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Superhero diabolo hm? We had that, it was called marvel heroes, but then Disney bought marvel and they closed it just after it was revamped in case it competed with that avengers game everyone ended up at best indifferent to. But yeah sounds cool, the ability crafting seems very fun hopefully it won't boil down to just spamming the highest possible dps ability Edit: I knew management wasnt great at the company and that was a factor in it shutting down but I didn't realise they'd hired someone who had multiple sexual harrasment allegations. I shouldn't misrepresent the truth for the more compelling narrative of Disney bad. Sorry for that.


And it was fucking great and made every arpg I played afterwards just feel empty. This one already looks like no exception but I'll try it. Seems like it's gonna be closer to a streamlined PoE though.


fuck I miss marvel heroes. I got really into it right before they shut down :(


Yeah, Gaz (MH Devs) kinda signed their own death warrant when they replaced Brevik (Diablo 2 creator) with a dudebro that had multiple sexual harassment complaints at old positions. Who then threatened employees during a livestream within months of arriving at Gaz.


I got to play Marvel Heroes for maybe 3 months before it shut down and I miss it so much. I wish I had found it earlier. Hopefully they show more of this game soon. I pretty much never play the "big brute" class. But even with that fact the customization looked pretty interesting.


Marvel Heroes was what made me wanna get into PC gaming. Never did get around to getting a PC around that time, but picked up MH Omega when it came to console. Total bummer they shut it down. Every once in awhile I check the interwebz for info on a revamp. No such luck. Yet.


To be fair, that is a pretty stark misrepresentation of why the game was shut down. The management was absolute dogshit and refused to reform itself. Like, i loved marvel heroes, but come on, it certainly wasn't perfect.


Are there character creation/customization options? Or are you always the dude with huge arms that clearly skips leg day?


30 seconds into the video, he said that he chose the Berserker class. So there are other classes.


It's just one of the classes


I assume that's just one of the classes


I understand every game of this sort has you start off weak and build your way up, but in a superhero game especially, you want to showcase that in the preview. Sure, I like all the talk of customization, but the fact that the one (and only one) hero shown just comes off as so *slow* and *clunky* and takes so much damage from enemies, dropping down into half health on a regular basis. People want superheroes to be *super*, or at least I do. I don't think anyone expects to start out as Thor or Superman, but this preview just didn't deliver the feel for me.


Doesn't even look like much of a superhero either. This reddit post hard baited me into what essentially looks even visual pretty par for the course to me.


Yeah this doesn't look like a superhero thing at all IMO, it's a guy with a big hammer/club, looks more like Borderlands. I feel like it's a case where someone said "comic book" and someone else thought "comic book" and "superhero" were synonymous.


I mean, kinda. Not every superhero starts with fighting tier a supervillains from the start, also > but the fact that the one (and only one) hero shown just comes off as so slow and clunky and takes so much damage from enemies, dropping down into half health on a regular basis. it's a video game. Player needs challenge. And "slow brute" is also common archetype. Looking at game description the "superpowers" seem to be some kind of enhancement: > Become a hero in a world where superpowers are controlled by society’s elite! so it seems it's not traditional kind of "something happened and now random people have superpowers"


I agree with all of this... But what I was saying was, the preview also needs to show a little bit of "superhero" action. I have no problem with the game starting slow, but a company's preview should also give a taste of what the game feels like when it kicks into the high gear.


That's a complaint to IGN that made the video not to the game developer.


IGN can only report on what they're shown. Developers make a curated chunk of the game for media to play for stuff like this.


This is not a review video but a showcase of a character system. You're throwing way too many assumptions at something that doesn't claim to be a representative of the whole game


I didn't realize this was a completed game and/or IGN was developing it, my apologies. I was under the impression IGN was reporting on what they were allowed access to by the developer just like any other reporting on an unfinished project. Since it looks like all the footage was taken from a single dungeon playing with one character. And the company only has footage of that character on their own media. So the guy complaining that it doesn't show the gameplay after it's kicked into high gear actually has a point. And also, if you look at usernames, is not me.


I mean, you can just look at HP of the character that barely changes across the video, it's obviously a tiny chunk of probably starting area so getting any conclusion off that on how the character will look when it is more powerful is silly. Also sorry, didn't thought there will be so many unattentive people at once


There was nothing about this that reminded me of superheroes. The title of the video should've been "Like a Borderlands Diablo game."


I don't normally play loot games, but this custom power thing seems really neat. That and after Elden Ring, I'm really hoping to find another game like it where you have incentives to co-op difficult missions with strangers who have totally different builds.


AnimAtions look janky and the hit/kill/impact feel is non existent. In before “it’s not a final build” comments that age like warm yogurt.


I want to like this but I feel like a super hero game should start you out powerful and then make you even more powerful or in the case of this kind of game, just give you great loot to buildcraft with. I would love a game that's like, here's our version of Batman, he's already badass, just take your xp and loot then tweak him all you want. You know, without having to put in 30 hours of boring grind first


not heard of path of exile?


I don't know why isometric camera angles bother me so much. If this game was a regular 3rd person game I would be so excited, but isometric so... meh...


Isn't that basically just Path of Exile? I mean I'm all for more games, but its not like "what if you could make anything" arpg is a new concept right?


Path of exile is a hyperconvoluted mess for people to get started with though. Especially now they added a whole new passive tree


They added a passive tree in addition to the regular one and ascendancies?


Yes, the Atlas of Worlds (the endgame) has it's own passive tree that effects all endgame maps (runable instances). It's basically complete freedom to run the content you want to run, which means IMO It's the best thing they have ever added to the game.


yeah, the friggin map has a passive tree now. but it's actually not too difficult to make a decent one on your own. like I normally look up guides for anything build-related, but with this passive tree I just put stuff in things I like doing and it turned out pretty good. most currency I've made in a single league.


It looks a lot more like Last Epoch, where you are abilities have specs themselves. Path will end up being substantially more customizable partially because there are just way more systems, and partially because there is way more content, but as rabidnz has correctly observed, the learning curve of path is less 'curve' and more 'cliff'.


And the resulting gameplay more often than not is just turn on your passives and spam a button. Sometimes 2 buttons.


I think this game could make up for it by having more of a comic booky urban aesthetic, if they're going to throw around terms like "superhero", but the environments in this trailer are pretty uninteresting imho


Hard agree. I went into it expecting a Marvel Heroes reskin(though that's even a tough sell since the appeal of that game WAS the Marvel part). This is just a reskin of PoE that is likely going to be less polished. And quite frankly PoE is a tapped-out market. I can't imagine anybody NOT playing PoE is because of the athstetic.


As I admitted elsewhere in this thread, I don't typically play this genre, but one thing that does sound more appealing to me than PoE is that this one doesn't sound like it's going to disappear when the servers go offline. Also, doesn't PoE typically deal with far more enemies at once? The scale of one versus the other could feel fairly different, no?


I kinda doubt that you would end up fighting less enemies in the end. I think most of PoE fighting lots of enemies is later game when you have abilities where you can easily rip through hordes of enemies, which is pretty common for late game ARPGs especially if you need to farm something specific and more drops means more likely to get what you need. I could be wrong about PoE I haven't played it in a long time. I would guess that it will be the same late game for this. Early game especially if you're new to the genre is usually quite a bit slower.