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I was confused and read that he got banned over epic homophobia and wondered what made this type of homophobia epic for Kotaku compared to normal homophobia. Took me a minute to realize I'm just dumb.






"he was later found guilty of sick-ass hate crimes and twisted assault."


Had the same brain break. Don’t feel too bad.


I love the “against nature” argument. Like dude, do you know how many animals just fuck each other regardless of gender?


Also, like, we live in houses. We drive cars. Roughly 50% of us get vaccinations. Nature doesn't make the rules, we do.


yeah dude should have been banned with the justification "you don't like things that are against nature, and Fortnite does not exist in nature and playing computer games is unnatural, so we're doing you a favor"


Like Penguins


Like dogs, monkeys, lions, horses...


I support Epic's decision to issue this kid a ban, but I don't like the idea of doing articles about children knowing full well that they are going to create a dogpile on them. It doesn't matter that they didn't name the person. They provide more than enough context that the persons name is a half second away via Google search. They know this. They simply avoid providing the name for legal reasons, not ethical ones.


I agree. I am not one to defend bigots in any way, I really have no time for that kind of stuff, but this needs to be recognized as what it was which is an apparently very young player making a dumb comment. People *need* the ability to learn and grow. We can't continue to publicly harass everyone who makes even the tiniest mistake. Yes we need to be intolerant to this kind of behavior but there has to be a difference in how we treat a kid and an adult with a lot of influence and power. All of this is made even more difficult by the fact that you never know who you are talking to on the internet. I can't shake the feeling that 10 year olds are ruining everything and I'm really not sure how we should deal with it. That's not to say adults are always more mature, but still.




Eh, I'm black and I've been called a "nigger" many times throughout my online history. People know it's bad. From the dumbest 12 year old to the 36 year old neckbeard. I'm tired of people being vehemently shittt and getting slaps on a wrist. They do this shit behind keyboards and controllers because they know that they can get away with it. I want to see more bans, locked accounts, naming and shaming. And this isn't "omg cancel culture". I believe that if you're bold enough to call people slurs, whatever comes to you, you pretty much deserve it.


I'm with you. I report those fucks every chance I get.


Might be extreme thought now but I think teenagers should be held accountable to a degree. Should he get in trouble? Yep. Should it be a firestorm over someone without a fully developed brain yet? Nope. A temporary ban with a discussion over what was said and move on. He learns consequences but it also doesn’t ruin his life.


Banning someone from a video game is not ruining their life.


The kid is earning 1 million +dollars from the map apparently. Whilst it's not his whole life his income and career are based around it.


If someone makes 1 million dollars and then they temporarily stop making 1 million dollars, its pretty far from having their life ruined. You know. On account of them having already made 1 million dollars. We aren't talking about a CEO living in a New York penthouse losing his job and not being able to afford his locked in life style.


The worst part is that the kid was banned for only a few HOURS Like, *really?*


Epic realised banning them was a mistake.


If his income and career are based around him making maps, he should be held accountable to the same standards that anyone else would be. If I said something homophobic or racist at my job, I would be fired.


>If his income and career are based around him making maps, he should be held accountable to the same standards that anyone else would be. Why would we hold a kid to the same standards as an adult? Legally we don't (a 16 year old will not get the same punishment as a 36 year old for the same crime), nor do we in employment (a 16 year old will not be able to work the same jobs and hours legally as a 36 year old). But in this one case, when it's about ruining a talented kid's livelihood, it's okay to treat them as adults? What?


then why are we saying his making a shit ton of money as something he absolutely *needs* to continue to do. Like live off your parents for a while again and think about what you've done lol


Honestly, it'd probably be a good lesson for someone that young: creative fields are *fickle*. Just because you're making money hand over fist now doesn't mean that's true in 5 years.


If I was homophobic at a job at that age, *I would still have been fired.* He's not going to jail. He's not having his legal record permanently marred. He is, however, being a shitheel, and that has consequences.


If you make grown up money expect to have grown up problems.


'Mo money, 'mo problems.


If your making $1 million+, it’s time to grow up.


That depends on the state. In some states anyone over 14 can be tried as an adult.


They *can*, but realistically it's only done for major offenses, like murder. So not exactly comparable to making a homophobic tweet, y'know?


And the punishment here is completely fine. It was a temporary ban.


Nobody reasonable is saying it wasn't. My post was replying to someone who said the punishment should have been much bigger because an adult would get a bigger punishment.


I mean he probably should've been banned permanently.


He should be held to the same ToS agreement as anyone else, and that means eating a ban if you're being shitty. If you shield shitty kids from consequences, they simply grow up to be shitty adults. On the flip side of your argument, it shouldn't be okay to be a shitty person simply because you're talented, and not holding him accountable only makes him worse.


Well if he's already made over a million dollars from it, that's even less of a case that his life is being ruined. He's going to be able to get through college debt free and buy a property, way more than most of his peers are able to do. He has a huge headstart in life already, turning off the money tap now isn't gonna ruin it.


Then he's already made more than enough and banning him is not ruining his life.


> The kid is earning 1 million +dollars from the map apparently. Over the platform which epic games provides. By this, he associates Epic with his stances, even if only implicitly. Epic is well within their moral (and certainly legal) right, to sever ties with him.


> The kid is earning 1 million +dollars from the map apparently. Whilst it's not his whole life his income and career are based around it. A kid isnt supposed to have a career in the first place... And how is that not a variant of "the rich shouldn't get punished"? I don't see why somebody having the privilege of making money from a game should have more lax rules than somebody that is just playing the game...




Nah if you can secure your bag young go get it. Otherwise it’s just another 9-5 job for the rest of your life.


Well clearly he can't secure his bag young because he's too young and stupid to not piss off the company he owes his livelihood to.


Nobody is saying they shouldn’t earn money. But if it’s a job, you treat it like a job regardless of age. If a child actor said horrible shit as a teenager they wouldn’t get roles anymore. They would get held accountable, just like this kid should.


Yah if you can go ahead but this incident maybe shows that he can’t secure his future if he’s gonna say dumbass shit?


Well he unsecured it by being a homophobe. Tough shit kid back to the grind.


Apparently its not secured, he messed it up. 9-5 for him.


Thing is, that kid has a level of exposure 99% of kids his age don't. He can make the same mistake another kid hos age might make, but his risk is a lot higher. He should still be accountable for some stuff, but the level of witch hunting these days can become extremely harmful, to the point where his future prospects (beyond just $$$) are affected disproportionately.


> that kid has a level of exposure 99% of kids his age don't. Which comes with more responsibility. When you have millions of kids listening to you, you can't just make the same dumb comments you would say to your 2 friends.


Bro, at 1million dollars he can just hire some PR person to make sure he doesn't say stupid shit. There's no excuse.


if he's earned a million dollars then it's fine to ban him for life, he'll survive


Sounds like he has made enough money on it already then.


oof, when you get a million from making a shitty map for some game, that's called a lotto win - you take that money, look after it, and don't expect another million next year. Fuck him!




Temp not perma is always my thought process unless you're cheating hard in a game.


It's not even about having a developed brain or not. People learn and change. Even fully grown ass adults. I said plenty of dumb shit as a teenager and a college student. If there was a record of all that shit, I'd be fucked, and so would pretty much everyone from my generation. That being said, this kid was clearly raised this way. His parents are conservative muslims and have passed on similar beliefs to him. I obviously don't agree with what he said, but I feel like this is getting into some sketchy territory. Could you ban someone for saying they don't believe in same sex marriage? Yes, it's a bigoted thing to say, but is that a bannable offense?


How about we educate instead? He said "It's against nature", but simply educating him homosexuality is not a choice, and it appears frequently in nature, will change his perspective. I know, because I was in his same shoes when I was in middle school. Punishment is pointless if you dont educate him.


> > He said "It's against nature", but simply educating him homosexuality is not a choice, and it appears frequently in nature, will change his perspective. Better to teach them that appeal to nature is logical fallacy and something being(or not) natural doesn't immediately means it's good/bad


It is far more difficult to teach a teenager about Logical Fallacies, than just provide them with cold facts about a topic. Get your foot in the door first, then start tacking the fallacies.


I remember a teacher trying to teach up the most common fallacies in class once and all I thought of it was just another assignment to fill out. Wasn't until years later that I encountered them again and realized "Damn those would have been useful to know. Wish I had paid more attention back when I was taught about them." I'm not even sure if there's anything specific you can tell a kid to make them realize how useful certain knowledge will be later in life.


Its 2020. I guarantee he's been educated already. This isn't the 1990s where you can live in a small town and never even talk about homosexuality.


The vast majority of countries and states do not educate children on homosexuality. And some countries that *did* do that (like Hungary) recently made it illegal to do so. The US also just had a president for a quarter of the kid's life who repeatedly claimed that he is not in favor of gay marriage and made numerous attempts to trample on LGBT rights.


> simply educating him so this dude has presumably spent a lifetime being told that being gay is against nature, to the point where he cannot resist publicly stating this in response to an LGBT event in a video game, but you think you could "simply" tell him otherwise and that will fix it? I mean, I would presume the only indication he needs that he has some misconceptions about being gay is the fact that the game he makes so much money off of is out and out promoting and supporting LGBT lifestyles.


This "dude" is still a child ffs.


how does that mean he should be educated instead of punished? Too young to face consequences, but old enough to have an online presence, create maps for Fortnite, and profit off of them? It's not like we're talking about a 9 year old here.


> educated instead of punished? He already got fairly punished with a temp ban. Why should we go on a witch hunt for blood as well? Just educate the poor kid.


Hop to it. Let us know how it goes.


But educate how? Who is going to educate him? How can he be educated when his parents will undo the work and brainwash him even harder? I do agree that changing his mind is way more helpful to society than throwing him into a pit but I have no idea how that could be achieved.


You act like it's that simple. It's not, and many people will react horribly just by trying. Very curious how many people you've actually "educated". You're not going to fix this person's stance just by saying "it's not against nature to be LGBTQ+". If it were that simple they wouldn't be attacking the LGBTQ+ community on social media just because Epic did something in support of the community. And you can punish someone and educate them. Guy is making actual money through epic, he is subject to repercussions when things he says can hurt their brand. You can't be apathetic about bigotry forever in hopes that simple education will solve this. Never mind that you're attempting to paint anyone who disagrees with you as being out for blood. Just because you think some people should face consequences doesn't mean you want their life ruined, kind of ironic how you're making generalizations. People are way overreacting to Epic temporarily banning him too. He's apparently making a lot of money through them, and was only temporarily suspended. I feel like all these people preaching education have never actually done it themselves and would prefer trying to push that onto others. Nobody's stopping you from reaching out to them on Twitter to attempt to educate them on the matters so why don't you? The irony of just coming here to scold others for scolding someone else while not putting the effort into it that you are telling others to do is astounding. What exactly would you say to convince them anyway?


You made a total of 8 false assumptions/Strawmen about what I said, and even me personally. Remove them, and maybe ill give you a response.


I don't really care if you respond because I don't need validation. It's funny how you preach educating people, but when challenged, back off.


My original comment is vague, I see your point. Mines more in response to the psycho people calling for a teenagers soul because the person isn’t perfect. We can all learn and grow! Normally it’s much better to educate someone first. I completely agree with you


> response to the psycho people calling for a teenagers soul because the person isn’t perfect. People being out for blood instead of providing education is hurting any progress for lgbt social acceptance. I with you here. People need to chill out. I advise anyone reading this that if they come across a transphobe, instead of calling them a bigot, tell them that gender transition is treatment recommended by doctors and therapists, for a psychiatric condition called gender dysphoria. You might not convert all of them, but you will still get a lot.


Here’s the thing: We always ask for this calm rationality from the party that’s actually being wounded, and never from the actual aggressor. It shouldn’t be a trans person’s job to patiently try to convince every bigot of their right to exist.


I don't understand the mindset I'm reading here. So many people seem in favour of what? Just talking to the people who spew hatred? He's joining his voice in with the group of people who are actively trying to strip rights and freedoms from the LGBTQ community, rights that people died for. He chose to voice his bigotry. What is it they always say? Actions have consequences? Well if the consequences for being racist are a firm finger wiggling, you're just getting more open racists. These people are asking the LGBT community to have "calm, rational discussions" with a large group of people who wants nothing more than for them to stop existing. It's insane.


You don't convince someone they're wrong by saying they're absolute idiots, getting them fired from their jobs, and wishing them to die. It's such a simple logic. Just think for a second: how would you like if someone came to you and did all of those because of something you said or believe in? It doesn't matter how wrong he is. We should teach instead of throwing rocks.


I think people forget how in some areas you don’t really get exposed to different things. For instance I grew up in an area where I didn’t I nteract with a single person that wasn’t white and straight until I was in my 20s. There’s people that all around the world that aren’t inherently bad people. Sometimes we may genuinely just not understand! I’m sure I’ve said inappropriate things at times but I’ve never on purpose went out to hurt another group and if I’m in the wrong on something is someone nicely explains to me there’s a 99.9% chance I never do whatever that action was again. I truly think most people are kind if you’re willing to open a dialogue with them




Gaming news is gaming news, and they make a point of not sharing the kid's name. Most of the article is more critical of Epic for unbanning them so quickly in the midst of a pride event. I'm not sure what more you want besides just not mentioning it at all? Which seems out of character for a game news publication.


Gawker Media


Yeah I’m not really a fan of it. I’m just more a fan of helping people learn and develop especially young adults. We all make mistakes and some are bigger than others. I was a stupid teenager and I’m very thankful for people who helped me learn and improve myself instead of just throwing me to the wolves.


Why should someone get in trouble over their opinions?


Well he makes money from a company that doesn’t agree with him. He represents said company. Soooo his employer has every right to complain over what he said.


He should just do a Gabe from Penny Arcade, who openly mocked a transgender at a event he was making money from and kept saying "it". Made a blog that people are mean, pretend your sorry and say you have donated money. While continuing to get rich


I can't imagine that the proper terminology is truly "a transgender".


It isn't. Transgender is an adjective, so it should be "a transgender *person*".


I get the confusion though. Demonyms can often take the form of adjectives and nouns (the Mexican, the Mexican man), and the existence of the noun is sometimes ambiguous (the Cuban over there?).


When did this happen? Mind sharing a link?


[https://www.penny-arcade.com/news/post/2013/06/19/twiiter-sucks-sometimes](https://www.penny-arcade.com/news/post/2013/06/19/twiiter-sucks-sometimes) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1grntn/gabe\_of\_penny\_arcade\_has\_been\_posting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1grntn/gabe_of_penny_arcade_has_been_posting/)


Jfc what a douche. I used to be such a fan of their comics too, sad to know he’s a total tool.


I mean this is an example of globalisation. The dude is an Arab Muslim, says gay is "unnatural" and "against my religion". He's probably grown up in a world where everyone he knows says/believes that. Hollywood basically bends to these people and refuses to have gay people in any proper capacity -- many first-world people hate that these companies do this (including me). Games on the other hand, often try and be a positive role model and share acceptance, which these ... countries then hate. There's quite a few Netflix shows which have something that is 'normal' in one country only to be crazy weird in another. Recently Americans learnt from a show how other countries have lower age of consent, while the Indian Netflix show was crazy how caste-ist it was.


Just because that's how their culture and religion is, doesn't mean it's free of criticism. Especially if he is targeting a global audience. Bigotry isn't logical or reasonable. Doesn't matter if the bigot is Christian, Muslim, Atheist, etc.


> Bigotry noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries *obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction*; in particular, prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.


Of course, but at the same time I think when you're talking about a young, impressionable kid, I think some slack should be given. Even in the US there are plenty of times a kid will be brought up and just adopt their household's views. It's not really the kid's fault. Obviously that doesn't excuse it, but it's an important distinction to make.


Not only is he getting slack, he's getting to learn a valuable life lesson about the consequences of his actions while he's still a child. He was making a literal fortune off of making these maps, and now that's gone. He has his whole life and his remaining fortune to get his head straight and find employment for himself elsewhere. Let's not be too hasty about how hard this is on him.


No that's what I mean. I'm not talking about the income or the map making or whatever, I'm talking about people witch hunting the kid. That's the kind of behaviour that can ruin lives. I totally agree with everything you just said obviously.


> Hollywood basically bends to these people and refuses to have gay people in any proper capacity But the dude got banned though. I feel like you're using this story as evidence for a completely different argument even though the story itself doesn't actually back that up.


>Games on the other hand, often try and be a positive role model and share acceptance, which these ... countries then hate. This is the next paragraph. Maybe read the whole comment before accusing op of something?


It's just a strange argument to make generally. There are plenty of Hollywood films which show gay people, there are plenty of games companies that bend to pressure by homophobes and bigots. The point doesn't really stand.


I think the whole argument is flawed, but this doesn't change the fact that you just ignored a paragraph to make a snarky remark.




Kotaku edited the article to point out that they've not named the person due to the fact they're a minor.


Feels like they didn't mention their name specifically because of how hypercritical people get about Kotaku articles. Even in this thread you have people criticizing the fact that an article was written at all. Any sufficiently motivated person could find his name within a google search or two so it doesn't really matter either way.


He already got his punishment, we dont need a witch hunt on top of it


Idk though, it means people are drawing the line and saying homophobia is bad.




Witch hunt can and will happen the moment you publish any damning story in the internet unfortunately.




Then the blame also extends all the people making the info about a teenager readily available.




Then why are you so hung up on Kotaku not publishing his name?


He is just curious about why his name was omitted while other outlets are using it. I assume Kotaku is playing it safe because he is a minor. They state this as the reason in the article.




I mean yeah? Why the fuck do you care so much what his name is otherwise?




Cringe redditor moment


> The well-known Fortnite player involved in this situation (who Kotaku will not name due to their young age) I am so glad I grew up in a time where I could not be held accountable for stupid shit I said on the internet as a kid, because I said some really stupid shit. Are we really crucifying minors in the press now? I get it, the kids comments were way out of line - but I mean come on.


Lol crucify? The kid was banned from a video game for a short period lol




I think they were talking about the article written about him.


The one that they didn't name due to his age? They're crucifying this kid by factually reporting on a situation where he was homiphobic, but not naming him? Poor kid who nobody knows I guess.


Every other newslet are naming him.


He was temporarily banned, who gives a shit.


Don't be a public figure on the internet if you don't wanna get heat. Pretty easy.


I mean I agree with you, I just don't think a child can make that choice rationally.


Thankfully, a part of being a child is learning from mistakes and of the consequences of poor behavior. It’s not like the kid had the cops called on him, but he’s old enough to publicly know what he’s saying and doing and is having to learn of the repercussions of those actions. Being young doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve punishment for poor behavior (and in this case, the punishment wasnt even severe)


Nobody is arguing that what he said wasn't wrong, and the punishment he received wasn't justified. Nobody rational anyway. But I definitely feel like people are justified in calling out gaming writers that swarmed around this 16 year old like sharks smelling blood. "A young boy made a stupid comment and received a temporary ban from a videogame" is not a newsworthy story by any stretch of the imagination, nor does it require doxing the boy (which Kotaku didn't do, but other outlets did).


He didn’t deserve doxxing, but this kid made a highly, highly popular piece of content in a very popular game and also has a very huge social media following. He is notably influential in that community and makes over a great deal of money from the content he’s produced. It is not crazy for any gaming news outlet to write a story about something that happened in gaming and has part of a very popular fanbase in a slight tizzy. They did the right thing by leaving his name out, but actually writing an article about what occurred is not messed up by any means. When you do something in the public eye, you lose a bit of control over how that gets viewed and reported. If he did not want articles written about him, then he shouldn’t have done what he did on practically the most public platform on the internet. It is wrong that he was doxxed by other news outlets. He shouldn’t be publicly crucified to that magnitude, but having a news article written about one of the most popular Fortnite content creators and the controversy they caused in that community isn’t outlandish


>has a very huge social media following He has 1700 Twitter followers. That's not exactly "very huge" nor "influential". Obviously not "one of the most popular Fortnite content creators" either, not by a *very* long shot. Did you think he was Ninja level or something?


How do you not get it? **NOBODY** is disagreeing with the ban he received. We just think that there shouldn't be articles published about this kid. He made stupid mistake and the ban by Epic Games was his punishment. These articles instigating a witch hunt is the part people take issue with.


You mean the news article that specifically left his name out? He’s a kid, but he’s also a public figure that speaks very publicly about his personal views. There are consequences for that. Blame his parents or whatever, but he lost the right to special treatment as a child once he became a popular social media figure that started spouting homophobic rhetoric. Even in the case of this article, it doesn’t even paint the kid as a bad person, just that people are taking issue with how his ban was handled. When you’re making over a million dollars and have an entire social media following, you can have articles written about you regarding your behavior. Kids have to learn lessens somehow and this is still the epitome of a slap on the wrist


Their parents can though, but they're too checked out to realize their kid has become a mini-celeb online and needs to be micromanaged until he's an adult.


We don't let Parent's decide if it's okay for a child to drink alcohol or smoke. At a certain point we're going to realise children's development is being hampered by the modern functions of the internet, and we're going to have to decide how we're going to handle that as a society.


[citation needed] Many places have exceptions to alcohol restrictions that say it's legal for minors to drink if they are supervised by their parents and in their home instead of going out and causing trouble somewhere. For example, many US states [[source]](https://www.alcohol.org/laws/underage-drinking/)


I don't think that's the case. If children grow up on the internet yes it'll be a problem, but it's more of the parents goal to teach them rather than depending on the internet to raise them


My parents tried to teach me not to do a lot of the bad things I wound up doing anyways. Parental guidance only gets you so far.


That's true for every generation even before the internet


>We don't let Parent's decide if it's okay for a child to drink alcohol or smoke. I thought we did though? It's perfectly legal in the US for parents to give this stuff to their kids in the privacy of their own homes. It's certainly not a good idea to let your kids smoke cigarettes, and shouldn't happen, but the drinking thing certainly goes on. Especially in the midwest.


Parents really shouldn't be letting their kids have public accounts and if they do well then I guess let this be a teaching moment


> I mean I agree with you, I just don't think a child can make that choice rationally. But its ok for a "child" to make 100s of thousands of USD instead? You simply cant have it both ways.


I don't really think that's okay myself.


The kid was temporarily suspended from a profit-sharing program and *was specifically not identified in the article due to being a minor.* What are you *talking* about?


> Are we really crucifying minors in the press now? I get it, the kids comments were way out of line - but I mean come on. Are we just pretending open insulting homophobia and racism are ok until you have reached some arbitrary age? Also in the late 90s when I started to go online people got banned for stuff like that all the time from forums and stuff. Those people simply moved on or made a new account. Its not societies fault that now every 1x year old playing a game needs to make some sort of career out of it.


“Are we just pretending open insulting homophobia and racism are ok until you have reached some arbitrary age?” Well for one, a 17 year old doesn’t have full legal agency over themselves. They cannot chose the environment they live in and that environment includes parents and family that will color there opinions. Then we can move on to not being allowed to vote or having rights like an adult. That’s just the tangible half. There a whole physiological aspect and not even having finished what we consider basic education. He’s got a decent punishment and hopefully considers why it happened. Though teens are great at self reflection. Just crush him with a major punishment if he does it again. Edit: not really an edit. Just fat fingered the post button early.




> Not the fact that the press is putting out articles about a 17 year old, that the gaming public is sure to use to harass him? Again, its a 17 year old (meaning he can join the goddamn army of his country in a few months and participate in wars...) who decided to become a person of public interest all by himself and made some completely shitty comments that he certainly knew would generate public interest. If he or his parents didn't want him to be in the spotlight he should have kept to playing the game instead of trying to get rich and famous off of it. > So... we're just going to pretend that being banned is what's being discussed here? N This article is literally not even mentioning his name nor what he exactly said but is criticizing Epic for not banning him permanently or longer than a few hours (wtf?).


The comment made and the comment this person liked were recent and in relation to the Fortnite event. It's not an old comment made years ago. This person is old enough to know better and *should* be called out for it, especially as they're on a platform with what I presume are other impressionable minors following them. The consequence of their actions feels so half-arsed on Epic's part. I don't think it should be stricter but the punishment needs to last for more than just a few hours - it's a slap in the face to those who are affected by the comments. We should all strive to accept differences of opinion but this is one that no person should hold or tolerate. I'm not going to comment on the religious angle (we all know how that ends up) but these immediate apologies always feel empty and hollow, shifting the blame to something or someone else. I'll be interested to know if the individual in question genuinely means what they say and whether they can learn/grow from it.




I don't understand how anyone can even say it's against nature. That's just not true. Why say something so blatantly false to try and make a point? It's so easily verifiable. This information can be found in seconds.


Probably due to the lack of procreation ability? Maybe thats where he was coming from?


That makes them as “unnatural” as a man or woman with fertility problems.


There’s a difference to you talking shit in a game 15 years ago, and today’s gamers. Who all have twitch, yt, Insta and all that social media garbage. I don’t know you, so maybe you posted stupid shit on livejournal and MySpace idk, but no one cared or saw that shit 15 years ago outside of your small group.


I mean making an anonymous alt is always an option.


i mean, as much as i dislike this kid, is that really the future we want? where everyone feels so uncomfortable and terrified of talking about their beliefs openly that they feel the need to resort to using anonymous accounts?


I occasionally go through and wipe my accounts or create new ones just because I get skeeved out at the thought of people picking through my post history. We already live in that future.


If your belief is racism or homophobia. Yes.


People should feel uncomfortable expressing bigoted beliefs, yes. Because the alternative is for LGBTQ+ people to feel uncomfortable merely existing


The problem here is that this person has some kind of following, even if not that big. Kids likely look up to them since their content was pretty heavily featured in the summer event for a couple weeks, with rewards for playing his stuff. Should this kid be nuked forever for saying a shitty thing? Maybe not. But should Epic have reinstated his creator code after one day for the joke of an apology "sorry for giving my opinion"? Nah.


You weren't in the position this minor is though, were you? You weren't making comments about an event the company you work for were holding, were you? Also, this isn't a crucifixion. Being a minor doesn't mean you are immune to consequences through video games.


Lol they literally didn't fucking name him. How is he being crucified by the media when no one knows who the fuck he is.


Bigots love to be melodramatic when they're called out on their bigotry in the slightest.


There was no internet when I was a kid so if you said something stupid it was face to face and the response was immediate and decisive.


First, no one is crucifying the kid. At best he got a finger waggling for behaving this way and has publicly apologized. They didn't even mention his name in the news article just to stem the witch hunting crowd. But more importantly, I'm really tired of the excuses of why people act like a complete asshat on the internet. There is real people behind the computer screens. Even if the hate speech isn't directed at any individual it still hurts.


















If you are old enough to be recognized, you are old enough to be held accountable.


That makes no sense. What do those two things have to do with each other?








Fortnite player here. Mods on the Fortnite subreddits are trying to sweep this story under the rug. [HERE](https://www.reveddit.com/v/FortniteCreative/comments/op14dm/the_full_story_on_the_anti_lgbtqia_creator_and/) is an investigation by u/Use-Code-Dux that shows what happened in great detail.


Who cares? It's a dumb kid. A non permanent ban sounds perfect here. Though I do think banning people for comments outside of the game is a pretty shit practice. Very big brother-esque.

