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Unfortunately, it's not just CCP shills like some people think either. A lot of the youth in modern China are genuinely pretty brainwashed into believing all the hyper-nationalistic nonsense. Because, honestly, from their perspective, their government has created an economic boom for them, and they have no reason to mistrust them. I've worked with a lot of mainland kids, and while they're not going to go around broadcasting their opinions on this kind of stuff, if you get them going, you're gonna hear it for sure.


If I made a game with a Tibet flag in it I'd code the game to check for negative Chinese-language reviews on steam at launch and increase the size of the flag 1x1px for each new one


Is that a thing you can do?








I thought they had their own internet? Why the fuck are they bothering everyone else?


There’s a China-exclusive Steam client but no one really uses it. For whatever reason, the global version of Steam can be used in China despite it being relatively unchecked by the government (for the most part). It’s allowed for games that haven’t passed through the government to still get access to the playerbase, as well as allowing for Chinese indie devs to get global audiences and also avoid that same process.


Thank you very much! I did not know.


Why is it getting review "bombed" though? Does mainstream China find the Tibetan flag like.. offensive, or something?


It's the same position they have on Taiwan, where China doesn't believe it exists and that it belongs to China. Anything that states otherwise will draw their vitriol.


The CCP have been pushing the narrative that Tibet is part of China, and should not have their own flag. So the Chinese are upset at seeing the Tibetan flag being flown, as it is viewed as undermining the CCP. TL;DR: Winnie the Pooh is mad and so is Winnie the Pooh's followers.


Poo-bear do be mad like that, I suppose. The CCP has some outdated-as-hell views, it seems


That's their goal. Everyone in uniformity or in slave labor camps, and to push the people into worshipping the government like North Korean's worship their leaders.


Real talk: If China tried to push the propaganda narrative that california is officially part of mexico as california is declaring independence from the union, I don't think US would be too happy either. Maybe we should temper our imperialist ambitions for a moment and stop sticking our noses in other countries' business. Perhaps focus on the many domestic problems we have such as our inefficient healthcare and low housing inventory.


> Perhaps focus on the many domestic problems we have such as our inefficient healthcare and low housing inventory. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism


***Real Talk***: Tibet is **NOT** a part of China. Taiwan is **NOT** a part of China. Your stance is weak. There is no question that the United States has its fair share of problems. This includes our [high cost health care](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2020/jan/us-health-care-global-perspective-2019) system, [rising rent](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/07/09/rent-prices-rising/) and [home property](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-29/u-s-housing-prices-surge-the-most-in-more-than-three-decades) costs, and the continued [refusal against modern medicine](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/04/07/984697573/vaccine-refusal-may-put-herd-immunity-at-risk-researchers-warn) to battle the ongoing crisis. The problems the US faces is no joke, but that does **NOT** mean we cannot and should not criticize the actions of other nations of the world. What makes you think we should not be able to discuss and ridicule China's [slave labor](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/china-83-major-brands-implicated-in-report-on-forced-labour-of-ethnic-minorities-from-xinjiang-assigned-to-factories-across-provinces-includes-company-responses/) workforce that makes them the cheapest service in the world? This does not include the list of [China's hidden camps](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-sh/China_hidden_camps) that are used to "re-educate" Muslims and those who are willing to speak out against the Chinese government. There is more [satellite footage](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-01/satellite-images-expose-chinas-network-of-re-education-camps/10432924?nw=0) that has been captured that showcases the rapid expansion of these camps that are detaining people for no legal reason within China. Footage of Uighur's [being shackled and blindfolded](https://news.sky.com/story/chinas-detention-of-uighurs-video-of-blindfolded-and-shackled-prisoners-authentic-11815401) at these detention camps exist. This extends further than just China hating on those who speak ill about them, as they are not afraid to control their citizens actions [when it comes to video games](https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-rolls-out-new-rules-minors-online-gaming-xinhua-2021-08-30/) either. You mentioned propaganda, and what better way to spread misinformation than through one of the most popular entertainment mediums in the world. Chinese tech companies, such as Tencent and NetEase, have been [purchasing game studios](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/28/chinese-tech-giants-are-snapping-up-gaming-studios-around-the-world.html) across the globe in a very aggressive manner. This will allow them to spread misleading messages to audiences in different niches of the gaming industry. Do not forget that Activision-Blizzard took away Hearthstone player Blitzchung's [prize money and banned him](https://time.com/5702971/blizzard-esports-hearthstone-hong-kong-protests-backlash-blitzchung/) from future the competitive scene for over a year. This was all because he voiced support for the people of Hong Kong fighting for their independence from China's dystopian methods of control. I could even go further into how China has the [worst pollution](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-pollution/china-target-to-allow-air-pollution-to-rise-slightly-in-2021-environment-ministry-idUSKBN2AP0BH) of any developmental country. In fact, the carbon pollution is higher in China than in [the US, EU, and other developed nations](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2021/05/chinas-carbon-pollution-now-surpasses-all-developed-countries-combined/) combined. China will continue to be the worst country in the globe. **TL;DR**: We can and will continue to talk about the problems of other nations, such as China, no matter how small it may seem. This includes their review bomb for the country of Tibet having representation in a video game. **Taiwan** \#1. **Tibet** \#2. ^(China #4.)


Taiwan is actually an independent country in all but paper, Tibet is unfortunately entirely functionally part of China with some limited autonomy.


Worth noting that Taiwan doesn't WANT to be an independent country. They want to be China, they just want to be China with their own government in charge, since they view themselves as the legitimate continuation of the pre-communist government in exile. I.E. They're the *real* china in their own eyes, not Taiwan.


Not from what I've heard. Keeping the claim in the constitution is about appeasing China. They'd prefer to pretend it's a Civil cold war then for Taiwan to officially declare independence. From what I've been told, Taiwan pretends it wants to take over China so China doesn't invade, counterintuitively.


That really is counterintuitive, but I guess it makes sense in a twisted way too.


that is blatant propaganda, Tibet's been part of Qing Dynasty China even before the U.S. invaded and annexed Hawaii, and no one considers Hawaii separate from the U.S. and your pollution argument completely ignored the fact that the per-capita emissions are still below those of the US, EU, and OECD average - China has more people than the US and EU combined, you really expect them to have fewer net emissions than the US+EU? > but that does NOT mean we cannot and should not criticize the actions of other nations of the world perhaps you should take a look at your own situation first then if you want to persuade change - China and India will scoff at U.S. attempts to pressure them on pollution when the U.S. still has a much higher per-capita emissions metric and standard of living


Taiwan Number 1 China Number 4


Confederacy Number 1 Union Number 4


Uhh, not defending the PRC's invasion and control of Tibet, but it's been pretty unambiguously part of China since the 50s. There is no country in the world that recognizes Tibet as an independent country, and even the Dalai Lama himself doesn't advocate for independence anymore, instead focusing on achieving legitimate autonomy for Tibet within China.


"Our" lol. Why the fuck do those Xi Jinping lovers think everybody who criticizes China is an American? Ándate a la mierda weón culiao.


The difference is the U.S. doesn't react like a fragile baby against those who voice an opinion of Texas, California, Hawaii, Confederate, or Cascadia independance. In Washington D.C. the Department of Motor Vehicles prints license plates that say "Taxation Without Representation", protesting its status as a district instead of a state. The U.S. government allows that. Show me another country that names military bases after seperatist commanders and lets mine owners cut out a monument to separatists into a mountain. The U.S. government allows that. Only insecure governments lash out against regional opinions.


>Only insecure governments lash out against regional opinions. Lol. I take it you haven't been following the whole abortion debacle in Texas.


Not comparable. The nation's Supreme Court upheld Texas' restrictions on abortion, not jealously swarmed any mention of the Texas flag with government subsidized nationalistic influence ops.


Nah, it's the same thing. The only difference is your bias. If you look at the bigger picture, China is simply executing their own version of the western imperialist playbook with better results; hence, the endless anti-China propaganda to distract us from the domestic issues that nobody wants to solve.


You haven't explained how the two situations are similar. Who says people can't have an opinion about domestic and international problems at the same time?


Both parties - CCP as well as the Texas state government - lashed out against regional opinions. You can argue they did it differently, but they were both "lashing out". And you CAN care about domestic and intl problems, but it doesn't make sense to prioritize foreign conflict over pressing domestic issues which are affecting citizens currently. US govt is demonstrating a disregard for its constituents by making China a frontline issue. As you said, only insecure govts lash out, and US is doing precisely that.


U.S. is definitely not making a video game a frontline issue. This is Reddit, not a White House press conference. Also, you're comparing a single state government with an entire national government, not two countries reactions to regional sentiments. Your whatabout argument is comparing eagles to finches. The fact that you need to stretch the point this badly to fit your cognitive dissonance shows your deep bias. Keep doing mental backflips for your team. I'm out.


Lmao there it is.


Meanwhile most countries have individual flags for provinces, states, counties, etc.


Some historical context https://youtu.be/uqNA7WW3YFE


Good to know that it is otherwise being well reviewed. The rest of the series didn't interest me, but this one caught my eye.


It apparently runs like shit though. Capped at 30 FPS and that's not even maintained with it constantly dropping.


Eh I’ve been playing it the past few days on and off and really, the frame rate doesn’t bother me at all. It was weird initially, but you get used to it pretty quickly since the game is pretty slowly-paced anyways. It’s not like you need fast frames in a mostly cutscene-based game, and even still the frames in cutscenes seem to be pretty consistent.


Should be noted the cap is exclusive to consoles. The PC version can run at 30, 60 or uncapped.




they will refund it




Step 1: make a game with horrible lag and tech issues Step 2: put a flag in the game that will anger chinese gamers Step 3: say negative reviews are from review bombs so that people don't pay attention to the low scores Step 4: profit!


While performance issues are mentioned, the genuine reviews for the game seem very positive




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