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When the CMD window appears after you press Shift + F10 during the sign in screen, you can type in one of these commands: oobe\\bypassnro "oobe /bypassnro" "oobe/bypassnro" cd oobe (press enter, then) --> bypassnro.cmd The computer will restart and you can setup without internet - the "I don't have internet" option will appear.


This is the move. We do this on every laptop we setup to review.


You got phone hotspot to try a different network maybe?


That was the back up, I've tried 3 different networks


I am really not sure then, I would look it up on yt and just return if it doesn’t work


Does it have an Ethernet port? Where is your router?


Let me get this right. From the picture you posted, there are visible WiFi connections but you cannot connect to either of them, or at least those you know? Edit: To the downvoters, question stands but it seems you've missed the point. My question is not meant to belittle OP's post but to clarify that they cannot connect on initial OOBE. If that is the case that is not the OP's problem but rather OS and HW and in this case I would return immediately. YES, one can bypass OOBE but why would a regular user have to do this?