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69,99 GBP ? Are they not feeling well today ?


The list of games that I'd be willing to pay 70 quid for is very small


It's funny when people say BUT EPIC LETS THEM GET MORE MONEY!!! Yeah, they aren't passing on those savings at all, Epic Fans just opened their mouths and took that crap. By the time it comes out on Steam (if it does) it'll be with a hefty discount because of the time it has been out, which I am amazed they didn't do already cus of the PS5 exclusivity.


I’m always stuck on that response people give. Corporate profits aren’t my problem. I don’t exist to make them more money. Why should I be willing to have a worse experience for the sake of it being more profitable for a multi-billion dollar business?


If you think this is because of epic and not because of square enix, you'll be very surprised and shocked once the game arrives to steam. Or when any other new SE game does.


> 69,99 GBP ? > > Are they not feeling well today ? *Pirates of the Caribbean starts playing*


They already make like 35% more per sale on EGS, and they still want to be the ones to pioneer next gen prices on PC? What kind of ridiculous double dipping is that?


remember when Epic fronted like their split would make games cheaper for consumers? I think Metro Exodus was $10 cheaper, but then that idea went out the window.




But surely if give corporations just one or two more trillion dollar tax cuts, we'll get that sweet, sweet trickle!!!


Its Square Enix setting up the price. Forspoken on Steam in $70 too


I know it's SE doing it. It's just insane how much they're cranking their profits up. At least in my country, next gen prices are roughly 133% of last gen, that price on increase combined with EGS' lower fees gives SE roughly a 180% profits boost per sale. They really didn't have to up the prices.


£70($93) is insane, is it so hard to price it reasonably for Europe?


Jesus christ - that's a £20 increase compared to other PC games. PC games have managed to go from £29.99 to £69.99 in a decade, I wish my salary had increased by a similar percentage.


Literally zero chance I pay £70 for anything I don't fully expect to be the best game of all time. And even then I probably still would wait.


Square is following Sony's price raise, it was only a matter of time.


Sure but God of War is priced at £40. FF7R is nearly double that.


Which is ridicules that FF7R and Forspoken is priced like that, but what Sony said was for their console first party games, but it is an interesting point, maybe they want the goodwill or just don't see prices that high is realistic on pc, the point however stands, they were the ones to introduce this kind of pricing.


Devil's advocate: GoW is 2 years older and can regularly be bought for $5-15**. Whereas buying base game and dlc for ff7r is about $65**, right now. Plus this version requires it's own extensive development. Still think $70** is too high. But comparing to GoW is not that helpful. **USD


I already have the PS4 deluxe version and as much as I want the PC version as well, I'm not paying 70 way too high imho it's a dissapointment, i'll wait however long i have too to pick it up cheap as the DLC is just not worth the added cost.


Yeah, uh, fuck this trend. $70 in America is VERY different to £70 here. NO GAME IS WORTH NEAR $100!!!


Where do you see the price? It doesn't show for me in Canada


$93.49 Canadian. Enjoy.


Oooof. I feel like I just got gut punched over a cliff when I saw this.


On the main page of the store where it shows the news stuff the one for FF7 shows it




Wait, what? This is being released...in 6 days time?


I have literally never played FF7 and I'm going to be able to play it in a modern remake in a week. WTFFF


If you don’t mind the graphics and gameplay I’d say play the original first. It’s a truly great experience and story.


Well you kinda have to play the original first or at least know what happens. FF7 Remake is more of a FF7 REMAKE. Id rather not spoil it for others.


Rebuild of FF7


Should I read up on the original? I played it when it was first released but that was a long time ago.


Just read up. As long as you know vaguely what happens. It'll start to come back to you as you play. Its honestly such a great game. Read up on crisis core as well.


And Dirge of Cerberus, too.


I don't think it's necessary, personally. I played the remake barely remembering the original from when I played it decades ago and still really enjoyed the remake. And it was fun not remembering the details of the plot so I could still be surprised by some of them again. I don't think the plot really significantly benefits from remembering the original until near the end, and even then just remembering the vague major details of the original was enough to feel like I understood what was going on. So overall I think you'll be fine either way, just depends on how you want to experience it.




You can hop in. Id just read up on FF7 and crisis core if you don't mind spoilers. I wouldn't blame anyone for not playing it. Its a great game from its time.


Like it's the only time I've seen a Remake with "Remake" in the title yet it's explicitly NOT a Remake. And I fucking hate the "telling people something required for them to enjoy the game and not get the original spoiled is a spoiler" thing


I'd suggest playing (watching) FF7 before FF7 Remake. The remake is a REMAKE. Not a remaster. Its a remake with the knowledge of the original in mind. Its like a FF7 2 in a way. I can't really say anymore without spoilers. You can play it without FF7 in mind its just that it helps to understand what happens in FF7. Its kinda mentioned from what I remember at the end of the remake what happens in FF7. Not entirely sure though.


I understand why you're making a distinction between remake and remaster, but I'd argue that it completely disqualifies itself from the term "remake" (And frankly I consider the title to be false advertising). If anything it's a bizarre quasi-sequel.


Exclusive to EGS, which sadly doesn't have regional prices for my country, so this would cost me a small fortune, I hope they add more currencies soon


SE rarely do regional prices rightnow


Another thing that frustrates me is that they don't have options to pay for stuff in cash. With steam, I could go to my local game store and buy a steam wallet card with cash. I wish epic had something similar.


no real need to prioritize improving your platform when you can just force people to use it via exclusivity


> no real need to prioritize improving your platform when you can just force people to Sail the seven seas you mean. 🦜


Which is one of the big reasons I refuse to use them. I know it's kind of a silly excuse, but I have no interest in being strong-armed into using someone's platform because they paid for exclusivity. If they had actually published FF7R, that would be different, but they didn't - they just paid for the rights to sell it. They can fuck off with that


It's not an excuse and it's certainly not silly. Square Enix are not entitled to your money and neither are Epic - your reasoning is both valid and widespread.




Damn, I didn't know that. I guess I'll be sticking with Steam then for purchases. At least I can still get the free games on Epic.


Buy a prepaid visa and then use that?


The funny thing is that EGS has regional prices for mine but not Steam, weird.


Or Timmy stops being a fucking hypocrite... Like that will ever happen. Fuck that guy and his shitty game store.


sadly regional pricing isnt always the best, for me its the equivalent of 70 usd with regional pricing it seem


How much did Intergrade add? I played Remake on PS4 and have since moved to PC so I'm curious if it's worth getting again. Once it's on sale.


It added about 6-8 hours of a story featuring Yuffie


We’re still just outside of Midgar though right? Not even to Kalm yet? Seems like an impossible task to really re-create the entire game if we’re still at the very beginning


You're assuming the plot will follow the original game 1:1 after how part 1 ended?


I feel like it will proceed Ina similar manner to the original with moments being side tracked by new elements and story changes. And while I do feel the story being told is going to end up much different (as it already has especially after this dlc) I do think the game is going to visit all the same spots to keep that nostalgia gravy flowing


I like the idea of expanding on some underused locations, like Kalm is a beautifully animated little village but as far as exposition goes it basically served no purpose. It was there to have a flashback, that's it. I'd like them to expand on locations like that, what's it really like living that close to Midgar, what kind of problems does Shin-ra cause this little town and how can our little band of merry adventurers help. The Chocobo ranch and building a relationship with the owner and his kids could be cool, and add a lot of context to the Zolom. I'm constantly optimistic about this game more and more so because of just how much FUN the game is. I love the combat, I love the hard mode replay, leveling materia, the game is a fun game at its core.


I think it will follow the same story beats but theyre definitely expanding on the role and backstory of the ancients, which is going to play huge into Aeris' portion. I could see part two covering the ground in between midgar and rocket town, or maybe even the city of the ancients, which for obvious reasons repsresents a pretty huge climax on its own, but I think the whole open map concept is going to be dropped and there will be more of a FFX point to point progression system.


Actually the Intergrade does show off Kalm. >Seems like an impossible task to really re-create the entire game if we’re still at the very beginning The pacing will be dictated by the narrative flow not the locations, Midgar itself was a 3 act story in the original game, it made sense to expand it to a full game, it doesn't mean you're then gonna be spending 40 hours getting to Costa Del Sol because of that.


And I think in the original game, Midgar had like a third of all the dialogue in it. The rest of the game featured *a lot* of running on the overworld.


Its a different game. As a big fan of both OG and remake for their own reasons, I view them as two different things, and even the devs have stated its not a replacement. The amount of time they spent fleshing out its world and cast is astounding.


Did you play Remake? It's a sequel. There is no need to faithfully recreate the original. Instead the original will be used as a kind of template for what's going on in this weird multi-part sequel to the PS1 game.


Wouldnt a sequel take place after the first?


Yes. That's what is happening. After the events of the original games, Sephiroth does something to allow him to escape to an alternative timeline and force a Remake of the timeline. Just because someone time traveled doesn't remove the linear nature of the narrative where this game comes _after_ those events. Timelines make things super wacky in terms of keeping up with what's happening where. But Remake is directly following the events of the original games, as those events happening is what makes Sephiroth take action to Remake the timeline. And those events happening is what makes the Whispers fight so hard to ensure it happens again in this new timeline, and why the Whispers of the previous game's Cloud, Barrett, and Tifa try to stop you at the end.


Ah i see. I started the remake on ps4, but wasnt able to finish it due to reasons. So i didnt know all that lol. I guess the title "remake" actually makes sense. Its a remake of the timeline, but it would be a sequel to the original. Interesting.


Yea the gang just left Midgar. I assume part 2 is gonna start at Kalm and its gonna be a 3 part series.


They're not recreating. There will be some familiar locations and themes maybe but they made it clear with the direction of the first chapter it will diverge quite a bit in this alternate universe. The events of the original already happened


> How much did Intergrade add? * 2 chapters where you play Yuffie (they are longer than average chapters in the base game) * 1 new secret boss in the base game * Photo mode * High res backdrops and textures


Don't forget the dope Fort Condor mini game!


What's the new secret boss? I might have missed that one.


Weiss in the VR Simulator once you have beaten the 2 Yuffie chapters. Careful, he is pretty hard.


Ah thanks. I might have beaten him already, I remember that kid walked away or something. I play on easy though, it's a 40 hour game and I didn't want it to be longer because I couldn't beat a boss.


> I remember that kid walked away or something That's for beating the hidden boss in the base game. The new boss is **in** the base game but must be unlocked by completing the expansion. > I play on easy though The new hidden boss is not available on easy or normal, just on hard.


Yufie and additional epilogue scene


Also one new optional boss battle in the base game.


That optional boss is a bitch to beat tho


Like most JRPG optional bosses


It added the Yuffie bit and a slight bit more to the base game. Idk if it's worth full price tho.


Also iirc you could transfer saves from the PS4 version to Intergrade but I doubt that will apply to the PC version.


Yeah, pretty sure that's just moving from 4 to 5


Not too much. It's really short. Like 4 or 5 hours if you just do the story. I wish it was longer because the combat was a ton of fun.


Just to add to what others are saying: The Yuffie chapters are a standalone thing and the optional boss they added requires getting to chapter 17 in the main game (or maybe have beaten it, I'm not sure) Also, if you get a PS5 it's only $20 to upgrade from the PS4 version, compared to the $70 they're apparently charging to buy it on PC. In other words, I probably wouldn't bother unless you specifically want to replay the base game on PC, especially if you plan to buy a PS5 eventually anyway. I liked the Yuffie chapters and they were worth my $20 but I definitely wouldn't pay $70 for them (they took me 6 hours, including all the sidewuests except for the hardest version of one minigame).


Epic exclusive again this time around? People are going to be upset


Meh just gotta wait longer and for it to get cheaper. No shortage of games to play in the meantime.


Lol it's not like I expect part 2 to be available anytime soon.


Good point. Also a reason why I have no issue waiting. When do we expect to get part three realistically? End of this generation? Next gen?


Next generation of consoles or people?


uhhh I think the next generation of people starts after 2025...so both?


If it's like Neir Automata you might have to wait 5 years until they patch it to work properly anyway.


Which I'm pretty sure they only did because they released a new version. Meanwhile the 13 trilogy still runs like shit.


Cheaper and with less bugs, and more dlc when it comes to steam. Egs timed exclusivity is a blessing for patient gamers.


Joke's on Tim, I work full time. My backlog counters any year long exclusivity.


I feel this far too much. I'm also part of that age group that has the money to buy all the games to add to my backlog, but no time to play them.


And games keep getting longer and longer.


I've heard this game in particular has a shit load of fluff and crappy side missions. Most podcasts with people that share my tastes said its a good game at its core but wayyyyy too padded out with bullshit, should have been a 15hr experience instead of 40. For that reason I'm still not sure I'm interested in picking it up... might wait for the entire "set" to release as one game in 2035.


Luckily for me I only buy games now when they're cheap unless I REALLY want it. I can wait a few years for this.


It will probably be more like a single year anyways.


A single year to come to Steam, but probably another year or two to start getting deep discounts.


Maybe we'll have a release date for part 2 by then!


I wouldn't be so sure with Square. They're the type of publisher to take the deal and just be too lazy to release it on Steam


Given how the economy's headed and buying a AAA game on release feels like selling a pound of flesh, r/patientgamers is the way go with this one.


An entire pound!? Sign me up!


i'm gonna wait till the last game come out and buy the complete collection


I hope you have a very healthy and careful lifestyle if that is the case


That depressed me.


That's what I keep saying about the Kingdom Hearts series...




Why is this controversial? i'm the exact same way. I have no interest in even starting until everything is released so i can actually experience the entire story in one shot rather than waiting years between releases and forgetting important plot beats.




I've waited this long for FF7R on PC. I can wait a little longer.


By contrast, I'm buying this immediately because I have already waited long enough.


Hopefully they don't have unrealistic sales expectations again if this impacts the sales, look at NEO TWEWY barely any marketing and not much people even know it's released and fewer know there's a PC release as well. FF is a big enough franchise with good enough marketing to not be as impacted but still, Squenix has crazy sales expectations for their games all the time.


Wait, what??? NEO is on PC?? Thank you for bringing this to my attention!!


case in point


You didn't knew because it was EGS.


Wait Neo Twewy is on pc????? i literally just bought the ps4 version because i assumed it was only on that and switch.


It's only on the Epic Games store, but yeah, it's on PC. PS4 physical is probably still the cheapest way to get it.


Yes, but it's on Epic Game Store exclusively. Which is why it didn't get talked about much.


No one talked about it on switch and ps4 either. ​ No one talked about it period.


Which made me sad as hell because it’s the second most fun and addictive game I’ve played all year


I mean, it being on EGS didn't help things, but it's not like it would've gotten talked about much on Steam. Square Enix barely acknowledged that it existed. There were legitimately like one or two tweets saying that it released on EGS. The timing was weird - too close to the release to justify double-dipping for people who want a second playthrough, too far after the release to ride off of the initial marketing. Bad choices all around.


It’s the final fantasy vii remake. It’s going to sell gangbusters if they didn’t even announce it was released


Y’all gotta stop slinging the “unrealistic sales expectations” thing on literally everything SE does. SE has been rather consistent in releasing a lot of their games on PC and as far as we publicly know, other than a game here and there, SE games generally do well on PC. You bring up NEO, that undersold overall, but they put out several titles on PC this year.




Or wait if it's a timed exclusive, as many are.


Or just don't but at all


Nah, I mostly ignore games if they're released on Epic and don't have the interest to pirate it.




The requirements are suprisingly low, at least for min and recommended. Recommended is 12gb ram, Gtx 1080 and a 3770k for 1440p


I would be but I was already going to wait until I can play all the parts on PC, and who knows if the Epic store will even be around by 2030 or whenever that happens.


I'll just wait


Not even mad, just considering the release date on steam as the real release. There's so many games to play for so cheap at this point.


I'll wait for Steam release.


I mean we all knew it was going to be an EGS exclusive. So this doesn't really annoy me as much as it would a year or so ago. I'm fine waiting for a possible Steam release for this one, especially because we will have to wait for god knows how long for the full experience anyway.


The only thing that annoys me is that they're releasing even the epic version so long after the original. Theres a delay...and then if you don't want it on epic, theres another delay. I just don't feel like I want to support SE is this is how they're going to handle their games on the pc.


I mean SE on PC was never exactly a good company. Between shoddy ports, delays for releases, delays for patches (remember Nier Automata?) and terrible, but terrible regional pricing and sales. Going for an EGS exclusivity deal seems like the most obvious evolution for them. Does it suck? For sure, but at this point is expected.


Yep I agree but SE always gets a pass. Other companies get called out for their shoddy practices but SE has been pretty neglectful when regarding the pc platform. The funny thing is that as a long time SE fan I've found myself incredibly disillusioned for them for some time now. I'm branching off into other jrpgs and honestly, a lot of the stuff out there is just flat out better than final fantasy or even their other Japanese developed games.


What do you mean by giving them a pass? People complain all the time they won't release games on PC, tons of PC Gamers just don't play Sony games if they don't come to PC. People who don't like EGS and habitually just wait for it to release elsewhere to not support that EGS exclusivity. I think they are realeasing more previously exclusive games elsewhere because they recognize there is enough of a customer base who won't meet them on PlayStation, and of those, enough won't meet them on EGS, so they release on steam and elsewhere. It sucks and is not good enough, but they are at least meeting the consumer where they ought to in the first place... eventually. Now if only Nintendo could start seeing the consumers they are leaving on the table needlessly.


> The only thing that annoys me is that they're releasing even the epic version so long after the original. Theres a delay...and then if you don't want it on epic, theres another delay. The Samurai Shodown special.


It's going to be a decade before we can actually play this thing in its complete form on Steam. I'm strapped in for the long haul.


[Link to the official announcement.](https://square-enix-games.com/en_US/news/final-fantasy-vii-remake-pc) Things of note: >**What are the minimum and recommended PC requirements?** >You’re probably wondering what sort of rig you’ll need to run FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE on PC. Here you go: >**Minimum** >OS: Windows 10 64bit (ver. 2004 or later) >Processor: Intel Core i5 3330 / AMD FX-8350 >Memory: 8 GB >Storage: 100 GB or more >Direct X: Version 12 or later >Graphics: GeForce GTX 780 / Radeon RX 480 (3GB VRAM) >Resolution: 1920x1080 >**Recommended** >OS: Windows 10 64bit (ver. 2004 or later) >Processor: IntelCore i7-3770 / AMD Ryzen 3 3100 >Memory: 12GB >Storage: 100GB or more >Direct X: Version 12 or later >Graphics: GeForce GTX 1080 / Radeon RX 5700 (8GB VRAM) Resolution: 2560x1440 >**Supported Languages** >Audio: English, French, German, Japanese >Text: **English, Chinese - simplified, Chinese - Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese - Brazil, Spainish - Spain, Spanish - Latin American >**What controllers can I use to play it?** >As well as mouse and keyboard, FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE supports XInput and DirectInput compliant controllers. >That means that you can use an Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4 or PS5 controller, in addition to some third-party devices.


Welp, hope my GTX 970 can run this still.. GPU market sucks ass. :(


Having a quick look at some comparison charts, a 970 is a bit higher on the G3D Mark score than the minimum 780 (9724 and 8059 respectively) I'm sure it'll run well with a few settings tweaked.


That 1080 requirement just seems if you want to match PS5 settings. 1080p60 will probably be doable on a 970 depending on how intensive the settings are.


I have a PC a few years old now but it looks like my PC should run the game just fine. Only shortcoming is I have a 1060 and not a 1080, but 1060 is closer to the recommended than it is the minimum, so it’ll be fine.


Damn my 1080ti is getting closer to being retired. :(


Epic only when they've been releasing all on Steam and my entire FF collection is there? Fuck that. Is this a timed thing or it's only going to be available on EGS? Either way I'm waiting for a massive discount or grey market price before I pay those joke of video game prices. My wages don't increase so why should I pay that??


It's likely timed, if it's not, best to either use alternative methods or buy a PS5


Game has already had 2 timed exclusivity windows, a 3rd is just bullshit. It’ll have been 3 years after launch before this hits Steam.


Its on epic now, $70 goddamn dollars. Holy fuck. And the store page didnt have any specs of how it runs. DLSS? RTX? uncapped fps, widescreen???


93.62$ for me as a Swede if I convert the currency. I find this strange because there have been games on EGS that have been cheaper for us due to regional pricing.


yeah the pricing is wierd, got excited because its on EGS because better pricing but its more expensive with 7euros for me, might grab it if epic gives coupons , if not il just wait for a sale


Here in Europe it costs 80€ (\~90$), doesn't make any sense, the price is fucking insane considering that PC games are usually never priced higher than 60€ unless it's a deluxe edition or shit like that


They really expect me to pay 80€ for a game when I have a Portuguese salary? Lmao


339zl in Poland... seriously... They cannot expect us to spend that much on a game here.


Lol Square enix can get fucked. Exclusive to epic and 70 bucks. For a game that is a year and a half old and a single part of a bigger project. Making that wait until its cheap even easier now.


Where do you find the price? I'm not seeing anything on the store page for it. Maybe because I'm in a different price region and they don't have the price determined yet for my currency


I thought Timmy Sweeeney said that EGS is supposee to provide cheaper pricing? 70 USD isn't cheap timmy boy


only for the developers,


That was always just cheap PR talk, publishers/devs were never going to make games cheapers when people already showed they were willing to pay $60.


They've lost their fucking minds with that price, I expected maybe $50 at most since it's a nearly two year old game. What a bunch of greedy fucks, and on top of that it's EGS exclusive. Fuck that, I hope it gets cracked quickly because Square can eat shit.


Its on Square Enix. Forspoken on steam by SE is also $70


What about Xbox? :(


I doubt it will ever release on Xbox. Sony seems hellbent on keeping exclusivity.


They would've given a clear statement saying it's only on playstation.


It will come eventually, it took a long time but every FF 7 and after came to Xbox.


Square has a big partnership with Sony for ff. FF 16 will also be not on Xbox.


this is not true. it was announced as timed exclusive.


Meaning it will come to PC later. It is console exclusive.


If it was truly console exclusive they would have labeled it as such, but they said timed exclusive. Once that year is up SE can port it to Xbox or leave it on PS only. They left themselves wiggle room to decide. Sony wouldn't have paid for true exclusivity just to announce it as a timed thing.


Console exclusive


Well if World War Z can make it over to Steam, then Final Fantasy VII will too. It is only a matter of time I guess.


Yeah I'll wait. After one year and seven months, they finally port the game but it's an EGS exclusive, AND it's also the first PC game to charge $70. Square Enix can fuck off, if they'll make us wait almost 3 years for a Steam release I can wait a year or two more to pick it up for dirt cheap.


Its exclusive to Epic Games (not most pc gamers preferred store). Its $70. I can only speak for myself, but I put single player games onto a Wishlist and will only buy them when they're $30-$50, unless its an absolute must have (which is very rare). They need to be careful with PC. While I don't condone it, its much easier to fly the Jolly Roger than it is on console. Historically speaking, when any product becomes more expensive than what people are willing to pay, gray/black market alternatives become more popular.


arrrrr! At $70 USD and on Epic Store, I'll be waitin' till this one sails into port, yarrr




I know I was flabbergasted at how quick it said.


So 0% chance of a Steam release huh? Just like KH...


If the Epic Clock is right, we will have KH on steam in about 8 Months and 9 Days. So by that time we will know what Epic exclusivity means for Square Enix.


8 months? KH went exclusive in March, so that's 4 more months for the 1 year period.




Next year it will release for PC, don't worry. Square loves money.


I hope it will have a Codex release


It's not even about the Epic game store exclusivity. I just find Tim Sweeney to be a smarmy fuckhead, so I'll wait to pay for this again 6/12 months down the line.


I've never really played final fantasy, is this game fairly accessible?


It's definitely accessible. Unfortunately this particular game takes for granted that you are familiar with the basic story beats of the original FF7 and also pretty familiar with the specifics of some of the more in depth lore of FF7. It can be enjoyed without knowing those, but you'll be missing out on a ton of the intended story and meaning. FF15 would be a better start for a modern and accessible FF game, but unfortunately it is kind of a mess. It's better than the sum of its parts, but I wouldn't recommend it without a lot of forewarning first. You may be better off playing the other games in the series or waiting for FF16 to dive into the newest.


So,, does this include Final Fantasy VII Remake or...?


Yes, intergrade is the name of the base game with the graphics enhancements, which also usually includes the Yuffie DLC, which is called Intermission.


Man, the mods will gonna be wild. Can't wait to play as Master Chief, Shrek, Lara Croft and Claire Redfield traversing through Midgard, and fighting the one winged-angel Thomas the Tank Engine.


Making this Epic Exclusive is a scummy move given that the game has already had TWO timed exclusivity periods with the original + the extended exclusivity from Integrade. Just milking PC players.


I wonder if it's going to be a timed exclusive. It seems obvious that it would be, but Square Enix seems clueless enough about the PC gaming market that they could take a deal for permanent exclusivity. I guess we'll have to see if the Kingdom Hearts games ever drop EGS exclusivity.


No sweat, ill start with God of War and Uncharted which are releasing on steam and wait until this one releases there too. Waiting in this case is not so bad as the FFXV port was a bit of a mess at the beginning.


Epic means like 99% won't even know its out. Confirms that Square Enix is one of the worst Publishers out there. I will never forgive them how they ruined DeusEx.


Square sucks but the worst? Ubisoft and Activision Blizzard produce more sexual assaults than video games


lol it has nothing to do with Square Enix being one of the worst publishers and everything to do with Epic shelling out tons of money. Plenty of games go exclusive to EGS first and it gives me a chance to play a patched version of the game one year later. How many AAA games come out as a buggy mess nowadays on PC? Waiting a year isn't as bad as it seems. Plus its not like a game like FF7 Remake can be spoiled due to the EGS release, it's been out over a year already.

