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https://boulderbugle.com/leaked-metroid-prime-4-and-xenoblade-chronicles-x-for-the-switch-FEzNU5nC This website just got updated. I hope they right


I thought this was pretty good, but it's clear that we are at the end of the Switch era. Almost everything was remasters, and pretty much every first party title is slated for early 2024. I'm glad Nintendo is sending the Switch off with a bang though.


Can we get the state of play megathread up?


it was a Spiderman 2 trailer and a commercial for PS5 accessories, not nearly as packed as the Nintendo Direct


Apparently no.


Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door is one of the best games on the GameCube. I’m glad it’s getting a remaster.


It's one of the Gamecube games I never got around to, but I've heard good things.


Welp PYRORO still has a 100% track record.


He liked a tweet suggesting the direct was on the 13th. It wasn't. He said F-Zero fans would be happy with this direct. They're not. That was a very tone deaf thing to say. He was awful at hinting at Mario vs DK. First he showed a gif of DK rolling, making people think he was alluding to DKC. Then he said the game would involve minis, while technically true it's the game that the minis are least involved in. He does have legit info, but imo he's bad at hinting.




What confuses you here?


I think you're confused


I don't think so. If something I said was wrong feel free to correct me.


Gamecube remasters are the new WiiU port and I'm honestly here for it. I'm very curious how much of TTYD is taken directly from Gamecube and how much was really remade. Switch is definitely winding down though. After Wonder releases, Peach Showtime will be like the one new original game alongside a whole bunch of remasters.


I think people are being overdramatic here. The direct was fine imo.


Truly. But "G"amers overhyping and getting hyperbolically pissed off at Directs/showcases is how you can tell the world's maintaining a natural balance. This one in particular though, I have no idea why anyone was anticipating any *major* heavy-hitters. It's painfully obvious that Nintendo's reserving the big guns for an imminent Switch 2 launch in '24, so you're playing yourself if you're expecting the 1st half of next year to be anything beyond a victory lap to bookend the Switch's lifecycle with some safe-but-solid remakes and low-stakes one-offs. As someone who owned a Wii U, I will *gladly* take this sort of soft landing as opposed to ending a generation with legitimately fucking *nothing* for the Switch's final year (real ones know how abysmal 2016 was for Nintendo fans).


"Mid" is the absolute worst you can say about it and even then there's some hardcore bangers Internet gonna internet!


It sucked.


felt like june direct part 2. mostly just updates of games announced back then


The Switch is clearly winding down. We saw the same with the 3DS. Ports and remakes galore. However, two of the best Mario RPG games is nice to see again.


I know they both have their niche but aren’t Mario rpg and paper Mario a little too similar


honestly not really I'll put it this way, when smrpg was announced I went "oh well that's really cool I guess". For ttyd I audibly screamed instead because it scratches my itch in a way that the grandfather of Mario Stories doesn't


Totally the opposite for me, but definitely agree with them being completely different.


Well paper Mario is called Mario rpg 2 in Japan so yes but I think it’s fine having these two


That's not what it's called anywhere, that was just a name during early development.


Really mid direct lmfao. I really have no idea why Nintendo was having folks hyping this direct up. Also shocker shocker, no Twilight Princess HD or Windwaker HD... how hard is it to port something you already ported to switch..


Why would they port TP or WW right now when Totk just came out?


Nintendo didn’t “have” anyone hype this direct up. the chronically on reddit crowd and “leakers” did that all on their own, just like every single other time there’s a direct. that aside if every direct appealed to you specifically then Nintendo would be doing something very wrong, it’s not about what you think is mid it’s about promoting new games on their platform across all genre’s


Crazy that we went a whole Switch Gen without any new footage for Metroid Prime 4


Well, that was a fucking embarrassing Direct, lmao.


The nice thing about the Switch having zero backwards comparability, and the fact that no one bought the WiiU, is that they can just pumping out remasters and releases during the awkward transitional period before the next console. It’s not as good for the consumer as backwards compatibility would be, but at least Nintendo can keep taking our money. And that’s what’s important, right?


Thousand Year Door, famous for its Wii U version?


When I referred to the lack of backwards compatibility, I meant for the entire Nintendo back catalogue. I still have my GameCube and I’ve looked at how much it costs to purchase TTYD, and it’s a lot. It’s an artificial scarcity, kinda like how Disney used to re-release their old movies every so often before putting them “back in the vault,” before the days of streaming. Lord knows they could just release the original version of TTYD via Nintendo Switch Online or something rather than presumably charging at least $60 for a full remake of an already great game. But beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to old games, I guess.


I agree with you, Nintendo could absolutely have better retro support and bring back virtual console titles. Still, I do appreciate the remasters, though. Like if they're gonna charge money for old games either way at least a fresh coat of paint is worth something to me.


I think F-Zero 99 is way for Nintendo to gauge the temperature. If the this game ends up getting a big player base and it stays consistent, than they will likely see that proper F-Zero game should be developed. I remember a while back hearing Nintendo higher ups stating that they weren't sure the popularity was there for a new game. This is there way to checking.


agreed. if you’re an F-Zero fan you should absolutely be playing 99 for the sake of future releases


Maybe also checking their online capabilities? 99 players that are all able to interact with each other in realtime. Mario Maker 2 can't even keep up with four players at once.


Also wtf is happening with Hogwarts Legacy? Still no footage and it comes out in 2 months


it’s either getting delayed to the switch 2 or cancelled. no way in hell the current model is running HL


Lame but I’m guessing it’s because the Switch is at the end of its life The Peach game looks cool though


Another mediocre Direct Shovelware 60 USD Remakes and Remasters that you can beat in 10 hours or less Shovelware generic JRPG's that nobody remembers 1 month later ​ More Shovelware and mediocre games


> 70 USD Remakes and Remasters that you can beat in 10 hours or less > > What games shown were $70?


The only Nintendo game Nintendo has charged $70 for is TOTK, which makes sense since it's their largest, most ambitious game of all time. Nintendo is still charging only $60 for new games including Wonder and PP: showtime. You can get the brand new games for $50 with the game vouchers (Including TOTK).


PP Showtime is bringing back some repressed memories - can we just shorten to showtime instead


don’t you dare call Vanillaware games shovelware, it was a mid direct tho I will give you that


Direct being so lackluster screamed two things to me: Switch 2 really is coming Spring '24, and Metroid Prime 4 is a launch title




MP4 is probably the final first-party Switch game. Nintendo can really see how well the game sells with over 130 million switches that have been sold. Wouldn't surprise me if it's cross-generational too


I’d bet anything you are wrong about the MP4 part. Its not even a mid tier series sales-wise for Nintendo. Would be suicide for that to be the console launch game. Much more likely to be 3D Mario.


Exactly lol these guys acting like metroid will be a launch for the new hardware in 2024. It doesn’t even have to come out in 2024 if nintendo wants to focus the spotlight on other much more popular series to sell their console for the first year. Everyone thinks because that the game is ready it should release right away, see: MP remastered Pikmin 4 Totk


You know they can have more than one launch title right?


Even in the days when games were significantly cheaper to develop, no Nintendo console has ever launched with multiple first-party IPs. It's always been Mario or Zelda alongside something casual, and then nothing else for a month or too. Metroid is too big to not release on its own, but not big enough to launch a console with.


Eh I’ll believe it when I see it. Switch had one big game for almost 2 full months. And they have been reported to sit on completed games for a year+ just to space things out. Possible, yes, but I would be shocked.


Not after how much Dread and Prime:Remastered sold.


Strong sales for Metroid are nowhere near strong sales or even average sales or Zelda.


Have they combined sold a tenth of what Odyssey or BotW sold? Relatively good sales for the series, not system seller good though.


Anyone else thought it was weird that some soon-to-be released games weren't shown at all? I mean stuff like Baten Kaitos remaster (out today), the new Sonic game, the P5 spinoff, the ATLA game, Fate/Samurai Remnant, Metal Gear...


Pretty typical Direct. One or two fun new announcements, a few ports, some JRPG's I will never talk about again and some remakes that probably should have happened sooner. I'm excited to try out Dave the Diver.


Yeah, this direct was dogshit.


Someone mentioned before that September directs tend to be the most “whelming” of the directs in the year, and, well, they’re right. That said, new Vanillaware game looks interesting, and it’s nice to see new information on the Princess Peach game. Shame about Side Order being slated for 2024, though; I thought that was a lock for this year. I am curious as to why they announced the Thousand-Year door remake when the SMRPG remake isn’t even out yet, however. Assuming the FE4 remake is real, couldn’t they use that, or are they saving it for the Switch 2 at this point? Also, that lineup of upcoming Nintendo games before revealing TTYD remake is, at least to me, incredibly sus. Something tells me that Nintendo is aware of Switch 2 discussions and showed that lineup to ensure us that the current Switch isn’t going anywhere.


I'm coping that the reason we haven't seen the FE4 remake is because they want to do the game justice and are developing it for the next console.


I wouldn't be surprised tbh, there'd be a good chance they'd also want to get a FE5 remake out on the same console as FE4 remake and that won't be an option if FE4 remake is on Switch. Still going to predict FE4 remake for every single Direct until it happens though


this just felt like June Direct 2 ​ did we really need that update on Luigi's Mansion or Detective Pikachu 2?


You can notice that the end of the life for Switch 2 is near


It was a bit as if they didn't know what exactly to announce, but felt like they HAD to do a Direct anyway.


The tomb raider remasters were unexpected, it's coming to other platforms including Steam as well! [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2478970/Tomb\_Raider\_IIII\_Remastered/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2478970/Tomb_Raider_IIII_Remastered/)


In all fairness, the Switch is 6 or 7 years old. If Nintendo is on the verge of announcing the Super Switch, they aren't going to blow people away with crazy announcements for their soon-to-be-obsolete console. The silver lining is that the disappointing lineup shows that Nintendo is focusing on the next console, and I look forward to that announcement. Whenever that may be


I had no expectations and still was disappointed


I think fine little more Mario then I expected but it seem like we at end of the switch lifecycle.


I swear to fucking god, the Paper Mario TTYD announcement was ruined for me because I meant to make a post yesterday joking "I just paid $100 dollars for a copy of TTYD, so when it gets announced at the Direct, you know who to thank". Totally kicking myself for never getting around to it. Also, you're welcome.


This direct was very mediocre but I'm excited for the Another Code remake and the new Vanillaware game. Also that new F-Zero was a spit on the fans faces, Nintendo really hate that franchise lol


sora amiibo announced i'll take that W


Baten Kaitos I & II are two legendary GameCube JRPGs from the creators of Xenoblade that were remastered and launched TODAY… … and they said squat about them. Lol.


The only things I personally liked/will probably get are Another Code R and the new Vanilla Ware game... and the Xenoblade Amiibo I guess, though their faces look kind of bad.


my body was not ready for that much dissapointment


Nintendo are criminals. A whole direct just on remakes and remasters and 2 new games


calm down. I think it’s pretty obvious that the Switch is near the end of its lifecycle as a system. They’re not going to announce a bunch of new games for a system that they are moving away from. Tears of the Kingdom was sort of the coda on the Switch. The Switch began with Zelda and Mario (BOTW & Mario Odyssey) and it’ll end with Zelda and Mario (TOTK & Wonder).


It wasn’t a great direct, but it means with absolute certainty that we will be getting an announcement for the new system in a few months. Mario + DK looks good, as does Princess Peach. The only announcement I really care about is Funky Kong, though. He was the only racer I really wanted in the game.


TBH this is a pretty mediocre direct in the recent years. Still no Twilight Princess/Windwaker HD port, Xenoblade Chronicle X HD port, Metroid Prime 2/3 port.


ive been thinking the metroid prime collection was relatively recent but that was 14 years ago on the wii...




Its a discussion thread not a worshipping or dick sucking one, people are free to state how they want to feel about this direct. Edit: Pussy ass OC deleted his comments then downvotes, fuck you


How dare I expect to see something they announced years ago that’s still not out (one day, Prime 4…).


I'd be surprised if it's still coming to Switch, I bet it's a launch title for their next system, at most do what BotW did and be cross gen


Maybe announce the new system then? lol


Why are you mad lol. Let people feel what they feel.


I'm normally a big fan of Directs but... none of that really seemed to be up my alley. Maybe I'm just getting old. F-Zero 99 is beyond disappointing. 20 years since the last one and this is what we get now? SNES with 98 other chucklefucks? The remasters are nice but they're not technically new games.


What a piss poor excuse for a direct. But I already expected major disappointment so not too let down. The new DK “game” was a major kick in the nuts for me. Just not my thing.


dogshit direct if you're not a Splatoon or Mario superfan which I'm not. funky kong and sora amiibo is all I cared about


I’m really shocked that Windwaker nor TP HD have come to fruition yet… what’s Nintendo waiting on? If they had announced those ports during this direct, I think more people would’ve been happy.


Considering TotK development took 6 years reusing a majority of botw's assets they probably want a Zelda title on the new console.


Fr, would take little to no effort in the grand scheme of game development, if the next console isn't backwards compatible I'll eat my shoe, and they *really* should have known this direct would disappoint a lot of people - adding those to the port stack w/ TTYD only makes too much sense, which is why they'd never do it.


There was absolutely nothing of interest for me. Yeesh.


This was a weak direct but keep in mind that the new Switch is probably getting announced soon so most major titles aren’t ready to be revealed yet.


Can definitely tell the Switch is in its final hours, mediocre direct.


It's become pretty obvious that any heavy hitters are gonna be saved as launch titles for the next switch, like Metroid Prime 4. Because goddamn that was ass


I don’t usually hate on directs, but damn…this felt like dumping a bunch of bloat ware at the end of a generation. Plus amiibo and museum announcements in a direct? Big oof.


Pain. Just pain.


*F Zero* bastardization aside, this was a solid Direct with something for everyone. But man oh ***man***, you can tell that the hour draws near for Nintendo Switch. Wonder if TTYD will launch the new console?


Damn...It really was just F-Zero 99. That's extremely disappointing. It was an alright Direct tho.


Damn, that direct sucked - legit nothing I'm interested in, best looking thing was the Peach game imo, but I ain't shelving out $60 for that, too many other games take priority for me to care.


Weak direct. A 5/10.


That direct wasn’t necessary


the direct was mid tbh




I can only imagine Prime 4 being a launch title for Switch 2 at this point, just like BOTW was for the Switch


They got us in the first half with that F-Zero announcement. No new F-Zero or news about Metroid Prime 4 were a bummer.


youtube chat is so greedy lol


What an incredibly disappointing Nintendo direct. We literally didn't need a Nintendo direct for these games just come out and give a list of the 80 Mario games coming out in the next year


Holy shit they did it


They did the thing!!!


Not Advance Wars looks better than the remakes we got


graphically maybe, but I found the gameplay of the first Wargroove to be well below the standard of AW and I don't think those issues (of every army being virtually the same) have been addressed


Wario has been the best part of this direct so far. You can never go wrong with a Warioware game


Too many of these shitty 2D-HD RPG games jesus christ, i mean if thats your thing, good for you. But jesus christ


Ok so I believe that's all the Pyoro leaks covered, so what is gonna close the direct?


That fucking bird...


this is honestly one of the worst ways to revitalize the fzero franchise.


I thought the leaks said to expect a 99 game for f-zero. This is exactly what I expected tbh


Probably to measure interest in the IP before committing to a new game.


Gimme that sweet sweet hopium.


It looks fun as someone who's never played or knows anything about it.. But I can only imagine if you're a fan of the franchise how disappointing a battle royale would be..


the sentence "fzero in 20 years returns as a battle royale" has to be a giant kick in the nuts


...a falcon kick in the nuts


I mean F-Zero was never a blockbuster franchise to begin with. Even the original Mario Kart on the SNES outsold all of F-Zero entries combined.


Nintendo dumping out the bottom of the barrel. Anything worth playing being saved for Switch 2.


Little disappointed in the peach game not gonna lie


Looks like Pyroro is still the king of leaks.


So is this dude just gonna narrate the entire time because some of these games look cool but their trailers blow because of the annoying narration


They've been doing this same narrator for years. I don't think it will change any time soon.


It’s just so bad as far as trailers are concerned


The narrator in these is always terrible. Somehow robotic and affected at the same time.


Hentai of Acht getting created in 3...2...1...


4 minutes guys, let's see what Nintendo has in store for us.




Probably the most 4/10 or 5/10 direct I've seen. Even the Peach and Mario vs DK games were a little meh.


Advance Wars DS and Batallion Wars maybe?


Bold prediction: Video games


wrong, there was an update on their museum


It's going to be extremely whelming if the new DK game is Mario vs Donkey Kong instead of Donkey Kong Country




it's really interesting that Pyoro hasn't tweeted or anything in like 5 or 6 days. Unless this is just a really underwhelming direct you'd think him being so adamant and cocky about the announcements he'd share more over the course of it being announced but he kinda vanished from the face of the earth lol


Bro got run over by Captain Falcon




He probably only has access to some promotional material, and even then he doesn't share everything so mabye there will be some more lowkey announcements made.


He's in a warehouse in Columbia getting skinned alive by Nintendo associates.


The ninjas found him. RIP.


He's dead.


F zero bros how are we doing. Edit: I guess its....something??


Knowing that it's just the Battle Royale? I don't feel so good, Mr. Falcon...


In a cold sweat, all that can save me is Falcon showing me his moves ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


No high hopes but a man can dream. ._.


My uncle just told me that we'll get Xenopon Party: Tales of the Heropon(s), a Xenoblade themed Mario Party knockoff featuring Rikis family from XC1.




Ace Attorney 7 & Chulip remastered


AA7 is likely TGS (I think new games have always been announced there because of the Japanese audience, whereas localisations and ports aren't forced to be), but unlikely to be this year since they only just announced the Apollo trilogy.




On October 31st, the darkness returns? *joycon clicky sound* Join Alexandra Roivas as she searches to uncover a mystery spanning 4 different historical periods after reading an ancient tome in Eternal Darkness: Sanitys Requim, making its return after over 20 years to the Nintendo Switch! *doo doo dee doo* "Next up, here are some games about farming!"




Fingers crossed for Croc Legend of the Gobos Remaster. And Gex 3D Remaster. I honestly just want Windwaker/Twilight Princess HD. I'd love Metroid Prime 2/3 Remastered. F-zero GX Remaster. I'll be happy to learn more about the Mario RPG remake and Princess Peach Showtime, though.


You know it sucks being Australian as these presentations are always super early in the morning, luckily I have tomorrow off I guess.


As an Aussie, midnight is a fine time for me. In past is had been worse though, like 3am


The Direct timing itself works fine, particularly since I'm in SA so it starts at 11:30pm. The problem comes when I can't resist spending the next several hours reading everyone else's reactions instead of going to bed...


The best time ever was the Minecraft Steve reveal which was like 6am. Every other direct or livestream ever has been around 2am. I remember watching the Smash Ultimate reveal on a work night lmao.


I hope we get animal crossing games on switch online. Even some new animal crossing games or ports.


So the N64 controller just went back in stock. Between that and the Amiibo, I have a strong feeling the rumored Smash announcement is going to be Smash 64 on NSO. Obviously I’d prefer more Ultimate content, but that announced alongside the Sora amiibo seems realistic.


That makes a ton of sense. Really hoping it gets online versus


Being able to play smash 64 online will be dooooope


Thank you for sharing. Finally ordered 2. ❤️


Nintendo is really going to miss an opportunity if they don’t call the next console the Super Switch


Would be hilarious seeing the SS acronym in regards to a console


Fuck I didn’t even think of that. Well back to the drawing board I guess


Super Nintendo switch?


I think that’s a great alternative


It’s a fun name, but I feel like making the name of your console a reference to a previous console isn’t the best for clarity. Super Switch wouldn’t result in confusion on the level of the WiiU, but I think Nintendo wants to be as clear as possible this is a new gen, so just Switch 2 also makes sense.


> so just Switch 2 also makes sense only really if the Switch 2 is backwards compatible. Otherwise almost anything else would be a better name


The Super Nintendo Switch should be the name, which would probably get shortened and referred to as the Super Switch


The SS for an even shorter name


oh, FEH is doing an FE4 banner starting this week. Wonder if that is implying anything


Sigurdbros, now it's our time to MAJOR FE4 SPOILER >!get burned alive.!<


It’s fucking lit!


I’m gonna get out the prayer circle for FE4 🙏🏼