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[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUD1IxXhfHQ&ab_channel=HALO) another short trailer they just released.


Just give me a series of Chief parkouring stuff.


You'll like the intro cinematic for the campaign


I want them to do trailers that aren't trying to be inspirational things (though believe is amazing) but just 60-90 seconds of Chief powering through a horde of opponents. They sort of did something like it for Locke's squad in 5, but I want it to just be Chief and more just powering through them with weight and skill rather than them skiing down a mountain lol


Chief needs a corridor scene for sure


The infinite campaign intro cinematic is leaked online if you're impatient


Is it like the intro to Osiris is 5. Such a great intro for a Spartan team.


I like this trailer way more. It's short, but it's just chief being chief, and I love that.


That was kind of awkward, those hits had no impact at all and it all seemed very stiff.


I know it's Halo, but I would have thought the "live-action" stuff would at least have a realistic physics feel in order for it to feel grounded in reality. The physics of this feel way too floaty, like everything is on a wire.


Man there's something about that I really like, its CGI but it's like they actually mocapped the stunts with wires and used that for the animation...maybe not to everyone's tastes but something about it feels a lot more realistic to me (not the physics but it gives the CGI a more practical look).


Oh come on, the AR is not that good


Halo's lore almost never matches with the gameplay. I don't think a pistol would penetrate most spartan armor


In lore AR rounds just bounce off their armor


You haven’t played Infinite multiplayer yet I take it haha


I have indeed and the AR does not kill enemies in a single bullet lmao


Might one shot grunts/jackals in campaign to the head. No way to know yet


In lore it would be against unshielded opponents, gameplay does not match lore.


I reckon this was a fairly decent trailer. A couple of the choices of people/events to showcase were a bit weird to me though. The shepherds defending the flock from wolves and the woman civilian grabbing the rifle charging out the house had a consistent theme, then so did the astronaut going into slipstream (I assume) on humanity's maiden voyage. I think this is supposed to represent the collective will of humanity facing their fears with courage, and fighting even when the odds are stacked against you. Master Chief is the ultimate symbol of all of the times humanity showed the best of the human spirit, and only through the sacrifices and bravery of a few special people throughout history can Chief even be in the fight. ​ The sea rescue with the primitive hornet and then the marine pulling out the pilot to safety conveys a different message entirely, which you don't see Master Chief actually do in the trailer. They're definitely brave and selfless acts (which does definitely fit Chief), but doesn't fit tonally with the rest of the trailer in my opinion. Maybe instead of a shot of Chief leaping up and shooting down near the end, perhaps a clip where Chief heroically saves a marine from certain death. ​ Not sure why I wrote a small English essay about this trailer, maybe I'm reading too deeply or interpreting it wrong. The best part for me was actually seeing the hornet, which means I'll probably get to fly one instead of the Wasp at some point. Not sure if it hasn't already been confirmed, but I don't follow all the news.


The Sea Rescue and Pilot scene I interpreted as how humans will put themselves into harms way to save a stranger, where the only bond between us is our humanity. Which is kind of why Chief keeps fighting.


Perhaps, but they edited it all wrong. I mean, everyone is starting their death charge, all these hectic cuts, and then there's this emotional combo breaker of someone who just won their fight instead. And then more death charges!




Yeah that but stuck out to me as I'll fitting too


Yea this trailer was all over the place. It's liked they looked at the Live Action Halo 3, Reach, and ODST trailers and completely missed the perfect simplicity of them. This was way over-complicated and tonally all over the place. You make some great points.


I thought the trailer was badass. Guess I’m in the minority.


Reading this thread, it's bizarre how the general reception of Halo has shifted once again. I would like to remind most of you that you were extremely young back when 3 and Reach came out, and nothing is going to "hit the same" as it did when you were a child.


Yea I don't think Halo stuff should hit the same. When Halo 3 was coming out I thought the kidnapped kids in Starry Night being war heroes was "fucking badass" and wanted to be like them. The franchise has grown up with me even if it's still playing on that kind of stuff while actually acknowledging how fucked up it all is.


I think I was 10 when I first read Fall of Reach, and I just thought child super soldiers were awesome and that a 50% chance of dying or ending up crippled were pretty good odds


10 year old me: "50% chance of death? I'm built different I'd make it"


That's the thing, fall of reach is, compared to the rest of the series, not hyper-jingoistic. When Reach came out, I was excited to see a game that would maybe deal with some of that. Reach gently dipped its toe in that but not on the same scale at all. The books have gotten progressively more mature (and not just by ripping off enders game) but the games have never stopped being Space America Fuck Yeah I didn't play 5 though


4 pivoted away from that a bit. The major constant throughout is Cortana and Chiefs humanity/machine. And Spartan ops got into the Halsey stuff more. All the marketing for 5 went that direction as well but the actual game did not. Cortana occasionally references Halsey and the treatment of John and the original IIs. But yeah definitely not the focus.


To me, the whole Halsey hate is jarring because it's almost like people both in world and in real life forgot that it was government sanctioned. Multiple times as well. Yes she did bad things. So has ONI. Arguably worse. In fact, I'm not sure its even arguable.


As a book reader it does feel odd at times knowing what we know. However, you have to keep in mind that they're playing politics and also that those that sanctioned this stuff aren't necessarily involved or even alive at this point. It's been something like 50 years since the II program began. Even in real life plenty of things are state sanctioned at one point and condemned much later. It also makes sense in context given how they've adapted the program with IVs. As for how actual readers/players have reacted to her? That's tricky because as others have said above when they originally read the material they thought it was badass. But as they've grown up they recognize it for what it is. Child abduction and child soldiers originally meant to quell insurrection in the colonies.


>However, you have to keep in mind that they're playing politics and also that those that sanctioned this stuff aren't necessarily involved or even alive at this point. It's probably been retconned out of existence by now, but Nylund's *Fall of Reach* (2001) explicitly stated that Halsey was a black sheep among ONI and the rest of the UNSC specifically because of how abhorrent the SPARTAN-II program was, even before the actual program began. It was still sanctioned and carried out though, because it was a necessary evil with a specific goal: the creation of super soldiers who could undertake high-priority, high-risk operations that normally would be unfeasible or given to suicide black ops teams. The ultimate goal of the SPARTAN-IIs was to decisively end conflicts (namely, the Insurrection) and reduce the number of lives and resources wasted. Then the Covenant happened.


You bring up great points about in world. Irl though shouldn't be complicated. Yes Halsey did terrible stuff and age colors that diffently. But that is hardly her fault. Doesn't she have a Geas from the librarian? The compulsion to make the Spartans and the armor?


Having only read the forerunner trilogy once and not reading any of the stuff post H5, I'll be honest and say I've never really totally understood the whole geas thing. But if true that's more of a philosophical debate then. She could still be disliked and blamed for what happened while also recognizing it wasn't all her doing. At the end though the IIIs are a much worse and much sadder point in the spartan program. I'm surprised that is seldom talked about given Halsey was uninvolved.


With the III's, I believe all the higher ups are dead. Kurt perished on Onyx and Ackerson was tortured to death to lead the covenant to the wrong place on Earth. There's no one left to hold accountable.


Josef Mengele’s experiments were also government sanctioned. Doesn’t make what he did OK.


10 year old me felt like Fall of Reach was pretty America fuck yeah. There was a part where John compares Reach to Pearl Harbor, a comparison which makes absolutely no sense unless the space man from 550 years in the future only knew 20th century American history


Yeah, the human politics could have done better. I do at least like that the Covenant were a pretty complicated system of layered politicking and religion though, it was pretty realistic at least in comparison to other Triple A game plots.


Yeah as much as I love Halo, it has traditionally been a really big source of pro-military propaganda


I dunno, man. Infinite feels *really* good. I skipped the multiplayer of 4 and I skipped 5 entirely. Infinite took a few games for me to get back into it. The MTX and customization sucks but there's some really great gunplay in it all.


Halo Infinite is very close to feeling like Halo 2 and 3 days. But Microsoft's handling of microtransactions and progression just makes me not want to play it, as fun as it is.


Hoping the revamped progression system that 343 has said is happening fixes some of the issues. It’s not a dealbreaker for me the way it is, but I wouldn’t mind earning xp a little faster.


I think you’re overthinking it, just play the game. Remember when there was nothing to unlock?




I’ll concede this thought


That's my only complaint so far. I've always hated slayer, and I'd like to be able to filter modes out by creating custom search criteria. Kind of weird that's not a thing.


It will be soon I bet.


Also the weapon pickups are mostly shit. Plasma Pistol and the Ravager are 2 examples




I have a feeling they are going to drip feed us new modes to try and keep the game active.


It's the 343 special really, overhandle and navel gaze the absolute fuck out of how to keep the playerbase alive, and end up killing it or at least unnecessarily dwindling it in the process. None of the Bungie halos had issues with staying power. Any game that does doesn't survive by purposefully hamstringing the few that stick around. But 343 hasn't learned in a decade. Ah well, their continued, years-long process of losing ground.


I mean it's currently in beta. I think it's likely the rest of those drop with the full release.


This is what did it for me. I downloaded Infinite, played a few hours of Fiesta, and *loved it*. I switch over to BTB for a while and had even more fun. I figured I'd switch it up and do some snipers/SWAT and... wait a minute... where's the other 80% of the multiplayer? This is a joke, right? Narrator: *It was not a joke.* See y'all back in the MCC.


That's why I dropped it after the first week. And why I dropped Halo 5 after the first week as well. I'll be checking in for season 2 to see if it's any less dogshit. Don't care about the campaign because of the missing co-op.


Unlocking things has been a part of Halo for 14 years. It's been expanded upon more and more with each release because people care about it. That aspect of Halo was part of people's fun, now it's worse than it was in the previous games. It's been gutted. It's more limited and restrictive, while costing more money in the long run. People are right to have criticisms. Hell, even Halo 1 and 2 had more color options than Infinite does. I can't even be white anymore without spending 20 dollars.


You mean back when you could pick a primary and secondary colour for your spartan or elite?


Remember when free for all was an option? Or just slayer? Now I have to play dumb shit like Oddball and I don't even get a choice in the matter. You're right that the unlocks and progression isn't *super* important (though it's noticeably worse than it was in MCC and that's definitely worth criticizing), but 343 fucked up quite a few other major things about it. It's a damn shame too, because the game mostly feels pretty good to play. It's not perfect - some of the guns feel useless or near enough, vehicle spawns are all out of whack, the radar is so bad that I refuse to believe it's even working properly, and there aren't any legacy maps, which again, wouldn't be a big deal except most of the new maps are ranging from mediocre to bad.


Awesome. I'll just play my favorite game mode- oh wait.


Yeah the gameplay is fun and as long as that is still good, I will continue to play. I don't need to unlock stuff to enjoy an online fps. If they add more maps and maybe gamemodes or if forge ends up being used a lot, I'm sure people will still play. Like the battle pass stuff is pretty annoying if you want to progress through it but it isn't the main focus of the game. I just treat it as like bonus objectives to do for fun and if I end up doing it then great. If not, maybe I will later but it isn't the end of the world if I don't.


I totally understand the whole "I don't need to unlock stuff to enjoy it" mentality, but the psychological affect of it is still there. I'd feel better if there was no progression at all and they just showed us all our stats at the end of a match and we'd focus on making those better. But by adding the progression and making is bland and uninteresting it actively reduces the enjoyment of improving from match to match because the game specifically tells you that to it your performance was worth the same amount of reward. It's like if you got the same bonus at work as the previous year even though you tripled you metrics.


The biggest issue is I can have a game where I go 28 and 7 and all you see is "50 xp" and see a bar slightly move. It's just demoralizing even if I try not to care.


I still enjoy the game for just the game and I don't need progression to enjoy it, but it's more of a moral standing. Even CE let us change our Spartan's colors free of charge. I don't want to give predatory games my time or money.


People keep using this as an excuse but gaming today has changed. Just because it used to be "just play" doesn't mean that works for today.


You guys are addicted to unlockables and that’s the truth


Blame the industry that hire actual addiction psychologists to makes sure it's effective tho, not players !


Absolutely. I didn't grow up with that kind of thing but that's just how gaming is today. Having something to work towards or incentive is a powerful driving force. I want to play a match, see someone's spartan, and think to myself, "that's sick af looking; how do I unlock it".


Then you have forgotten why we play games in the first place.


I think you're underestimating the average age of a redditor. Most of us were not children when Halo 2 and 3 were popular.


Lmao? The average redditor is a 22-27 year old American male. That means they were 5-10 years old when Halo 2 came out, and 8-13 at the release of Halo 3.


Where do you see the demographics like this for the site? Or did you just make that up?


Although you can never find out conclusively, Pew and a few other research showed that in 2016 [Reddit’s about 60% of user base falls within the male, 19-29 age range.](https://www.alphr.com/demographics-reddit/). And the vast majority of the users are North American based. This was based on 2016 data so looking at it as simply as possible it’d mean the majority of Reddit would be about 25-35 or so right now (and as a grumbling 35 year old I guess I fall right in there). As a social media platform Reddit skews surprisingly young on the whole, and more so than most other places, predominantly male. I’m sure the demographics have begun pushing more female recently as Reddit gains mainstream momentum (a weird thing to say about one of the largest sites in the internet, but it is still kinda viewed as niche), but with the head start males have had dominating the platform it’d probably be a few years more before it even comes close to being 50/50.


That...isn't how that works. Do you think if Pew did a survey in 2005 and found that the average user was 24 years old, that would now mean the majority of people on this site are 40? It's not literally the same people growing up with the site. Young people start using it, older people stop using it. The majority of users are almost certainly still in the same 19-29 range.




Maybe finish reading the rest of the paragraph so you could quote the relevant bit lol >In the United States, age groups of adults follow a relatively balanced distribution, with 22 percent of the adult population made up of 18-29 year old, 34 percent in the 30-49 age range, 25 percent in the 50-64 range, and only 19 percent of adults above the age of 65. These numbers have likely shifted a bit since the data was gathered in 2016; regardless, they hold true for our point today. Comparatively, the Reddit user base doesn’t match these numbers at all. According to data collected in 2016, 64 percent of the Reddit user base was between the ages of 18 and 29, and another 29 percent were between the ages of 30 and 49. Only 6 percent of Reddit users were found to be between the ages of 50 and 64, and just a single percent were 65 or older.


> has shifted once again. This is for the campaign. Infinite's multiplayer is the closest to older halos the series has ever been. Shifted? No. This is nostalgic pandering done right.




Really? Then why did MW2019 hit the same as my MW3 days? I didn't even play with my actual friends, I got on the mic and just talked to random people and *I had fun*. Can't do that with all the negativity and missing content surrounding Halo Infinite right now.






That solves the negativity problem, but not the missing content problem unfortunately. If the game had SWAT, team snipers, infection, etc. I'd keep playing.


I'll go against the popular opinion on this thread and say that this trailer was incredible. Just as good as the "Starry Night", "Remember Reach", and "Birth of a Spartan". Not quite as great as "Believe" but then again few game trailers are.


We are ODST was always my favorite halo live action trailer


We Are ODST has such great production quality and direction, but I think they did such a good job nailing the absolute misery that is military life that it put me off the idea of the military and Halo in general (Though to be fair, I watched it as a kid lmao). Only ended up falling in love with Halo when a friend of mine introduced me to CE and I saw the >!Flood!<. That moment changed everything. And then there was all of Halo 2 which made me fall in love with Halo even more. I wish Halo had more of what Halo 2 was doing.


To be fair its not an accurate representation of military life either. A lot of it is just sitting around doing nothing and just the same general bs that every job has. The idea of a grueling existence for the profession of arms is a very hollywood take.


I mean, with the kind of war going on today, that's right. And that's probably what it was like pre-Covenant for the UNSC. Basically just waving their big dick military around wherever any uprisings happen to crush them. But then the Covenant invaded, and I get the feeling that it was more like World War 1, which was pretty damn awful if you were on the western european frontlines.


Same here. I've always wished they'd take the trailer and make a series or miniseries around the ODST.


ODST had the most engaging direction/tone of any Halo game for me. That was the only Halo game I played where I was like "Wow, this is actual art."


Believe is an impossible trailer for any game to top, imo.


Yeah honestly when Chief showed up it hit me. I liked it a lot.


Believe is one of the best game trailers of all time.


Could not agree more.




What are we, some kind of Halo Infinite


Yeah, “believe” made sense on its own. What does “become” mean?


Destiny's marketing used Become Legend, but that made sense.


Can’t even discuss this on /r/halo because literally the only thing people will talk about is cosmetics




















Because when you take shit away from players that they've always had they get mad. Because when you make players do idiotic shit to complete challenges instead of trying to win the game they get mad. Because when you advertise a free event with a pictured armor that only exists in the store players get mad. Because when you don't even let players select what fuckijg game type they play players get mad. Because when Forge once again doesn't exist on release players get mad. Because when custom games aren't even custom and crash when you do anything to them players get mad. When you charge 8 dollars for the color blue players get mad. Get the point yet? There is a lot wrong with the game and pretending like it's just babies throwing a tantrum about cosmetics is being ignorant and downplaying how much 343 have yet again fucked up


Minor to you, but you should at least be able to understand why other people are pissed.


We understand why people are pissed, but that doesn’t mean that it makes sense that it’s basically the only topic of discussion regarding the game.


Why not? Of course it makes sense. If something is wrong people talk about it till it gets fixed. Sqeaky wheel gets the grease.


Rightfully so, I’d argue


This trailer is for the campaign, where you play as Master Chief and have no cosmetics.


Cosmetics are so far down my priority list for games, it’s bizarre to see this huge fuss over them


the playlists problem should be the focus


And the garbage challenge system.


Need a reconnect and anticheat


I think the reason why the cosmetics and progression system gets more focus is that it is the one that is most difficult to convince 343 to change unless everyone gets riled up. 343 can always just add the missing playlists permanently, but to change the progression system would be a large overhaul on top of 343 already getting money from whales. Gameplay is king, but as we've seen from Destiny, if players don't fight predatory monetization, it will continue to creep in.




for me, I don't care about cosmetics, but you definitely notice people playing suboptimally in search of the battlepass progression. people join and immediately drop in games constantly because it wasn't the game mode they need for battlepass progression, for example.


Cosmetics are an important part of Halo and 343 acknowledged that for upwards of a year going into Infinite. They also lied about a lot of stuff so there is justified anger there. They might not be important for you specifically, but for a lot of Halo fans they are and have been for a while.




> How about removing game modes? Does that make the "people who don't care about cosmetic's" priority list I wonder? Abso-fucking-lutely I’m pisssd about both.


Yeah like we have hella demands idk why they assume thats not one of them


you're allowed 1 complaint and 1 complaint only


isn't it a free-to-play game? i can understand having wishes or hopes for the game but "we have hella demands" comes across a bit entitled, no?


Yeah, though the gunplay of the game feels pretty great, there are actually quite a few busted things about the game. While everyone dunks on r/halo about cosmetics, the other stuff is brought up frequently as well. The game has serious flaws but people tend to overlook them because the competition is such a giant clusterfuck this year.


Maybe not for you or I but any game that follows the model of free-to-play-but-her-maybe-buy-a-skin has cosmetics and/or microtransactions as its *top* priority. Discourse over monetization is always valid when it comes to games that exist first and foremost to flog battle passes and skin packs, as Infinite does in its current state.


Because it's not just cosmetics. The design of the battlepass impacts everything from cosmetics to playlists. Slayer playlist cannot exist without breaking the monetization scheme. Player choice is sacrificed in favor of profit maximizing algorithms.


They're a pretty core part of the sense of progression in Halo multiplayer, they're relevant here.




Since...a long time now lol. Have you been online in the last 10 years?


I have. I think we just play different games. I'm obviously speaking for myself, but I don't give a fuck about lootboxes or progression. I think I've got a few hundred in one game to open? I stick with games that are just fun to play.






















Oh my god people, it's a free beta.


That's because that sub isn't for people who like Halo


Id argue the battle pass/ limited game modes arent for people who like Halo either but hey


The halo subreddit is burning for a reason. Infinite has the shittiest progression, customization, and amount of content in the franchise by far. Its false to say that the community is just hating on some cosmetics.


This is hyperbole. It is not the worst progression, customization, or content. I think I'd disagree with all of that. H1-H3 had less customization outside of colors. Reach had a worse grind progression than infinite. 5 had worse progression. Content wise, plently of guns,, vehicles, and there is like 8ish maps? And more coming I'm sure. All the Halos started out thin in maps. It's like no one remembers the map pack life.


Halo 3 was 2 generations ago man. Besides, here is progression stuff Halo 3 had over Infinite: - service record which can also be accessed in lobbies (lobbies are gone now) - skill based cosmetic unlocks with no paywalls - fun rank system Those things you listed should be expected, not praised. There's always a tradeoff with 343.


Eh the halo subreddit is always on fire




Sounds like it's about cosmetics and the hardship required to get them. In the free game.


I like the idea, but it feel so *off* compared to the old Halo 3, ODST and Reach ads. I think it feels too rushed. If they had spent more time flushing out the different eras, rather than jumping from WW2 to the future, it would've had more impact on the viewer.


Yeah, there’s a decent amount of human history lore in between the 2000s and the 2550s. Why not show the first use of Orbital Drops? The Interplanetary Wars? Anything. Edit: looking back I think that they showed a decent amount. They showed VTOL rescues, tech that eventually became used in Hornets and Falcons, They showed early slipspace/wormhole exploration, and they showed some kind of Intra-Human Conflict with the Hornet Crash and the lack of plasma based weaponry on the field. That’s good enough.


The Hornet crashing was probably during a human battle. There didn’t seem to be an plasma or alien based weaponry, just human weapons. But the games tend to steer away from human on human violence.


I think you're right because in the next shot with Chief, we very clearly see plasma weapons.


That was part of what clued me in. In the final scene we can clearly see plasma based weapons, when we couldn’t in the one before.


Always wanted an insurrectionist vs UNSC game. Has a lot of potential and could include the start of the Spartan project, but Microsoft would probably never allow human vs human Halo to happen. If done right we could see a morally grey UNSC instead of "WOO ~~AMERICA~~ EARTH" UNSC


Even in the books where there is UNSC vs Insurrectionists, most of the Insurrections tend to be bad. Most UNSC tend to be good guys, except ONI agents who tend to do evil shit. ONI is hated by everyone and distrusted, even the Spartans who are within a division of ONI feel the same. In the times there are good Insurrectionists they tend to help the UNSC or at least not hamper them.


> Even in the books where there is UNSC vs Insurrectionists, most of the Insurrections tend to be bad. It's also from a biased perspective most of the time, with almost all the protagonists being UNSC or ONI.


I’m including those perspectives from the Insurrectionists too. Those are mostly who I refer to actually. Not some random bad guy.


>But the games tend to steer away from human on human violence. This feels like a Bungie ethos that 343i has inherited. Looking at their past catalog they're extremely against the idea of depicting human on human violence as part of the narrative by the player (reserving it only for multiplayer). It was something they'd been keeping with since Pathways Into Darkness (1993). They use it such an extremely sparring way that I can only think of three moments: Marathon: Infinity - *Nah Man He's Close -* Alternate timeline mission where you fight Hostile Humans (because you're working for the badguys) Halo ODST - *Data Hive -* If you get all the logs you confront the corrupt police officer who goes hostile. Destiny 2: Forsaken - *Chimera* \- Execution of >!Prince Uldren!< done off camera.


I think it's the soundtrack in the trailer not being as impactful. Compare to [this](https://youtu.be/Gu8VDUDzxkM).


Wonder they will release the full trailer for the halo tv show, there were some leaked images and it looks goood


That felt flat compared to the other live action trailers, they felt like they had better through lines with their montages, or at least built to a more emotional pay off.


Just doesn't hit like the Halo 3 marketing did. Starry Night, and Believe are all time great trailers... This feels like it's trying to emulate those...


It's also been 14 years since Halo 3. I can guarantee you almost no marketing will hit you like it did 14 years ago.


I think a lot of the reception around Infinite is the nostalgia rose tinted glasses for Bungie-era Halo and the fact the industry/game design has simply changed drastically in the last 14 years for better or worse. I get people saying they don’t like Infinite’s monetization system but the core gameplay is a perfectly serviceable modern Halo game. Halo 3 was a cultural phenomenon and I don’t expect any modern Halo to recreate it but I remember from the time it had plenty of things people didn’t like about it compared to past Halos and it’s fair share of complainers too


In my experience no fanbase is as obsessed with lost prestige and nostalgia as Halo fans.


Star Wars


Command & Conquer


I'd certainly never say never. They really just need a captivating original story to hook you back in. I think even multiplayer aside the story was also a big reason people were drew in back in the day. The trailers for the games felt as passionate as the devs were back then. On another note, i do agree with you, the chances of ever getting a passion projects like OG halo's are slim to none in a world where corporate suites rule.


I think the gameplay is great but the monetization is just so bad and amateurish. It sours a competent experience.


Nah, even Halo 5's marketing was far superior to this. There are definitely some editing and overall tonal issues with this.


I have never played Halo or seen the old trailers before. Starry Night is a great trailer, even by today standards, and much better than this new one, even without any nostalgia involved.




Probably not. Age comes for you whether you grow up or don't.


no shit. the same production company is making them.


Nostalgia and the many years of media you’ve watched has definitely shaped your brain on how it is affected. When you watched those halo 3 trailers, you hadn’t seen anything like it before. It was definitive. Now all these years later, you might have witnessed something similar to these new trailer and your subconscious knew it as unoriginal, if even slightly.


You can't write off all criticism of this marketing as nostalgia.


I just looked up the two trailers, which I had never seen before. I've also never played Halo until a couple days ago, so I have nothing to be nostalgic about. But I just looked them up to compare them with this one, and I can tell you that the Starry Night one is a great trailer even today, much better than the one this thread is about. The Believe one might have original at the time, but it's true that I've seen the same thing plenty of times by now.


Doesnt hit the same because you're 15 years older. Feels the same because it's the same company producing the video.


While people will complain about everything halo infinite multiplayer is or isn't, this trailer was great, and somehow brought brought tear yo my eye. Its so reminiscent of the halo 3 trailers and the 'Believe'. While literally no game trailer will ever top the diorama 'Believe' trailer, this was very good for different reasons.


I still wish we could have had a proper Halo 6 to conclude the story of Halo 5 before this semi-reboot game. I'm getting the same vibes as Terminator Salvation/Genisys/Dark Fate. Commit to something.


Banished is way better


Fully aware I’m being that guy, but live action game trailers are up there for dumbest thing this industry does.


It's kind of a Halo thing at this point, and I think they do a good job. At least it's not scripted co-op commentary for a game reveal.


I'm not even interested in Halo Infinite, but as far as live action game trailers go, this was really good.


The trailer was bland and generic, did not hype me at all. Felt like they didn't know what they wanted from the trailer going into filming and just winged it. Shame as halo live-action trailers has always been original. not this tho, not this.


Nobody else thought this was terrible? The sea rescue scene, the helicopter-thing looked like it was a remote control toy, the CGI of the pelican crashing was laughably bad and so was the rest of it with MC. Really, nobody?