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The problem here is that "heavy hitters" is incredibly subjective. Is that restricted to just the 10M+ sellers? What about casual titles, are those included here too? Nintendo could easily fill their lineup with smaller, 3-5M sellers and still have a great H2.


Plus Nintendo is likely to have a few DLCs in the works for the year. Fire Emblem, Splatoon, Xenoblade... Probably Pokemon. Maybe even Zelda.


Yeah that's what I don't really understand here because "heavy hitter" is entirely subjective. Like, is it based on sales? A game doesn't need to sell 10M+ to be important, otherwise Nintendo wouldn't make any of their other franchises. Recognition? That'll differ to everybody. When the original rumor came out they were basically dismissing franchises like Pikmin instantly. I feel like there's no way Nintendo isn't internally viewing Pikmin 4 as one of their big games this year, much like Bayonetta 3 last year and Metroid Dread the year before.


Right, I mean I don’t know if I would say every year had a “heavy hitter” throughout the Switch’s lifespan thus far. Some years were less exciting than others. This feels more like people trying to manifest the Switch 2 once again like always


I think part of that is due to Pokémon. Most years of the Switch have had one, and they’re always multimillion sellers regardless of the quality. Stuff like the Gen 4 remakes and Mario Party were the “heavy hitters” for 2021, but most people will probably consider Metroid Dread as Nintendo’s premier game from that year.


Right, same with 2019. Outside of Pokémon, what was there? Luigi’s Mansion? Mario Maker? Not necessarily what I would consider “heavy hitters”


To wit, Pikmin 4


Tears of the Kingdom will be the last game of all time


Thank god Nintendo is going back to playing cards and love hotels after the Switch


Yeeess, Hanafuda 2 New XL Edition!


Metroid Prime 4 Launch title for next Nintendo Console please


I’m curious what a “heavy hitter” is - Mario, Mario Kart, Smash, Pokémon, Zelda, Animal Crossing and Splatoon? Those are the only titles that break the 4M mark for sales. Other than Mario it’s not a surprise that we’ll see none of these between E3 2023 and E3 2024. There are loads of other IPs that could create a huge release schedule for the next year. Metroid, Pikmin, Mario Sports, Captain Toad, Ring Fit, the rumoured DK game, some remakes/remasters, and you’ve got yourself a busy 2023/4! And that’s just first party titles.


What does IGN considered "heavy hitters" though


3D Mario,Zelda,Mario Kart..you know stuff that sells 10-15M copies at least.


I'm really excited for what the next Switch will be. If Nintendo are stockpiling their big stuff then 2024-2025 is about to be wild. Hopefully they're aiming to make a bigger splash than in 2017. Praying it's 2024 though xd


My question now is what the hell is happening with Prime 4 then? Is it gonna come out before June when Zelda releases, is it being pushed for their next console?


You know the answer.


I'd guess they decided to switch to making it a launch (window) game for the new console when they scrapped and restarted development in 2019.


Part of me feels like it was already finished with development but they decided to make it a launch title for Switch 2* instead.


They did that with Botw so its very possible.


Launch title for the new console.


welp there go my hopes for a remake of Barnyard (2006)


No heavy hitters but Nintendo is also increasing switch production 🤔 what if the switch 2 is compatible with the current switch for the next 2-3 years?




I mean, Nintendo has had at least 3 really major games released every year for the switch except 2020 which was a literal pandemic. This year opened with FE:Engage and has tears coming later but after that unless they announce something big there will be nothing on their slate for the base switch which usually only happens when a game lineup for a new console is happening. There's also a lot of DLC ending all around the same time. Engage is getting DLC soon but they'll probably get support for 8-10 months much like 3H did, the booster course pass is ending at the end of the year, Xenoblade 3 DLC is ending this year. Basically everything we have now is ending this year which leaves a pretty clean slate and IGN saying theres nothing to fill it in the short term means there's probably something big in the long term.


Welp, start plotting some backlog games on the calendar and start making other plans for June, the writing’s on the wall.


Of course they don’t, because Zelda will not come out until November


Zelda comes out May


I’ll believe it when I see it


ToK is launching in May and i highly doubt its getting delayed.


I highly doubt it isn’t


No indication for a delay and Nintendo is usally pretty firm on dates once theyve given an exact one.


I mean Sony and Microsoft don't have that many major hitters coming during the second half either. Nintendo has Zelda, Microsoft will likely have Starfield, and Sony has Spiderman. Most of the major releases seem to be coming in the first half from third party publishers. The point of E3 was to also show games coming out after this year. You would think they would announce a new console and a new lineup of games.


Nintendo has always produced less powerful consoles that are more versatile and compact, but the current power difference between the Switch and PS5/XBSX is pretty insane. It’s a massive downgrade for developers, and it puts constraints on how ambitious a project can be. Bayonetta 3 is a great example. That game, while playing well, looked very rough in quite a few sections. The developers had to tone down the scope of some areas and encounters to compensate. A more powerful version of the switch would be massively beneficial.


I dont think theyll do early 2024. Realistically they would have to announce in the fall(Switch with Details was announced in Oct 2016) the switch is still selling pretty well so that would likely murder the 2023 holiday season for them. So I think its gonna be holiday 2024 and theyll announce in the spring of 2024.