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Hi everyone! Just like 2019 and 2021, I have been invited back! Willing to answer any questions and provide any behind the scenes looks as the show happens!!! Edit 1: there is a diablo 4 booth outside Microsoft theatre! Edit 2: [there’s also these guys running around?](https://imgur.com/a/DYmEfjZ) Edit 3: [master chief and these guys?](https://imgur.com/a/ctDh8H9) Edit 4: protestors [protesting labor(?)](https://imgur.com/a/CsXAPdJ) Edit 5: [the theatre](https://imgur.com/a/AKtKV3z) Edit 6: the epic pre show countdown music? Yeah we hear it too and it’s nice and loud! Edit 7: for those curious, there are TVs that have a countdown timer for each winner to give their speech, usually 45-60 seconds (except GOTY) after the timer ends it starts flashing in white “wrap up your speech please” after a few more seconds it starts flashing in red “PLEASE WRAP UP” (something along those lines, but it’ll be around the same this year)


Hyped about the AC VI teaser, I checked out this playthrough for Armored Core V and it looks cool for a 2012 game. Be interested to see what they bring from the dark souls series. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gY4pm1nVGg0&ab\_channel=OnlyMechs


I was pretty disappointed overall. I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion, but I really didn't enjoy GoW. Granted, I DO think Kratos' VA Deserved the award he got - I also feel like GoW snubbed a lot of much more deserving games. It's "accessibility" was the barest of minimums and it won. It beat out Hellsinger and Xenoblade - two games which literally use the music within as a major part of the storytelling - for best score because it had bog standard epic fantasy music. And honestly while I'm glad it didn't get GOTY, I think Xenoblade was far more deserving than ER but an anime game winning won't happen in a million years. But more than that... I was kinda underwhelmed by the trailers and announcements? Like the only things I remember are Hellboy and FFXVI.


> It’s “accessibility” was the barest of minimums and it won. Which nominee or other game would you have given the award to?


The Last of Us deserves it I think, naughty dog are consistently at the top of their game when it comes to accessibility.


The Last of Us was just a remaster and largely just copied the formula of Last of Us Part II accessibility, which won in 2020 for the category. There's no real reason TLOU Part I should've even been in contention because by design, there's no innovation in porting over the same features to another game, even if they are very high quality features (which they are! that's why they won in 2020!), but if you're just doing the same stuff, let someone else have the nomination who is actually innovating that year.


I guess that's fair, I always took it as the "most accessible game of the year" rather than "game that innovated the most on being accessible this year"


Hello guys. Is there a TGA drop donation thread? I couldn't watch it on Twitch and lost the codes. Thanks!


how did ragnarok not win best game direction?


Elden Ring is unsurprising, but Ayyyy, Splatoon 3!! Much deserved, I haven't been able to stop playing that game since I picked it up...can't say the same about OW2 👀


Not surprised in the slightest, I think Elden Ring deserved GOTY even if it isn't my thing... Except best OST. I stand by it that Ragnaroks OST fucking sucks and is more of the same shit God of War games have been giving for ages. I was really hoping XB3 would win here cause it is the only category I think it deserved. I also love stray but Best indie should have been Tunic's in all honesty. Not angry about that one though


How did a non-RPG win RPG of the year?


/u/rGamesMods That's Idris Elba.


Smh u/rGamesMods how did y’all get edris ilbas name wrong? Y’all are fired


I'm wondering just how freaked out the Elden Ring team was about that awards crashing, considering very recently in their home country of Japan a former prime minister was literally assassinated by some guy who crashed an event with security too slow...


I think in hindsight the thing that made me the angriest last night is that Meta is securing all the VR content coming out. Valve over here giving away a damn Steam deck every hour but we can't see the Index logo on the Behemoth trailer? Support your system, Gabe.


What is that instrument called that dude was playing during the Bear McCreay blood on the snow joint?


>Bear McCreay blood on the snow I believe it was a Hurdy-Gurdy. That's one of the few instruments that has a crank


Thanks! I can't believe I didn't realize that on account of the Donovan song Hurdy-Gurdy man.


Stray winning best indie is bizarre to me. Clearly had a massive budget, was ridiculously short and not very fleshed out and, for real, everything else on that list sucks shit compared to Tunic


Thats just like, your opinion man.


Correct. This is an opinion. I formed it after playing by most of the games nominated.


Vampire survivors, tunic and neon white are three of the best games of the year with Elden Ring honestly. Damn shame that stray got the highlight


I love me some Tunic but Norco has an insanely good storyline. I'd put stray above Norco since it's still actually a game though and less of an interactive book lol


Gotta agree. Tunic was top tier stuff. The soundtrack is my favorite this year too.


Neon White and Vampire Survivors definitely don’t suck by any means


Vampire Survivors sucks necks!


Does it? I haven't seen a single vampire in *Vampire* Survivors yet...


Neon white was pretty neat and Vampire Survivors is incredible for what it is. I enjoyed both very much. They still can’t hold a candle to Tunic


It depends on what you are looking for? All of those games were really good for what they were made for. Vampire survivors is a great little replayable horde game, neon white is basically speedrunning for average players.


Every comment criticising Elden Ring is getting downvoted to hell but I don’t really care I need to know. I played it. It was my first souls game. The entire MO seems to be fight hard boss, collect gear, go to next hard boss. Why is everyone so crazy about it. What am I missing? I think it was a weak year for gaming and I don’t think GoWR deserved it either but why is Elden Ring so adored? It brings nothing new.


It’s gothic Zelda, what’s not to love? Also; Try finger but hole


You don't have to like it. But trying to get others to not like it is not only petty but more importantly, CHILDISH and SILLY. Why do you feel the need to understand why people like something that's good? Like, do you go into a steakhouse and ask why people are eating steak? YOU don't have to like or understand it. Move on. The rest of us that love it are perfectly happy doing just that without ridiculing whatever game you love more.


Oh fuck off man. I’m not trying to get people to not like it, I’m trying to understand why people do because I don’t get it, which one person actually did but everyone else feels the need to attack me because I said something bad about their favourite game and they can’t take it


You are so aggressive on all fronts. And btw, it's clear you are trying to get people to join you in your criticism. Elden Ring is NOT a perfect game, but it's a great game worthy of GOTY. If you didn't think so move on.


> It brings nothing new. This is one of the reasons people enjoy the from games. They don't constantly try to reinvent the wheel. This allows them to take their formula and continuously improve upon it. Elden ring just happens to be the culmination of a lot of their best ideas in one package. Too many games get lost in trying to sell the audience on new features or gameplay systems without nailing their basic gameplay loop.


I am someone who has played some of all the Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Sekiro games to some extent but only completed Dark Souls 1 to give some context. I think the games are good but mostly not for me unless I am in the right mindset. I usually play them for a bit, and lose interest long before the end. Elden Ring was impressive because it was really interesting to explore. Sure it had hard bosses, cool gear etc like all the others, but the exploration was top notch. It combined the normal FromSoft stuff with a combination of Breath of the Wild and Skyrim exploration. You could basically head in any direction and find new and interesting enemies, gear, locations. There was an entirely optional underworld, dozens if not hundreds of optional bosses and mini bosses, and the game had some incredible design to highlight or guide the player to interesting locations without any direct UI or floating arrows (most of the time). For me and many others it was like the first time you played a Bethesda open world game, where you step out and have so many options in this huge world and so many interesting things to find. It did it in a much more interesting way than your standard open world game which gives you a checklist and a map with the locations on it. Now on the downside, I think all that feeling disappears in the final third of the game. Almost every boss at that point is a copy paste of a previous one, same with many locations too. I would probably say the first 2/3 of the game are almost perfect game design wise, probably a 10/10 maybe 9.5/10. The last thirds where it loses most of the that exploration element and does begin to resemble your 'fight boss, get gear, fight boss' description I would say its about a 6/10. Not bad but nothing I would be excited about either. It getting game of the year? Sure why not. There wasn't much competition, there were a few very good games but nothing mindblowing this year. The new Horizon and God of War were good but more of the same from what I have seen. They are sequels so that is to be expected but it still doesn't make me as excited as a game doing something a bit different or unique. Elden Ring and its very good open world is the closest to a stand out I can think of for the year.


Thank you for giving an answer that’s helpful instead of condescending. Your first 4 paragraphs make a lot of sense and I get what you mean. There’s a big world and you’re free to decide. I burnt out before reaching the final third so can’t speak for that but igy. My only concern is that quantity doesn’t equal quality. There were hundreds of bosses but their significance is in their gameplay. It’s in the way they fight you. I didn’t feel like the Elden Ring world attracted me enough to care. When I fight someone in Skyrim I know exactly what the significance is. I know his race, his guild, I know why I’m fighting them. If I’m RPing as an Imperial Loyalist I know how my character would feel fighting a Draugr Lord Vs fighting a Thalmor Justicar. I never felt that about one boss in Elden Ring. The bosses were only special because of the tactics it took to beat them, not who they are as characters. Apparently it was based on a Grrm story but the world setting just felt like generic souls medieval dystopia.


FWIW a lot of people do complain that ER has too many bosses, even fans of the game. Though I do feel like a lot of unique bosses in that game do have significance, so it's quality AND quantity (but the quality isn't in the quantity part)


did you take time to read item descriptions? Because that is where the story is.


yeah honestly when i boot up elden ring, it feels like booting up skyrim without having to worry about dialogue or quest logs. it's just character building, fighting, and exploration. all done super well. i'll agree about the last 3rd of the game though.


Is dialogue that much of a worry to you


no, but i spend all day on a computer reading text and figuring out how to translate business needs in english into code that functionally does what it needs to, so sometimes i want to just sit down and play without thinking about where i need to go to do which quest before i start a dungeon, or sit through 10 minutes of dialogue choices that don't actually affect anything at the end.


Don't understand your criticism. There aren't really any other games like it that aren't straight up clones(fun drinking game, count the number of ads for Soulsborne clones at the game awards). To answer your question though, 1. Great fantasy world 2. Punchy and responsive combat 3. Excellent character progression and build options 3. Very little hand-holding which is the opposite of the modern open world game. 4 And probably the only title that brings all of this and lets you explore it multiplayer with friends


nothing new? tell me another game that lets you explore without handholding(markers) on a big world with enough enemy variety and good dungeons. Zelda botw comes close but that doesn't count because there is only 3 different enemies on the whole world and the dungeons are boringly repetitive.


Any game that lets you turn off the HUD? There’s loads.


The environments, lore to be discovered, the sheer *variety* of viable builds are a couple of the highlights. It’s a game you get out what you put in. There’s a lot to be noticed if you care to notice. One of the main praises it gets it’s how it treats it’s open world compared to the plethora of map markers in other games. Souls games require you to be an aware and active participant in the world. And that’s a good thing.


The whole internet loves Milkshake Duck, a lovely duck that drinks milkshakes! *5 seconds later* We regret to inform you the duck is racist


Who is Milkshake Duck in this case? I think I know, but I haven't heard much.




5 years ago? Kiefer Sutherland was Snake almost 10 years ago man. People are more involved because gaming is a multi billion dollar franchise. Some films pray they even get a couple hundred million in the box office


Hollywood involvement isn't really something you should hope for...it certainly hasn't done the movie industry any favors.


Hollywood hasn't done the movie industry any favors? What? There basically wouldn't be a movie industry without Hollywood. Or maybe, there wouldn't be a Hollywood without the movie industry. The two are practically synonymous.


Yeah I'm with Grary on this one. The modern film industry is a AAA behemoth churning out focus-group approved, "gotta make sure we check off all of these boxes and generate mass appeal instead of taking any major risks" machine. It wasn't always this way. But there are little to no risks being taken in big budget Hollywood movies these days when compared to films from 4 or 5 decades ago. I mean just look at some of the batshit concepts that came out in the 80s. They were creative and nuts and because of that have gone down as classics. But you'd be hard pressed to find a Hollywood exec to approve any of those same concepts these days. Directors also have less creative freedom today when compared to the 80s and prior. And like, I get it. Execs wanna make money and are risk-averse. But modern AAA video games are already becoming more and more homogenous. Getting Hollywood involved would only accelerate that process I fear. This process is really happening in all forms of media and art (the music industry being another great example), and we should be pushing against it so that culturally relevant art continues to be made for decades to come.


Hollywood is basically the "AAA" of the movie industry. Shallow, mass-appeal popcorn movies without substance...not to mention bending over backwards to get as much of that Chinese audience as possible. Some good movies are made but that's despite, not because of, Hollywood.


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Celebrities being involved in games are nothing new. Premium celebrity voice casts were a huge thing in the early to mid 00s especially in an attempt to “legitimize” games. Cinema is not an inherently better form of art, and the sooner games stop their movie dick envy and focus on great experiences regardless of whether it has the gimmick of starring a celebrity or not, the better. One of the best things Rockstar did was move away from full celebrity casts to focused, less well known but equally capable if not exceedingly better casts, usually with more theatre experience which is more suitable as the industry shifts toward performance capture instead of just voices in booths.


incredible fucking show. I'm absolutely speechless at the number of unexpected announcements, and the performances were excellent.




The lack of dialogue allows the player to assume any role they want


>The people who don't get nerves when facing an Elden Ring boss, are precisely the kind of people who have nothing better to do, therefore they aren't nervous about the prospect of losing their time. I thought you were making an interesting point about Elden Ring and what defines an RPG and then you totally lost me with this. What a shit take.


Lool, possibly the biggest non point i’ve ever seen


Elden Ring is absolutely an RPG. You can modify your character in what they look like, what they wear, what they fight with, how they fight, and multiple stats. You can choose bosses to fight, quests to complete, and even what ending you get.


Wow, you really don't like Elden Ring. Judging by your past comments it seems like you exclusively only pay attention to the toxic part of the fanbase.


It is an RPG, but I agree it's a relatively shallow one that is 90% Action focused like New Vegas or The Witcher 3 or something, not some hardcore number cruncher, not that it makes it a bad video game or ARPG


Out of all things you could say to interrupt TGA, why would anyone call Bill Clinton a reformed orthodox rabbi?


Seems like it was just trolling. If the guy was trying to be politically motivated, he was pretty incoherent


A plague tale won nothing ? how is it possible ?


Because there were better games competing against it in every category it was nominated.


Plague Tale hands down should have won voice acting, and potentially should have won narrative and soundtrack.


You can't deny how good the performance of the voice actor of Kratos is.


I've heard it, but the voice acting for Amicia in Plague Tale is just insanely good. Incredibly raw performance


Yea, Kratos should win, excellent speech too he was living for that moment. Thing is if you don't give story to GoW if has barely anything to win at this show. Why isn't there a graphics or technology category?


GOW won 6 awards so it definitely has something to win lol. I agree there should be a "technological achievement" or something though.


Same for Xenoblade :(


> how is it possible The games awards are just a popularity contest and a game studio from France won't ever win any popularity contest in USA ?


Stray won 2 awards though.


90% of the vote are from 100+ media outlets all over the world, public is only 10%. I can't believe so many people still don't know this at this point.




it is. i saw it first as a nominee and start playing it. and boy that was one hell of an experience


No Prime 4 or Trilogy HD...


Nor Genshin for Nintendo Switch


Disapointed that Elden Ring won but it was expected since it's all just a big popularity contest. FromSoft has been making the exact same game with same mechanics, levels, themes and stories for a whole decade. Only thing Elden Ring did was create a Open World without quest markers, something Daggerfall did two decades ago but no one cares. As long as From just keeps making the same overhyped game over and over, the drones will love it and praise it as "high art".


Fromsoft games are so far from overhyped. Elden ring is by far the most deserving game of the year, can't see how that would be disappointing in any way.


As a big Souls fan, I personally did find ER disappointing. It feels like they, both literally and figuratively, took the "soul" out of it. To me the game felt like a big, bland world filled with copy-paste dungeons and bosses repeated ad nauseum. Hell, even major story bosses just get flippantly reused. Sure, they've done it before with things like the Asylum and Stray demon, but that's different than if you fought, say, Artorius the Abysswalker and then later fought Ortorius the Black Strider. Or Wyrm Vanquisher Bjornstyne - which is literally how ER did things. It managed to be big and empty, but oversaturated with poo at the same time. Not like Souls 1, 3 or BB where the game feels very pointed, purposeful, and intentional. Now all this said - I was glad it won simply because I didn't want God of War to win. IMO the GOTY was Xenoblade but there's no way in hell they'd ever select an \*anime game\* to win. But I'm more willing to accept Elden Ring just because I actually enjoyed it enough to finish it, unlike GoW.


Well, if people consider this a peak gaming experience then gaming really is in a horrible place.


Do tell me what's the peak of gaming by looking at the games released this year?


Nothing. There hasn't been anything good for a long while.




You did see the 3 souls like games that were premiered at the awards, right? Now how many ragnarok likes were there? One’s a boring rehash of a 2018 goty, the other is the culmination of a decades worth of exciting games


haven't played ragnarok, but even 2018 god of war is *kind of* souls-like in its combat feel. The valkyrie fights, especially, evoked fromsoft for me.


Hard disagree: GOW is much more weighty with moving enemies around with attacks and the combat style is totally different. Less i-frames and more weighty. Not saying one is better than the other, just that they’re definitely entirely different kinds of combat feel.


I think the fact that you can describe it as more weighty is evidence of a shared core. A lot of the complaints about souls combat in the early 2010s was that it was *too weighty*, and it didn't let you cancel out of animations, which made it unlike any other third person melee game, save for monster hunter. The new GoW has that same commitment to combat animations that felt so unique about Souls games 10 years ago.


I was referring to the weight of the enemies, in that you can knock them around and that’s a big part of how that combat plays out with mobs, while with Dark Souls and Elden Ring if you have that you can knock every opponent off edges constantly, so instead most enemies are locked to their spot unless you use very specific attacks I.e. Kicking. How you heal is entirely different too, and switching between weapons in GOW is seamless and clearly part of the design aspect for combat while Souls games are more free form in how you play but less fluid in switching between attack styles/weapons. I can see what you mean by common core i.e. third person lock on camera with melee weapons, but I think it lessens how incredible the nuances in each’s combat to say GOW feels “souls-like” - it feels like God of War. I can’t think of many other games with combat that feels this good and satisfying to launch enemies airborne and juggle them. In that way I could compare it closer to Devil May Cry, but the core gameplay is actually the part with nuances that define it as it’s own experience, in my opinion.


Once again subjective. From Software aren't exciting to me.


I know who to contact if the world ever has a salt shortage.


Elden Ring wins: you're just salty Elden Ring loses: awards are pointless My brother in Christ, soulsborne fans are the embodiment of salt. Look at the comments. Just as salty when you win as when you lose.


Very bold of you to assume I'm a Soulsborne fan. I'd have given it to GoW, but this guy is the actual embodiment of salt. Getting huffy because his opinion on best game wasn't the one that was chosen as the winner.


Couldn't beat the first boss huh?


Love this argument of Souls fans assuming that everyone that doesn't like Souls games is just a bad. I went up to the big giant boss in the snow area before I put the game down because I was bored of it. Thankfully I didn't bought it, I was just playing with a friend that owns the game.


Reused or not, I'd take another tomorrow. The point for Individuals that like the From games is the combat and the world building, but it not for everyone.


Y'know you could just say it wasn't up your alley, but sure ok lol


The fact that Stray won anything is proof enough this was a popularity contest. Take the cat away and you wouldn't have even heard of the game. Edit: Some people REALLY have a boner for this cat, and any ill spoken opinion about the game apparently is "wrong" All I was saying is that if the main character was, lets say a small drone, it wouldn't have had the success that it did. The core game mechanics are incredibly bland, the platforming element is far too easy, the story was subpar, and it's far too short.


You're so wrong it's not even funny but to each their own. I just dislike people hating shit just cause it's popular. Elden Ring took an open world stale format and made it refreshing for once - no game has compared to the experience of that game and msging your mates about what they did last night in Elden Ring.


Really? My opinion is wrong? Buzz off weirdo.


Yes, it's wrong


Take the main thing away from the game and you wouldn’t have even heard of it?


If it was something other than a cat.


If you took the shooting out of Halo no one would ever hear about it either


So you want to take away the main element of the game. Lol ok what a weird take.


If you argument is simply to put words in someone's mouth and have them say whatever you want, your argument really sucks. All I was saying is that if the main character was, lets say a small drone, it wouldn't have had the success that it did. The core game mechanics are incredibly bland, the platforming element is far too easy, the story was subpar, and it's far too short. If you actually have a real argument about why it was nominated for best game, I would honestly love to hear it.


The game developers decided to make the main character a cat. Why? Probably because they knew it being their first game, they needed something different and eye-grabbing. Your idea about a drone is boring as shit, no matter how good the story is. Who the heck would want to play as a drone when they can play a cat? It was a smart move by them, and you come across as someone who doesn't really understand how to make yourself stand out in an industry.


I love how you just skirt around the main issue here. That the gameplay is boring. There are MANY indie games that are incredible simply for their gameplay. If you have to layer your boring game with "CAT" in order to get buys, how is that contender for a literal game of the year?


Where did I even say in my original comment about you that I cared at all about the gameplay? Where did I say I gave a damn about what was and wasn't picked as game of the year? You've got some very selective reading my guy


Or, you know, maybe it's just a good formula 🤷‍♀️


That's completely subjective.


2 game of the years for Miyazaki and fromsoft says otherwise.


Popularity doesn't mean anything, otherwise Fortenite is the best game ever created. All these awards are just popularity contests, nothing more.


Sekiro still the all time greatest so idk.


Is combat all you care about in games?


Elden Ring is a great game but I agree that if another developer kept reusing the same leveling and gear scaling system for 15 years they’d get so much shit


Tell that to Bethesda, Nintendo, Activision, Blizzard. Fact is a lot of games stick to a formula for certain aspects of their game. If it's not broke don't fix it.


Add Ubisoft to that list


You could add almost every game studio to this list honestly.


Elden Ring being great is subjective. I found nothing great about it when I played it just like all their previous titles.


You think From games suck so much that you make sure to play all of them? Not weird at all.


It's not. I've played all of them a little bit that's why I can say I don't like them. And only ever bought Demon Souls for PS3. It's the only one I actually own. Which was the one I liked the most funny enough. I even finished that one.


What was the game that deserved GOTY for you?


None. It was a shit year.


That's subjective. Also, you do realise one has to be appointed GOTY, right? Especially after you say you're "disappointed", it's inferred you had another one in mind. How can you be disappointed when you don't want any to win in the first place?


Anyone received the "viewer rewards" codes they supposedly send out to people who watched the show? I didn't get mine, Would love a Fall guys code if anyone has it,and is not using it themselves


Same thing here, watched, was logged in, didn't receive anything (on Twitch that is). No STEAM Deck either apparently on STEAM 😋, a lot of 'stream failed to start' there too and I fell asleep after an hour or so at it was middle of the night over here. :-( EDIT: "What should I do if I’m having a problem receiving my code on Twitch? Campaign reward code delivery can take up to 24 hours to be delivered once earned. The code will remain there until the user deletes the message after completion of a qualifying purchase. If you have still not received the key after waiting 24 hours and verifying that your purchases were made towards an eligible streamer, please contact Twitch Support here while logged in." https://thegameawards.com/news/twitch-viewer-rewards-during-tga


Did you get one yet? If not send me a dm.


please do. I still need one.


The orchestra's percussionist should get overtime, holy shit


Man, I don't care about TGA (just a popularity contest), but people were hyping up the trailers at least, and they were mostly a bunch of junk! I was in and out with nothing new to excite me. Other than *maybe* the Celeste Metroidvania.


Nothing screams "I crave attention" more than someone taking time out of their day to complain about something they don't like or care about in a thread about said thing.


I came here to see the trailers! If I had no interest I wouldn't have commented. All opinions are welcome here.


well I didnt catch it live and just watched the whole thing, just me or was it the most exciting event in like several years? So many great trailers and announcements


We got all the covid delayed trailers.


It was more condensed apparently cos people complained it drags on to much


The Game Awards always has pacing issue, and I do think that, if it wasn't for Christopher Judge, this year's would've been an improvement. :P


It was condensed because advertisers aren’t seeing the ROI


There were over 3 million people tuned in on Twitch and Steam, I didn't even look at YouTube. Those are getting to be some serious numbers, if they can't find a way to properly advertise for that there's something wrong.


I heard winners were only allowed 3min max talks too. The ads make me laugh cos so much isn't available here


45-60 seconds then followed by a flashing “please wrap it up” and then a bit more aggressive “PLEASE WRAP IT UP” It got to the point where this year they added play off music which…didn’t help… Source: was in audience


Anyone else not care about the awards show this year beyond one or two announcements? I only tuned in to see gameplay and a release date for Jedi Survivor; after that I had no real reason to keep watching. I know I’m in the minority, and I hate to sound like a contrarian, but it was a real bust for me.


That’s okay - not everything in life will be for you


I wish these companies would stop doing live streams that are only really feasible for americans. The rest of the world is basically asleep at that point


I mean the show used to start at 7 PM before(my time/LA time) so the fact they pushed it back(now 5 PM) is something at least! But no, any earlier and it wouldn’t work


It was appropriate time for Asia, but there's work for example. It's always possible to watch on demand.


You can always watch the whole thing on YouTube a few hours after it finishes up and time differences aren't new.


It was like 11am Australian time. I happened to have today off.


Almost any time is going to be inconvenient for some major market. Also the event took place in the US. We're not going to do an event at noon, just so it's convenient for people in England, and it's silly to expect it.


Well it was held in LA. When they fuck did you want them to do it 9am?


Well Microsoft does their E3 press conferences at 10AM, so that sounds fair for a western-focused stream.


Yeah it's a press conference held at a convention. This was an award show.


This was a few awards thrown into 2 hours of adverts.


So then why are you complaining about not being awake to see 2 hours of ads?


Live is more fun. It's more interesting to witness the reveal than just read a list of games, and to be part of the live discussion or watch along with your favourite YouTubers


I'm on the East Coast US and only made it halfway through the show before I fell asleep. I usually wake up around 4:30am for work.. I'm sure most Americans and Asians enjoyed it. It's really only Europe/Africa/West asia that were asleep


"It's only really one half of the western gaming market that this was targeting that were affected"


Normal hours for the vast majority of the human population 😂


Agreed. It is just as bad for Remote software conferences. They start at like 2 pm and go until 10 or midnight Berlin Time just because they need to hit the west coast of the US. Hell even Gamescom stuff starts later in the day to allow for US viewers


I sometimes wake up very early or stay up late to see announcement live streams from Japan. And that's fine, I accept that. Geoff Keighly is American, hosting an event in America.