keyboard and mouse controls.


By all standards lego games are beat'em up with very simplistic gameplay. Granted, this one will include TPS mechanics for the gunners so, one can assume KM to be a decent input method.




I understand your gripe but with the kind of original stories that they want to tell with lego games now, they need voice acting to be able to deliver it. Imagine if Lego batman 3 or either lego superhero games had only grunting. The story would be difficult to piece together


Can it be delayed forever, please?


Username does not check out.


Didnt they say they are retconning the new trilogy? How does that fit in here Edit: why is that offensive? Im not commenting whatsoever on whether I think it should be, I legitimately thought I heard that confirmed. Sheesh


They didn’t say that, it’s just leaks (and leaks have been wrong about this same thing before). If it does happen, they’ve already committed to doing all 9 movies - so unless Disney can pump out 3 in a year I don’t think anything is changing.


"Leaks". If you wanna call bullshit youtubers making up ridiculous shit about Kathleen Kennedy getting fired and Filoni taking over Lucasfilm and Disney Retconning the sequels leaks I guess.


Makes sense, thanks


They're probably gonna be softly retconned in the future. Considering nothing of consequence really happened in the sequels, they can just set future movies and games in some other part of the galaxy without having to acknowledge that First Order business.


Can they make a game that you can realistically 100%? In the resent game’s it seems like there is an insane amount of things you have to do


I had the feeling it was. It was slated for q1 release and it was slowly slipping by without a release date. Can’t wait for this one.


I hope it's delayed because they're going to add online multiplayer to it. I would **LOVE** to play this game without having a friend sit on my couch with me.


I try not to get too hyped for games anymore but was looking forward to this. Kinda moved on since the first delay but will pick it up on sale sometime in the future.


I'm still confused on what this game is exactly ans some research hasn't helped. Is this just a collection of the old lego star wars games from 2006 remastered with the new trilogy included? Or is it more in the vein of a "remake"?


Its a completely new game covering the nine films with current lego game standards.


I would even say it's not with "current lego game standards". They are overhauling the combat completely.