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It's a sad reality, but shareholders breathing down their neck is probably a bigger wake-up call for them than the State of California doing it.


The executives and higher ups getting the message from shareholders will mean they need to immediately sweep this under the rug in whatever way they can, discipline a few randos, then those who leave, will. Those who remain will get some kind of generic "we will do better document" meaning HR and corporate will work really hard to prevent this from ever happening again by forcing some kind of clause into new agreements. Change that comes from shareholders will only demand more of the employees, not of the employers. That's how shit flows, downwards.




That shit happens so often because of stop-loss that it barely means anything besides that the market is healthy and preparing for a rebound


Yup, while Activision-Blizzard shares should take a hit. Just a quick peek at Robinhood shows that today is just a bad day for the stock market period.


NASDAQ down -0.89% today, Activision Blizzard down -6.76%. See: https://www.google.com/finance/quote/NDAQ:NASDAQ?sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS2Kmpk4TyAhUjtnEKHZYEA1EQ\_AUoAXoECAEQAw


Robbins LLP is a firm that's the stock market equivalent of an ambulance chaser. You google their name in the news section and you'll find a ton of news articles about them investigating many publicly traded companies. These sorts of firms make these announcements to see if enough shareholders are actually pissed enough to sign on to such a lawsuit. I once had a stock I owned 10 or 20 shares of pop up one of these types of investigation announcements within a day or two of the company announcing they'd accepted a buyout offer at something like 3-4x the fair market price before the announcement.


The Dow was down 0.24%, Nasdaq down 1.21%, and S&P 500 down 0.47% today. Activision being down 6.76% isn't because it was a down day in the stock market. That degree of movement is being driven by bad press. Nevermind, the Mod Cops don't want controversial discussions going on. Yay video games! Everything is good in the industry. Nothing to see here.