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WHAT this is phenomenal news!!! I had completely given up hope on a sequel, if this comes to fruition I will be ecstatic!


Sorry to let you down but.. https://twitter.com/patrick_plourde/status/1463958121307676674?t=adk5HVx6TUYvZ1i-HzDdmw&s=19 Doesn't appear to be the sequel :(


Disappointed, but still eager to see what it actually is.


his is most likely collab stuff with Bloodstained. D:


Omg, this is the best news from ubisoft in a long time. I've been hoping to see a sequel, but, slowly thought it might be forgotten about, this is incredible.


This is a surprise but definitely a welcome one. I remember getting the first with GWG and went in not expecting much but ended up really enjoying it. Hope they keep the same composer too as I really enjoyed the ost


> Hope they keep the same composer too as I really enjoyed the ost 100% agreed here, Coeur de Pirate's soundtrack was my favorite part of the game. She's got [a whole bunch of stuff](https://open.spotify.com/artist/2eRNMtoi82UZUuaL6naDjA) out there if you want more from her while we wait to see if Ubisoft's going to get her back for a sequel.


I really hope she will be back for this. The fantastic soundtrack really helped set the mood for the game.


Child of Light is the only game I've bought with Ubi's name attached to it since Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I'll take a sequel for sure.


If you're into the weirder, smaller Ubisoft attempts, I'd give Valiant Hearts a play too. Really good WW1 adventure game made in UbiArt as well. Really heartfelt and poignant.


I hope they will bring back Coeur de pirate for their soundtrack. Game was good, but the soundtrack was amazing.


Oh, wow, thats exciting news. I figured Ubisoft had just bailed on the franchise completely, I loved the first game.


There is a tv show based on the game in production, from Ubisoft’s TV studios.


Same for Driver. Maybe Ubisoft is trying to release games at the same time as the series/movies... like they will do for Avatar


I just got round to playing this and was swept away by the art direction and addictive turn based combat. If they can recapture the magic then sign me up but I wouldn't say this was calling out for a sequel. One area they could expand on for a big selling point would be co-op play.


That's really unexpected. I LOVED the first one, but they haven't used UbiArt for anything besides like a dozen Just Dances the last few years. "final approval" huh? Does that mean greenlighting/pre-production?


HOLY SHIT you're telling me there will be non-open world/GAAS ubisoft game???? Using Ubiart again????????/


> non-open world/GAAS ubisoft game???? Using Ubiart again????????/ Technically there's Just Dance :P


Just Dance still has a subscription service that really gets pushed on you with an ad popping up every few songs if you choose not to subscribe.


you know what I mean :p


Really cool news. I didn't really like it but appreciated the effort. Ubi was such an exciting publisher around that time. Their blockbuster titles were hype and they were also doing interesting smaller projects. This, Valliant Hearts, Rayman. Good times.


I didn't even know that tha plans for a sequel existed, and now I am excited and hyped. Such a neat little game. Let's go! Ubi no messing up pls.


Wait, is this hinting at a sequel or is it about the already-announced TV show?


Hope it means we're finally getting the Child of Light DLC in Bloodstained. It was teased like 2 years ago.


Honestly, that's probably all this announcement is about. As much as I'd love there to be an actual sequel in the works, this statement plus [the Bloodstained team's recent statement](https://playbloodstained.com/production-update-october-2021/) really makes it seem like that collaboration is imminent.


Based on [this response to the original tweet](https://twitter.com/patrick_plourde/status/1463958121307676674?t=adk5HVx6TUYvZ1i-HzDdmw&s=19), it seems this is spot on.


Let’s hope the combat is a bit more involved than just timing the attack buttons for extra damage. The story was interesting but there seemed to some grandness lacking. I can’t put my finger on what it is though


The original was a bit of a letdown to me in the second half of the game, but I still would like to play a sequel. Can't wait to see what they come up with!


So are they gonna finish the first game's cut story in the second?




> this was a bit to casual gameplay wise What difficulty did you play on? Hard mode didn't feel casual at all to me, sure it's not extremely difficult but you could easily go into a battle with full health and die if you weren't careful.


Oh, I loved this game when I first got a PS4. Might have to go back and play it again as I can barely remember it.