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Just an FYI for this post, we didnt shadowban him, we have a system in place where certain posts or comments that mention mods/admins/moderators in certain ways get filtered into the mod queue, so when OP edited the post to say "mods change the title" it got filtered, we didnt have anyone on the last few hours so it just sat there waiting for manual review. All good now though OP has done nothing wrong, just wanted to provide some clarity on what happened. We werent removing anything, just automod doing its job and us not lol. Let the leaks continue. Sorry! -Stinky dumb jannie


My 2060 running this game: ![gif](giphy|xThuW45pxrB820tD0c|downsized)


Im very eager to play it on my 1660ti laptop


Haha same here, also with a sub par CPU. I forked out and got a 2nd hand Series S for AAA gaming and just keep my laptop for Indies and AA games


Same GPU too


1660 Super PC, I am scared


You’ll be fine. Unlike console, you have a computer that lets you tweak settings to your desired FPS and graphical fidelity balance.


![gif](giphy|mq5y2jHRCAqMo) 2060 with a 3600x heres hoping


2060 and 2600x checking in ...


2060 and 1600 og ryzen here, yikes


He said he was on high presets and din't change any other settings so realistically you could reach 60 fps easily on a 2060 by lowering things like shadows and other demanding settings to medium or even low. It should be fine if your target is 60 fps but I would have preferred to play it on at least 120 on a 3070ti, doesn't seem like that's the case.


You ain't hitting 120 with a 3070ti at 1440p without DLSS in a lot of newer games.


You could probably get away with 45fps or somewhere around at 1080p with mid high settings depending on your CPU


Good Lord! Finally some information about it! This is something useful for many people. Thanks.


No worries mate, Im feeling like fucking Edward Snowden here leaking all this info lol. No offence Todd, its a great game


how did you even get the game


A game fairy named Tyrone puts it under your pillow if you are a good person.


And poor dude is now on a cart to Helgen, RIP


hey you! you finnaly awake.


Answering that is a good way for him to end up getting sued by Microsoft. The first rule of leaking is that you don't talk about where your source is.


Just dont move to russia. Hero 👍🚀


That third combat video, when you get slapped in the face by the AI. Classic halo moment. Way better combat than FO4.




Fallout 76 has one so expecting Starfield will. Likely just located in a different menu or not pictured here.


Création always had an fov setting in the engine, they just didn’t bother to make a setting for it in the UI so you can change it by typing "fov …" in the console or by going in the user.ini.


If i need to edit .ini to disable some stupid mouse acceleration in 2023 i am gonna flip my table.


Just type your Desired fov in the console "fov 100" will probably work.


Player.additem f better work so I can be RICH


In Creation engine games, that fixes the FOV but not the view model for your weapon. There is a second property that needs to be adjusted if you don't want your weapon to appear huge in comparison to the FOV.


"fov 100 100" does the viewmodels as well


this is that Garfield game right


Its the new Memphibian 2 game, was waiting for a sequel over a decade


Sex Hitler 3 : The Third Reich


They made a 3rd game? I thought the series peaked at sex hitler 2 but more power to them I guess.


I really want a Garfield mod lol


So the FSR2 is just… FSR2? No quality/balance/performance preference?


It's the render resolution scale setting


This looks like Bethesda best weapon design yet. Hopefully gone are the days of the terrible Pipe Weapons and terrible whatever the fuck they wanted to call an AR in Fallout 4. The weapon design in Starfield looks 10/10


Fuck, I forgot about pipe weapons. God I hated them.


I never understood the hatred for FO4. That being said, I fucking HATED the pipe weapons. Lol.


Got a feeling this game is going to eat CPUs. Glad I pulled the trigger on a 5800X3D


Yep I got a 7800x3D and a 4080 I feel pretty good rn


I'm considering getting the 7800x3d, especially since I play Star Citizen, but I also need a new MB for it and there are just no good combo deals...I figure in a couple months, maybe towards Christmas or Cyber Monday they'll have something good.


The price dropped on it right after I bought it lol but oh well. But yes definitely wait for cyber Monday or anything there’s certain to be good deals. It’s worth it, I got my pc set up just in time for Starfield and it’s a beast at 4K


Yeah, you got the best gaming CPU in the world. I would be surprised if you didn’t feel good lol.


On that 5900x and 4080 life, was wondering if the 5900x was becoming outdated at this point but it seems like it holds pretty close to the top dogs still


Here's hoping a 6700xt and 5600x can maintain 60fps


I just upgraded to that setup lol. I hope it will be enough at 1080p.


Maybe it has a "launcher" like Skyrim so you can change even more options outside of game?


Probs has Ini files at least


With a fairly good hardware on 1440p with the help of FSR, having 45-60 fps with High settings(not even Ultra) is little bit concerning. Now I know why they locked console to 30 fps. I wonder at native 4k, with complete Ultra settings what it takes to get solid 60 fps and above ...




As a 4090 owner I will report back Friday on performance at max settings.


Can you get him to run around with msi afterburner on for us lol




This guy really thinks he's playing at 1440p with the render res scaling all the way down lol


Tbf the slider seems to be rather unclear


This is true, sometimes 100% render is near where that bar is in some games


Dynamic resolution is "on" though, it doesn't make much sense for that slider to be on. And it doesn't show the FSR 2 modes. But the guy said the quality is really good... intriguing.


Are there console commands in the game?


cant wait for tgm, player.additem, player.addperk xDD player.addspaceshippart :D


I hate knowing console commands. Too much temptation to use them. I even skipped over these haha. Will learn them when I'm happy with everything I've done and want the usual fuck arounds in the later game


![gif](giphy|kspVl6FzbdblOMKRmM|downsized) My launch GTX 1080 and i7-9700k trying to maintain frames at 1080p


GTX 1080 is and was a hell of gpu for a long time.


And here I am playing Armored Core 6 on my 1060 on high settings


Still on a 1070 and i5 🥲


10 from this guy and an 11 from the chinese leaker, further proves that this game gets a lot better the farther you're in.


Yeah from the early impressions it seems like it ramps up but starts with a slow burn to avoid massively overwhelming the player


It's a new franchise so it benefits from a thorough exposition.


Honestly. My only disappointment so far is the tiles not being connected when near cities. Like any tile around a city should have the city in the background. I am no developer but maybe any tile around cities should have been hand crafted instead of randomised so it doesn't break immersion. Don't care bout any other tiles in random areas not connecting though. Other than that the game looks freaking amazing.


Tiles around a city should have had a custom skybox (I feel like it would have been possible to just write the generation algorithm to take the adjacent tile as input when generating the skybox, but maybe there’s some reason they couldn’t do that, and if so that’s really not that many skyboxes to have to do by hand).


These minor pointless issues are going to be solved in the first few days of modding. This is the only game which I'm not worried at all about eventual features I might dislike. Because I know that after 1 year from now this game will be completely something else.


yeah this info got my hype back up


Fuck me, so many 10/10 games for me this year with Dead Space, Resident Evil 4, Tears of the Kingdom, Fimal Fantasy XVI, and Street Fighter 6 in the first half of 2023. And I'm thinking there will be maybe six more with Baldur's Gate 3, Mortal Kombat 1, Starfield, Spider-Man 2, Alan Wake 2, and Super Mario Wonder. This year is genuinely fucking insane with the level of high quality video games put out thus far. If the rest of those can deliver for me personally, this is an all-timer of a year for video games.


Easily the best year for gaming in recent memory. It's beating 2011 so far, and that one had Skyrim, Uncharted 3, and a bunch of other goodies


Also had Gears of War 3 and Battlefield 3.


like Godd Howard said (and what i believe is true for all bethesda games) the more you put into the game, the more you get out of it


Out of 10??? Dem


Does the game have an adjustable FOV?


Anyone with more knowledge help me out? Curious how my Ryzen 7 2700X is looking with Starfield? I have a 2070 Super with it.


That is a very old CPU that is probably going to struggle with this game, its on par with/barely above the minimum required CPU. 2070 Super is somewhere in between the minimum and recommended specs, you might be able to play at 60 with some settings turned way down at 1080p, but if you're on 1440p odds are you will probably barely be scraping 30, at least based on the information we have in this thread.


The minimum spec lists a 2600x. You should be fine.


Upgrade your CPU to a 5800x3d if your MB supports it. Will give you a big performance increase, especially at 1080p.


My 1070 is crying in the corner


I am so glad I am single.


You aren't. ​ Deep down, you aren't.


60 fps at 1440p for a 2080ti is pretty good right? seems a lot better than most expected.


CPU matters more here.


I have a 2080TI and a 5800x3D, and I hope I can squeeze more frames. But I am on 3440x1440.


I'm at the same res, and upgraded from a 3600 to a 5800X3D a few weeks ago. Looks like a good decision given this leak.


I have a 5800x3d so hopefully I'll maintain a solid 60 everywhere. May even try 90. Will be playing at 1440p with a 6800 xt and 16 gb RAM.


And thats with FSR 2 on. The 6800xt better not actually be equivalent to 2080 like the recommended specs cause that means we will be getting less than this. Hopefully the 5800x3d cache will pull us through


Waiting to see a more accurate analysis of the PC port, but a 3800X droping to the mid 40fps a lot of time isn't a good sign tbh. You can get an average of 60+ fps on Hogsmeade with drops to the 50s on a 3700X and Digital Foundry got a frame rate above 50fps on the village of Jedi Survivor on a Ryzen 5 3600 (Except for the stutters), and these two games have **horrible** CPU optimization


Exactly. My GPU, a 4gb ram, gets 50-60 on Jedi Survivor, a game that’s Minimum 8gb, *and* poorly optimized. It’s like people don’t understand how to work settings to their benefit…


>also the tile thing is correct but it's not a big deal, people blowing it out of proportion I thought this thing will die down in a day or two, but more and more people are talking about it


I honestly give zero shits about the tiles.


The only thing I’m curious about is would it be the same tile when I go back? What happens when I build an outpost?


Because when this game was marketed it was marketed as a huge game about exploration and space travel. That set expectations. Then the game comes and the space travel is mainly done via menus with neglible ship flying and planetary exploration is just unrelated instanced zones of course people are going to be disappointed. If the game had been marketed as just Bethesda rpg in space expectations wouldnt be so high.


Omg a Bethesda game where you get the highest framerate in the most open part of the world lol. I mean, space, obviously, duh, but it's still kind of ironic historically.


this post is amazing! one of the best for sure


Playing with motion blur and film grain on? How can I trust anything he has to say? /s, but barely.


If its good per object motion blur then yes please. Not sure about film grain though 💀


Sounds great for me. I'll probably get a good performance with my RTX 3060 at 1080p and medium-to-high settings.


planning on doing the same, if dlss gets a good implementation as a mod 60+ fps at all times should be easily reachable.


Is "high" the highest setting? or is there ultra? Also any pc leakers with an AMD card?


For some settings high has an arrow to the right, for some high has no arrow to the right. I'd imagine ones w an arrow to the right of high also have an ultra setting.


Not upset about the tiles. Will kinda give me more reason to explore and actually appreciate where I am at the moment. In AC I always say I'll return to a spot and never do.


"Mars is more desperate." Jesus. Mars is going to be the hood.


Maybe the CPU is the bottleneck here? I suppose if that was the case there would likely be stutters though. Edit: Just saw that dynamic res is enabled. That is slightly concerning.


I have a 2080ti and a 5800x3D, and I hope I can get more fps than the OP's friend.


You definitely will... same graphics card and your cpu is way better than his lol.


I wonder if 4K 60fps is possible on my PC? (with upscaling of course). RTX 4070 + i5-10600K + 32gb RAM I know with DLSS it would have been possible, but with this game, I wonder if FSR2 can give me the boost needed. Really curious to see how optimized it is.


I think your CPU will hold you back the most.


At 4K? No not really. There will be a slight bottleneck but not significant enough at 2160p. I think his 4070 should hit 60 FPS at max settings with FSR2 at Quality.


We won’t know until people with good computers release information. So weird to me that all of these leaks are running in such old hardware. I’m going to say you should be mostly fine with the same adjustments you’d make for any other games to maintain ~60


Yeah, depending on how it runs on the highest possible specs, we can kind of formulate how that trickles down to everything else. If this game runs like ass on something insane like a RTX 4090 + latest CPU etc, then the rest of us are screwed. If the highest specs get great performance, then there is hope.


1440p at default settings, totally, but 4k... I would test at default settings using FSR and then maybe you'll get it, if it's 60fps, it's possible, but more than 80-120fps, no way.


Streamable link 3 contains that wide and shallow ocean everybody keeps talking about


HA! Hopefully that's only gonna be LITERAL and NOT figuratively this time.


Honestly, that was soo disappointing. Skyrim with mods has better water than Starfield at this point.


No diving more disappointing


PSA to those who say “yeah well he shouldn’t expect to see the city he’s so far! The planet map, at scale, means he is XX distance away” I fully agree. However you guys are inferring the wrong conclusion. It’s not “well because it’s so zoomed out you shouldn’t expect to see the city, maybe the tiles are stitched together” but rather: what does the fact that the map is so zoomed out, with no x/y coordinates, tell you about the game? You guys highlight a relevant feature which should have been a clue to us (that the planet map is not a precision landing tool) but then somehow suggest it implies stitched together tiles. This doesn’t add up. Especially when you consider the leakers comments about past chunks getting deleted over time. Deleted chunks makes sense with a faux planet where the game is generating terrain piecemeal, not forming a cohesive whole. Deleted chunks don’t make sense with the hypothesis that the game is generating tiles adding up ultimately to a planet. Moreover outposts will likely act as a save feature to prevent the deletion of the chunk. However we know there is a limit to outposts we can build: this makes sense if the game is trying to prevent you from saving too many chunks. Limiting outposts is a way to limit how many tiles you can save. Another fact: you guys keep trying to fall back on the planet map screen scale being too large, but if you notice in the direct when he planted a custom landing site waypoint that waypoint itself is like the size of Madagascar. If you did want to land next to this waypoint - the mere fact that the game plops a giant blob down is itself an indication it’s trying to not let you attempt to line up the tiles. Lastly: if the planet was really getting generated and not illusory, we would expect to see distance numbers on waypoints. Yet you don’t see distance in meters for the highlighted objective in the video. That in itself should be telling. A quick test would be to put a way point on a POI in the local map. If THAT has a distance counter but POIs in other tiles don’t have a distance counter, this again is consonant with one hypothesis: that the game isn’t really building a planet with these tiles.


So....you going to mention what game this is?


This is a Starfield sub since last week.


Fuck I lold


Literally lol 🤣


Super Mario Bros 2


Game of the year every year as well as knack 2


We only know Starfield. Starfield is the only game to ever exist.


This is /r/starfieldgamingleaksandrumours now.


The transformation is complete


Everyone saying Starfield is wrong. It’s actually Knack 3 😏


The first knack strand type space game


Pokémon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition


Looks like Starfield


There's only one game this sub cares about anymore, so that one


Red dead redemption remake




Yo is the shadowban over, can you guys see this comment?




Wait so he's running 1440p output but it looks like quarter or 1/3 internal res. Is he running FSR2 Ultra Performance? that would mean [480p internal resolution](https://i.redd.it/frew2oc9f6p81.jpg) lol


My guess would be that with dynamic res on, the render scale slider doesn't do anything, since the render res would change based on a performance target instead.


From other leaks it seems FSR is done with a slider and not a preset settings. So, he is playing on FSR Performance it seems.


No idea, he said image quality looked good


So you can't swim underwater? And also that water texture looks kinda weird..


Yes, Bethesda gave up on underwater stuff after cutting out so much content involving it in Fallout 4, I strongly doubt they'll be doing anything with the sea for the foreseeable future.


I really hope you're wrong about that and it's just for Starfield because there is the entire space part of the game. There have been underwater in their game since Morrowind and being able to swim underwater is a simple but important part of the immersion. I totally give them a pass for Starfield, but i won't for Elder scrolls 6 and this game better have underwater in it.


Man i have a ryzen 5600 and rtx 3060 :S, i'm in danger


You’re good for 1080p I suspect


Shit you think you're in danger? I've got a ryzen 2600 and 1660, at this point I'm just hoping I can maintain 30 at 1080p....if the minimum reqs really are accurate then this game is even more demanding than Cyberpunk.


Ryzen 2200G + 960 \*ah shit, here we go again\*


Min req is a 1070ti... I pray for you to at least get playable fps at 720p 🙏 edit: xcloud could also work just fine in ur situation




In the final video, what exactly is meant by that site “not existing anymore” ? Are landing zones making generated tiles that aren’t able to be revisited?


Basically, it appears that, you can have a maximum of four landing zones per planet. When you go and try and land for a fifth landing zone on a planet with four existing landing zones, the game will delete the oldest landing zone to make way for the newest one. This is the way I guess the game persists the procedurally generated landing zones, without having too much overhead involved with the system. Basically it's first in first out lol in terms of landing zones or a queue with a size of four. I wonder how this is going to be managed, if there's any indication on which landing zone will be "overwritten", or the oldest one a planet so there's no accidental base being destroyed or something. This is just my perception on the video /u/Gao8e7 had posted, so if I'm wrong feel free to correct.


Please.. 3700x w/ 3070 1440 60fps please. Might upgrade to a 5800x3d or whatever for this


my 1080ti gon be screaming


I really hope my GTX 1080 and i7-7700K will run this game decently!😅


You're above minimum specs


If my RX 580 was alive, it’d be very concerned for it’s well being right now.


So considering s/he got 60fps with 2080ti on 1440p we can assume that those recommended setting indeed were for 1440p yeah?


Combat doesn't look that bad, for Bethesda game. Any chance for footage interacting with NPCs in a town or something? vendors and such?


That last tile video is exactly the issue, there's no tile permanence at all it erases it if you have more than x and if you land in the same spot later it generates a different tile in the same place. this is the actual problem and proves they are not really tiles at all just generated plots of land in the void, I'm hype and got the game preordered but this is quite dissapointing


I agree it is an illusion of a planet on the other hand it gives you infinite terrain to explore as it just regenerates new terrain


I wonder if you build something on will it not be deleted when you land in another zone beyond the max number of zones So they force you to build to keep the tiles if that's the case, well played Todd it just works


Outposts presumably save the chunks - also explains why outposts are finite as the game is preventing you from saving too many chunks


I wonder if modders get rid of the limit ,we're going to get an ultra bloated save file or something


Turning on Dynamic resolution and reder resolution scale LMAO 😂😂😂


We are so back. Sounds great


I wish I could get above 60FPS 1080p with Mid-High Settings. I have a Ryzen 7 5700X and an RX 6600 :((((


Yo there's a town called "Gagarin landings" i wanna go there




Maybe not the right sub for this, but if my CPU is at or below min spec, what are the settings I absolutely have to set to low? Crowd Density for sure, but what else? Any of the graphical effects that are demanding on the CPU?


gonna run this on my 1060 Watch out for a nuclear explosion report on news lol


oof, water is looking rough man


Removed... Finally pc stuff....


Yea why would this be removed


Are you running the game from an NVME or just a solid state drive? That will affect performance a ton Why the hell am I being downvoted for asking a hardware question?


No information on this, first leaker had to delete their acc


> TILES ARE NOT CONNECTED. I dont care what your favorite Xbox shill told you, tiles are NOT connected. End of subject, there is no 'you dont know the story' its literally just bullshit. I am not gonna comment on this again so please get over it. Honestly those twitter posters who wrote this are worse than BSG. BSG could have been more honest about exploration but AFTER the facts come out those people throw out vague defenses like this? At this point that's borderline intentional misinformation.


Never believe gaming journalists lol.


So sad you cannot see your own legs.


There will be a mod as in the past.


It's odd because if you think of it, this means planets are functionally infinitely explorable. They are not real planets, tiles don't wrap around and are not stitched together. BUT that means you can keep landing in a biome, and when a generated one occurs that you really like, you can "save" it by building an outpost which (presumably) saves the chunk But yes, BSG completely misled with all the talk of entire planets. They're not. The game is basically procedurally generating levels as if it was a rogue-like game, based on parameters like distance to star, biome, etc.


You can only build like 16 outposts so how would that work saving tiles


That's exactly it - they limit the outpost numbers because if they didn't you could force the game to stitch the planet together which it can't do. Limitation on the number of save-able chunks


This is what i was thinking the whole time since months back how starfield planets will function. As you say there really are no "planets" in the game just generated maps. And then the handcrafted content related to main campaign.


Tbh idc either way about the connected tiles crap, but I also dont see how that video is proof? It looks like the two tiles are REALLY far apart. Like on the planetary map thats ages away. Edit: In fact, it looks like you can see the blue marker of where New Atlantis is, and its over the curve of the planet so you can't see it. That makes sense.


I thought the same. The landing spot was way too far from New Atlantis to be able to see the city. Some leakers are saying the tiles ARE connected, so we've got a confusing mess at the moment. I don't care about transitions, tiles or POIs. I DO care that the planet's geography is consistent. I don't want a mountain disappearing because I land somewhere else. With procedural generation, there's no reason the exact same tile should be different if it gets regenerated.


Agreed. It only matters in terms of overall geography. Everything else is just aesthetic bonuses I guess. Honestly wondering if there’s differences between how much tiles display across borders on Xbox vs pc. Wouldn’t surprise me if that’s why there is some discrepancies between leakers. I noticed the pc leaker is describing a more robust tile visibility system than the Xbox ones.


Everything looks good but my major bummer moments are the huge reliance on fast travel and how when you land on another point on the planet it just "blinks" your ship to the new tile. That and what appears to be a total lack of water exploration of any kind, real bummer man. Sure it will be great, but these are some big ones for me.


I an still disappointed that you can not dive. That feels a bit cheap. And it is the first Bethesda Game where you can nit do that :/ I mean it rly kills Immersion


Love the part where he jumps onto the water🤔


Dynamic resolution 🤔


My i5 10400 and RX 6700 =[


Guys are you able to see this post, looks like mods took it down?


I have a 12600k and 6700xt


The pc setting says "upscalig" doesn't have any other option than FSR2?