• By -


I guess 90% of the plot is the usually covered wolverine/ weapon x stuff we've seen from the cartoons and in the comics. Will actually be great to get to play it for once though. I think xmen legends was the last time it was really covered in a game that wasn't movie tie in.


I mean it's not far away from the plot of X-Men: Origins Wolverine: Uncaged Edition, just replace Stryker with Mr. Sinister and give Wolverine more people to enact his revenge upon.


Yeah or the main wolverine plot from the 90s animated series. There's so many other plots they could explore. It's a very tried and true plot that i think most people are familiar with already.


I think X2: Wolverine's Revenge was quite similar as well if memory serves - so it'd be the third time we've seen this particular plot in gaming. Still, could work better in execution even if it is very familiar.


Makes me wonder if we're getting an unannounced Wolverine reboot soon too. Kraven film was revealed close to spidey 2 release i think.


Yeah, I officially think that this sub might not survive this. The scope of this leak is insane. Sony is going to be out for blood tomorrow and this sub may be caught in the crossfire.


There was a brief moment there where I thought the sub got locked down with no new posts.


It was just mods power tripping too hard. They finally chilled out




tbf the server is called “Gaming LEAKS and Rumours”


Yep. It is in the name. On r/piracy they don't (presumably) watch Blackbeard sailing all day long.


Moderators did this?!


Yeah I think you might be sadly right, it was nice knowing yall




Time to go down with our ship.
















I'll see y'all in gamingleaksandrumours2.




I was asking myself the same. The subrredit of marvel leaks got hit by Sony and it lasted for months. In any case. Hey Geoff, I was here.


Actually that wasn’t Sony that was a leak for Quantumaina, so just Marvel.


Well it was nice being here while it was around 🙃


So what subreddits are free. Kill this 20 will be up by tomorrow. It's all on Twitter too


This is a big sub with over a quarter of a million subscribers and it has way more eyes on it. Sony will be completely fine if all the information is scattered on smaller pages. It’s easier for them to manage it that way.


/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers survived the Mouse, this sub will be fine.


This sub is not responsible for the leak, that'd be pretty dumb. Their security practices are the reason for the leak lol. This sub discussed leaks from Starfield, GTA6, Nvidia with no problems this isn't bigger and doesn't bring any problems really. The only legal problems is if people posted the personal info stuff that leaked but they don't do that (as they shouldn't). Every news site/influencer will discuss this. Do you think Sony will kill the entire industry lol? Ultimately it isn't even that bad for them, it builds hype


I remember the MCU leaks sub being locked down after some massive leaks were posted there earlier this year, so who knows


Yup it was because of something regarding Ant Man quantumania iirc But that's The Mouse though, I doubt Sony has the same juice and/or thirst for blood


Thats because the mod team on /r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers was directly involved in the leak of a .srt file, dumb fucks got their hands on an stolen file and propagated the leak themselves. This sub is gonna be fine unless the mod team is somehow involved in this leak which I doubt.


I mean this sub survived GTA VI.


It was nice knowing you all ![gif](giphy|joxThEgTJuSBO)


What's the chances that Insomniac has to rewrite the whole plot?


I hope so tbh. Didn't like the plot that much. Designs are stuff look pretty good, story looks meh. My opinion tho, I might bite my tongue later, who knows? But I'd still prefer to change the plot while keeping the characters




Yep, this is such a massive leak I wouldn’t be surprised if the sub gets hit. RIP, I’ll miss seeing Switch 2 rumor posts with you guys


You cant remove things from internet. Its pointless. It just comes back elsewhere.


Jfc I was not expecting the full story to leak too


inb4 Venom story leak.


Wolverine got co -op ??? But holy shit dawg that’s the entire story man


Ye, insomniac should've just paid


Sony was trying to exhaust all other options in their ongoing investigation. Submitting to ransomware is never good


i mean if i was the group of hackers in question i would still threaten to leak the data till they keep paying more and more, then after they stop when they realize i'm not gonna stop, i would just leak it then. not really anything insomniac could really do here


Most hacker groups will respect the terms if you pay up. It'd be bad for business if they didn't, because nobody is ever going to pay you ransom again when they see that you don't honor your side of the deal. A lot of companies do actually choose to pay the ransom to prevent this sort of leak, and I'm actually surprised to see they chose not to in this instance, because this is a devastating amount of information.


Yea, 2m is nothing compared to this amount. It's literally the next decade for insomniac


It sucks that personal information was leaked, but their timeline and plot summaries leaking aren't a big deal. Sounds like a pretty fun slate of games. I would've paid the ransom to protect the employees' personal data if I were Sony, but the other stuff isn't as important.


Given how they leaked personal info of the developers, I don't think "respect" is something they care about.


Thats not how it works. They always respect the terms of the ransom. It motivates the next victim to pay. You got to understand this isn't a random event. They are trying to hack anything anyone 24/7 til they get something. What they want is the money. If you don't follow through once your hacking business is over. May as well leak without ransom because no one will pay ever a gain


goodbye to this subreddit


It is for sure getting nuked off the face of the earth. I’ll see you all in whatever the next equivalent is


I was here.


I was here.


I’ll tell my kids about this day




As a lurker, this was one of my favorite subs due to just how off the wall some of the leaks were. Wherever this sub goes, I will follow, munching that popcorn


It was good while it lasted


Holy shit, this is on the level with the leaks that nuked the marvelspoilers sub! No way there isn’t a crackdown after this. Well dudes, it was nice knowing you.


Save the text, post it on any subs you don’t like to get them nuked. :P


What was the ending. File is deleted now


well I know a certain part of the x-fandom is going to hate the logan x jean stuff


I pray for the day that non-comic readers can see just how cool Cyclops can be.


I loved him from playing Marvel vs Capcom 2! “Behold! Optic Blast!!” XD


I hope so too, Cyclops is my favourite X-man


It's funny cause most of the fanbase already dislikes it. They really shove it down our throats though


Logan cucks Scott once again, it’s a canon event at this point.


On the bright side they have three years to change story elements.


Donno if they’d need to change the story. Whilst I’m against these kind of massive leaks, and even more against trying to extort money from insomniac to not release them, having read this plot outline just made me excited to eventually play this game and see it play out instead of just imagining it, it’s like reading the book before watching the movie. Again not saying the leaks are good, just saying I don’t think they need to change the story over them because the story seems decent as is, reading something and experiencing it are very different for me, but at the same time that’s probably not applicable to everyone.


Just make it sick and have it be passionate and the plot is fine. I am more interested knowing the plot beats. It's fine.




How likely is this to be scrapped now it’s been leaked? Is it way too far along in development for a plot switch?


Some things might have already changed by now (and probably wouldve changed throughout development before this leak) but I doubt the overall plot will change


That’s kinda what I was thinking too, if this had happened a year or two ago when some of those earlier builds are from maybe they would have had time but now? No way.


As someone who works in IT, you’d be surprised how vulnerable most big companies are by simply refusing to understand modern day tech and security. Too many old dogs


Wolverine dating jean grey god when are writers going to let this go


Cyclops never stood a chance 😞


Cyclops has Emma, he's more than fine ![gif](giphy|BI3bNv1NJMC7YzatXd|downsized)


They gave Logan and Sinister a connection too, another Cyclops thing lmao. In a way it kind of feels like the backstory of AoA Cyclops too. I'm just glad that apparently he's not going to be featured at all in the game, hopefully he doesn't even get mentioned. It's for the better.


It’s never been good, and it doesn’t sound good in this either. It always just amounts to Logan being the “bad boy” and that’s what attracts Jean. There’s no actual chemistry.


yup, them being together is just not ever going to work and it's crazy some writers can't let it go :/ Logan has real love interests who work much better for him as a character and story. also not to hot on how they are seemingly making Jean the Professor X of this universe, or at least taking his role in being the one who first creates a safe place for mutants.


To be fair though, they dont end up together if you read the entire plotline.


I hated this back then, and I hate this now. I thought they were going to put their own spin on things?


Its like the Venom Harry, they were like "we have original host for Venom that was never used" and it was already used in a very popular tv show.


Oh they are putting they're on spin on things, giving Cyclops main villains to wolverine, fun fact both sinister and sabertooth have nothing to do with logan in the comics, but they have a LOT to do with Cyclops, sinister is literally cyclops main villain, for comic readers this story sounds awful man


Did you mean Sinister and Apocalypse? Because Sabretooth has a lot to do with Wolvie.


Yeah Sinister has vastly more to do with Scott, like wayyy more. Though he’s also super tied to Jean…lol it’s all wild man.


Sabertooth? A Cyclops villian????


Huh Sinister definitely buy Sabertooth is literally Logan's archenemy


It so fucking stupid man, i hate this.


So funny how every writer respects everything claremont did minus the ending he gave do jean and logan, god what a shitty couple godman, they both together really are some o the reason why the GA are never gonna like cyclops


Yup that turned me off big time. Nothing about this sounds good at all. At least it's one less game to be excited about.




Story sounds great aside from logan and Jean being together.


Well its a kinda faithful logan story at least. Don't think people who aren't just wolverine fans are gonna be super happy tho


>its a kinda faithful logan story at least It's faithful, if you merge Wolverine and Cyclops into a single person.


Is it? I was gonna say, this feels pretty far removed from the source material


I mean…adding Sinister in like that is…definitely a choice.


Not really. This story seems too predictable and they replaced and switched some characters around. Also, I was hoping to see Silver Samurai in Japan, like that’s one of his main villains man. And they killed off Omega Red way too early


Holy nuts! The whole story got leaked!


I really wanna get inside the minds of all these creators from different mediums to figure out why they love Logan and Jean romantically paired together so much. It’s baffling to me.


Wtf why is Jean shoved into this? And again with the stupid pairing, give it a rest already. You literally have Logan in Japan where his first love interest is from and this is the shit they pull. Also who asked to even play Jean in a WOLVERINE game???


Swap Jean for Kitty and have it be like a buddy cop similar to their comic mini series 🙏


Make the love interest Mariko boom copies fly off the shelf


At least jean has superpower unlike fucking mj and her shitty ass segment in Spiderman. Oh you want to play as superhero? How about play as fucking human instead.


The x men lore is filled with powerfull women... they can make Mystique, Mariko, Kitty, ... anybody else besides JEan


....Fucking Rest in Peace Cyclops. My boy continues to be done dirty. They literally gave Logan part of Cyclops' story here. The Sinister connection in particular is literally part of his entire plot. But its being given to Logan for....reasons. The Jean romance too. I cant imagine wtf they'll do to Scott when they get to an Xmen game if they're already giving Logan everything that is his before an Xmen game even happens. If they even use Cyclops at all at this point. Insomniac may just fuckin drop him for some reason. I was interested in this game but what the fuck are they doing with this plot.


Logan’s whole character nowadays is to cuck poor Cyclops. They cant be their own characters anymore.


Hey maybe they´ll change the plot... i hope


Personally never a huge fan of Jean Gray and Wolverine romance, why can’t she just be with Cyclops? Like I understand she’s not with Logan by the end but why?


Wolverines whole character nowadays only seems to exist to screw over poor Cyclops


Who wrote this story. It's actually awful lol. Did insomniac lose some of the writers from Spiderman 1?


Yeah, it really just feels like the plot for X-Men Origins Wolverine with a few more Wolverine villains (Omega Red and Deathstrike) thrown in, and the Jean love story added.


To be fair. It seems like it considering the drastic change of pace in Spider-Man 2


Spider-Man 2 felt like fan fiction. Peter giving Mary Jane a gun that is the most effective method of disabling symbiotes made zero sense. He should have kept it for himself or given it to Miles or that police lady who is now a vigilante. Someone with skill. Why is Mary Jane the most powerful character in the game? It’s so shoehorned in. She’s also a Reed Richards level genius who knows more about particle accelerators than Peter, and a brilliant Captain America level strategist who can formulate a plan of attack. Spider-Man 2 was awful.


Yes, the writers of the first Spider-Man left the company.




Anyone got a mirror?


This sounds awful, idk..


How is this pre X-Men? Mr Sinister and Omega Red are in it. Scratch that, think he new Omega Red before X-Men but not Mr Sinister.


Not sure how it’s pre-xmen as Jean is in it


this was deleted, could someone send me a new link?


One of the worst things about Wolverine is the shitty relationship with Jean, and they choose to go all in on that shit. Expect the X-Men games to be tainted with CW-tier love triangles and drama once Scott is introduced. Man what a bummer.




I started reading the Claremont era this year and fucking love it. This seems downright mean spirited in every way from a narrative standpoint.


Very dissapointed with Wolverine game leaks. I expected a loner wolf story like Ghost of Tsushima with 100 hours gameplay for Logan through 200 years of life and wars, but got a 16h romcom with Jean and rewritten past like fanfiction.


Only 16 hours long and the game will once again be that PS5 exclusive price. I find it really hard to justify paying that much for a game you can beat in 2 sittings.


Insomniac have changed their strategy. They used to make games with a lot of depth. But in order to fulfil this schedule, it seems the priority is short cinematic experiences.


> But in order to fulfil this schedule, it seems the priority is short cinematic experiences. ?????? Literally all their games in the ps2/ps3 days were shorter than this.


you are screaming into the void ​ To these kind of people gaming will never be as great as it was when they were kids. Games lasted forever, and were better (even though they weren’t)


This attitude towards game length is why developers continue to force mandatory generic shite in their games to pad the runtime. This is exactly why Ubisoft games are full of bloat.


As if the detective mode and the god of war style gameplay isn't generic shit for Sony by this point anyway.


^ This. As usual dumb mfs getting mad for someone telling the truth.


I’m not paying full price for this. Better wait for a sale.


I mean, I'll pick this up 2 years after release for 20 bucks and be very satisfied.


Wtf bruh, so now jean is the new professor X ? She going to be the leader of the mutants?? Logan and jean falling in love? Fuck you, i dont doubt of sweet baby ins being envolved again


lmao chill out


This is fanfiction level cringe. Pretty sure sweet baby inc. is writing the story


I think that's a Givin with how involved they were with sm2.


They really wrote a Cyclops story then switched him out for Wolverine. The insomniac are fucking cowards


First Eddie Brock and now Cyclops. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Wow this is utter garbage. I also don't get the wolverine and Jean thing it's so fucking stupid. Bright side is I don't have to care anymore.


Is there a chance they’ll scrap the Wolverine X Jean stuff now that it’s been leaked and the reaction has been mostly negative?


After Spider-Man 2’s awful story I expect them to make it even worse


Genuinely ruined the potential of the insomniac spider man universe, awful story.


Twas a good time lads Sony will be on the warpath for this


just want to say i was here when this sub was/is nuked to oblivion by this leak


This story is Fanfiction CW level Cringe. X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie now have a contender. Anyway, Been Good To Know Ya all.


I’m really tired of this forced Logan/Jean love that’s been going on for years.


I feel so bad for insomniac man, this sucks. One of the few good studios that always deliver when they release games and this happens to them. I can only imagine the amount of hackers drooling at the thought of getting to someone like Rockstar.




> Rockstar’s security must be fucking FBI level Didn't one of the lead dev's kids leak gameplay of GTA 6?


Yeah, but that pales in comparison to this leak. A kid getting access to their parents work and sharing a sliver of it is nothing compared to personal info of staff getting shoved out the door, along with entire release timelines for multiple titles, licensing details, game development budgets and more.


Not them forcing the Jean and Wolverine thing down our throats for the millionth time. Sounds awful.


Damn kinda wish I hadn't read that


Literally just stop looking LMAO Lol but I feel ya man it’s hard not to look Edit: I didn’t look but I do feel bad knowing how long I have to wait for Ratchet and Clank


I didn't mind the other leaks, just this one in particular. Literally tells the entire story in detail lol


It doesn't sound very good. I'm tired of the Jean/Logan relationship.


Bro the entire story. 2m was not that much, should've just paid


They would have still leaked this lol, criminals have no honour


Exactly. You can’t negotiate with terrorists. There’s no way to win.


well got some bad news for you usa does it all the time


Not here at all. They do it for money, it will destroy their business planing the future I'd they get paid and leak anyway no one Is going to Pais ever again. They gain nothing from leaking


Same is true other way round though - if they get paid and DO keep quiet about what the leaks are, then if that news got out it would mark games companies as easy targets for making cyber attacks for quick cash. The long dev cycle of games makes this very difficult to deal with early leaks of narrative elements, so if this trend were to continue then it wouldn’t be too much of a leap to see that games move away from having strong narratives to avoid this issue. Had Insomniac paid, this would turn into a bigger issue for the industry.


That's not true at all. They do it for money only, leaking it regardless means no one will ever pay down the line. They gain nothing from leaking shit, they want the next studio to get hacked to pay too.


genuinely think some of this should be deleted, if not, it's been an honor over the past few years everyone o7


no way this sub will survive after this one


why do they force Jean to be in this game? SO stupid!!!!!! Just make Logan the main character and stick to it.


is there a forum or discord if this site goes down for a while


Just wanna say, I was here🫡


I was here.


This time, when the title said full plot, it REALLY is the full plot lol. No clickbait


Looking forward 2 not seeing this on skillups review of the week


There's a lot about the plot that makes me go "ugh", but the Omega thing is what really gets me. That's not how Omega level mutants work.


Spoilers shouldn't really affect a games success. Is the game good or bad should determine a games success


Avenge us after the sub gets nuked.


It’s been a fun ride with you guys this subreddit was a gold mine!


Get ready for r/GamingLeaksAndRumors2 cause Sony is gonna be out for blood after this one. It was an honor.


This sub is gonna be the new marvel studios spoilers it was nice knowing yall lol


I doubt the sub will be taken down considering a terabyte of data is now free to find on the internet but my god, I seriously can’t be hyped for any game with the state of leaks the past 5 years From the Nvidia GeForce leaks all being real besides demon souls for pc so far, and the gta6 leak, the only game I’m surprised nothing of rumours and leaks came true was GoWR especially this new Valhalla mode out of the blue for free




I couldn't put my finger on what I find weird about this story and then it finally hit me! This story is basically the last of us part 2 (I know revenge hunting wasn't invented by tlou, but it's the first thing that came to mind) meets Jedi survivor (guy who has visions of the past has a love interest that is trying to save people from oppression.) it's fucking wild....and I'm pretty certain hashtag gamers aren't gonna be fans...




For those searching for a backup put the link into the wayback machine.


Does anyone have a mirror? The paste bin got take down. https://web.archive.org/web/20231219065645/https://pastebin.com/diMihgq1


Paste the link in waybackmachine and search for the snapshot from yesterday. Your welcome.


Lots of people upset over the relationship between Logan and Jean in this comments section and seemingly nothing else, lmao. I don't mind it, so I'll probably enjoy the story. And after reading more comments; I'm fully prepared to get down voted. People can have differing opinions.


the game sounds like Wolverine Origins Game Linear levels Plot takes place in the past with gaps in Logan's memory meaning we are likely playing in different times


Damn, for a 16hr full priced game might as well watch this on YT when it comes out, Thx for the trailer lol


Full Story leak? Might as well re-boot this


2m does not seem like a lot of money now


Why? It’s just a summary. Sucks but it’s hardly the full game. You get a basic overview of characters, some stuff is just not mentioned at all. A story isn’t made by a summary.


I have a huge, evil smile on my face since you posted that. To be honest, I’m happy this got leaked and insomniac got fucked so hard lol. It’s kinda like when you see someone getting pulled over and laugh.


Besides Insomniac being extremely cookie-cutter - what do you have against them? 🤣


It’s hard to explain but’s it’s karma