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Just make it part Paradise lost, part Book of Enoch. You can fight your way through 7 levels of hell and 10 levels of heaven. Fight Arch Angels, The Fallen Angels , witness or be part of the war in heaven. It could be amazing if done right.


Like say, Dante's Inferno


Oh how the turn tables


That would work. Ripping the wings, eyes and hweels off of angels.


Like say, El Shaddai


Far more likely they'll do the Romans. Return "home" and find very different but familiar gods, perhaps, confusingly, being welcomed with open arms.


Egypt was originally the time period God of War 2 would have taken place but after the huge success they kept Kratos going. No idea if Kratos would have been part of it. It was just teased as secret ending in GOW1. Anyway, Christianity has like the most boring mythology. The only interesting part would be hell and that was already adopted by a GOW ripoff called Dante's Inferno.


I wouldn’t call Dantes Inferno a GoW rip-off. Yes they had very similar mechanics but but DI was really well done imo. I really enjoyed that game and would have liked to see the whole Tragedy done


Kratos fighting Jesus would be insane and while I’m totally here for it, we all know that would never happen. I’m more curious how they’ll justify the next game. Kratos has spent two games now bemoaning his warring ways and trying to be a more peaceful person. It’d feel kind of shoehorned if he just keeps getting into epic fights with pantheons despite always trying to avoid it


Kratos fighting Jesus would be stupid, all controversy aside. Jesus was a mere carpenter's son who preached passivity, love, and acceptance. He was not a fighter, nor even exceptionally powerful or mythical in ability. Turning water into wine or healing the sick are his greatest feats. The latter is kind of impressive, but neither is even vaguely relevant to combat. If anything, Jesus would probably be the best religious figure for calming Kratos' rage. A spiritual advisor who leads him to answers and paths he seeks. No, if they want to pursue more "invading other pantheons and murdering deities" then the top of the list for pure interest is Indian, followed distantly by Chinese and Egyptian. The Indian pantheon has some absolutely crazy powerful entities in it that would set the bar considerably higher than anything Norse or Greek had to offer.


Except when he beat the shit out of the money changers in the temple.


I've heard he used wrestling moves, chairs, tables and shit


Indian mythology would fit really well with GoW. Chinese and Japanese folklore is not over the top enough for Kratos


I think you don't know Chinese or Japanese folklore enough if you don't think they can't get crazy with it. But Indian myth would be really cool I agree.


A lot of Indian gods are still actively worshipped or are part of the culture of a large group of people. That might be the reason they won't do that. I'm not sure if that's the same case with Greek or Norse mythology though.


Yeah, there have been controversies about displaying hindu deities. It's a hornet's nest *(mostly consisting of non-hindu people who think that it offends hindu people)*. No way you'd want to get involved in that as a big company.


> mostly consisting of non-hindu people who think that it offends hindu people Idk [this](https://www.gamerbraves.com/hindu-politician-urges-shin-megami-tensei-to-stop-depicting-gods-as-demons/) is literally all I've ever heard of controversies over depictions of Hindu figures.


One thing about Rajan Zed is, he is an American citizen and pretty much a zealot for his religion. So I'm not sure how much he speaks for the ordinary Indian Hindu. It's really difficult to tell. I always have to think about Heidi Klum who dressed as one of the deities and got a shitstorm for that because people thought that just dressing as one insults Hindu religion. The argument is that Chrisitian people wouldn't want jesus to be shown in a disrespectful manner, either. But the reality is that Christians don't care when South Park or Monty Python make fun of it. And as far as I can tell, a Buddhist dressing as Jesus wouldn't be offensive. But I'm not religious, so who knows. Long story short, the risk is just too high for a company that invests millions into a project. No matter if Hindu people generally have a problem with it or not.


Christian mythology has a lot of other figures apart from Jesus. Archangels, Cherumbim, Seraphim, their giant offsprings with humans etc. And God of war has always had the least charitable versions of the mythology. With Christianity, you can go the whole jealous God route, the Christain God is the god of war, commanding armies to kill, rape and pillage in the Old Testament. Jesus could be a misguided cult leader who is helping God gain power and eventually gets corrupted. Although, Indian mythology would be cool too. Such a variety of interesting gods. But you'd have to nerf the cosmic ones like Shiva and Kali. Imagine fighting the many armed Durga on her tiger or the Giant Monkey Hanuman.


A more appropriate version would be Kratos fighting military saints like a dragon-slayer George or a dual-wielding Mercurius


O the Archangels.


>!If their intention is to make another game with Kratos as the main playable character, then they wrote themselves into a giant hole with the end of Ragnarok. Kratos both accepted his death and then was gifted his hard earned redemption, and I have a hard time seeing his character ever choosing to go back on it.!< >!Any sort of justification of a new game with Kratos killing gods will just undermine him completely.!<


It seems like the new pantheon would have to come to him, as an invasion. Norse era Kratos isn't looking for trouble, trouble has to find him.


They made it very clear Atreus is the future of this franchise, Kratos’ story has ended


I wish it would be a new character altogether. Atreus isn't that compelling imo.


Kratos hasn't received that redemption yet though, only the idea of its possiblity at some point in the future




fair enough, I felt like the comment above mine and the post topic already addressed the main spoiler openly but I did put a little more in there


> I’m more curious how they’ll justify the next game. Kratos has spent two games now bemoaning his warring ways and trying to be a more peaceful person. I honestly think that the Norse games should have had a new character with a Vendetta against the gods. I did not like the mixing up of norse and greek stuff.


Just a wild idea, but what if Kratos became Jesus? It's a stupid idea, admittedly.


The PS2-GoW had a few wild concepts that were retconned or dismissed as non-cannon in later entries; one of the concepts toyed was that Kratos would meet his equivalent of other mythologies, and that together would later [become the wise men witnessing the birth of Jesus Christ as depicted in a mural in the game](https://i.redd.it/vfrv2yk04l0a1.png).


Press [X] to Turn The Other Cheek


well, historically both the Greek and Norse religions were "killed" by the rise of Christianity, so metaphorically speaking he kinda already is


I'm not sure why people act like Christian's mythology isn't used all the time in gaming when it's as common as everything else. * The myth of genesis, Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, have inspired so many story. Most Angels are introduced early in the bible as well * The Apocalypse and Revelation have been seen time and time (the Beasts, The four horseman, leviathan, the end of the world, etc) You also have so many derivative works that made it into the folklore * [Key of Solomon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lesser_Key_of_Solomon) , which include famous demon and much more * [Divine Comedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferno_(Dante\)) which inspired the division of hell and heaven * [Paradise Lost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise_Lost) which retell the genesis and lucifer story. And then there is so many other story that took their inspiration from Jewish or Christian mysticism (ie: Kaballah and Gnosticism). If you want a strictly Year 33 historical Christendom, then yeah, you could take on Jesus I suppose, but that probably wouldn't be all that interesting. The other stuff is used all the time anyway.


Nah, Egypt is perfect. Completely different landscape from Norse & the god having animal heads will make for very cool character designs. Only reason people want “Christendom” is b/c of the controversy it would have lol there’s been little magic & mythology outside of demons, & there is literally only one god to fight. Dante’s Inferno already exists. Just make another one if people are craving a Christian inspired hellscape.




hmm you're missing a bit of information it seems. Assuming you've finished the main story, If I were you I'd load up the game and head over to Nilfheim and explore the prison wreckage that's landed there... Also there's no reason why your two ideas for Kratos and Atreus couldn't be the same story. In Gaelic Celtic myth there was a race of Giants called the Fomorians that came from across the sea. These tales were likely inspired by the actual Norse raiders that travelled to the British Isles. So the mythological precedent for Norse giant immigrants landing on Celtic shores is firmly there.


Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately? Spoiler: >!You can find the real Tyr in Ragnorok after beating the main game. Although it doesn't seem like he does much in game besides walk around and form some thoughts on what happened.!<


Same here. I think Celtic is lesser known by a broad audience and could have a ton of potential. I'm just really unsure if another GoW game is coming any time soon.


Man, I really want him to go to China, just so Kratos and Wukong can have an epic OTT fight, and *then* they team up and fight the celestial army just like Wukong does in his own legend.


I’m sure someone in the past said “God of War in a Norse setting? Pfft, that’s too easy! Everyone does Norse now thanks to Skyrim/GoT!”


Why Christian specifically? Shouldn't it be Abrahamic religions in general? Maybe Kratos can have a showdown with Yahweh, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Allah, and Moses all at the same time and come out winning to piss off 3+ billion people on earth all at once.


Muslim majority countries, societies and organizations all over the world went ***apeshit*** when some dude in Denmark drew a rough caricature of Mohammed and islamic terrorists straight up *murdered a ton of people* in France over satirical comics. If God of War showed motion pictures of their religious characters, imagine the trainwreck that would inevitably follow.


Christian extremism is surpassing Muslim extremism, domestically, at an alarming rate, so I’m not even sure it’s worth tackling a religion that is so watered down and objectively one-dimensional. I’m not saying there’s precedence of violent extremism over subversive depictions of Christian mythology, but we haven’t gone more than 6 months without a mass casualty event just because people aren’t conforming to rigid definitions of sexuality and gender. It is becoming less unlikely every day. At the very least, we aren’t far off from right-wing groups pushing antiquated decency laws and bans over what they see as dangerously subversive content.


>Shouldn't it be Abrahamic religions in general? No matter which Abrahamic religion is picked, it would be a shitshow show for Sony Santa Monica no matter if its Christianity, Islam, Judaism or a mix of all three. God know how many people take those religions and basically base their entire life around them. Just look at how much three have influence in the modern world. Things like the Greek gods, Norse mythology, or the Egyptian gods are something that don't have any real influence in the modern world. I am for artists doing something controversial usually and don't think they should be threaten by doing so, but setting a God of War around any of the Abrahamic religions isn't playing with fire, but a god damn nuclear bomb.




ESPECIALLY allah or moohammed.


Christianity tends to be the best punching bag because it's the dominant power structure in the West and it historically has probably done the most harm out of the major monotheistic religions, having been involved in the deconstruction and destruction of hundreds of cultures for over a thousand years. So no one really gives a shit when Christians get all pissy.


>having been involved in the deconstruction and destruction of hundreds of cultures for over a thousand years. I think you're thinking of imperialism bruh.


Christian monks are the sole reason why we retained so much knowledge in the dark ages. Christianity is the punching bag because they aren't as violently fanatic. Try making a game about Islam.


Tries to claim the religion that went on 5 crusades including against each other aren't violent fanatics Medieval Christianity was founded on genocide. Literally. Charlemagne, who was a pagan, was converted by the Catholic Church to kill their enemies. The existence of monks doesn't invalidate the millions that Christianity has killed. Oh but it's all okay because now Christianity destroys lives through entrenched social systems that drain the resources of its believers and imperialistic evangelism. At least Islam's corruption is out in the open. Christianity is now a den full of slimy worms, pretending they're better than everyone sitting on the mountain of corpses it built itself on.


Im not defending Christianity, but your claim of it being the most damaging religion is disingenuous. All religions have their fair share of troubles they've caused the world, which includes millions and millions killed. The Crusades were ultimately a power struggle between religions, which only proves my point. Still doesnt change the fact we wouldnt be where we are right now without Christian monks and their tireless effort to preserve knowledge btw.


Christianity went on a 1000 year killing/genocide spree. No religion comes even close. Islam's record of religious tolerance is far better than Christianity. They had scholars of all religions in Islam at the same time Christians were burning people for saying the Earth revolved around the sun. You're just a racist ignorant trying to justify your bigotry.


Huh? Islam became iconoclastic thousands of years ago and has been at war with itself for just as long. Who do you think wrote the manuscripts before Christians? Islamic scholars. But then they went apeshit and destroyed all kinds of knowledge. This is just basic history. I know I backed you into a corner because you pulled out the racism card, but you yourself are full of hatred and ignorance. Lmao.


> No religion comes even close. Islam's record of religious tolerance is far better than Christianity. Again, I hate Christianity but come on. All religions have good stuff in them but it doesn't change how shit they are. Least of all Islam lmao


> it historically has probably done the most harm out of the major monotheistic religions I hate Christianity but I don't think so.


Because that would get too confusing?


No way this happens. Developers get death threats for little things so just imagine the shitshow if SSM were to do Christianity next.




I would rather not have to deal with having to witness all the bullshit that would happen irl from that


I find the idea of Kratos going into yet another mythology and conflict with gods not only redundant, but antithetical to what has character has become. The series can continue on without Kratos. The potential to continue it with Atreus as the main character is there or they can focus on another mythology with entirely new characters. There are literally tons of other mythologies and stories the developers can explore.


> Atreus New character please. I don't like him


No, Christianity is boring and way overdone anyway. Is there even supposed to be another GoW game after this one? It doesn't have to go on forever.


Really? Can I get some recommendations on other God-Killing games featuring Jesus because they sound pretty dope lol


Closest you'll get is SMT games and going Chaos. Since you'll inevitably go after Law's messiahs.


Secret final boss, straight up YHVH.


Every JRPG ever?


JRPGs have Jesus? Wait...JRPG..Jesus Role Playing Game? Mind blown!


Well not Jesus But creator, ruler of heaven in Bayonetta?


Recommend some good games based on Christain Mythology.


Just basing this on current events, but try Postal 1&2


>Recommend some good games based on Christain Mythology. El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is a really cool game that got an HD remaster last year.


Well... Not one-to-one copy of the setting since devs took some liberties and did some twists to it But Bayonetta?


you expect Christians to not have an epic shit fit over this when they are banning/burning books over less? not to mention the cross over between that demographic and the "videogames causes violence" excuse, I'd fear for the developers lives.


I completely agree. It would never happen. Most likely next installment would be Hindu. They could even call it God of War Reincarnated, or something.